The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 13, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
mjmam ijcoEgaa s,
na vtto
. v '
f tfhe fftaiumra icunifl tip rti nmghiP
rtUJWiwflultfy fhHttUrtlltfyrft u jiiunr fly rfihe imuisjywtfiv-
0iunf tnmt;t to nuiShe muluo ntf jjuo
rtwftwv flu unmimnt Uinw tvuuus nn tfjitl
.wrall iftniint Ai tatfi&il&e jimtl fasfsuun flhe
mv tlltiJUiowtI flirt- fSiHbwtin:
J&wtamiity untf ltaftuptinttaiwe fin
Jfcmuntkumul rtrf tflh? SHummau amfll
tfantiti Haw
Ulhv fiimurttUuit unftrt? mt imnmmimiiH
Ba-iiQS x lanK. 01 jriueressiyc:
TAibd! Psyfe' Mju Pinresr Yifofl Pas Cili Qiitdr Hiar FWcssa
ibi&tlnoQtl .11 MW iufiftjfin& putMHiifyr
tftmwt flwwu.
rtttUV'AV &? (UHt" Itflve WWW tiWiW rttf jttU
(WuuflUiw VHe iWmuittU kiiknir ftsanyfl
rv, t'v . wi 1 atfw'H 3;yt
iU9 t:w.vj.i;
fiWifiMiirfl THiiftuiri4fl tin ifliie KUbftuuno . (UVfi&WttifF fflbe WflKflB aJtOXT- P3K3feB-
a- WasB Mb fliiiiS oaiium. ir ,.
portaast, aaxfl fl A. Tan, w jfc v-ir
onamnihiffimi aihrrtfifl &? birr.',
rolhfins St iwhd fesnnfl -ffltut iqwzfr
aavixiRM atErti snunatt. TTini, vw -,
' -A."1
s--w imM d to . fiyleS. LSSl2!r-h ..,T"
ju femmunt SBunu- (in? .uinftng jSht -it
rtttwx. anwt? w nn JyiuntUyuu. lit foam)
niaun ttimfi&ti feu imu tob fijm aau
uUt: wtivaxkijur farwMtixr.v&v&ii
Wl& wW imw' (B mfl .uufl ;ks
ffiiiw watu fit ttfbut ifiiit ,jur?;:faii
i tfikii; Hlhs SutesnttiBW ficflftsw
. Tmu ours smgEsatfl fin 'wesirfi act
jjundffiuuOT- A. Teifi.
"t AMH
ft. Tu Iwrais ixiHe a. anKitcul aaflr
" - j
tuwiKUtoy ,afl Sn SDuawjiB'J A TeE.
itttivgiuui. sji9uavfrti ixnwi.a a.iuujb nasal ,(" sowwaiaa jjasncaiUBJ ja- en.
mUr Sliinuni few mtoLl ii .isuanfiaii Q- Hirtj 311 wssrlsd fa tt&2 Isst
!Oi) ,t fcs tjww usixfl ?imt;i mid jfiiitsiil 2aa" hiijoti s-.uiih pihsi&s fesr aczij -f
IteiBD ttwAauftea Bam fiiiV nirftutil.iQnsistftsais ajilnnrt; mfirfT H iffive ilt-l .3 22d?OT,2mi 5 '" .-'
..Jl' .f J1. ...j.. , . .. .' .....,.-Jt-.. " iO T1S 5Ti "TClill.ULliBJV, -rr,.
v. .i. .. Vi- . " (mw'w 6 iuu?; GJKiswwiuj ftuaasiJia) . iu,-,-31tjr - -.- u attsAifiai
" ?m fc'W1 IWwfiiSiwi ajd teSted ij t T ifi? Xa FeSlafcte pbslffiDma jra
uaxwD.-5iiH. msn&BiHarr 14 hiik t.m
Iew asa2 mtft nuandtj ait Tjflkt' t'liz '-j
2)1 (0SSEGIZfilIE6aiL. Bdf3K. C:"frl
InS aj(2ROK2itia3 life? luTsntriivi i r
Q. Im tt2:e sSaak scn '3IlIB!L5Bi u
2ji fflssuit cnst fmacm Jilsw Tci: C.j
saoa gfea, iwses ttSysra laeft,? A Till
. T2i5 adiKni2nssL a ,i3a ii-r-L.
pEfejIiCOfl. PftlPl!? " WV5V Bfct iTa.; to few wiifli ' "was jfesSrafi to &s uswaiesiltied at Jibs
ret -YATJK fjwj rxLWj
rwj.' ti- J-sa;
vi w mMtea QKt&iT 53sa dasrtiy asessmas tLhs psrosreaaaTe
"svaos it eo- salad 3ferriS to slr ;": :-
aeaagjaeaa: B?r sg?cj.fxfei.g jw"..l
39ra5 ainasfss ?r s&cmM e ; :
AUf4IIt0 SHlMMir SfMMirjAUaCjMflfff- I
.,T.,.- r .r- v,,-...,,,,. 1 -w-.l- ,W- .lM fl, ,k .. f . i . hw. W'-l w J JJ ?? I
;iun-rnv..:i:it?jM?iuv.irtviwiHvlvwj -?. cm. awe: swsreJuiirTg; sxe3tct , bo. itfauiisi, ea tdl vorjt oai
iWII WutrtU JUW KMtiir alualKhlHX. i ooidiMMil u.J. J l i. .4ni S, -rfTJts a x m- ; TWfftfl T ftSaa o-seaa3" t
MiiXaSSSSS wiwtt-?' 0&ititfis&as jrtanassial'STreagwadsjaK at Mauaaroa aafij, a .&S lasttear of feet, se, ;r:-
jsm niyijFTA't- Jvr.i i jmrnvpw MmravcjBW'
&& Oiji9 sskoswSiBds: Top&nB Jt&as
wVi')K MlK Hitf lltv' lt ltU W
i )nvanii
!? tt, n, Grw Sam, &, StatS?,, t&
5J- S-sfjors it&e 9aTaa3oa sast at
.,.., , , tr&ss$re -p&ty md wA, tzmizte ItiJ r&sumz ma vlailvTza? A
Wfeai wax &e pffl?sra55 aa jjyyQyjiitea- Bay
sfiwwld a3' ce defr it effcalaafed? i T' aea? A Wfcea e -eras e3-
Tfcw? fcs a exp5aai5f fr ike J ga? asjon Sis "coaf&ssSoa of faii-
Jat rf "Ji as to le otiassx fe Q Wass t&at tse cs&fifeasioa of
Prafeswn C3as1fe MieCartiij, t.v3o . iloiiaJ convention ia. CSaScago Aug. 7? I
wjwi imsftfi we nnermzu jaw cjml?; rf a. isa.
-tK ajass ?g2i j, sires jre, T&ftS - -Jnst prior to aad dajrins tSae
reports in rtttteitl&n in ite&v?oszeszlv& natSoBal conrention in
'lrflex. in ekte&'4& wr ezphtiutd. toiCbteago did you parlieSpaie in tbe
1ifM ad he wa ioreed taat fc j EJfttlDgx: of fbe re&oliaiSons com-
wso rTj xt7i&a as io.e laaxi vn ii Jisiiae or aar 01 03s soo?oi3minwis
mtirn iilUMinate me myrAery. Hn
&ld ni amid only in wart and Yonld
tell viral Ij Isovr ia t? fytpe thai
A W if 7V 't' U oxrKK others vrouJA do tibe T6L
, ,, KK7VMHKi. Vrof&asor TAeCzrtiiy zdmiiiod that
1.m.. ,.. 4 'JjJLi. W IAMU
moiJd on vjtdr 'i&mx.
lfM4 M mH MM B W B B'B
itiHttt'4 Mi tvtw Uniety, Vttnti JinvftnoY,
Vr,CfHHMh1, 80 Court q,, iadjIU, Mo
thereof? A Yes. in all of them.
although not a member or a dele
gate. Q. Then 70a vere recognized as
more or less an authority upon cer
tain EnliW'fs Tirifh -vrfrlMi fhaf oTn.
the ia1l howrx In the tanwt ot oro-jioittee was dealing? A Evidently
ftregxfvfsrn; that he hoii'thl a copy j the men working on the platform
M UmtTSMm ttt4litis tsipttt'
V )v u dut rjr
M KyJ4J' VtfM v rtcjittf 1 Btoral,
,i j M imMIi initT uMrwfiruM. yr
b wt ri.Jirwi'
tt 'i'rlal yf I'lt jtfAu
MltSH UAti4 thVAT, Ar0
nfoW UHQHAWHWt, Blocks
Hmt,,,,,,,, ,. .,.
A44(4, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,
JfefM 1411 trill bdC riuTi Ul Hw
wr ir)Mt My cu4
Ml rKKK "Wfll JSUUtMt
9t UWW M0
of a Chicago morning paoer on the!
street early An&, 2 and that It con
tained the Sherman law provtofon;
that the later A(m7 did not, and
that the city editions of the other
rnornlnz pHjwrn did not
The jirof&aor also said that in the
fktpUftniter nurnher of Everybody's
Magazine Peter Clarke MacFarlane
In an arth'Je on "Meaetires, Not
Men' quoted the eliminated clause
and. In the mbslafcen idea that It
va a part of fbe printed progressive
pjatrorm, ald of It:
"Thin antl-trwHt plank Ik by all
orldH the moKt Immediately Im
portant plank In the progressive
platform. Attention may he diverted
to other utterances which Beem more
radical, hut there Is none vhlch has
In It at once so much of the thrill
of opportunity and immediacy.
"And the platform-making college
professors of the proerresslves jim
mied It out of the La Follette strong
box. Where a Follette got It tbe
writer does not know, which Is, per
haps, confessing dark and inexcus
able Ignorance,"
In order to bring out briefly and
thought eo.
Q. You are especially familiar, are
you not, professor, Tritn the plank
dealing with "Business"? A I was
witn Herbert Knox Smith and
ib&Eiaess plani of tfee piia; ; i-
1GTE3. sfcs cmealated tShrosggso:
countrj, -wss proosMy ise tisoi?
the nrb.o1e plaai tSaat bsSs it tr:--asfeSy
strong aatS-traist proTi; : -
A- Yes, tae Aisericaa 3irople sac 'i1
English psopie are Terr Jeeloms ?
grring power to any ooasisioz -:
great as taat wieS was :i
lesaplated m t3ae plas 2s i; r
saaiaei after the speei&c l&ssd 7"
visioBS were cat oaL Wlda .i se
prorisions in, the plaafe was pi -tScaJly
the La FoUene-3rsnc".5-Heney
proposition. Witboat sirs?
specific provisions strenctieslns :"--
5 Sherman act there "sras no deSaiin
in the planli whicli would spi2',':"
by law do away with oouopo'T
abuses, although the power wou'd
remain with the commission to pre
vent unfair practices or stock wa:-
ing or other abuses. The opponent
could thus say after this plank was
omitted, as Mr. Bryan did say, tha:
it would be an easy thing to have
the commission appointed by a presi
dent under corporation inSuencs
and then nave this commission.
Without anv rpstnnnsihilitv to con
gress or to the people, make what
' -... -uis.a. wuu 3UU I w" w . j.i.wj.., -..
George Record as a subcommittee ' rulings it would see fit. Tt was fo
of th tilwrrnTnffa& nn Viof nUni. I eTtHt n nnvroT" fr trim to anv COII1-
of the subcommittee on that plank!
t. inis subcommittee finallv
agreed upon a draft of the plank
headed "Business," did It not? A
Q. There was no clashing in this
subcommittee was there? A. No.
Q. There was no one In th ih.
committee who held opposing views
regarding the draft as finally agreed
upon, was there? A The subcom
mittee was uuanimous..
Q. The subcommittee's plank on
"Business" contained as a final
paragraph the following, did it not'
We favor strengthening the Sher
man law by prohibiting agreements
to divide territory or limit output-
reiuHing 10 sen to customers who
buy from business rivals; to sell
below cost In certain areas while
maintaining higher prices In other
....w., h "i'uww 01 transpor
tation to aid or injure special busl-'
mission and gave the opponents 01
the progressive party an opportunity
to excite suspicion against it If f-e
provision calling for a recall of this
commission had remained in, t
would not have made so much dif
ference, but unfortunately the main
committee cut that out also, al
though there was nothing legalizing
monopoly in the plank as printed:
yet after the recall was cut out it
became necessary, in order to have
a plank which the American people
would approve, to have the specific
amendments of the Sherman act re
main in the plank.
Q. The convention, then, favored
the final clause as left out of the
printed platform? A Yes, as far as
I know the sentiment favoring it was
unanimous. I did not hear a dis
senting voice against it
(Continued on Page 14.)