The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 05, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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l aaa i aa aaa a' .
AyA :-: Washington News jx
The Commoner.
Sit down right now and wrlto
for our Free llooklct on "Gcar
IeHH,, Uny and Alfalfa Loader.
Tho cheapest loader to buy, bo
catiHo it will outwear threo
others. No gears, no chains, no
sprockets. Not ono troublesomo
part. Write today for our Frco
IUuntrated llooklct.
LaCrosse Hay Tool Co.
Third St. Chicago Ilclglitn, III.
Don't Wear a Truss
rrora Iha painrui irun. Doing niaao
lf aUhttlr purpotoljrto hoi J tho
ruptar la jueo without iirapt,
buakle or iprliiRi cannot slip,
o cannot chafa or compreia
nxatnit tho peWlo bono, ' Tho
moil obitlnateeaaei cnrd In tho pri
vacy of tha homo. Thousand! have
iuooMtMlr treated themielrei without
hindrance from work. Boft ai valtrt eair to
fiSw fool I apply lnipmlT. Frocen of cure la natural,
TpfSw8 I o no further uie tor trunca. Wo proT what wo
loupon and mall TODAY. A (Id r cm
PLAPAO LABORATORIES, Block 54, St. Louis, Mo.
fame .,. m
Tho sonato adopted tho list of ap
pointment to committees drawn up
by the majority of both parties. Tho
progressives did not make a fight,
although Senator La Follette read a
formal protest against tho selections
made by tho standpat republicans.
The house of representatives
passed a bill providing for an in
crease of the number of house mem
bers from 391 to 433.
A Manila cablegram, carried by
tho Associated Press, says: "De
layed adviced received hero via Jolo,
report that tho Dutch have taken
possession of Palmas island, sixty
miles southeast of Mindinao, lower
ing tho American colors, and sub
stituted thereafter tho flag of Hol
land. It is understood hero that
Washington does not intend to pro
test against the action of the Dutch,
tho American government regarded
tho island as valueless."
1 nl
STtn . I
2ltura mall will brine Troo trial I'lapao.,
Tobacco Habit Banished
orxna of Tobacco Uablt In 7a to 120 hours. A. posi
tive, quick and pormanenk roller. Enay to tako.
No craving for Tobacco aftor tbe first dose. Ono
to throe boxes for all ordinary cases. Wo cnaran
too results in oyory caso or rotund monoy. Sond
for our free booklet eItIub full Information,
fclders' Sanatarlum, Dopt. 41 St. Joseph, Mo,
That nro successful bring Ihmo nnd cash to thoir
writers. Sond us your manuscript, or wrlto forPRKIC
PARTICULARS, Publication punrantood lfnccop
tod. U. Klrkua UncditU Co., D.k 80, Waihln-toii, 1). C
ItKlIKDY scntonrHKF, TIUAL. If
It cures send $ 1.00; It not. don't
Give Express Office. Ksl'l Chamlca
Company, tilO Ohio Alt., Bldney, 0
Subscribers' JRavmtsittfl Dcpt.
This department 1b for the benefit
of Commoner subscribers, and a special
rato of six cents a word per Insertion
-tho lowest rate has been made for
them. Address all communications to
The Commoner, Lincoln, Nebraska.
thousand acres of Improved farming
lands (largo and small farms) situated
near Wheaton, Minn., and Slsseton, S.
D., from $35 to $55 por aero; buy from
mo and save agents' commission. E.
H. Llllojord, Wheaton, Minn.
In captivity; flno for decoys; tamo
as domestics; rcqulro no enclosure;
stoclc and eggs for sale. E. E.
Speaker, Lake View, Iowa.
(HM - ! MaMaaawmHvBBvBWHMa
crop payments. - J. Mulhall, Sioux
City, Iowa.
Postal Cards; two colors; ten for
ton cents, stamps or silver, postago
prepaid. Address, Will M. Maupln,
Lincoln, Neb.
Tho following is tho list of ap
pointments to senate committees,
adopted by tho democratic caucus:
Finance Bailey, Simmons, Stone,
Williams, Kern, Johnson (Mo.)
Appropriations Tillman, Foster,
Culberson, MaTtin, Overman, Owen,
Smith (Md.)
Judiciary Bacon, Culberson, Over
man, Rayner, Paynter, Chilton,
Interstate commerco Tillman,
Foster, Newlands, Clarko (Ark.),
Goro, Watson, Pomerone.
Foreign relations Brown, Stone,
Shively, Clarke (Ark.), Rayner,
Postofllces and postroads Bank
head, Taylor, Terrell, Smith (S. C),
Swanson, Bryan, Martin.
District of Columbia Martin,
Paynter, Johnston (Ala.), Smith
(Md.), Pomerene, Lea.
Claims Martin, Overman, Davis,
Paynter, Bryan, Martin.
Agriculture and forestry Bank-
head, Goro, Chamberlain, Smith (S.
C), Percy, Terrell, Lea.
Commerce Martin, Simmons, New
lands, Bankhead, Fletcher, Percy,
Education and labor Rayner,
Bankhead, Shively, Swanson, Martin.
Immigration Davis, Gore, Smith
ts. u.), Percy, Kern, O'Gorman.
Irrigation Bailey, Newlands, Gore,
Smith (Md.), Chamberlain, Myers.
Manufactures Smith (S. C), Ter
rell, Reed, Pomerene, O'Gorman.
Military affairs Foster, Johnson
(Ala.), Clarko (Ark.), Taylor, Cham
berlain, Hitchcock, Williams.
Naval affairs Tillman, Smith
(Md.), Thornton, Swanson, Bryan,
Johnson (.mo.)
Pensions Taylor, Gore, Shively,
Bryan, Johnson (Me.), Pomerene.
Privileges and elections Bailey,
Paynter, Johnston (Ala.), Fletcher,
Kern, Lea.
Public buildings and grounds
Culberson, Taylor, Swanson, Owen,
Watson, Martin, Reed.
Rules Bacon, Bailey, Overman.
Canadian relations Tillman, Fos
ter, Gore, Smith (Md.)
Census Bailey, Shively, Thorn
ton, Chilton, Pomerene.
Conservation of national resources
Newlands, Overman, Bankhead,
Smith, Watson, Lea.
Fisheries Bailey, Overman, Fletch
er, Thornton.
Indian affairs Stone, Davis, Owen,
Chamberlain, Watson, Myers.
Interoceanic canals Simmons,
Johnston (Ala.), Percy, Thornton,
Chilton, O'Gorman.
Mines and mining Tillman, John
ston (Ala.), Watson, Myers.
Philippines Johnston ( Ala. ) ,
Paynter, Chamberlain, Fletcher,
Hitchcock, Reed.
Public lands Newlands, Davis,
Chamberlain, Thornton, Bryan My
ers. Territories Owen, Chamberlain,
Shively, Johnston (Me.) Hitchcock.
Tho Minor Ciiainnansliips
The following democrats were
given chairmanships of minor com
mittees: Bailey Additional accommoda
tions, library of congress.
Newlands Corporations organized
in tho District of Columbia.
Clark (Ark.) Disposition of use
less papers in the executive depart
ment. Simmons Engrossed bills.
Paynter To examine tho several
branches of tho civil service.
Tillman Fivo .civilized tribes of
Taylor Geological survey.
Rayner Indian depredations.
Smith (Md.) To investigate tres
passers upon Indian lands.
Davis Mississippi and tributaries.
Owen Pacific railroads.
Bacon Privato land claims.
Culberson Publio health and na
tional quarantine.
Gore Railroads.
Bankhead Standards, weights and
Smith (S. C.) Transportation
routes to the seaboard..
Foster Transportation and sale
of meat produce.
Johnston (Ala.) - University of
the United States.
Overman Woman suffrage.
Coast defenses Simmons. Foster.
Smith (Md.), Terrell, Martin.
Cuban relations Simmons, Stone,
Watson, Overman.
Industrial expositions Rayner,
Overman, Taylor, Paynter, Swanson,
Pacific islands and Porto Rico
Clark (Ark.) Owen, Fletcher, Wat
son, Kern.
Patents Shively, Smith (S. C),
Printing Smith (Md.), Fletcher,
To audit and control the contin
gent expense of the senate Clark
(Ark.), Williams.
Civil service and retrenchment
Clark (Ark.), Rayner, Owen, John
ston (Ala.), Myers.
Coast and insular survey Culber
son, Davis, Bankhead, Terrell.
Enrolled bills Foster.
Expenditures in the departments
Agriculture, Simmons, Gore; in
terior, Davis, Chamberlain; justice,
Bailey, Rayner; navy, Martin, -Tinman;
postofflce. Bacon, Chilton;
state, Stone, Percy; treasury, Smith
(Md.), Lea; war, Foster, Johnson
Forest reservations and the pro
tection of game Tillman, Overman,
Taylor, Hitchcock. ' '
Hevision of .the' -laws', of tho
laws of tho United States (joint) i
Clark (Ark.), Percy.
Library Newlands, Shively, Swanson.
An Associated Press correspon
dent says: "Victor Berger, of Mil
waukee, the socialist member of con
gress, in a resolution introduced, not
only proposed to abolish the sonato,
hut to strike from the hand q the
president the veto power and take
from the courts' authority to invali
date legislation of the house of repre
setatives. "This is proposed as an amend
ment to the constitution, which, if
petitioned for by 5 per cent of tho
voters in each state, shall be sub
mitted to a general referendum.
" 'The senate has run its course,'
said Mr. Berger, after his threaten
ing document had been dropped into
.the hopper on the speaker's desk. It
must some day, as will the British
house of lords, yield to the popular
demand, for its reformation or aboli
tion.' "
The annual meeting of the
Catholic archbishops of the United
States was held at Washington.
A Washington correspondent for
the , Associated Press says: "The
presidential boom for Governor Jud
son Harmon, of Ohio, was formally
organized when Senator Pomerene an
nounced the personnel of the com
mittee on wayB and means and reso
lutions, which will press Mr. Har
mon's candidacy for the democratic
nomination in 1912. The former
committee is headed by Representa
tive James M. Cox, while Represen
tative Matthew B. Denver is chair
man of the resolutions committee
The other members of the Ohio dele-
gation include the personnel of the
two committees."
The house passed a bill to pay'the
mileage of representatives and sena
tors, the total appropriation amount
ing to $201,000.
Postmaster General. Hitchcock an
nounced that the postal deficit of
$12,000,000 had been practically
wiped out by the extension of tho
service along profitable lines.
The democratic free list bill was
introduced in the house and Mann,
the republican leader made a bitter
(Continued on Page 14.)
Fads for Weak Women
Nine-tenths of all the sickness of women io due to some derangement ordii- ' ;
ease of the organs distinctly feminine. Such sickness can be cured is cure
cvci) uuy uy
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
It Makes Weak Women Strong,
Sick Women Well.
It nets directly on the organs affected and is at the same time a general restora- ,
tive tonic for the whole system. It cures female complaint right in the privacy
iio?T.C; T unneces,sary the disagreeable questioning, examinations and
local treatment so universally insisted upon by doctors, and so abhorrent to
every modest woman. '
We shall not particularize here as to the symptoms of
those peculiar affections incident to wnmn K !,.
wanting full information as to their symptoms and
means of positive cure are referred to the People's Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser 1008 pages, newly revised
and up-to-date Edition, sent free on receipt of 21 one
cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only; or, in cloth
binding for 31 stamps.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y.
aR ,Tfr
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