The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 05, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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The Commoner.
George E. Dickson of Illinois
Goorgo Ifl. Diclaion of Illinois 18 a
ruulldnto for tho democratic nomi
nation for governor of Illinois. The
prlmnrios uro to bo hold April 9th.
Louis F. PobI culls him u "demo
orallc democrat." Mr. Dickson has
issued tho following statement:
"Jn my candidacy for tho nomina
tion for tho olllco of governor of
Illinois on tho democratic ticket, I
rospoctfully solicit the support of all
progressive democrats, and as I bo
llovo all are entitled to know exact
ly whoro f stand on each question
upon which action may bo expected
during tho term of the next gover
nor, I here submit my l.latform:
"I bollovo in that great fundamen
tal prinolplo of democracy, viz:
'Equal rights to all; special privi
leges to none.'
"I indorso in full tho last national
democratic platform.
"I favor tho initiative and the ref
erendum, and, under proper safe
guards, the recall of any elective offi
cial who is guilty of misconduct in
"I favor abolishing tho minority
system of representation in the state
legislature, and, until this can bo
done, I favor tho nomination of at
least two democratic candidates as
representatives from each district.
"I beliovo that justice demands
that the question of equal suffrage
should, at tho first opportunity, bo
submitted to popular vote in tho
"I favor such measures of tax re
form as will equitably distributo the
burdens of taxation on all the people
so that each shall pay his just share
and no more.
"I favor a constitutional amend
ment which will mako it possible to
submit amendments to two or more
articles of tho constitution at the
same general election.
"I favor tho enactment of a rigid
Twelve Special One Dollar Club Offers
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UUMIuaTJfiADf L!ncolll
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Gentlemen: Encloqori fln,i rn In Weu
PrcV 'nni Toil'wll U"1I Calculate
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corrupt practices act, which shall
prescribe a decent limit to the
amount of money that may ho spent
in tho interest of candidates for
office, abolish paid workers and
watchers at the polls, and, in
general, mako the improper use of
money in elections impossible.
"I favor the election of United
States senators by the people.
"I favor a shorter ballot and I also
favor tho placing of the names of
candidates for judges in a separate
column on tho ballot without any
party designation.
"I favor amendments to the pri
mary law providing for the placing
of the name of each candidate for a
given office at tho head of the list on QQV
same proportion applying to all can
didates. Also providing for printing
all tickets on one ballot so a voter
need not announce his party affilia
tion to the election judges before
receiving a ballot. Votes in more
than one column should render the
whole ballot void; thus improper
voting would be impossible and a
desirable element of secrecy pre
served. "I beliovo that railroad passes,
telegraph, telephone and express
franks and all special favors now so
commonly granted to public officials
ana otnors by public service corpora
tions, should bo outlawed and that
the violation of the law should be
made a felony.
"I believe in the enactment of a
fair employers' liability law as the
only effective means of safeguard
ing the life and limb of the employes
in tho factories, mines and work
shops of tho state; and I favor the
repeal of the workmen's compensa
tion act or an increase of indemni
ties provided in the act to a point
that will provide a decent existence
outside of tho county poor houses
for those poor unfortunate employes
who aro totally and permanently dis
abled while in tho discharge of duty.
"I believe the inmates of the state
penitentiaries should be employed in
road-making and such other employ
ment as will render their work
healthful and useful to the state
without bringing their labor into
compeuuon with honest labor.
"I believe that speedy action
should be taken to preserve for the
peoplo of Illinois the great water
power which has been already cre
ated by digging the sanitary canal
and that on no account should this
vast source of future revenue to the
suite oe auoweel to pass into private
"I believe that tho chartering of a
bank by the state should mean the
uuaoiuie saiety or money deposited
therein, and that suitable legislation
to guarantee such safety should be
"I am opposed to 'government by
injunction," to injunctions against
acts which are already unlawful, and
I favor trial by jury in contempt
cases, except where the act com-
Tszf&sr ta tho presenc
'I am in hefirf-.V mrmnofr.Tr jit. ,
tf." to' improve
n.a.Ub wuumoiB ana advance the
standard of living. I believe that
tho proud position of the United
States as the home of tho best naid
labor in the world, is due to the thor
ough organization and intelligent
leadership among American w!rk
men and no one can deny that or
ganized labor, in advancing 4ages to
the present standard, has done more
to create and maintain a proutable
home market for the produces Tf the
farm than all the high tariff laws
ever enacted. aws
"If I am elected I shall use overv
honorable means In my nowW E
J, Agoing PrindyplePsTnacted
Into law and to place the eronf Dt;!
of Illinois in the fronl ? rS 0f ttS
progressive states of the union.
(B Pr- ff ff" Etv Ukl r
BBS) JE5 WSTtS ra'ygS) Q W U crH
C AN BE CUJRISD. My mild. Boothlnp, guaranteed
euro does itiuul I kek Sami-i.k urovesit. Stoin"it
Jtciiino and cures to stay. Wkitk Now Toiuy
Dr.CANNADAY, 174 Park Squaro, Sodalia, Mo!
1 ,
Free report as to Patentability Illustrated ' dulda
Hoolc, and List of Inventions Wanted, sent Ireo
VICXOlt J. EVAMS & CO., WMhlnJton. b. a
Patents that PROTECT
For Facts about Prizes, Rewards, etc.. send 8c BtamDs foi
our new 128 page book of Intense Interest to Invehto
R. S. & A. 11. Lacey, Dept. 3l.Washlncton, D. C, &Ub?nw
ERNMHNT Positions are easy to cet. My free
Dookict a. iuio tens now. write today NOW.
KJkllli HOl'KINS, TalitiiBlou, 1). C.
PATENTS sfts&festegs!
y ffl HsUU V DCa Advlci and books friS
Rates reasonable. Illshcot references. Best service.
Examination May 4: $90 monthly. Writo TODAY for
FREE TRIAL LESSON. Ozment.Dept.93R St Loult.
VUSIEAJ oinor vrordd you do not
pay our email professional fe
until cured and oatisfled. Qurmin.
Instltuto.902 QrsndAvo., Kansas City, Ma
I iuum uuu
T.n.'vm. 2r.hioli Wnp" pAnnn 4 Km i7.lnMi
.... - -" .( . vswV B AI-IUU
tarm runco 23 i-:c. uataiosuo iroc.
!Box 234 Winchester. Indiana.'
Easy money Just waltinor toryou.
Itlculars and sworn proof about Una
urry. wrlto today.
IilUUlUrS UUU DWU1U VIIUUI uuuun nil.
startling; new Invention, aoll tho
for coal oil lamps. Makes common
lamp a vapor mm p. o mauuu
to break. Ho smoko or smoll.
Brilliant whlto llftht. Outs down
oil bills. Don't break ohlmnoys.
lamp. Agenta cxeltod colnlne
money. Llstont Glasscock. Ark.,
sales $KA In few days. Kreleer,
Mo., oloarod $21 one Saturday.
Modcalf . Texas, mado 98 .50 one
hour. Cook, N. Y., mado 51 one
ivcek. 1IUKKX. xou can avorsKo
IPPIf Men or women, this
(JLA A WhKK Is o big opportunity
w a ma em w caEaama Anionocan dc
ia u uih "fi'v."" y
a B-m aaaaasB AnjOnoCOH UOHimnui
iiu Dipvnunco requircu. iuuiio oig biohuj u uw
pondont, work all or sparo time. Not for sale in
pondont, work all or sparo time. Not for sale In
stores. Wrlto quick for dotails or eondSOo for ocont
complotoBamploRurnor, postpaid.
Sidney Fairchild Co.,395 Fairchild Bldg., Tolcdo.O.
Subscriber flflvcrilslnfl Dept.
Tills department is for tho benefit
of Commoner subscribers, and a special
rate of six cents a word per insertion
-tho lowest rate has been mado for
m!em-. Address all communications to
The Commoner, Lincoln, Nebraska.
EGiS fl;?ni Puro Dred chickens tho
- bluo ribbon kind; novor yet defeated
In a show; Single Comb Rhode Island
Reds, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Bull
&i?0UJkh . Rock3. Buff Orpinetons,
White Orpingtons, White Wyandottes,
Black Langshana, Light Brahmao,
n?sl? S? Brown Leghorns, Single
Comb White Leghorns and Indfan
Runner Ducks. Send for catalogue.
Book your orders early. Evorman &
Everman, Gallatin, Mo., Routo 5.
A FEW choico Irrigated farms for ox
New Moxfco. Dl0y & Kcllor' rtosIa
CZEMA SPECIFIC absolutely guar
klovs Pharmacy, Cooporstown, N. Pale
BIl0,TiHER"Accidontly discovered root
Will o.lirn Vnfli 4-i, 1..1.I1 jt
i " -fe0 qS?' - sond particulars.
J' y- Stokes, Mohawk, Florida.
CBBD nrvr?w - i ,..
J tTTofiT o ' rV Baiu uraaea ana
Evormnn; J vaTlotleflJ ?2.50 per busheL
Rout?5 Overman, Gallatin, Mo
W-F'Gh-class building and
LniinnBtTCk salesman. Tho Lovoland
uoan Co., Loveland, Colo,
S IwKfi1.nCom,L Hhodo Island Rcda.
inv5;i?n,ie" .KhoJ:?v.or eliown; Rood
BarkmeTeV,"EXeter, &eTUnrS' UeW