4 The Commoner WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR 'JtfoL 12, NO. 27 Lincoln, Nebraska, July 12, 1912 Whole Number 599 'Si -. The People Understand . ; "" We need not believe that what is done in convention is done secretly. We always act under the eyes of repre sentatives of the press, who know why we act and who told us to do it; we must not presume that those at home can be deceived. The people at home will know that the influences that dominated the Chicago convention are here, and are more largely at work than they were at Chicago. I appeal to you to so act that the Democrats of this country can say that the Democrats are true to the people and that they can't be frightened by your Ryans or bought by your Bei nionts. From Mr. Bryan's Speech in the Democratic National Convention. An Important Change The following news item, published in tho Chicago Examiner on last Thursday will interest the readers of The Commoner: " "Baltimore, Md., July 3. Whoso was the 'fine Italian hand' that slipped into tho demo cratic national platform an innocent-appearing little ciauso about which groups of organiza tion politicians are talking today with much concern. "Under the caption, 'Presidential Primaries' in tho platform adopted last night, tho follow ing clause occurs: " 'Committeemen who aro hereafter to con stitute the membership of the democratic na- bettep'.not undertake It, at, this time. Besides. tional committee and whoso election is not nvo-, . vtV ' a S & 'xStvrXt-Z i,,!. stato --"" iXVi"- ?.""." ". 6b .,fw.i , ELIMINATING BRYAN Editorial in New York World, Thursday, July 4th: Tired and worn out after tho-exhausting work of being voted forty-six times as a unit by Charles F. Murphy, Governor Dix announces that "Bryan should bo eliminated from the party." That Is oxactly what Mr. Ryan, Mr. Belmont, Mr. Murphy and various other predatory patriots undertook to do when tho Baltimore convention was organized and as a result of their peerless leadership Mr. Bryan became the dominating power in tho convention. Eliminating Mr. Bryan from tho party is a formidable task, and perhaps bis excellency bad ViiftricfoivtlHrwr,r8hall 'hefchosen in eactrs , , ,, w hm v w r -- - i . ( ,. atvBuchvj)rlinary-.electionst and the service ana authority of' committeemen, however chosen, shall begin immediately upon the receipt of their credentials respectively "Innocent as it may appear, it was said in tho hotel lobbies this morning that this clause strikes dii'ectly at tho grip which, many of tho members of tho committee now havq. on their jobs by vir.tue of their control of their local state politics. "William Jennings Bryan is said to be re sponsible ,f"or this as well as nearly all of tho sentences in tho platform,." Without discussing the authorship of tho suggestion (the writer is not sure who first sug gested the change) Mr. Bryan admits that ho ' was an active advpeate of the change, and that ho rejoices in the adoption of tho suggestion. The predatory interests, understanding the ad vantage to be secured through tho control of tho party machinery have been watching tho selection of national committeemen while tho rank and file of the party were busy with the discussion of the principles, policies and plat forms. The abuse of power by the republican committee at Chicago and to a less extent by the democratic national committee at Baltimore makes the present an opportune time to bring the committee more into harmony with tho voters. Popular election makes tho committee man feel his obligation to the pooplo and tho reorganization of the new committee before tho convention meets makes It hereafter impossiblo for an old committee to thwart tho will of the .people by making up tho temporary roll of tho convention. This change is so vital that thero is no doubt that the next republican convention will doubtless follow the example set by the democratic party and it is to be hoped that both parties will apply the doctrine to the state com mittees. Tho democratic platform is progressive and this is ono of the longest steps taken in advance. Democracy moves forward. full for afow months'to keep himself from being eliminated from tho governorship of Now York. BURKE AND CHAMBERLAIN COR1PLI TUENTED Tho convention paid a high compliment to Governor Burke of South Dakota and Sena tor Chamberlain of Oregon. These states aro small and far west, but Burke and Chamberlain have lifted their respective commonwealths into such prominence that more than half of tho convention expressed a preference for ono or tho other of them. Mr. Bryan, believing that a vice president from the west would draw a largo number of progressive republicans to tho ticket and believing also that tho voto of North Dakota and Oregon on tho .temporary chairmanship commended theso gentlemen to the party, seconded tho nomina tion of both Burko and Chamberlain. But tho hour being late the delegates wore anxious to go home and Governor Marshall, having a plurality on tho first ballot, made such gains on tho second that, at its conclusion, tho names of Burko and Chamberlain wero withdrawn. WILSON AND MARSHALL Tho ticket nominated at Baltimore Is a iitrong one. Governor Wilson has appealed to tho imagination of tho reformers of tho country; his record in office Is a brilliant ono and his fighting qualities excite enthusiasm among his followers. It will bo a lively campaign. Ho is tho very antithesis of President Taft and is already drawing progressive republicans to his standard. Governor Marshall's achievements as chief executive of Indiana won him such a strong support on the first ballot that It only required a second ballot to settle the contest in his favor. Ho is a great campaigner and will bo a powerful aid on tho stump. Hurrah for Wilson and Marshall. If Mr. Hearst Is going to advocate the ticket by attacking tho candidate, Governor Wilsbn will soon be praying for an independent tiqket llko that put up by Mr. Hearst in 19Q8. Mr. Hearst's power to harm tho party is less on tho outside. Ho Is more fatal as an. advisor than as an oppon ent' .Mr. Clark owes his defeat more to Mr. Hearst's counsel than to any other causo. What's the matter with the nineteen pro gressives from Ohio? They're all right. And they v wero "on tbo job" from tho opening of the convention to the close. It was a great., fight they put up In Ohio,' at tho primaries; but It was a still greater" xne at Baltimore. They will have to use tho laboring oar In th coming campaign in that state. The Baltimore Platform On anothor page will bo found tho Baltiraoro platform. It will repay porusal; it Is tho most progressive platform over adopted by a great party. While its main features bear tho im press of Senator O'Gorman and Mr. Bryan, valu able assistance was rendered by Mr. Walsh of Montana and Senator Pomcrcno of Ohio. Those wero members of tho sub-committee which put into shapo tho various planks agreed upon by th larger sub-committoo of eleven. All of tho members of tho full committee took part in tho discussions and many of them offered planks which were incorporated in tho platform. Itas a very thaififr'?oinmltUefc--tlt" ' ligntfui'bbdy to work with. Mr, Kern made an admirable chairman and oach member, with out surrendering his opinion on any subject, showed a desiro to havo the party's principles stated in language which would cut smoothly and leave no ragged edges. Special attention is called to a few sentences. First, as to progress toward tho more complete applications of the principles of popular govern ment. Tho platform says: "Wo again remind the country that only by a larger exercise of the reserved power of tho people can they protect themselvss'from tho misuse of delegated powers and the usurpation of governmental Instrumen talities by special interests." This Is a very happy statement of a great proposition. Second, on banking legislation: "Banks exist for the accommodation of tho public and not for tho control of business. All legislation on banking and currency should havo for Its pur pose the securing of theso accommodations on terms of absolute security to tho public and of complete protection from tho misuse of tfto power that wealth gives to those who possess It." What better rule could be laid down? Third, on tho trust question: "A private monopoly is indefensible and intolerable." This is tho fourth democratic national platform in which that phrase has occurred. It states the issuo on the trust question fully and com pletely. Equally strong and felicitous is th plank on the supremo court decision which In serted the word "unreasonable" in tho anti-trust laws. Tho law must bo restored to its former strength. The party's position on tho tariff question, on tho high cost of living, on the Philippine question, on the 'labor question, on tho respec tive spheres of states and nation, on interstate commerce, on a single presidential terra, on. publicity, Income tax, popular election of United States senators, presidential primaries, and changes afTecting national committeemen In fact, on all of tho many questions covered Is clearly and forcibly stated, but tho above sen tences aro reproduced as illustrations of strength and symmetry. It is a great platform. What a difference between a Guffey dele gation carried to a convention at his expense and acting under his orders what a difference between such a delegation and the Pennsylvania delegation in tho Bimoro convention! 'Th Keystone state madea splendid showing. Coa gressman Palmer mad a fine impression and he was the leader of a noble band. 'H o JL cr . Ai V -,