gnrsw-v' bifCJBMBEB; :1'913 The Commoner The Sentimisbt in Nebraska Tho following letter from Mr. Gi L. Shumway, city clerk of ScottBbluff; Nebraska, Was addressed to Senator G. M. Hitchcock at Washington: ' There has bten more interest than i I can readily see a danger in fed 15 eral control if the selection of the ! f ur,!hor. ?i !, P,ItIcAl Parties that wo -are in this light Tor equal rights and .indua trial freodom until such timo a tho eamo shall bo consummated. Bo It you imagine watching your position on tho currency question, and I am sure you will entertain without of fense. a friendly criticism The whole question may be "too far up tho gulch" for a presume to understand, yet it seems to me that ,th,e .proposed measure sounds like the gopd, old. farmers' alliance logic o njany years ago., ' It looks like the cne great oppor tunity for which men have worked, and waited and hoped for a genera tion, and perhaps much longer, Therefore,: our fear: (perhaps unreal sonable fear) that some friend may block the way. So many of those who endorse your position have voices like our old timo enemies. ' You advdeate postponement, which was ex-President Taft's besetting sin; This six-cylinder age calls for action, and you know the many years that currency has bedn-an issue.1 It seems doubtful' if cbngress or the cduntry will be any better advised -by next session or the session after. l Since my earliest. thoughts on th subject,- it bas always seemed that tlie medium of exchange is too vital to'tho public to be controlled hv nm specialized branch: dt business'. Bank- m6 v,iu. aw uuaiiy buiuicb uiuustrat conditions that make fish out of one and fowl out ofi lanother. The favorite, can be extended cr.edi and the other enibaras3ed. throntrH Tip' virtue dr'faplt 'save friendship' or board were in therh:..ids of an ambl- iiuuh lyrani. inai is a passible dan ger of delay. With immediate action, President Wilson's domhmtlmr firm J will insure safety in the board's for mation, his Jacksonian courage with out the violence, has aroused a great hope, and wo Xeel that you and others whose spirit and ideals are right, should in no way impede him in tho work of reformation. Wo want you to help him aid hasten the day of business emancipation. President WJbson needs all the time possible for you to give h'im to get the work sufllciontly advanced to show results, and all embarassrapnta should come from his enemies. Fxmr years are short, when entrenched financial giants ar6 opposing him. .1 hope, Senator, that' you are not so -intensely involved in the attitude you have taken, that you will not at least give .this, call from the wilder ness the consideration deserved by tho friendly, earnest solicitude of tho writer. ijb,The following' petition signed by msariy ivy. qoiocrats 01 M.lndon, Neb., was sent to Senator ifitchcock: ; Mhlden, 'N$b. Nov. io.Wg, the following democrat's whole names are here attache ask you :or the good of the co'Untry and the people to vote for th'e currency bill now pending bet fore the senute and approved by President Wilson' and the "rank and file"' of the democratic party. We want twelve regional banks we'll dis tributed oyer the entire United States so as to' furnish the people money. efcmity df the hiail'bd'jifnd thti'gun'. and, not keep it in a few banks cdn-i ;; Banking , be only on0 ofl",ole y, wan street gamblers ai)d Hq TYlrtViTT' '4'liTrirt'a li ' ?v4r.1r ... tk.lMA IllnnoV nnwc .;. I i . ' t j "j i:.iv i - the many thfngs that iriake up the composite of our government! but of late years it has become theHaoss. It has arrogated' to itself- supreme powers, and demands to know the innermost secrets of the borrower. It exacts his absolute confidence, then 'if1 the 'profits look big enough, it Nbacks right hitoUhe deal, either 'di rectly, or' through" some dUhihiy or slde-ridor. ' 'Hardly a bank exists that 'has not its. side mian, who has inside inforinationi as to the creditors of: the1 bank which, information is abused to theide-iilders'-'prbfit. . .. ! Had' banking'. business adhered to banking servlces,Ivdoubt it there, had ever been any call. for currenoy 'legis lation, '.' The abuses that-follow the present banking system- shows its weakness and its menace. It shows the neces sity pf a controlling influence .that has not alone banking interests, to serve. A board of control that thinks just as much of an industrial, mer chant, a shoemaker, a farmer, as it does of a banker. I think the fault pf the 'present! system is that it makps preferred citizens out of banking peo-f pie. ' Federal control might beneficially, extend gradually to -federal banking taking the extension of credit entire? ly out of private Tmnks. You lcnow the 'effect upon business, when banks chdrige the quantify of reserve funds frem 15 per cent1 to say 30 per cent. It brings distress, clpse money, and. at the same- tim0 banks boast .of theirr apparent "strength,"... You have thetables or can at least improvise .one that will answer. . . By the .former;, $1,000 in actual currency, deposited in a bank is sufli cient .basis for ,$7,000 credit. '.In crease the" reserve to 30 per cent and the possible credit is reduced mere than a half, This expansion and !co'n-t tracticn is n,ow.ppssible by the con certed actieh of banks, and it is, ,the criminal latitude that has been given them by law. the money power. Vote for the bill as it stands in its original form with out any amendments, whatever. The democratic party 'in Nebraska and in the United States'' cannot afford to stand by and silently see y6U join the enemy without protest. Resolved. .That baliovinrr n w .in that tho currency bill as passed by the lower houso will, if onactcd Into law, accomplish tho will and purposo of the common people, and of which we demand that our public norvanUs aid in passing by cvory honorablo moans, thoreby aiding President Wil son in fulfilling his promise to tho people to reform tho nation's mone tary system. Moved and supported that Wo np prove the foregoing resolution us road and that a copy of tho same bo forwarded to Senators Hitchcock and Norris. Jonathan Higgins, II. p.. Stevens, M. L. D. EI dor, Committee Write for "Betty" That's the name of the beautiful girl on the 22. To Wo, tho Howard At a called meeting of the voters; of Payne 'precinct, Lincoln county Nobraska, held at Bigne1, No.vembe luj .the foljow-ing resolutions -were unanimously adopted: . Whereas,, . Co ltrol pf mpney and credit has created a millionaire aristocracy and millions of depend ents, and Whereas, A continuation pf present conditions can but end in the degra datiqn of 'American- citizenship to that of serfdom, and Whereas, The provisions of our constitution wherein it is provided that "Congress shall have power to coin money and regulate the value thereof," is the only safe and sure system for a national currency; and 1 Whereas, This rig-t of the people to issue money and to confrol Its volume has been delegated to cor- porate individuals, with power to make money dear or cheap; alsO who can use it, and who can hot, thus the favcred few beceme absolute dic tators of-the nation's every industry; .therefore, be it Resolved, By the- voters of Payne precinct, Linceln county, Nebraska, irrespective of (politic:.l affiliations, that we demand of the representa tives of the state of Nebraska in the national Congress that they support such measures that will eliminate and destroy the foregoing abuses, wishing to restore the gevernment and all its Dannebrog, Neb., Nov. Senator G. M. Hitchcock:, undersigned democrats of county, Nebraska, have faith in the policies of the present democratic ad ministration, and believing It tho part of wiBdom to uphold tho hands of tho president who has proven him self'the master of the situation and a friend of the people, suggest that you, as phe Of pur representatives In the United Statos seriate, lay aside your personal Opinion as to minor de tails and get squarely behind the president in this important matter now before the senate the currency bill and by so doing claim a part of the glory due this democratic ad ministration as tho greatest moral uplift in the history of oUr country. George G. Lauritsen, N. C. Peterson, H. P. Nelson, Hans N. Lauritson, Jor gen Christensen, Viggo Chrlstensen, Soren M. Fries, Niels Nielsen, Rhb inus Sbrensen, Thomas Lauritsen, Peter Petersen, 3. G. Jacobs, C. B. Nelsen, Paul Christensen, Jens C. Christensen, W. L. Easten, Anton Johnson, Martin Nielsen, Willie Niel sen, C T. Petersen, Fred Jacobs, Chas. Perry, M. S. Stockholm, Fred Sorensen, Peter Stockholm, J. C, Petersen, S. C. Klem, Hans Sorensen, Paul Nielsen, W. C. Nielsen, A. 15, Carlson, Niels Larsen, Barnle Nelson; Carl L. Petersen, Swan Williamson; H. C. Parker, Carl Fredericksen, Carl Christensen, Jens A. Carlson, Viggo A. Sorensen, William T. Lauritpp C. T. Lauritsen, Norman Jensen, E. Moore. R. Petersen. Sam Martin. P. fa. Petersen, John G. Schlytern, Pejer Predricksen, Hans Jensen. Tdfera 3m WIH m JciWm (J Ms Wmkctft asf TEflVn Ml 111 1 mill KfjTTf 1914 Calendar (Six, llXUIodMNf Send your name aid address and a 2c ttamp (it pays part of the postage) and we'll tend you Free and poitpiU Ibis bttullfullf llibo jrapbeJ in4 petfed tefio4uC' J Ion of ibe oil frtlMtor Jlrtlf'palolcJ etpcdillr lo oi. 191 olen4jr ltHUU4, ' FREE Coci-Cola booklet cdcIok4, THE COCA-COLA CO. AtUnU, C. . J Spraglns, S. JI.- Knhiloy, Wm. Booe, Jacob Bloom, A. J. Spacht, Frank 3. Llchty, Guy C. LIchty. t . To the Honorablo Gilbert M, Hitchpock, United States Senator, Washington, D. C,: We Jhe under signed democrats of Falls City Ne braska, hereby protest In regard to your attitude toward tho administra tion iof President Wilson, and par ticularly on tho currency bill. Wo believe the bill as It passed the house a good bill and would bo pleased to have you support it. Respectfully yours, John Li2hty, Sam'l Klmmel, W. A. Greenwald, L. O. Wirth, Guy P, Greenwaldr Chas. M. Wilson, F, Brecht, J. H. Hutchings, It. A. Nelt" zeL G.. W.. Morris, John Gagnon, J. E. .McFarland, D. B. Gillespie, Chas. Loree, H. J. Prlchard, O. B. Prlchard, Wf H. Crook, L. O. Manger, W. H. Maddox, B, F. Morgan, Sam'l Marts, James E. ,Higgins, JL G. Hughes, C, A. PIsher, M. Guinn, L. S, Gianini Adam M. Voegel, William Voegel, It. C. James, J. S. Parsons, L. C. Ed wards, C. H. Nolte, C. C. Davis, John The following petition from Lla coln county, Nebraska, citizens w,tM addressed to Senator Hitchcock, sit Washington, North Platte, November 17, 1913.. As wo have boon watching the action of tho senate committee very closely through tho columns of tho daily newspapers, and wo are vqry much Interested in the outcome. In this locality we have not heard a single objection raised by any per son to tlio currency bill as passed by the house of representatives and en dorsed by tho president, Woodrow Wilson, but on the other hand the measure has their most hearty en dorsement and approval. We, a part of tho constituency of Nebraska, feel that we have a right to request of otfr United States senators that they shall represent us and our wishes In this matter and not represent men and measures that ve feel against our in terest. The people of Nebraska are greatly interested in this matter, and we will say that we do most earnestly hope that you can see your way clear to help support this measure as en dorsed by the president, and bring the matter to a speedy settlement so It can be passed and thereby wo be lieve change the financial system of this country te a safer and more economic basis. Wo will be pleased to hear from ypu In regard te this very Impertant matter. Yours for the greatest gepd to the greater number of our common wealth, J. H. Edmlsten, C. C. Masters, E. W. Mann, Butler Buchanan, Frank Buchanan, F. It. Elliott, G. W. Elliot Arthur Rush, Dr. D. C. Crocker, C. J. McNamara, Chas. Mangon. AGENTS F. Schmite. G. H. Fallstead. E. P, functions to the people. Be it further Glines, Eli Bowers, John Nolte, Wra, Resolved, That weview with alarm, Fritz, Francis bhaiter, Morris Sen:, recret and extreme disapproval the E. M. Kimmel, Hugh O Grady, Jr., subterfuges reserted te tp defeat the .will ef the people and hold them chained to a monied oligarchy, Ana be It further . . . Resolved, That we hereby serve notice upon recreant public servants John O'Gradjv F, M. Parchen, JameS Tangeny, Sr., L. L. Aldrlch W. L. White, Jacob R. Hinzieken, Wm. Rieschiok, H. F, Nettlebrlck, Jud J.f Kuowles, Ralph Walker, Geo, S. Sperry, Herman F. Fritz, John D, A BRAND NEW LIGHTER Jnmm w9fr fi tttn4 X ft. fimmU.i with one hand; scire aa ouaauou Ufot every time No tlecttUity, no ba- fire; (Joes away with matchei. Uzhisyourpipt. iitir. uzarettr. gu let etc Darwlr tlilo? for the etui o tout cUin- Tremendous eSr Vrite quick Ur wkoletate terms aod prices. a. n. muair lichtzr co, ft rk cur mKh INVESTING FOR PROFIT FREE FOR SIX MOHTHS. It J, irartii SIO copy la nr dm laUodtoi; V iorni tar rooo.r. bower.r calt Mb fc rmtod taoatf uopro&ttU. pt who can aar t&.U) or iwr u( rocmlb, but w)m hatn't lurried tfc art ot laittilng tut pnf. It dttoooftratM tij rI .arnlor of mon, ttw knw( 4(t CatatUn and Lid from tt aum. Ii nraaU ik tonncxu priCU Unkar nub aod sttows bow io suk tfe faew prpfita. It cxplalos fcow atajxndoas fortuaas mrtm4 and why md, bow tl.CCO rrows to tn,000. To tctiodae ma xaUn., HU m swr V It od 1 1 six taontlu ohsoiaUl riMK. M. L IMK8. Fufc. 474, 29 W. JaduIM.,Cw,CHf.lU, 4 . Jf & f, Tifrj' '"