" . The Commoner VOLUME 11, NUMBER ( IA. vmmmwmmmvimmmMmmmM napoleon a captive iinHn trjja NLi'OJiKON'S iiauio fills more pages in the wprld's solemn history than that of any other mortal. This famous painting shows him a captive, tgj mi iiniri fiio iBnnifiiii nhin Ttilinmnlion. murine out across tho solemn sea toward France, where ho was onco Emperor. He realizes that j jk. , w-a '. . w uatxw - ,,--. TC3 C " j J Jl J 1 4fe HI his dream of Universal Empire Is at an end, yet is unconscious that lie is soon to do uanisneu mcc an ouicasc a inousanu miies irom buuw w tlio lonely and barren rocks of St. Helena. This famous picture from Ridpath's History illustrates but one event out of thousands which wake up the history of every empire, kingdom, principality and power, all accurately and entertainingly told in the world-famed publication, RIDPATH'S HISTORY OF THE WORLD Dr. John Clark Ridpath is universally recognized as the world's greatest historian. Ho was the friend and advocate o the masses of the common people. In 1896 he was the democratic nominee for congress in his home district and received the warm support of the Loader of the Party. Hundreds have already availed themselves of our remarkable opportunity to secure the greatest History of the World ever written. We have only a few sets remaining, which we offer at a low price and on easy terms. Jvr Again Suoh a Book: Bargain as "This;! Wo will name our price only in direct letters to those sending the coupon below. Tear off the coupon, write name and address plainly and mail now before you forget 'it. Dr. Ridpath's family derive their income from his History, and to print our prica broadcast for the sake of more quickly selling these few sets would cause great injury to future sales. SEND COUPON TODAY. aiggiBal fiBHBTk wEB VJR& Egg wCaaaV I'rcH. IIouj. IlnrrlHon soldi "Tho author's labors aro dosorvlng of tho highest praise. The- printing and binding is first class and tho illustrations aro of a high or 'or. most heartily recom mend this great work for study and con venient reforonco." President Cleveland snldt "I unhesitat ingly commend Rid path's History of tho World as a work of great merit and bo- novo tnat it should havo a promlnont placo in ovory li brary." President McKlnley snld: "I am familiar with tho merits of Ridpath's History of tno world, and cor dially commend it to tho scholar as well as to tho plain poo plo gonorally," WTi.:;, imi&t Lil'JUi (of & history; -i WORLD": k mm W,M WA ini""y? ', " 'DPATH ill HISTORY Y, v. .. .; wV ' DiTT-.. ' mpr.ni. : VI r H mm. m 5torS PAIvuii J 1Y ?JOHI HiiiHin raytAY iiz . ii' rmSK :r"ti. Il& 0 mnsalvc octavo volumes. Encyclo pedia size' "Wm.V . ' OK fMMUML ,Wto"ilfronn.-' ' i. v55 ; ZWM va"Hi -"onbr .ur 'a(orrirv nS?S? boio. Wta uT1 Nanni". f 8nn-t? Contjil,,. riaf.koHSSJ?ms0r tho m" sPocJmn "rs in iwo. SLlho"1 5&. .w' iff'SS! 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