"-'?. ,5jWT"T'r,?"3WfW,,B V??" u 4 The Commoner; JULY 21.. 1J11 lit must lie In breaking down section alism and appealing to the broad patriotism of the wholo people. For' us to make the state control of senatorial elections a condition of permitting popular election of sena tors., wpuld be ba.d in law and worse in politics. As a practical means of protection to the whites of the south, in the event we should ever need such protection, it would scarcely be worth a continental. We have had white supremacy since we emerged from reconstruc tion, and we intend to hold on to it. Our people are united on that. The only real difference is that some of us believe that in the long reach of events the best wiy to preserve our racial supremacy is to treat the negro honestly as an American citizen under the constitution, while some others appear to prefer a less com mendable method of procedure. Let us not act as if we were out Bide the union. Wo are back in our "fathers' house" to stay.. Let us snow mat tne soutn is an integral, living,- energizing part of our com mon country, ready in a generous Bpirit of patriotism to think and act for the common good. Why should we permit this, sec tional bugbear of imperiled white su nremacy to defeat this almost triumphant movement in behalf of the great masses of the people? It is more like stating a truism than venturing a prophecy, to say that the American people, either now or in the near future, are going to force popular elections of senators by the individual states. The only open question is, whether they are going to elect enough democrats to surrender federal control according to the house plan, or elect enough re publicans to retain federal control, according to the. senate plan. Who doubts which plan will succeed? For a nation with our history be hind it to knowingly at this stage Increase state power at the expense of long established federal power would surely be a political anachro nism. The controlling forces are pulling in the opposite direction. "The stars in their courses fought against Sisera." So will it be with southern democracy when it under takes to force the nation to surren der to the states a power given it by the fathers in 1787. Apparently the wisest course for house democrats to pursue would be to recede from their position and vote for the resolution as it came from the senate. A great many of their constituents would endorse such a course. liAFOLIiETTE ASSAILS TAFT Senator La Follette, of Wisconsin, delivered a. scathine speech in the senate July 13th and 14th, assail ing President Taft. Referring on the first day to the Canadian reci procity measure Senator La Follette said: "Considered as a' measure of reci procity it violates every tariff prin cinlo of reciDrocity heretofore ex pressed in the platform declarations of 'the republican party ana recom mended by former republican presi dents. Considered as a tariff bill, it violates every tariff principle and platform promise upon which Wil liam H. Taft was elected president. "In the beginning, it was heralded as a blessing to the consumers; so was the tariff bill of 1909. It promised to reduce duties for the benefit of the neonle. It reduces no duties, the effect of which can ever reach the people, but it does reduce duties for the millers, the packers, Standard Oil, the brewers, the coal combines and in some measure for the already grossly protected in terests. It is nothing that it pre tends to be and professes tobe noth ing that it is. It is a little brother to the Payne-Aldrlch bill, tho great est legislative wrong inflicted upon the American people In half a cen tury." Tho speaker said that the pending legislation, on tho Canadian act was so "related to the strange course of Mr, Taft upon the tariff question and the protective policies which ho was elected to maintain," that the real, stable worth of his rcommendations could not be fairly judged without reviewing tho more important issues involved in his election and the most, important acts of his administration. Continuing his criticism of Mr. Taft's administration Senator La Follette said: "Through tho first pages of his general message, he found no space to say a word for the great measures that had made the name of his pre decessor revered and loved every where in the United States. Is it to be wondered at that the republican voter in 1910 felt that he had several scores to settle? A president whom he" had elected and whom he believed to be the custodian of the Roosevelt policies, dismissed the Roosevelt cabi net and appointed, in their places men, in tho main, of known hostility to these policies. "In all the record of this adminis tration, no more glaring example is presented of the complete surrender to special interests and the complete reversal of Roosevelt's progressive policies than that shown in dealings with tho amendments to the inter state commerce act. It would have been difficult to have framed a piece of legislation affecting interstate commerce more harmful to the pub lic interest than the bill drafted by the attorney general and recom mended to congress by President Taft." After reviewing tho declaration of the republican platform of 1908 on conservation, Mr. La Follette went into the record of the Ballinger--Pinchot controversy and the general administration of the interior de partment down to the recent disposal of the Cunningham claims. "The congressional Investigation of the Alaskan coal scandal," he said, '.'confirmed the public opinion which had early reached the stage of con viction that Ballinger was using his official power to aid tho Morgan Guggenheim interests in wrongfully acquiring control of the Alaskan coal fields. The subsequent history of 'the Alaskan coal lands scandal simply confirms the bad faith and betrayal of public interest which the earlier testimony so clearly estab lished. "Heir to the Roosevelt policies as presidential candidate, Mr. Taft was a pronounced progressive and the leading and most enthusiastic Roose velt champion from the first to the last of the campaign. Three months after he was inaugurated he seemed to have forgotten that there ever had been any well known Roosevelt poli cies. He had no sooner taken his oath of office than he sacrificed the progressive cause for the support of Aldrich and Cannon and their re actionary program. "Reciprocity is a popular catch word. The president seized upon it. He made an executive compact the basis, not of a reciprocity treaty, but of a tariff bill. Upon this false basis he seeks to force it through congress without amendment or change. As a treaty it should have come to the senate for ratification. As a tariff bill, it should have been considered by the 'house and senate with due regaTd to every Industry affected and subject to whatever amendment is required to make it just and fair legislation. "In letter and In spirit this meas ure violates every principle and' promise in the republican platform, express or implied, and every printed or spoken word and inducement em ployed to secure tho votes neces sary to elect William H. Taft. This bill and tho Canadian pact are cruelly unjust to thirty-throe million peoplo engaged and dependent upon agricul ture. Since tho president's admission At Indianapolis, on July 4 that tho bill promises nothing for tho con sumer, tho real parties to profit aro boginnlng to bo a littlo more clearly distinguishable. "Joined with tho executive to force this bill through congress are tho newspapers, frankly admitting their selfish interest, amounting to many millions of dollars; the railroads, the other protected manufacturers and practically every trust and combina tion backed by Morgan and Morgan influence." STAR OF BAILEY WANES Tho following dispatch wan sent to tho Denver Times by its Washing ton correspondent, John Callan O'Laughlin: "Washington, July 13. (Special.) The star of Joseph Weldon Bailey, the Intellectual leader of the senate democracy, is waning. No longer is Mr. Bailey permitted to speak un challenged for his democratic col leagues. His assumption of tho office of spokesman is being repudiated daily, his statements aTo criticised and even denied and his opinions are flouted. The Tqxan has been placed in such a position by the verbal assaults of his colleagues that hereafter he will bo regarded merely as one of tho senators from tho Lone Star state, and as expressing his own views rather than those of tho combinod democracy In the senate. His support has dwindled to two senators Simmons of North Caro lina and Thornton of Louisiana. To these three men has been derisely applied the appellation of the Threo Musketeers, with Bailey as Athos, Simmons as Aramis and Thornton as Porthos. It has been apparent for some time that the fall of Mr. Bailey was Impending. Equipped with a superb mentality, a gifted orator and able to handle himself effectively in de bate, there were few senators, until tho present congress, disposed to cross swords with Jiim. His adroit ness in emerging unscathed from an unfortunate position he had adopted, his quickness in turning verbal somersaults and his alternate use of irony and pathos, of sarcasm and appeal have been a source of ad miration to the senate and the gal leries and of confusion to those who Interrupted him. The Texan never has been troubled by the need of being consistent, and his course in the senate has been marked by astonishing about-faces, which in the case of a man of weaker mentality, would have precipitated his political ruin at once. The first serious blow Mr. Bailey's assumption of leadership suffered was in connection with the Lorimer case last winter, when only ten demo crats voted with him to retain the Illinois boss in the senate. The Texan was unable to hold even this following on March A, when, at the instance of Senator Owen of Okla home, the senate voted on the propo sition to approve the constitutions of Arizona and New, Mexico. Only two democrats voted with Bailey, and the Texan became so piqued that he resigned his office as senator, but upon reflection withdrew his resig nation a few hours later. Senator Stone of Missouri has al ways been a thorn In the side of Bailey and never has hesitated to question the Texan's democracy. The new democratic senators, who assumed their seats at the beginning of the present extra session, have followed the tactics of Mr. Stone, with the result that Mr. Bailey is being subjected to some rough handling In debate Ho early 'an- nounccd his opposition to tho- Ga-; nadian reciprocity agreornont, r but has been able to obtain only, to fo crults Simmons and Thorntotfc. . Tho Texan has found, himself as- sailed by Reed of Missouri, Hitch cock of Nebraska and others, and yesterday found his democracy at tacked by John Sharp Wllllahis of Mississippi. Mr. Williams has not tho smooth oratorical flow of Bailoy, but ho Is unquestionably one of tho best rough and ready dobaters In elthor branch of congress. While a member of tho house he had amplo opportunity for practice and as mi nority leader made a record which proved of valuo to tho democracy,. Mr. Williams and Mr. Bailey dif fer on tho tariff, and Mr. Williams, who Is a deop student and a man of wide reading, Is undoubtedly better Informed on tills question than Is tho Texan. Moreover, ho Is a good lawyer and has a lot of nerve. The results of the bouts up to date have been favorable to tho MIssls slpplan and tho ntl-Balloy demo crats, who having been looking for soracono ablo to copo with tho Texan, are wearing broad smiles of satisfac tion. From now on It may bo ex pected that daily sessions of tho senate will bo enlivened by frequent tilts between Mr. Williams and Mr. Bailey. Tho men opposed to the latter make no secret of their purpose to expose his democracy and to make It clear to tho country that he Is not their representative and that If he claims to be he is making a falso representation. MARTIN OF VIRGINIA IS NOW EXPLAINING (Continued from Page 12.)- by him at Woodstock In support of his charge that Senator Martin had been tho distributor of tho "yellow dog" funds of tho railroads of Vir ginia, Representative William A. Jones said that ho hardly saw a reason for tho production of further evidence. Tho First district con gressman was In Richmond on his way to Surry courthouse, where ho was to make a speech. He had not decided whether or not he would produce at Surry some additional letters which are in his possession, and which bear on the same subject. Probably, he said, ho would not complete his speech until later. "Since reading Senaltor Martin's reply," said Mr. Jones, "I hardly see the necessity for the publication of any more of these letters, 1 am satisfied with tho effect they have produced. I may or may. not read additional letters at Surry." $Mxunf Jfflverflsiita jjtyu This department Is for the benefit of Commonor BUb3cribcrs,and a special rate of six cents a word per Insertion the lowest rate has been made for them. Address all communications to The Commoner. Lincoln. Nebraska. fO HELP HUMANITY A simple 1 remedy for typhoid fever; I havo not known it to fail even in epidemic; send $1.00 bill or 93 cents postal money order; will save doctor bills and suffering; also, will send you free threo valuable recipes; one a German sure cure for constipation. Address, Box No. 3, Palo Alto, Cal. POR SALE Threo splendid 80 acres, 1 well located; all closo to market; 240 acres, a model farm; buyers you will not look any further for a home. Address, Isenbarger & Fleming, North Manchester, Indiana. FOR SALE Largo and small tracts timber and coal lands In Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and North Carolina; splent'id Invest ments. J. B. Thomas, Lock Box 21-i, Beckley, W. Va. TO EXCHANGE for unimproved land, modern rooming-house, with furnish ings complete. J. F. Whitehurst, Iola, Kansas. i, J h i a i: u V 1 ' 4 H ) (7- J(A .jt&tor-'fc - "- jnmi vrtrvoi'" j