-TrfTif iWUBWP'iJfiMPWJI 16 The Commonef. rOhVMM 11, HUHBBR 4f hti: '-4 HV. aMaaKBaaBM aaBJBBSht ftlr,'lllB<J3fifll6p Rfft. PIIBaiPHI BHSat'fW fiaraffmsIWffll tHI V inanaannWanWlaalffifflrWTn Ti WXKATETftViTY' f S t inMrTSfiffinriliTiW WHBB1 iafeiMSaiBa PBSBeM IBIfSSa? - 3sffffiyg JgMgSgMMa "OLEON A CAPTIVE ttjjffffifPm JMHSBBtl TJ APIxKO S muno flUa more pages in the rrorUTa eolcrrua htotory fluui tziat any other mortal. 'blB luxuous inuntlng shows mm a Cftiu, JLl on bofcrd tho English ship Bcllcrophoa, gazing ot across the eolean sea toward Franco, whero ho was once Emperor. Ho realizes that his dream of Universal Empire is at an end, yet is nnconsdom that he is msem to b banished like an outcast a thousand miles from shore to the lonely and barren rocks of St, Helena. This famous picture from RMysrfh" History Illustrates but ono event out of thousands -which mato up tho history of every empire, kingdom, principality aad power, all accurately and entertainingly told in tho world-famed publication, Ridpath's History of the World Br. John Clark Ridpath is universally recognized as the world's greatest historian. He was the friend and advocate of the masses; of the common people. In 1896 he was the democratic nominee for congress in his home district and received the warm support of ,the Leader of the Party. Hundreds have already availed themselves of our remarkable opportunity to secure the greatest History of the "World ever written. We have only a few sets remaining, which wo offer at a low price and on easy terms. Never Again Suoh a Book: Bargain as This! We will name our price 'only in direct letters to thoM sending the coupon below. Tear off the coupon, write name and address plainly and mail now before you forget it. Dr. Ridpath's family derive their income from his History, and' to print our price broadcast for the sake of more quickly selling these few sets would cause grtt injury to future sales. SEND COUPON TODAY. WILLIAM McKINLEY saldl "I am familiar with tho merits of IUd path's History of tho Woild, and cordially commend It to tho scholar as woll as to the plain people generally." DISIIOP VINCENT snldl "TUdpath'B History Is In clear and agree ablo stylo, comprehensive In trcatmont, readable typo nnd admirable Illustration, This bet or books Is n permanent college chair of general history In ono's own house." BISHOP NEWMAN saldl "In reading Ridpath I pxporlenco tho nlcasuro often realized when looking at eomo grand panorama, Tho superb plcturos of temples, palaces, scenes, oventa and men add a charm to tho clear and vigorous style Qt tho learned author." JEFFERSON DAVIS naldl "I esteem Utdpath's History of the World of very groat valuo, and hopo It will Qnd a place generally In tho libraries ol our schools as well as upon tho sholvos of readers In every wallc of Ufo." PROF. LONG, Snpt. Public Schools, St. Louis, snldl "I unhesitatingly commond l)r. Ridpath's History of tho World as tho ablest work on that subject which I havo evor examined. Tho engravlngB, maps and charts are alone worth tho ontlro cost of tho sot." massive OCtMV volaaiea, Encyclo pedia alxe yBBFjigBt3l tftf033f"4 .-ftsaaaCPLaVvA aBaaanWk-afM -fl & -l&Q irfl tf -k a m mmwmm mmm' "Stsm mwmmmm mg&mM&mM s&immm ?"OKlt 0n v:pee WKv&WMmnzV'&mmm SESfW 'IgflRTWCi I I 1 every r" ; lltiory I Rj . $ WmR?'"? fWfflM W&i?mW?Qim M&fBGM&P I Who n,niiur offer MBWWMSm rimmm J ZiZmiWMKHK&r I jains portrnlt cn- I m i m$Mfinkj& ?? WMrMm xvkwmMWk irMzzM mm I I pieon ftes,ar Na- W&t-.WMBmSE&&'&wfflKk bbhi ms Sf -ff o' Wmmmmwr Mm mumu i j "idM Coupon Nou m&g&r mMdr Mim "" ' f 0t f M II Irti OCKKONER REFERS !' IS 1 hPRKB COUPON have shown wonderful appreciation of our remarkable offer. Ridpath was a Btronjr advocate of the rights and liberties of the common people. In 1896 be was the Democratic omlM for Congress In his home district an4 received the warm support of the leader tfee partr. He waa a great man and America's greatest historian. To read bis His tory Is to know peoples and races, kingdoms and empire, principalities and powers; .to behold senates in session. armies marching, battles fought and victorious legtes coming home; Ridpatk's nutery af tX Tl'arld has y W oeen puruiuauu uuu uLiuiijijr cuuuraca uy teBCTaa 5" niepaea u. iee, vjommanaer uonieaeraie vete rans; General Lew Wallace, Commander and noted author; Heary X. Teller. Benatar WKSTKRN ASSOCIATION 111 C CCUCD P.n.M.at IV.1t t. MUiuii, i iaiu.n 204 Dearborn St., Chicago TVeascHiall, wlthoutron to me, sample of IUdilHlli' HUUrj ef ikm UtIA, rtntalnlnir nhotoeravures oi Napoleon and Diifn Elizabeth, enrravloffs of Socrates. ::Mir ana anaitesDearc. man oi uia uu Japan, dlagraHj oi the 1'anaroa Canal, and writ me luu pai-ocuun oi your specat u The Commoner readers. NAME. ADDRESS, No letter necessary, Just write mme and adilrts tear oB and mat. from Colorado; Charles Curtis, Benatar from Kansas; and by tho Presidents of Q.jviirown, juates, Amnerst, Smith and V laW nrn.ctics.llv all nth or AYrtitan colleges and universltli To yjfe" xxisiory increase ?7your store of knowledge is wnicn is power and to aaa to tne irlrihTiew or your Ufa. $4 Cesi Ttdajw EVERY MiMm CST1ZEN ftZZXi'tSE. gently perform his full duty aa a cltlren in tlie Gaverxateai ot This Na tlam. How elsa are we to Judge of the great national questions that crowd upon us for decision except by somo knowledge of the past. Osu? Tariff Policy, the Question 0f tho Trust agitating the great business and commercial world, the respective rights of labor and capital, ths conflict batweea Socialism on the ono hand and organise swiuM and iahastry as the other these and hundreds of other Important questions press pa us as a nation for intelligent discussion and decision. How have such questions been met in the past? For the answer read th his tory oi ancient civilizations which flourished, decayed and died and hav been so thoroughly obliterated from the face of the earth that even ths location their splendid cities is unknown. Read the history of mighty Bafeylea, or 6f imperial Rome as a kingdom, then as a republic, and finally as an empire, and familiarizo yourself with her growth, development and decay. Read the history of the Freaek Revolution, the .establishment of the republic, ent of which camevthe empire dominated by Nasoleoa. The when you know the cause of the rise and downfall of empire and nations, and not untn then, will you be able to Intelligently discuss and decide tha greet nuestlona that are pressing now everywhere for attention, Tha grswta, eteveiapHient and decay of the nations of the world constitute ths most Inspiring theme that can claim the attention of man, and Dr. stid I path has taid H batter than it has ever been told before. f) THE COMBIONKR