" ar ! r & "IE "-V ?-- v FEBRUARY 8, 1811 !?. t t ' ift The Commoner. THE GIDEONS i Gi3e.? from all parts of Indiana met at Indianapolis in state conven Jticfti. The-' Gidebns is an" organiza tion of" Christian commercial 'trav elers with about 3,500 members in the United States. One of th .nr- jposes. ofi the organization is to place. EHuiea,, iu uoiex roomB, ana over 50,000 have been placed during "the past two years, according to the re port of the secretary, W. B. Boyd. 15 Democratic Newspapers on Plutocratic Organization - m BSWn Jl- Ti Sr I m Iff I Yl TrivHfr TTtpt T t fffr j Off PKIOES. Ornamental Iron fonoa is cheaper than wood feir JJaWM," Charehea, Cemeteries, rublio OroaoiU. Best rottkry aniyafm Fanoe. ree Catalog. Write for Special Orer. THE WARD FENCE COnBoxt3G3, Deoatur.lnd. RIDER AGENTS WANTED In each town to ride tad exhibit sample rsx Bicycle. WrUtfor tfccinteQcr. I WeShlDen ABorevalicttAtuxfml dttosit. allow lO DAYS FHEC TRIAL and Jrtfayrttght on every bicycle. ... FACTORY PRICES onbievcles.tlrea andsuadrles. Xtanatttryimlilvou receive our cat. Tlraa, coaster brake rear wheels, Jaraps, sundries, halftritts. MEAD CYCLIC CO., Dept. xm Chieago, Ml A. tfTfev. Jkb ItffinAZHt bbVbsbRbbbbi Pure Blood 1b the first oesential to health. Do yon ImOW that Common t"ftd Ilnvnr Mnunma when properly prepared, poseesa mar I 'veloiu curat! vo properties and are pap. Clover lsa,Tonln Laativo fccopa bowols rolaxod and In a healthy condition retnovoa Impurities. s NeetUaam's Extract Red Clover contains po alcohql and Is not a patent modlcino. ft.1 BlmplyapriroBttractDfeholcelcIoyor'bloteomsw'Batbj. " &&! at Juafi tho right-timo and prepared ip a selentlfle nantier. ICyptt snffdr from constipation, headaches. tacHtcrtfptloiiB.oczcma, aaltThoum.i cancer, rhouma- ji.tlam or any blood dOfeo, yoa ehpHjd. learn all,aboui 'this wonderful remedy. Ask your drutrglst tor 'floed liam'a Extract, Bend coupon for freq booklet. , , f vt.v'jW v "'pf v"' : D. NccdI(am'sSdH3, W.IakesWe BM.T., Chicago I Fleaao Bond me free booklet. 4- ' - immovVw..1... ........... .... .'. .. ...... J r -tAddreaA,U.V...M-. .'. t4t j ECZEMA DAN BE CURED. My mild, toothing, fuarsnlead cars ' o it una fm..: ample proves it. stops Tax iTcnma tad nrs te'stay. tTBITE BOW-tTODAY. ' DH, CANNADrY, 174 PARK SQUARE. SEDAUA?M0. , , , , a .......... - i r - . . . - i i - i Ti A T.&1R$L raise them without jM,XrXCT MILK. Hooklet'Freo. NebraskaSoodCo., Omaha, Neb "DOWN WITH BRYANISM" However, there is one phase of the presidential question that has al ready started a heated discussion. It was put in motion by those inde pendent democratic Journals like the New York World, which devote three VfiftrR TO fr rllaiiueolnh t, policies of the democratic party and men on tue fourth year support the republican nominee. These papers are fnow insisting that Bryan and "Bryanism" bo eliminated from the democratic program, and promising that the earth and all its fullness shall be ours if we but forsake the gallant standard bearer of Nebraska the one man above all others who for the past fifteen years has made the democratic party a wholesome and powerful political force in this country and an organization worthy of existence. To eliminate "Bryan ism" from the democratic party Is to leave , nothing. It would be like presenting th 'play of" Hamlet with out Hamlet. 'In 1904 the pluto cratic press succeeded in a similar at tempt and the result was that the party polled a million and a quarter less votes than it had-in 1896 and in 1900, when Bryan was"1 in ttie saddle. Independence ' (Kansas) Times. SMttcfiftft'. 'Ativmisltlfl Dept. This department la for, tho benefit of Commoner subscribers, nd a special rate Qfsix cents a word per Insertion the lowest- rate has been made for them'. Address all communications ,to The; Commoner, Lincoln, Nebraska. onnn trades, farms; etc., Z.UUU, everywhere. Send description, deal direct with owner. Graham, Eldo rado, KaYis, ur FTHALMIN" FOR CATARACT - Blindness. Free literature now. C. Sherwood Co., Reld Block, Elmlra, N. X WRITE -TODAY FOR FREE PAMPH let and prices on finely ground phosphate rocks, tho cheapest and best of all phosphate fertilizer. W. J: Embry & Co., Columbia, Tenn. "" OULDN'T YOU LIKE AN IRRIGAT- od farm in Sunny Southern Idaho? For information, write Harvey Coet- trins, Twin Falls, TO BUY, SELL, OR "EXCHANGE property of any kind, anywhere. Address Real Estate Salesmen Co., Lincoln, -Nebr., Dopt. 30. FARMS OF THREE-QUARTERS EACH 1 near town and school for sale. Buildings, land, water good. S. Alm klov,' Cooperstown, N. Dak. ECZEMA SPECIFIC ABSOLUTELY guaranteed. By mail $1.50. Alm kloy Pharmacy, Cooporstown, N. Dak. DARGAINS IN" LAND. WRITE FOR D information. T. A. Baggett, Guthrie, Oklahoma. t? OR. SALE, IRRIGATED FARM 100 r acres 2 miles from town; for in formation' wrlto owner, J. Joppa, Hill rose, Colo,,1 Morgan Co., R. F. D. 62. tr ARMS" )OR ! RENT OR, SALE ON " crop payments. J. Mulhall, Sioux City, la. ' ' ' MOTJIiDER OF, TWENTIETH OEN- TURY THOUGHT What does it .matter to Mr. Bryan if his friends have not been able to elect him to any office in these state's Of America,? . , w His influence grows, nevertheless, and today it is- the H strongest and healthiest influence in American life. Time will remove the Injustices the small prejudices the misunder standings and time will brighten, not dim, his honor-. The impression he bjtks made- on the pages' of history is noble and lasting. He has absolutely forced the re publican party, through the intellect ual influence he has with the people, to adopt more and more democratic principles, and he has compelled them to lead a better aiid a sdme what less unholy life. But the more they are compelled to yield to the better civic ideals which he inspires, the more they hate him. Does that worry him? No. Mr. Bryan's life's endeavors lie clear and straight ahead unto the end; and shall reflect unto the end, the pure conscience and transcen dent intellectuality of the man. American public life In this gen eration of American history has been enriched and ennobled by the Influ ence of this splendid figure. . The Wstory of our times will be brighten! and nobler because of thq life and living of this righteous man, whose wonderful power and leader ship lies not in the coercive force of wealth, but in the lofty individu ality and personal charms which come from unassailable integrity, and transcendent moral and mental endowments, W. J. Bryan has been the leading Instrument In bringing about the nomination of senators by direct pri maries in many states. The income tax laws and the regulation of rail roads and many other reform meas ures, were championed by him, and then adopted by the republican party. Kennedy (Minn.) Journal. A MISSOURI OPINION Democrats must not lose their heads over their recent successes, and imagine that they can with any reasonable hope for lasting success, compromise with principles to gain a temporary victory. Wo arc hon est in tho statement, and thejo are hundreds of thousands of democrats who feel the same w.e would rather lose fighting it honestly along tho lines of tho 1908 platform than to win with a democrat, in name only, running on a retfublicanized plat form. Those are our sentiments in a nut shell, and if anybody wauts to know, wo will frankly state that we still think that William J. Bryan is not only the biggest combination of in tellect, morality and statesmanship in tho world- today, but the greatest democrat since the time of Thomas Joffersqh, and the man best able to cope successfully with the political problems of tho day. Some of us may, in tho exhuber ance and overjoyousiiess of recent re sults, Imagine that the party can well dispense with the services of Mr. Bryan, but wo will be glad to go back to him for counsel long before the campaign of 1912 has begun. It is tho part of wisdom for democrats to sit quietly In the boat, and if they steer by the compass of tho Denver platform, they will avoid the shoals and guide the old bark into a safe and successful harbor. Harrlson villo (Mo.) Democrat. DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL POSSD3ILITD3S A great deal of speculative talk ing and writing is now current re garding , the possible action of the next national dempcratic convention In selecting" a presidential' nominee. This talk in most instances elimi- DONT PAT TWO FRICES-i FOR STOVES A KANGES Yoa Hate li&ee to ssloo c Hoosier Ranges Heaters yon eas buy them at rnch low., unheard-of Factory Price. Knn.iHtim iiiwBiernurreeanaiianreaare UOOeier Steel m delivered for mitnnMrnvmir ""' "' ' ' ... own home 99 ilaya free before! to bur. A written guarantee with each ttore backed by a Million Dollara, Our new 1211 Improve BHBta on tove absolutely nurpaw. anytblni erer produced. Senrfpeetal teday fer free eitalec. 101 HOOSIER STOVE FACTORY w street. Marien, JjhKj 1 BBrPBBWSBsDviBf f HflTSl BTF Iff TrT sSsCsSSSsi A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY Yes, elegant free homesteads can still bo had in Mexico where many Americans aro now locating. You need not go to Mexico, hut aro re quired to have five acres of fruit trees planted within five years. For Information address the Jantha Plan tation Co., Block 679, Pittsburg, Pa. They will plant and care for your trees on shares, so you should mako a thousand dollars a year. It is never hot, never cold. Tho health conditions aro perfect. FAULTY METABOLISM AS A COMMON CAUSE OF DISEASE, is the subject dhcuiscd in Bulletin No. 1 of the Shafcr Patbotoeicsl Labora6ry. The Bulletin Is sent free on request and will prove Inter citing (o everyone in I'aJn tnd Poor Health. Address : John F. Shafer. M. D. l 214 Pcnn Ave, Plllsburo, Pa. Patents vl?ATvvi!L&A0 Farmers Sons Want edss. stock and fair education to work In aa office j $80 a month with advancement, steady employment, must be honest sad re liable. Branch offices of the association are being established In each state. Apply at once, giving full particulars. The Vat erlaary Seleaee Aasecletlaa, Dees. 2( Landea, Canaea, A New, Complete Edition of Mr. Bryan's Speeches " mMmmmmBmmm wik imiiii Containing All of His Important Public Utterances i, i?1 tIT0 handy volumes. You can follow Mr. Bryan practically through his entire career, from his -valedictory oration at Illinois College in 1881. KiSrf-hls early ?ubl,c llfcSni? Presidential campaigns, his world tours his platform experiences, and bis participation in meetings of organlza- &T.n?T,eftto na.unal PrPjpe". as well as International congresses for tho promotion of the world's peace. Tuhlcct matt?r, of th se speeches covers a wldo range of toDics from the fundamental and vital problems of national and world lio to & ?t'u oi&nrirrya sssi ot ictL"c to ONLY AUTHORIZED, COMPLETE COLLECTION While Mr. Bryan's speeches, lectures and public addresses have annr.nrr.ri from time to time in different editions of his works, or have been ?SSd In separate form, these two volumes contain tho only authentic JlmH and authoritative collection of all of his speeches over Issued Th fi first publication in book form of a complitS coirecUo" of Mr Br?an'. speeches from his first entry in public life up to tho nresent time yan Two Handy Volumes SPECIAL OFFER COUPON The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb. I accept your liberal abort time elTer for tho new books, "The Speeches of William JennlngM Bryaa," -which In cludes, without extra cost, a year' subscription to The Commoner. Books to be- sant prepaid to address below. (Mark offer wanted.) I enclose $2.25 for The Specchea of William Jennings Bryan. 2 vols., cloth binding, and Tho Commoner for one year I enclose $3.25 for The Sec -he of William Jennings Bryan, 2 vols., half leather binding, and Tho Commoner for one year Name P. O. , If now a subscriber to Tho Commoner your dato of expiration will bo ad vanced ono year. Thlft cnmnlin nx. prises two" handsome 12 mo S: urnes containing 750 pages Fron tispieces Jhowlng MV. Bryan St various stages of his careervifh W.,era?h,cal Introduction by his wife, Mary Balrd Bryan. Printed on good paper in largef clear typo and handsomely bound The two-volume set sent prepaid to any address on receipt of tho following prices: Bound in bluS S.iihi Bll top.?' -25; bound in half leather, gilt tops, l3.2B.LIb- torma T a&ent8; wUn f & SPECIAIi OPPEn-Por .. ahort time only, wo will includo wfth r?iLordep rec?Ived at the above VnuCGB a year s auhscription to Tho Commoner, without cxra ." If you are a subscriber to The Commoner your dato of ex piration will bo advanced one year. To secure this offer coupon must accompany order. Address and make remlttanco payable to TUB COMMONER, Lincoln, Nek. Ar-r a e4hUt v t u