r The Commoner. 15 JULY 12, 191 Ml w Dreams of Yesterday Where are the boys of the stone bruised Tieel, Or the sore toe tied with string? The boys who off through the woods . would steal In the first sweet ' breath of spring; The boys with the tin can filled with bait, And the long, slim willow pole; Whose backs were burned by the long hours' wait In the old-time swimmin' hole? Where are my chums of the old school days That lie in the dim, dead past? The chums who threaded the wood land ways As the care-free hours fled fast; -Who lagged from taw in the village street And groaned at the old school bell; Who did their chores upon laggard feet When the evening shadows fell. Where are they now? They 'are scattered far As the winds 'of the summer blow. .Some sleep in the churchyard side by side Where .the blue-eyed daisies grow; Some roam the world, some in busy mart, ' " And some in the forum stand; But ev'ry one in his inmost' heart Is true to the schoolboy band. No stress so heavy, no task so great, 'But' thoughts of the used-to-be Come stealing in to relieve the weight That presses on you and me. The thoughts of days when the heart was young And ljfe was a joy sublime; . When hope was rife and all care1 fat . Aung . ' ' In the-tdays of our boyhood time. to Bed, my Son. The Los-son is over for this Even-in g. Answers to Correspondents J. B. If I Tcnew the answer do you imagine Fd be grinding out this sort of stuff at so much per? j Mayme I fail . to comprehend your question. Maybe you twisted it a bit something like you have twisted that name. "White Man's Hope" The best thing you can take for it and It's what you'll probably get is a swift punch on the point of the jaw This ''white man's hope" rot makes mo tired. . ' "Worried Mother" You say your eleven-year-old boy is a cigarette smoker and. you can not break him of the habit, and ask mo for advice. I can not advise you: I would- advise the boy to get a mother -who knows how to wield a slipper to the best advantage. "Izaak Walton"' Perhaps, but It prefer the old-fashioned fishworm. 1 "Anxious Inquirer"- I refer you to any encyclopedia. "Supreme Moments" Your idea of a supreme moment is a good one, but how about two men out the bases full, and the homo team on 3 run be hind? That's some thrilling time, believe me. ,.. T. It. It's a mighty poor machine that will not work in the reverse mo tion. i W. H. T.There Is a little al legory relating tfio facts about a fruit known as "Apples of Sodom."' It will prove interesting reading a little later in the campaign. J. S. S. As tender to a steam roller you shine. "Puzzled" Think it out for your self. You'll find, the unusual mental exercise quite exhilirating. It al ways tickles me to see a partisan worrying about his political duty, for it is a sure . sign he's been wrong heretofore. The Primer Political . Papa, what is a Steam Itoll:er? A Steam Roll-er, my Son, is a ma chine des-ig-nat-ed by De-sign-ing Men for the An-ni-hl-lat-ing of the Op-po-si-tion. And what ' is an Op-po-si-tion, Papa? The Op-po-si-tion, my Son is, that el-c-ment that al-lows its Think-ing to be done by oth-ers. Why does the Op-po-si-tion al-lo-ty oth-ers to do Its Think-ing? That is a Mys-ter-y, Son. What Is a Mys-ter-y? ( A Mys-ter-y, my Son, is a' Steam Roll-er in the Hand of tho oth-er Side. Now, that I un-der-stand the Steam Roll-er, Pa-pa, pray tell m6 what a Bolt-or is. A Bolt-er, my Son, is a pol-i-tj-clan who takes his Doll Rags and goes Home when the Game is not played to suit Him. Thanks. Pa-pa, dear. Now what is a Pa-tri-ot? A Pa-tri-ot, my Son, is a Man who Thinks as You Think. What is Pol-i-tics, Pa-pa? The def-i-ni-tion of pol-i-tics, my Son, De-pends upon the Point of- view. I would be A-shamed to toll you the Def-i-ni-tion held by a Cer tain Stren-u-ous One who has just e-merged from the Ca-ress-es of the Steam Roll-er. . . . What do you Mean by Streu-oufc, Pa-pa. yp-ptf-cr-a-tionJ Now run-Along That Reminds Me- I can not explain just why, but somehow or other the affair at Chi cago reminds me of the man whose ambition was to construct the finest double bass viol in the world. He selected and seasoned his wood with care. He mixed and prepared his own varnishes. ' He worked and toiled and moiled with the one object in view, and after may weary months he felt that he had achieved his life's ambition. Administering the last stroke of the polishing rag, his face glowing with enthusiasm, he dropped every thing, clasped his hands in ecstasy and explained: "At last it is finished! The most perfect double bass in 'the world, and I there, by jjngj;. I've gone and left the gluepot inside of it!" Compensation Dr. Fourthly "J note with regret that the government contemplates coining some, still .smaller fractional currency." ' Elder Eldflerly "Well, it may enable some to, give who think now they can't afford to give anything." Funny, Isn't It? If you call' a man "levelheaded" he is pleased!' if you call him a "flathead" he'll get mad. Speak of a woman a being "kit tenish'? and you flatter her; speak of IflfH f ! tHTV5 'Ti - rJ'y' 'N5 Jl 77 mmmmmkfl Hfe) (LflBHHMVIfllM Wnn f"i.-- ?r?H85 Satisfies There never was n thirst that Coca-Cole couldn,t satisfy. It goes, straight as an ar ow, to trie dry spot. And besides this, f(J V Whencrcf you see an Arrow think of Cod-Cola satisfies to a T the call foi something purely delicious and deliciously pure and wholesome. Delicious . Refreshing Thirst-Quenching Demand the Genuine as made by THE COCA-COLA CO., Atlanta, c Our new booklet, telling of Coca-Cola & iPP vindication at Chattanooga, for the asking. 3-J ,.50 Buys Tiis HigMt Top Buggy. Retell Price $ 60.00. Bngylce, Barre?, Spring1 Wagons, Farm Wagono. wa have cut oni oar Jobbers, oar Whole Balers and our Retailors sod offer YOU their profit. Write today Tor oar Free Catalog and Delivered Prices Mutual Carriaoo & Harness Mfa. Co., Button 44X Ect Sf.LeuU, HllnoU, or 132 If. Wfeah Avatiu. Chle. WARRANTED FOB Whrm Year. her as being "cattish" and you've made a lifelong enemy. Tell a woman she has the artistic temperament and you have made a friend; tell her she uses paint with discretion and she'll cut you off her visiting list. Tell a man he's got a great head and he admires your judgment; tell him ho's got the bighead and he gets mad. Limerick There was a young, fellow who Yaled To capture a parchment, but failed. i But then, Just -the same, ! The fellow was game, And a mighty good job he has nailed. Another young man was a "grad." A. diploma was all that he had. ; Ho was lacking in "sand" 1 To hustle roun', and He'g still living off of his dad. EYEGLASSES NOT NECESSARY That tho eyes can be strengthened no that eyeglasses can be dispensed with in many cases has been proven beyond a doubt by the testimony of hundreds of nconle who publicly claim that their eyesight ha8 been restored by that wonaeriui iiuio in strument called "Ac tlna." "Actina' is a reliable remedy for Weak Eyes, Granu lated Lids, Iritis. Ca taract, etc., wKhoui jjAxfi' cuiung or urygging have been Bold; therefore' ActinaJs not an experiment. "Actina" can be used with perfect safety by every member of the,family for any affliction of the eye, earr throat or head. 8cnd for our FBEE TRIAJ, offr and valuable FREE BOOK. Address Ac tina Appliance Co., Dept. 351N, 811 Walnuj, Sit,, Kansas City, Mo. . , -VM GOV URNMENT Pmitlom are cay to feu 'Mt -free Booklet XI0J6 tcIU bow. Write todv NflW J5AKJ, UOI'KINH, WaghJHKUa, D. C, 1 O n i -a 53 i i iJiAiL&rr "M - '"-.. ,