The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 07, 1911, Page 15, Image 15

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    "" " " 'i -''i-niTirnmTifiitfninOTwinfiiiiiMMmiiiiiiuiiiiiiimijuiiij. j
The Commoner.
JULY 7, Mil
be sold at a less price than they have
agreed among themselves."
This is the earliest anti-trust act
that Mr. Hannis Taylor reports in his
recent imposing volume on "The
Origin and Growth of the American
Constitution." But everybody knows
that the evil which it was directed
against was ancient before Zeno's
time. The earliest recorded instance
of monopoly was when Joseph, as
prime minister of Egypt, 'stored up
grain in expectation of the seven
lean years.
"And the famine was over all the
face of the earth; and Joseph opened
all the storehouses and sold unto the
Egyptians; and the famine waxed
sore in the land of Egypt."
The small boy stood in front of the
dazzlng lights of the cheap theatre
with a yellow dog under his arm.
Evidently he wanted to get in, and
the sight of a well-dressed and ap
parently prosperous man on the steps
gave .him an idea. The Detroit News
Tribune & responsible for the story.
"Are you the manager of the
show?" asked the boy. It turned out
that he had guessed, correctly, and
the lad continued:
"I want to see the show, but I
haven't got no money. ' I'll tell you
what I'll dd.' I'll give you this dog
if ,you'H let me in."
'The manager's heart melted. He
remembered that he, too, had been
a boy.
,"You may go , in," he said, "but
never inirid about giving me the dog.
Take the vdog along with you."
tffThe lad' Went in with 'the yellow
dog under his cbat. After the per
formance the manager was still
standing in front", and hapepned to
see the urchin come out.
""Well, son," he said, "how did you
like the-show?"
"Oh. pretty well," he said, "but
I'm glad I didnt have to give you
tlio dog.'"v ' -,....
You sail and seek for the Fortunate
The old Greek isles of the yellow
bird's song?
Then steer straight on through the
watery miles,
Straight on, straight on, and you
can't go wrong.
Nay, not to the left; nay, not to the
But on, straight on, and the Isles
are in sight.
The Fortunate Isles where the yel
low birds sing,
And life lies girt with a golden
TheBe Fortunate Isles they are not
so far,
They lie within reach of the low
liest door;
You can see them gleam by the twi
light staT;
You can heur them sing by the
moon's white shore
Nay, never look back! Those
leveled gravestones
They were landing steps; they
were steps unto thrones
Of glory for souls that have sailed
And have set white feet on the
fortunate shores.
One question passed upon by
Judge Sanborn, of tho United
States circuit court, in the Minnesota:
rate cases, which has not received
the attention it properly merits, was
that' concerning the physical valua
tion of railroads. The court uphold
the valuation of their properties
claimed by the railroads, based en
tirely on the alleged cost of repro
duction. Ex-Attorney General Edward T.
Young, of counsel for tho state, in
an article appearing in tho West
Publishing company's "Docket,"
points out the consequences of this
decision. The method is so filled
with possibilities of inflation, he
says, "that if it should be upheld by
the supreme court, the power to
regulate rates by either sovereignty
(national or state) would be de
stroyed." Continuing, he declares:
"The process ignores the cost or
the capitalization, and consists of
imagining the railroad out of exis
tence while present conditions in all
other respects remain unchanged. .
"In the face of present conditions
and values in both rural and urban
districts conditions and values
JaTgely produced by the existence of
the railroads an expensive estimate
Is made of what it would cost the
company to start as a new enter
prise and secure the right of way,
yaTds and terminals it already has,
including the payment of arbitrary
severance damages to adjacent
property, and reconstruct the line at
present-day prices for wage3 and
"The plan includes the fixing of an
arbitrary period, which supposedly
would be necessary in which to re
construct the road, and the allow
ance of interest on the total cost
during one halt of that period. It
includes," also, the allowance of a
large arbitrary sum for alleged con
tingencies and legal expenses, and
takes' no account of the amount in
vested by the company out of earn
ings in the construction of the road
as it now stands.
"There was involved in the pro
cess, as employed in these cases many
minor elements of exaggeration,
which space will not permit me to
enumerate, the concrete result of all
of which was to show to the satis
faction of the court that the value
of the roads was substantially double
the outstanding capitalization, much
of which was originally water. Upon
all of this alleged value the court
holds the companies are entitled to
a net income of 7 per cent. The court
also adopted formulas for dividing
this value, and the cost of the ser
vice between inter and intrastate
business, under which the railroads
would be justified in putting in intra
state rates very much higher than
those which prevailed in this state
before any reductions were made."
The state will take the cases to
the supreme court immediately Du
buque (Iowa) Telegraph-Herald.
John F. Dietz, standing before
Judge Reid, there to receive a life
sentence, never wavered; but, In
well chosen words, addressed his last
message, and it will be reserved by
looks as if they have got what they
wore after.
"I have dono nothing wrong and
the state has. And yet it is tho stato
that sends me to jail. It is tho stato
that has come in here, In a court of
law, and told tho jury I wa3 a bad
man, when I was not allowed, and
never havo been allowed, to tell what
started this whole trouble.
"It is the stato that waylaid my
children, and shot into them and
took one away to jail and put a bul
let through the other a young girl."
Sheyboygan Falls ( Wis.) newspaper.
"Do you think it is becoming?"
she asks, appearing In her newest
"Don't bother about that!" gushes
tho friend. "It is perfect! It Is
simply delicious! My dear, it makes
you look absolutely helpless."
Subscribers' flflwtotog Dcpt.
Thle department la for the boneflt
of Commoner subscribers, and a sped
rate of six cents a word per Insertion
tho Iovost rato ha been mado for
them. Address all communications to
Tho Commoner, Lincoln. Nebraska.
lumber, green or dry. Cash paid.
C. J. Frank, LogunBport. Ind.
remedy for typhoid fever; I have
not known It to fail even In epidemic:
send 11.00 bill or 93 cunts postal,
money order: will nave doctor bills and,
suffering: also, will send you fruo
three valuable recipes; one a gcnulna
sure euro for constipation. Address,
Box No. 3, Palo Alto, Cal.
EVERYBODY happy In Muskogee,
Oklahoma; homo of Governor Chan.
N. Haskell; best city In the west; best
placo to invest good today bettor
tomorrow; pet busy; havo all kinds of
city and farm investments. Harvey
Williamson, 31S Iowa Building.
And what are the names of the For
tunate Isles?
"Why, Duty and Love and a large
Lo! these are the Isles of the watery
That God let down the firmament.
Lo, Duty and Love, and a true man's
Your forehead to God, though
your feet in the dust;
Lo, Duty and Love, and a sweet
face's smiles,
And these, O friend, are the For
' tunate Isles.
' Selected.
his friends. It furnishes rooa ror
careful consideration. His address
to tho court follows:
"Do you suppose," he asked, look
ing straight at Judge Reid, "I
haven't known that sooner or later
the trust because it is big and I
am little would kill me or put me
out of the way? I have fought my
fight and defended my home and
family. I have done nothing wrong,
and this conviction does not alter
the facts. The trust has one code,
one law, one purpose. That is to
rule or ruin. They could not rule
John Deitz,. so they tried for six
years to ruin him. This morning it
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