The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 17, 1912, Page 11, Image 13

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The Commoner.
MAT 17, Mil
If You Like
a Little Quiet Fun
Ask some pompous person if Grapo-Nuts Food helps build the brain.
Chances are you get a withering sneer and a hiss of denunciation.
Then sweetly play with the learned toad.
Ask him to tell you the analysis of brain material and the analysis of Grape-Nuts.
"Don't know? "Why, I supposed you based your opinions on exact knowledge instead
of pushing out a conclusion like you would a sneeze.' '
"Well, now your tire is punctured, let's sit down like good friends and repair it.
The bulky materials of brain are water and albumin, but these things cannot blend
.without a little worker known as Phospate of Potash, defined as a "mineral salt."
One authority, Geohegan, shows in his analysis of brain, 5.33 per cent total of mineral
salts, over one-half being Phosphoric Acid and Potash combined, (Phosphate of Potash)
2.91 per cent. ,
Beaunis, another authority, shows Phosphoric Acid and Potash (Phosphate of Potash)
more than one-half the total mineral salts, being 73.44 per cdnt in a total of 101.07.
Analysis of Grape-Nuts shows Potassium and Phosphorus (which join and make Phos
phate of Potash) is considerable more than one-half of all the mineral salts in the food.
Dr. Geo. "W. Carey, an authority qn the constituent elements of the body, says: "The
gray matter of the brain is controlled entirely by the inorganic .cell-salt, Potassium Phos
phate (Phosphate of Potash). This salt unites with albumin and by the addition of oxygen
creates nerve fluid or the gray matter of the brain. Of course, there is a trace of other salts
and other organic matter in nerve fluid, but Potassium Phosphate is the chief factor, and has
the power, within itself to attract, by its own law of affinity,- all things needed to manufac
ture the elixir of life. " ' ' '
Further on he says: "The beginning and end of the matter is to supply the lacking
principle, and in molecular form, exactly as nature furnishes it in vegefables, fruits and
grain. To supply deficiencies this is the only law of cure."
Brain is made of Phosphate of Potash as the principal Mineral Salt, added to albumin
and water.
Grape-Nuts contains that element as more than one-half of all its mineral salts.
lie Forgot That Ho had a Stomach
f ?.
Talking of food, there is probably no pro
fessional man subjected to a greater, moro
-wearing mental strain than the responsible
editor of a modern newspaper.
To keep his mental faculties constantly in
good working order, the editor mus. keep his
physical powers up to the highest rate of
efficiency. Nothing will so quickly umjet tho
whole system aa badly selected food and a
disordorcd stomach. It therefore follows
that he should havo right food, which can bo
readily assimilated, and which furnishes truo
brain nourishment.
"My personal experience in tho uso of
Grape-Nuts and Postum," writes r. Philadel
phia editor, "so exactly agrees with your ad
vertised claim as to their merits that any
further exposition in that direction would
seem to bo superfluous. They havo benefited
mo so much, however, during the five years
that I havo used them, that I do not fool
justified in withholding my testimony.
"General 'high living' with all that tho ex
pression implies as to a generous table,
brought about indigestion, in my case, with
restlessness at night, and lassitude in tho
morning, accompanied by various pains and
distressing sensations during working hours.
"Tho doctor diagnosed tho conditions as
'catarrh of tho stomach,' and prescribed vari
ous medicines, which did mo no good. I
finally 'threw physics to tho dogs,' gave up
tea and coffee and heavy meat dishes, and
adopted Grape-Nuts and Postum as tho chief
articles of my diet.
"I can conscientiously say, aird I wish to
say it with all tho emphasis possible to tho
English language, that they havo benefited
mo as medicines never did, and moro than
any other food that ever came on my table.
"My experience is that the Grapo-Nuts
food has steadied and strengthened both,
brain and nerves to a most positive degree.
How it does it, I cannot say, but I know that
after breakfasting on Grape-Nuts food one
actually forgets he has a stomach, let alono
'stomach trouble.' It is, in my opinion, tho
most beneficial as well as the most economi
cal food on tho market, and has absolutely
no rival." Name given by Postum Co., Cattle
Creek, Mich.
Every day's use of brain wears away a littTe.
Suppose your kind of food does not contain Phosphate of Potash.
How are you going to rebuild today, the worn-out parts of yesterday?
And if you don't, why shouldn't nervous prostration and brain-fag result.
Remember, Mind does not work well on a brain that is even partly broken down from lack of nourishment.
It is true that other food besides Grape-Nuts contains varying quantities of Brain food.
Plain wheat and barley do. But in .Grape-Nuts there is a certainty. , ; -,
'And if the elements demanded by Nature, are eaten, the life forces have the needed material to build from.
A healthy brain is important, if one would "do things" in this world.
A man who sneers at "Mind" sneers at the best and least understood part of himself. That part which some folks believe links us
to the Infinite.
Mind asks for a healthy brain upon which to act, and Nature has defined a way to make a healthy-brain and renew it, day by day as
it is used up from work of the previous day.
Nature's way to rebuild is by the use of food which supplies the things required.
There s a Reason' for
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