( - - iw- titn,. I; fn )ii nil Hlnllll l wflT"" nr The Commoner. VOLUME 11, NUKBKK 1 16 f f J i'-1 tf 'l J ' !, !M , S ; 1 ' f K ' 1- . 1. nates Colonel Bryan as a possibility and some go so far as to pronounce him a dead politician. The Journal Is inclined to regard Bryan as an Improbability for 1912, but it Is a great mistake to look up on him as a dead politician. There is not a democratic statesman east or west, north or south, of such com manding influence as William J. Bryan. So great is his power In the democratic ranks, It may bo said that If ho again sought a democratic nom ination ho could gt It, despite his onomles and his three defeats. But at least this can bo said: No man can be nominated without his assent or if nominated without his assent such candidate cannot be elected, If Bryan and his friends carried their opposition to tho polls. In this view of tho situation the availability of several much talked of possibilities must bo discounted if not wiped out. In this list tho names of Dlx of New York and Wilson of New Jersey may be mentioned. Gov ernor Wilson of New Jersey is espe cially objectionable because ho is the discovery and protege, so to speak, of Georgo Harvey, the editor of Harper's Weekly. Any man particu larly desired by Harvey will be bit terly opposed by the Bryanites, just as Bryan was opposed in the election contest of 1908 by Harvey. That opposition was so unmanly, unfair, untruthful and malicious that it can not bo forgotten or forgiven by Colonel Bryan and his admirers. Of courso Governor Wilson is not re sponsible for Harvey, but it Is ap parent that In case of his election to tho presidency Governor Wilson would be in gratitude bound to honor with high place this arch enemy of , the Nebraska chief. It Is a case of handicap Governor Wilson could not carry in the race as the case now stands. If a democratic candidate is to be taken from the east he should not be either Dlx or Wilson, but Mayor Gaynor or Congressman Sulzer of able on his record In congress. He Quick Relief From Catarrh Is with tho people and a faithful champion of the old soldiers. It may not be possible or practical to nominate Fos3 of Massachusetts whoso recent conversion to demo cratic principles might bo a bar, but ho has less antagonisms to overcome than any other of the eastern men who were so signally successful this I year. In tho west Governor Jtiarmon vi. Ohio 12 very strong. It Is, however, to be regretted that he has had dif ferences with Bryan that may make hia nomination dangerous. The' Journal hopes those differences are not serious and will bo dispelled be fore 1912. But with Wilson, Dlx and Harmon set aside there would yet remain Gaynor and Sulzer in the east, Governor Marshall of Indiana as also Champ Clark and Folk of Missouri In the west. In thus commenting frankly on the situation as it stands now, and as It may present Itself In 1912, the Journal speaks only for itself and without other authority. This 13 only a feeble warning against mis takes that might become fatal, espe cially if the republicans should have the wisdom to name their strongest man, Senator LaFolletto of Wiscon sin, a proceeding that is hardly like ly. It Is only just to say farther that what we have said Is In all kindness to every one with tho ex ception of the hateful and contempt ible Harvey. Hastings (Michigan) Journal. A Simple, Safe, Reliable Way, and it Costs Nothing to Try Those who suffer from catarrh know Its miseries. There is no need of this suffering. You can get rid of It by a simple, safe, inexpensive, home treatment discovered by Dr. Blosser, who, for over thlrty-slx years, has been treating catarrh suc cessfully. His treatment is unlike any other. It is not a spray, douche, salve, cream, or inhaler, but is a more di rect and thorough treatment than any of these. It cleans out the head, cose, throat and lungs so that you can again breathe freely and sleep without that stopped-up feeling that all catarrh sufferers have. It heals the diseased mucous membranes and arrests the foul discharge, so that you will not be constantly blowing your nose and spitting, and at the same time It does not poison the sys tem and ruin the stomach, as inter nal medicines do. If you want to test this treatment without cost, send your address to Dr. J. W. Blosser, 144 Walton Street, Atlanta, Ga., and he will send you by return mall enough of the medicine to satisfy you that It Is all he claims for It as a remedy for ca tarrh, catarrhal headaches, catarrhal deafness, asthma, bronchitis, colds and all catarrhal complications. He will also send you free an illustrated booklet. Write him immediately CORRECT I promptly and cheerfully make reply to the following, printed in The Commoner: "Believing that democrats do not desire to engage in a sham battle The Commoner confidently lays down these propositions: "Tho democratic party must be progressive. "No Wall Street candidate can hope to hold the democratic vote. "Democracy must go forward and meet present day problems boldly in tho spirit of Jefferson and Jackson. The democratic victory of 1910 is the result of fourteen years of demo cratic fight for reforms. "The party cannot retire now. "It must go forward. "What do tho democratic editors of the country think about The Com moner's position? The Commoner will be glad to reproduce extracts from democratic editorials on this line. Let the weekly newspaper as well as the dally speak out. Send clipping of editorial in sealed envel ope, addressed Exchange Editor, The Commoner, Lincoln, .Nebraska." I, for one, think The Commoner's position Is correct. It is democratic. Under any other conditions we can not hope to win and will not deserve to win. Even if allied with Wall Street and special interests, victory was achieved it would mean the ear ly disruption and destruction of the party. Ironton (Missouri) Register. THE TARIFF BOARD By a vote of 183 to 93 the house of representatives passed the bill providing for a permanent tariff board of five members. Democrats split on the measure. Champ Clark voted for the bill, but ninety of his followers voted against it. Mr. James of Kentucky tried to amend the measure by providing that two out of the five members should be chosen by the minority party in the senate and house of representatives. Mr. Barnhard of Indiana tried to amend the measure by allowing the president to appoint one member the presiding officer of the senate two ana tne speaker, two. Demo crats also sought to limit the ex penditures of the board first to $250,000 per year and then to $500 - AAA All xi . T w, vuu. aU mese amendments defeated. were Convenient Monthly Payments Send Ho Honey with Your First Order BUY BETTER FURMITUBE DIRECT FROM HY FflQT0RY-SflE 15-40 I agree to sell you better furniture direct from my Elgin factory than you can purchase elsewhere, and at factory wholesale prices. My factory sells their ntiro outnut to the consumer only, and on very con venient monthlv navments No advance payment with your first order A year or more to pay. I allow my customers to be judge of all I claim- -My furniture must meet with your entire approval In your own home or there will be no sale made. Simply send shipment back at my expense. SEND FOR MYIJIC BOOK OF FURHITURE BJHtGJUHS It Is free and worth many dollars to you It contains hundreds of useful and beautiful things for your home. It also explains my very convenient monthly payment plan. This mattress is only a sample of high quality at exceedingly low price. 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