The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 01, 1914, Page 18, Image 18

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    . '. ,v
The Commoner
the Btovo 1h cold, and It will soon
harden. Do this some Umo when
there will bo no flro In the otovo
for at least half a day.
M, K. To oloan tho mica In stovo
doors whon omokod, talco It out and
thordughly wash It In woak vinegar;
if tho black do oh not conio oft at
once lot soak a Uttlo tlmo.
School Girl For framing tho holi
day ponlal carda, passe-partout tho
edgesj or If you have Bomothlng you
' specially wish to koop, tl.o ton cent
atoroa carry some of tho prottlost
little framos that sell very cheaply
and look vory well indeed,-
Mrti. 1j, wishes to know what sweet
brqads aro. Tho sweet broads men
tioned among oatablos aro what Is
known as tho pancroatic gland of the
animal, and those of veal aro tho
one used In cookory. Tho thymus
glaud Is somotimes passed upon inex
perienced porsons as a small sweet
bread, but aro not used by exper
ienced porsons.
Magazine Lover Gray or brown
linen rathor coarse, folded into tho
,ixe necessary to hold tho magazine,
-single or In fllo, and tho magazine
fastened in it, Is an lnoxponsivo and
'serviceable holdor. Roady-to-uso
magazine holders can bo had cheaply
at book storoB.
Health Notes
Wo aro told that "In all acute dis
eases, tho physician should bo con
sulted in rogard to what tho patient
should oat." But did It evor occur
to you that vory few physicians know
tim- enougu auoub ioou Biuua to give any
A't& 'fan)v vnlnnhln rwlvlpn? rPhnii fnn
1WV ! lV..WV. ..W.., VWV.,
no ono can prescribe a diet for an-
othor, for what will, under some con-
i ditions, bo the right thing, undor
other conditions, will bo wholly
t T.. 1 t i. .11.. 1.1.
jiT wiuiibi Mi uruur iur uuhl rutin no, uuu
irmost caroful pvorsight must be con-
lya. afnnHv i?lvnii mill ill ft f nhnncrnrl
fasJiUo symptoms Indicate Only gon-
-i.,rT?rlvrilA"'(hniS' lift rHvrm nml nvmv
if thfiif "It is mostly guosswork. Vory
folj ))oolo know onough about such
thgs tqitpblo them to diot thorn-'-.
'Soiffs pro'fJoEty; but thoy should have
. soMd goriruVjdon, of tho effects of
v foijds on'hfllr system. Where tho
) serfage iff. fogged and digestion
' fnjMJ' Hv8 hixativo to one will
j. hnjjd! no effect on anothor; yet if tho
&, right food bo used, the cathartic drug
' wil never haVo as satisfaotory effect
2L asJwlll tho proper foods. Watch
Gainfully the effect's of what you oat,
aim koop the. appetite under control.
sVVo havo been taught so long that
?' irpnacl is tho staff of Hfn" that mnnv
f ofis aro surprised whon told that to
Hon)e dlgostiohQ, broad, or cereal pro
h duots, in any form is simply poison.
W aro not a nation of masticators,
aid ftH starch foods begin digestion
iu.jj.uo mumu tinuuKii uiorougn
mastication and mixing with the
Saliva before it is passod on to the
I to- Stqjuatm. men, iou, many ioou stuns
jJI are. not digostod in tho stomach, but
L must be naBSod on to tho intaatinnn.
h after certain preparations begun in
iiiejj inouin uuu mumuuu. wo cannoi
depend on our appotitos to act as safe
guides to tho foods wo needs muBt
ha"Vo. A vory groat deal of the value
tf oHour foods depends on tho mental
f condition wo bring to their consump-
L' "A mnrrv hoart in hnttr Minn
? mScuctuo," and is ono of the best aids
)v ifrtimatnn rhnr nnn in fmnwi.
Winter Dieting
"' It is conceded by all that in cold
weather tho body demands a more
.tree use or fats and sweets than can
'bo eaten during tho hot season, be
cause such foods are fuel needed to
yVntth lir HA liniUlv wnrmtli A71.,
liot drinlcs, such as milk or cocoa.
cannot bo usod during the summer.
V they aro welcomed whon cold weather
ik,' comes. Nature creates an appetite
fi for such things aB- are needed. For
tthe children's school lunohes, a cake
1r 11 a ' Ifiill
n Y' t&tf&cx -Mgmk u. . - .
L vmw -TV. vwW u u
r-. 1 XSwvJn1 uytr Tv Hf ns"' -
Sleeves may bo olther long or short.
The pattern GIJ32 Is. cut in llzes 14. 10
ami 18 years. Lledlum size requires
1 yards o 30 inch material.
6373 iIimllcM' DrcHN. This stylish
ono pleco dress has a vest In tho now
stylo and tho BldoB of tho bodico mark
each side of It. Tloro Is a wide collar
across tho back continuing alone; tho
edges of tho front of tho blouse. Tho
plain sloevcs aro set In without full
ness. Attached to this blouso there Is
a four goro skirt, ononlng In tho centro
of tho front. Tho dross pattern No
C373, Is cut In sizos 31 to 42 inchos'bust
measure. Medium size requires 4U,
yards of 44 Inch material, with yard
of 18 inch goods for vest.
C-117 Lmlles' Shirt Vnlr. . This
plain, serviceable model has no frills
nEYhier0, cl0ses wI"iout tho usual
fKnfr thi !ronnt' but ha a use
ful patch pocket. Tho turnover collar
lfiFoftwntd Vas doP Points and tho
plain shirt sleeve is gathered Into a
regulation mannish cuff. Such a de
sign is good .for linen, French flannel
and other serviceable materials Tho
4 to 42 inches bust measure. Medium
toliaf.eq 3 yard8 of WtachS
030D .noy lluHNlnu Suit. -"While th
PorlUle111!,3 ith0 Proper dresl
ior little boys It Is now ouf- n
stralghtor lines. Our model also has I
very low, diagonal closing, Jvfththo
popular vest In front. Thero is also a
wide collar at tho neck n'L oin!?. a
are tucked at thS wrist, but may 'bo
gathered into a cuff. T.fnA Ft?"
made with a round neck did short S,!!f w.?omplottho salt which may
tern, No. 6390. is cut In sizes 2 4 and r
of milk chocolate, maple .sugar, .or,
kindred sweets are better than cake
or pie.
Coarse foods that do not digest .
readily, should be eaten with-foods"
which tend to lessen the activity of
the excretory organs, and the sew
age of the body should bo kept open"
by laxative foods. Constipation is
more prevalent with children than is .
realized, and it is one of the worst
ailments that can afflict either the
child or the grown-up; it can be
greatly ameliorated, and, with care
be completely done away with by the
use of proper foods. . .
Especially in cold weather should -the
family be sent about their various ,
businesses only after partaking of a"
nourishing breakfast. A breakfast
of weak coffee or tea, baker's bread,,
and a bit of so-called butter; or even..
inches bust measure. Medium size re- j
quires 4 yards of 44 inch, material.
304 Tiiullcfl' Skirt. This plain two"
goro skirt is ono of tho fashionable1 peg
top designs. Tho material widens out
just at tho hips ancl thus a littlo full
ness is given in both front and back. ,
Th.o, raised or regulation waistlln6'may
bo used and tho closing placed at either."
side scam. Tho skirt pattern, No. 03 04,.
is cut in sizes 22 to ,30 inches waist
measure. Medium size requires 2' .
yards of 3G, 44 or 54 inch material.
C340 Children's DrcNH. A. pretty de
sign which may bo as plain, or .as
dressy as ono desires is shown in this
illustration. Tho contrasting yoke and
tho smart littlo tabs holding thd sash-v
may ibe omitted if ono wishes an ex- ,
tremely plain Uttlo dress. These add
greatly to tho effect however when va
more dressy appearance is desired. Tho"
pattern 0340 Is cut in sizes 2, 4G and 8.
years. Medium size requires 2 yards'
of 30 inch material.
j v
0300 X.ni1icr Work Apron iiml Cnp.- '
This garment is called an apron., be-.f,
cause It can, bo.(wor.n ovQr,thefl-dress,to
,but It can ajso take the place 'of'thV
dress as'it Is made'J-USt like 'one. 'lr
has an empiro waistline, with a plain
blouso and a plain gathered skirt, short
sleeveESand 'patch: pockets, Tho closing:,
is in tho back. Gingham, calico and
tho llko make neat aprons. The apron U
pattern, No. 0300, is cut in sizes, 34 to?
42 inches bust measure. Medium ,slze
requires 5 yards of 27 inch material. 2?
, M cf
033f Both' ltmr.."PIiiW.i t.w mi.iV.
dross foi- a Uttlo chap Js on easy,''
comfortable lines. Tho ' box-plaits t ex-
tend from the shoulder to tho hem
both front and back. A stitched iboltl?
of a cpntrasting material with 'tho
dress encircles the long 5valst and ""
closes with a single button. Sle'eves -
-tern 633 is cut In sizes 1, 2 and 3
7riV1VledIum "V,0 requires 2 yards V
of 30 inch material. ' ;
. "
orl(V LmlleN DreMH Serge, cheviot ; '
SrnLmrm,eils? can used t0 make this 1
dross. The dress, closes at tho left sldo -T-of
tho front. The body and sleeves are ;
made in one piece. The ono piece skirt J
can bo made with either the hlch or
regulation waist line. The pattern CB1S
fUt ?,i5!es 3,4 to U inches bust meas- , '
ure. Medium sizo requires 2 yards of :
54 Inch material. n 3-aras or ,.
037," Girls' DrcNH. Serge chovlnf '"
pattern 0375 is cut In slies fi a in ThS ."
12 years. Sizo 8 "ears renirl2 ao"d '
yards of 44 inch material X if 2 ;
of 27 inch contrasUnmaterTai yard
0330 Girls' DrcMH. Serge, cheviot or
cashmere can bo used to make this
dress with a holt nt rii,K - . ,"".?
?i .dri;!, th ."ont and is
'"" m iounu uCCK and Rhnrf
s coves The pattern 0330 is cut in
sizes 0, 8, 10 and 12 years. Sizo 8 years
requires 2 yards of 30 inch material
and 2 yards of ribbon for a bolt
0307 LmltcH WalMt. Any of tho
pretty silk materials can bo used to
mako this waist. It can bo made with
long or short sleeves. It can n.inn , iH
made with or without the bSS-piait at
the front, with a frill of laco at each
sldo of tho box-plait Tho pattorn G3D7
is cut in sizes 34 to 42 inches bust
measure. Medium sizo requires 2U
yards of 30 inch material. '-' -2
shoulders and i squS?J' fjSJt vtP
Tho neck is trimmed with a 2,'
ornamental collar-. Tho LLmtt11
gathered into a deep cuf? at the wh?
but may bo shortened if niwrlBS
Tho skirt can be mado with o!rW
a aoamjn the. centre ofTtho bLff1
Pittiern 0391 is cut ff sizes 3 t?
is a ono piece carmnnt aiSI. Cnls
b0dy put in one, 6K e matX?niaVd
narrow a seam may be piffi l?1?0
centro of tho backf The wil In ,h?
should be of lace or embroiderv SV
may also form tho border of ?i,yhIoh
Crepe, silk, challle, French fii,Cap'
cashmere will bo suitti?!. lS:n?el. or
for this garment The dreSQsInarIaI&
pattern, No. 0421. is cut in V sacifiue
42 Inches hnst w...,?.1" Ijl.sJS 34 to
requires 4 yards of 27 inch material!"
ablf SeH;ho!-TM. ' servJce;
waist wlthVontStuSked Jdn nal,lIrt
Ploat for the olosln but wii, .a,.boac
Plain. Tho neolc Smv bonhiiJhl ba.clc
a band for a high colTa? or it 2d ,wIth
tho more ornamental ti?;LJ;Jnay hftVo
Tho plain shirt siSevo eSi5rn C0lIar
latlon cuff at the "wrist TlmliJ0"
tern. No mm 7a , 1 ae waist pat-
inched but3 mkasu?efefe 3i t?
quires 3 yards 0?' iSoSStSSl
i '