VOLUME 11, NUMBER 7 10 In 1882-84. In exchange I will send "Tho Soldier's Poor Little Boy," or "Tho Dying Callfornlan," or any other song I have, and oblige. W have read Tho Commoner over since It has been out. Wo think it a just and clean paper. INFORMATION WANTED Mrs. Thomas Smith, La Jara, Col. r Will you, through your papor, ask Bomo roador of Tho Commoner to plcaso givo mo tho words of tho good old song, "Wo Novor Speak as Wo Pass By." That was n great song The Commoner. J (Mff H J fi I f I B I 1 l '1 ft l: p A GREAT QUESTION ANSWERER Thousands of Law Points Over 600 Legal Forms Of Practical Money Saving, Trouble Saving Value. Tho very oponco of tho law sot forth under moro than 550 toplcH, nrrnnced alphabetically and covering tho wholoflold. A coudpmed liiioyoJoiioUIn of Law. Tho law "nollod down," nlmply told, easily found. Drawn from tho highest authorities, wife, clear, brief, jinu'llrnl, economical, nlwnys ready, n good In vestment. It will help you to avoid mistakes, ltlsanaldto biMlnctu. Afaverof law-fcultfl. .., .,.,. , Tho combined cichlovorooutof 101 lawyers In tho U. S. and Canada. , a ,. .. , i t r'...nina I JGnio you oro constantly wanting to know. I L "" j lt'otiitH you liavo frcquont occasion to use, I i i,n.rtiiBiiai '""' to thousands of local questions. xi x uniinuuHj luforututton you need tcicnyounccdlt SNot only general legal itrlnciples, but also summaries orimportant U. S., State and Canudlau utatutc laws. dot a copy and oxamlno for yourself. (Sro bolow.) You need this book at your elbow to find points of law about real wmuc, roriiuzers, imrinors, much, paioiiw, iuiiccs, cniuu, cuurciius, chuhus, murrm,v, imuuia, or any of tho IntntlretlH of tmbjcetN treated, or wrltoacontract, will, Ieaso, blllofFalo, power of attor noy, notlcotouult, orwhatovor It may bo. Over r0 lnrgo doub lo columns, equal to 1000 largo octavo pagos l'ltIGl s Bound In Basket Buckram S3. 75 Send 83.75 or cut out, sign and mall tho following: FrotHs tyM- wmo aw raw mm wi KjjIyP auaadooco Mm JQMPjHnp r kituiii, Hatntn, fli mXnjBSjer Mwi,ii4uk, ruiJu mm wEzlmmmmt n, CwwmA, m4 as m WKmf&UM ' dx m MvMjIXymm. U ItHit VI sKtiflsB cius. k mvvwo m BHA mi MMTtiM not m A Few of tho CominonU by Lawyers. "Very comprohonslvo, complete and thorough." O. Ifi, Castlo, Wagouor, Okla. "Tho forms aro up-to-dato and practical." L. D Balloy, Bangor, Mo. "A quick. ofToctual and rollablo rnforonco book." F. H. Chapman, Wollsburg, V. Va. "Takes a placo among tho best inoiUirn law publl-catlona."-I'rank lllgglns, Victoria, H. O. TIIE WH1TTIEK PRESS, YOIIK, PA Mall mo, for examination, Legal Counselor and Form Book. Within ton days after receiving It I will remit $.1.75 or wrlto you forpostagoto rcinall It to you. Namo C. Address. jy m iLmmMmM ML sH MB ami H mmf mmt.hM vrnm (iaoital J y s. in u m mm & SGBSSR BUSINESS Wo Ship Yom a Stack of Goods Without a Cent In Advance This Is a truly wonderful opportunity to stcprljjht Into a monoy-maklne business of your own without Invoatlnz a dollar or risking a cent. Wo control tho market for tho new "U" Clevis A J . i K r i ri sis . iujiuiaDioooir-onarpcnmffonoar an invention Tht Shears That Gut Gemi to .fit Point iircH'r Clevis of Rlinh fitinviRMlncr mnr Mmf la nnnltnlnn tho Bale of tho old-stylo shears. Storekeepers overywhero aro alarmed by tho activity and succoss of our agents whom wo absolutely . y"'ul uy iciudjuk uuorucrs irom stores, rho Shear, Scissor and Cutlery business Is ono of tho nicest cleanest, easiest. -.u.jmjiuj uuouiviaiici ill ma nuuu. uuuuui ,vii UiOau WUUOS rO SOlU Hunuoiiy. Auopoopiemiutnavotnern. s s m Emtfihinm-.B.At.l l,a.l.l .T ToelBUd n a vi iuuvwuuaiur iui n&Liu b xooioieci ram iar u ' uiovta unoars nna 1 QlfWOrmnrfl nntnlnf tvrniv KTnnv making moro thna thoy evor aronmoa posslblo. Evoa tho inotc nxponoaooa aro aston- lBhoa nt tho Bnlos and promts. .! liMirr iff and Scissors Thv Grandi Housahold lnvnt!oiv off fhv 20th Century ; flllA MlA "rt" ninvla nf fonTtTnvnf On thla nalr of Bhoara. iior boo tho omarKoa viow or tao KlaTLta mmw EB1 WMJ mm liSi W tho vmt n "u" m ClcrU n ninvt lof thnblovrlrt hlu (Iflrmnn HI Ivai. lr.. KIajIam - tOcrathor BO thoy nut nlnnn snil fi-nn Oloar tO tllO nnlllL OI -V1 t.hn hlmlAa thO bull boarlllSf action. Mnlrna tl.nm ulf-aharpenlnir, Bhonra cannot not out of u do roRiuateu. une whloh is tho prlnolploo Bjnpllod to shoars. Thla( ClovU holds tho Icoon VlWnll.M Wwntjanod oaonta of othor concerns aro V UOOklnu to thin nnmnnnv. f A Whirlwind wwnavaa ' RjOQulreallttlo talking and no urslneto Tt. mni0 Bal.08 fao Bhoara nolltboniHOlvcs. bnow now thornm idaHa-ttlintiimi. .in . ' ithAial 5 n1'"10 Joave your business card (we crint thorn f rnn) nnd "miu.mi u- ! itiVir OUtOUOrt. XOU can OOVOr tho Bamntnrrltnrvnvn ana ovor again, and inoreoso your Boloa each timo. A Close Vlaw of the Great "U" Clevis tr nil " wnicn uives madee sscui Beannx Action. Tha Blnvrla e Applied to Shears! Bearing PriaclpW Promoted Patsrt roa! i iii . k .. - mir oruer. Aonaton can do romuutod. Mlia onlv adjustablo shear on tho markotl alio caalwi 1 1 . Vs Bruar oitonoo. Anotnor vnluablo foataro Is thtit onch blado Is ot a thJa piece o iflnost Sheffield stool welded on tb Frame tho koonost cutting odjjo on any shear. Jtvory shoar tqmporad, eround. DoUshP-u niekal ijiateo, aojustoa ana Guaranteed t or TtonYoars, TEN YEA Guarantee VVa riuiS. lonteiMtrouc ttruaranUa svernuulaoti nun. k. n tnlr FRKRlnv. flhlH(Mrtii Wewant AtrenhiRalftwrnnn. Pronii UTo..nn. ...... tm foand df-ti Torywhero. W caro nothing about solllnn yon atoTihMMa any ilnwwith. -wnaiwowajicisnTo, enerreUo, honorable workers to loolt ssSa13 10 " r.tLiSintsBnTohca? to hoaest, ambitions aaUT wiu QufcklyVu t you on yoS? fSStT SboxgarlT noo la aeeeasary to mak abl awcoss.' VrlU quick toi the goS&nd Soncy. AdluslaUs, and Sell- Sharpening Pronrot Action SecufA; n Stock Of these Fast Sallinc? Shears on Full Credit ChParfd Writ Quick Wenams but one .Agent Territory . .... 'oawuauuuafioncy. Enormous Demind! Factory Flooded With Orders1 yur Kni9 nrio snamns money Hand Over Flat KpnsowlToa,drMmako uiovis ueii-unar iiuuDiuaiuiunrwvnrTivvi hA im ... .. . panlngBhoaroiialihL nB Ymm. ."i"T'i "" "" "J. "f.w snoars. unya tho "TJ" leUera. The bl ulaTun nti.i" S"Ji"T1MP-""Pff?onM, Bnopcas. Yoa ounht to s -p. wpswioiwioryoaUiejnjmptoflllordSML acme ot their Agent's Outfit Furnlehid FREE! 7a IU.M fl. 4 Lf . . - - Exclusiv Territory Going Fast u?J?Jr,V?vPr"ee .th ffor again, for tho te nLu" boln tokon, rapldlyT lionet dalaS and then rogrot tho lost onfnt.nittb w7 ilfWITs? mv lir rnn a a.a.. -1 now-wla Tory momontl IMite,?? lM"JCM&t?,?t riRt, Jlth 1 y.u,.uVj iiirauwuuui. uurunaaBomfljiMi u.th.a ample Case helpswondertnlly laaaainrnnlokiuJ a u(j jgr uuu vwo vu vuou aguaw Tho Kansas house of representa tives, by a vote of 96 to 22, passed a resolution providing for a recall of public officials. Any public official may be recalled six months after the beginning of the term for which he was elected. The recall petition must bear the signatures of 25 per cent of the qualified voters. The Studebaker corporation, with an authorized capital of $45,000,000, was incorporated in New Jersey. It will take ovor the plant of the Stude baker Manufacturing company at South Bend, Ind., and an automobile concern in Detroit. In continuing the investigation of the alleged liquor tax frauds at Cincinnati, the prosecuting attorney raided a brewery during the absence of the president, secured all the records and placed them in the hands of tho grand jury. W. F. Sheehan made a speech at Buffalo in behalf of his candidacy for United States senator. He de fended the support given him by Tammany and denied he is a candi date of "the interests." The Mexican ErpnGral. Nnvnrrn nf the head of 1,000 federal troops, arrived at Juarez after a twelve days' trip from Chihuahua. Mrs. Ellen Colfax, widow of &cnuyier uoirax, who was vice presi dent of the United States, is dying at South Bend, Ind. The Georgia supreme court' de-r cided that the state law prohibiting the manufacture of ,. alcohol in Georgia is constitutional! . The Tennessee house passed a1 bill to prevent anyone from using an automobile without the consent of the owner. Two mail pouches, known to con tain about $500,000 in checks- and other valuable bank papers, were stolen at Thalman, Ga. Graft has been discovered in the Pittsburg school board. The Alabama senate passed the ??rS lcal option bill by a vote of i to 12, in the same shape an it V'?,m ,th0 ouse' Governor O Neil will sign the measure, but it will not become effective until the legislature passes laws regulating the sale of liquor. .Jj, th trial of Frank J. Gardner, On rnn nnnrim nt j.- .. ' ibC ut attempting to bribe Congressman Foelker, of Brooklyn while Gardner and 'poelkw ? were both members of the New York state senate in 1908, Robert H. Bide? an assistant district attorney in Brook ST1' fSSVfied. "" Gardn" had told him that a fund of nearly $500 000 UaSe1 t Pending iitl racing legislation and that later a Mr Tyrrell had stated to him that Foelker got $15,000. He said Gwd nor also told him of a meetinV nf pelmonleo'e of men who in terested in racing, and mentioned James R. Keene, Gene Wood C Payne Whitney; ChartH.' HyST city chamberlain, and Mr Parson S bei5,e Present It was decided Z send Gardner along with wtA I Albany to handle tie iv 7mJ testified Gardner told Mm' nder tinning, Mr. Elder said- "barSS said Senator McCarren got S?b cause he couldn't handle the money. Of'the total amount raised $125,OOo he said, went to Jim Gaffney, a Ne.v York contractor, to handle the Tam many men, and he afteVward learned that Tom Grady got $4,000. I asked him how much there was in the fund whether it was $300,000 or moro and he replied that $500,000 would be nearer the mark. The reason he was delected to go along with Hyde, he said, was because ho knew the ropes at Albany, was better than Hyde at lobbying and also was a member of the senate." Elder then repeated his Merritt investiga tion testimony about Gardner going to Albany with Hyde and distribut ing the "boodle fund." The West Virginia senate, by a vote of 17 to 13, rejected the in come tax amendment to the federal constitution. The 1911 Wiltzius Official Catholic directory gives tho number of Cath olics in the United States as 14,618, 761. These figures do not include the insular possessions. "Lafe" Young has withdrawn from the senatorial contest in, Iowa. Judge H. E. Deemer took his place. Henry Richardson Chamberlain, London correspondent of the New York Sun since 1892; is dead. At St. Petersburg the jury re turned a verdict of gnilty against Count V. Brien de Lassy and De Pantchenko for the poisoning of Count. VassillJ Bouturlin. i Mme Muravieff was acquittod. De" Lassy (Continued on Page 15.) Quick Relief- From Catarrh A Simple, Safe, Reliable Way, and ifc Costs Nothing to Try Those who suffer from catarrh know its miseries. There is no need of this suffering. You can get rid of it by a simple, safe, Inexpensive, home treatment discovered by Dr. Blosser, who, for over thirty-six years, has been treating catarrh suc cessfully. His treatment is unlike any other, it is not a epray, douche, salve, cream, or inhaler, but is a more di rect and thorough treatment than any of these. It cleans out the head, nose, throat and lungs so that you wifVo,?1 be?the froely and sleep without that stopped-up feeling that all catarrh sufferers have. It heals the diseased mucous membranes and ,eSiSntho .ul dIscharge, so that you will not be constantly blowing ll ?,Se n$ spitting, and at the same time it does not poison the sys- iSF nJ riUln tj10 8toiaach, as inter nal medicines do. xoWhfJS1 Wl?t t0 tst thSM Vestment without cost, send your address to SrnJ . a B1sser, 144 Walton Street, Atlanta, Ga and he will send you by return mail enough of the medicine to satisfy you that It is all he claims for it as a remedy for ca tarrh, catarrhal headaches, catarrhal deafness, asthma, bronchitis, colds and all catarrhal complications. H will also send you free an illustrated booklet. Write him immediately.