The Commoner VOLUME 11, NUMBER T INFORMATION WANTED Mrs, ThomaB Smith, La Jara, Col. Will you, through your paper, ask Bomo roador of Tho Commoner to pleaBO glvo mo tho words of tho good old song, "Wo Novor Speak as Wo Pass By." That was a great song In 1882-84. In exchange I will send "Tho Soldier's Poor Little Boy," or "Tho Dying Californian," or any other song I have, and oblige. We have read Tho Commoner ever since it has been out. Wo think it a just and clean paper. 10 4 J... $ I fc. p. FejRVbIv ueu cenmai row mm 1m MSM Business Law fl Km? Legal "IForms 9 BKEc ALL TuFsTATES HkSJA UttUi It U r 0m M, w fvMRM rtnnm, UItiKm NatMki, MM QIBSSHf. . ciiwm, w4 m D HXilSmM) u '' ' i HtiiHK OU3. A. IMWttNS M IBBllllllVv martua niM BSSJjBK 4B9 A GREAT QUESTION ANSWERER Thousands of Law Points Over 600 Legal Forms Of Praotloal Money Saving, Trouble Saving Value. Tho very oPRcncoof Iho Itvw sot forth undor moro than 5GO topic, nrrnnpcKl nlpliabotlcnlly ami covering tho wholoflold. A condnmoil iinoyoJojiodlu or I-hw. Tho law "bollod down," Blmply told, ciiKlly lound. Drawn from tho highest authorities, finfc, clear, brlof, practical, economical, always ready, n good In vestment, it will holp you to avoid mistakes, ltlsanaluto biifilnefla. A paver of law-sulta. .., ...,. , Tho combined achlovomont of 161 lawyers in tho U. S. and uiiiiiiuu. . ,. .... you aro constantly wanting 10 Know, i li'oriHH you havo frequent occasion to uso. AnHWffH to thousands of lognt questions. Information you need icienyou ncedlt TVTnf nnlll Irnnnral If It til tt fllloitllrfi. Ill it also Ktimmarlcs oflmportant U. S State and Canudlan utattttv laws. It Contains It Furnishes It Includes Clot a copy and oxnmlno for yourself. (Sco bolow.) You need this book nt your elbow to And points of law about real estate, fortlllzers. partners, sales, pntonls, fences, cattlo, churches, estates, marriage, liquors, or any of tho huntlrcdn of ftubJr.ctH treated, or wrltoacontract, will, lease, bill ofpalo, power of attor noy, notlcotoqult, or whatovoritmay bo. Over KKO largo doub lo columns, equal to 1000 largo octavo pagos A Few of iho Comments by Lawyers. "Very coinprohonslvo, complete and thorough." O. K. Castle, Wagoner, Okla. "Tho forms aro up-to-dato and practical." L. D Ilalloy, llangor, Mo. "A qulclf, oiroctual and rollablo reforonco book." V. 11. Chapman, Wellsburg, W. Va. "Takes a place among tho best modern law jiubll-catlons'-rrank lllggins, Victoria, H. O. IMUOlit Hound In Basket Buckram 83.75 Send 8.1.75 or cut out, sign and mall tho following: TUB WII1TTXEII PKESS, YORK, PA Mall mo, for examination, Legnl Counselor and Form Hook. Within ton days after receiving It I will remit $:i.7S or wrlto you forpostagoto remail It to you. Nnmo C. Address. KElfMil n v&m ITii All V I 1 llllfil uL bb h m Hn ML Wmy SK iU Mfl oital A. J v In fk m Wm i S05SSGR BUSINESS '11? We Snip you a ck of Sd$ Without a Cent Bm Advance This Is a truly wonderful opportunity to stcprluht Into a monoy-maklne business of your own without investing: a dollar or risking a cent. Wo control tho mnrkot for tho new "U" Clevis Altfiat n hi a SAlr.SnfiinAnMiiif ! 1 1 s of such surpassing merit that it is paralyzing tho aale of tho old-stylo shears. Storekeepers ovcrywhero aro alarmed by tho activity and succoss of our agents whom wo absolutely . . , v"i-t uy iiusiujf wii orucrs irom sioros. Too Shonr, Scissor and Cutlery business is ono of tho nicest cleanest, easiest. UUOI-1IIJIU4 uujuiuimci iu uia nuuu. xuuiiuua .ui UiOiiU HTUCiOSJ aro BOiU uuuuMiy. Muopoopiomuicnavouicm. ,y n IThiShmrsThafGiaf! Cl9r to tht Point una' A FtrSum-BuIldir for Agents! toois nntjl fnr "TV fllAuI. flhnnra nnrl lalfMOraammtnlnrrTnnnnv. Mnn making moro tbna thoy evor Jvon tuo most nxporloncod aro aston Dliuntltilod BKonto of othor conconia aro dronmod posalblo. lahodntthonnloBandnrollts. jijuniiwiott BfionU or otho: nocJunu to this oomnany. A WhlrBwlnd SoEBerl Shears and Scissors Th Grandt Household Envonf loir off fh 20th Century !RA tho Vf Olnvfa ntinriimnnt 0)n thli nalr of ahaara. Now nntha enlanrnd vlnnr nf tha "W ninvU wnion is tne prmoipio or tho bloyclo Bnnllod to khoara. ThlaUarmnnHllvm. OlovU holds tho koon hlndna flrmtv toaothor to thoy oat olnnn mil t.m(v clear to tho point. Gl -es tho blatloa eolf-ihnrponlmr. Ehoan cannot not out of order. Tonilon can bo rosrulutod. Thnnnlv m. adJustAble Bhear on tho market! iho oaalert worklnsBhoar In ezlatonco. Another tremendously valuablo footuro la that onch blado 1b o a tWa plooe ot flnost Sheffield Btoel wolded on ti Frame-tlio koonoBt cutting edgo on any Bhoar. Kvory ahwir tempered, ground, jpoUahMT nlcke elated, adJuBtod and Guaranteed: for Ion Yonra. Promnt Action SecurA Stock Of these Past SaMinc sinnrs on 11111 credit rarf(?a Tol Bteel I - - J, . mm. mfKKmmmmm RWrkto MM Bgffl 3f m the W, HVIIOTIS BJT -,-..,.XA,- LM.tZ m. mat Blp. Tho Bhears aoll thomselvcs. rf.vH UT . w l j SF "aao wnac inoy do ana Brlnt thnm frnnt nnrl mnanf - ii. out effort. You can covor tho namo territory over and ovor again and lnoreaeo your eoloa each, thno. A Close View ol tha Great "U" Clevis nKwcnmenc wnicn Gives Bisdes ail Bearing Action. Thsblcvcl Pfftaclple Applied to Shears I Fretooted J?" PatBM TEN VEAS) ittuarantes WnllS. lontcitrttrone Ml(uuaat0 Term&ilaon ntAra. A nw Balr FRKV. Inii-r. tnmn for in. iouna ueicctlTB, nyiimavriuv. . IS 10 J6WB. Adjuslafelt, and Sell- ShtrpMliifl ors or, caan, Uon't I atnn.fl rArW in .kli Oil vnnr fnnf Mn n.i.l Quick for the goods and agoney. Write We name but one Asrent , In each xerritory - - ' . uuhw bviuub turn agonoy, Enormous Demand! Factory Flooded With Orders1 vur nKm r mamns money Hand Over FIft Wormr Plovli 8elfhrnT5il8h"err-Sn5l8hr Ob rSSSlR aomeot meur Muera. tub big aalos aro a continual Agent's Outfit Ftirabhid FREE! outfit thoy'll be proud of. OurUandBomo iW Loather fample Oaae helpa wonderfully In aaklnroulok aalwL We supply ono free to each agent. " " . ropay who has any mo for shears, burs this n t nnvincp nunroAAiiAniAj ann&A.. x -w. w -urprUer XmTSXWw on thTlnnnUtSXnS 2 Exclusive Territory Oolng Fast and hea regret the loei oiDotiSii&. vffiZ ..." IT now wis venr momnntl -." WRITE Ar ONCE FQR A STOQK OF SHEARS AND FREE OUTFIT. fMOPLE SUPPLY CO, Shlpslns Dspsrtnt F2, KANSAS CITY, MI9MHI0 Tho Kansas house of representa tives, by a vote of 9G to 22, passed a resolution providing for a recall of public officials. Any public official may be recalled six months after the beginning of the term for which he was elected. The recall petition must bear the signatures of 25 per cent of the qualified voters. The Studebalcer corporation, with an authorized capital of $45,000,000, was incorporated in New Jersey. It will take over the plant of the Stude baker Manufacturing company at South Bend, Ind., and an automobile concern in Detroit. In continuing the investigation of the alleged liquor tax frauds at Cincinnati, the prosecuting attorney raided a brewery during the absence of the president, secured all the records and placed them in the hands of the grand jury. W. F. Sheehan. made a speech at Buffalo in behalf of his candidacy for United States senator. He de fended the support given him by Tammany and denied he is a candi date of "the interests." The Mexican general, Navarro, at the head of 1,000 federal troops, arrived at Juarez after a twelve days' trip from Chihuahua. cause he couldn't handle the money. Of'the total amount raised $125,000 he said, went to Jim Gaffney, a Ne.v York contractor, to handle the Tam many men, and he afterward learned that Tom Grady got $4,000. I asked him how much there was in the fund whether it was $300,000 or moro and he replied that $500,000 would be nearer the mark. The reason he was Selected to go along with Hyde, he said, was because ho knew the ropes at Albany, was better than Hyde at lobbying and also was a member of the senate." Elder then repeated his Merritt investiga tion testimony about Gardner going to Albany with Hyde and distribut ing the "boodle fund." The West Virginia senate, by a vote of 17 to 13, rejected the in come tax amendment to the federal constitution. Tho 1911 Wiltzius Official Catholic directory gives the number of Cath olics in the United States as 14,618, 761. These figures do not include the insular possessions. "Lafe" Young has withdrawn from the senatorial contest in Iowa. Judge H. B. Deemer took his' place. Mrs. Ellen Colfax, widow of I - , .. .. - bcnuyier Uolfax, who was vice presi- aent or tne united States, is dying at South Bend, Ind. The Georgia supreme court' de7 cided that the, state law prohibiting the manufacture of .-alcohol in Georgia is constitutional. - The Tennessee house passed a' bill to prevent anyone from using an automobile without the consent of tne owner. Two mail pouches, known to con tain about $500,000 in checks- and other valuable bank papers, were stolen at Thalman, Ga. Graft has been discovered in the Pittsburg school board. The Alabama senate passed the Parks local option bill, by a vote of si to 12, in the same shape aB it r.nmo fyrT . i Jt u ivmii iii .x"""36' governor O Neil will sign the measure, but it will not become effective until the legislature passes laws regulating the sale of liquor. nn1? thL trial of Frank J- Gardner, on the charge of attempting to bribe Congressman Foelker, of Brooklyn we Gadner. and 'Foelker we?e both members of the New York state senate in 1908, Robert H. Bide? an assistant district attorney In BroolS lyn, testified that Gardner had to?d him thn.t. n fnTiri p i ir " ry1 racing legislation and that later a Mr. Tyrrell had stated to him that Foelker got $15,000. He said Pnr5 ner also told him of mTetw Delmonico'8 of men who "S? in jEEft ll racnd0mlnrtieonend James R. Keene, Gene Wood E Payne Whitney Charles H.' Hyd7 city chamberlain, and Mr p,J ' ttanlng, Mr. Elder siw- "0 said Senator McCarron bt rtb Henry Richardson Chamberlain, London correspondent of the New York Sun since 1892", is dead. At St. Petersburg the jury re turned a verdict of guilty against Count V. Brien de Lassy and De Pantchenko for the poisoning of Count. Vassilli ...Bouturlitf. : Mme Muravieff was acquittod. De Lassy (Continued on Page 15.) Quick Relief- From Catarrh A Simple, Safe, Reliable Way, and ifc Costs Nothing to Try ', Those who suffer from catarrh know its miseries. There is no need of this suffering. You can get rid of It by a simple, safe, inexpensive, home treatment discovered by Dr. Blosser, who, for over thirty-six years, has been treating catarrh suc cessfully. His treatment is unlike any other, it is not a spray, douche, salve, cream, or inhaler, but is a more di rect and thorough treatment than any of these. It cleans out the head, nose, throat and lungs so that you SKrVS. freely and sleeP without that stopped-up feeling that all catarrh sufferers have. It heals nL!Xseaied nwyouB membranes and arrests the foul discharge, so that !L noti)e constantly blowing L ose ,an,d BPttta. and at the same time It does not poison the ays- ? nd riUln tlie stonach, as inter nal medicines do. If you want to test this treatment without cost, send your address to 5ri J-imZBBer Ui Walton Street, Atlanta, Ga., and he will Bend you by return mail enough of the medicine to satisfy you that It i all he claims for it as a remedy for ca tarrh, catarrhal headaches, catarrhal deafness, asthma, bronchitii, colds and all catarrhal complications. H will also send you free an Illustrated booklet. Write him immediately. &" i.t .V ' flfijihit'A R