The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 03, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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The Commoner
r C ,l
make the investigation -andr he was
summoned as witness before the
jtfry, It was reported, thafa -Judge
Kimbrough's own election. wlU be in
quired Into. . ci.;.h'',
-j .
Th'e Indiana republican editorial
association adopted resolutions en
dorsing President Taft forrenom
ination. '
Grows From Seed
rwun Munins from r Minima
A.IFW urnit jikcm
(Ctrafa)frrairlngin yonr
Kite too a great deal
ftWUOi Mil JCtl Wilt
"rN,- Ivn f XiA vVrcKil SZjhr M&& yJS
k ,,
d' i
01 measure, l'uni in
Spring and yon will (jet
a crop In about fir
wtitiii. Tl-e nulls of fine
flaror, refembllnjr tho
t or Jn4 meat
Is mow whltf: knell
thin, and (treat pro
ducer. One nut planted
will Troiinc from 107
to 200 nuts. Will grow
In any toil or location.
To k t new customers
to tm onr seeds we wll I
mall tO Ortmui iliod
mils and iaiiK4Cau.
Ur wlUi 10, Da Bill,
allfor ioiU. 8endlo-
In yonr garden to surprls o yonr neighbors. I
Mll.l.S SF.KO CO.. Ho . Wihlngion. Tow. f
Sir Charles W. Dilke, long a promi
nent flguro in tho British parliament,
is dead.
U0,000 SEEDS 10c J
J3 We want yon to try onr Prix Seeds this year SL
Mrs. Frances J. Heney, wife of the
famous prosecuting attorney, died
while on a visit to New York City.
fk.U MtrAftlatl In .a IIa. irua.t.tL
Mowers. Tliey will produce more than J2S. worth of
VfKeUblea and 10 bushels of ricrwers.
Ul CZ.f. ".&.! .- .-,.f - . .
TI: "" v.ubi uni ruicuei j pm.
j t. .
2 " " 2
4 4 M
J M M i M
M H m M
'M .. Flower W Crnd Flowering Varietlet
In nU 1I.h Betylt, ami onr new Seed llook with a
f.StT.d,!l"k f001 'or we eelection. port paid. 10c.
PA1RV1EW SEED FARMS. Box 111. SyrVcule. l4. V
Strawberries From Seed
Thlj Wonderful Ererbetflnff
Strawberry la a great cnrlosltT.
tolrnlt In about 4 montba nftcr
fowhie iccdi, and continues to
bear fruit constantly all stun
mcr and fall, u pint of berries
Iiavlnjr been pfckcl from one
plant as late as October. Seeds
own In the houco In wlntcrwlll
produco curly f ndUnK plants
WlllP.h Will IAr until Tain In
fall, and If taken in Uie homo
WlM Trill! nit uflntsv liint.
'- - ----. ?" ..... A A.111.4
Tor only loc wo will .enl m . 'sJrTXr
vy cnrciope
for seeds in
, San Francisco says it wants no
government aid, but will pay its own
exposition expenses.
independent democrat and an ardent
prohibitionist. '
David Graham Phillips, the nove
list, was shot six times by Fitzhugh
C. Goldsborough In New York City.
Goldsborough committed suicide.
l ,tMSjMfv
On January 23 the democratic
members of the New Jersey legisla
ture in caucus took a vote on tho
senatorship with this result: James
E. Martine, 33; James Smith, Jr.,
14; Congressman William Hughes,
2; Frank S. Katsonbach, Jr., 1; ab
sent, 1. A motion to make the se
lectio of Martino unanimous failed.
The one hundredth anniversary of
the birth of Horace Greeley occurs
February, 23. A plan is on foot to
erect a memorial monument to the
memory of tho great editor.
The Danville, 111., investigation
took on a new phase when Judge
Kimbrough and a number of demo
cratic politicians were drawn into the
investigation. Judge Kimbroucrh
had instructed the grand jury to one of the election
Democratic members of the Kan
sas legislature wired Governor' Dix
of New York urging the defeat of
any corporation candidate for the
United States senate. ' - v
The Indiana legislature htid re
pealed the county option' law and
Govornor Marshall has approved, the
James B. Martine, democrat, was
elected United States senator 'to suc
ceed John Kean, republican, by the
New Jersey legislature. In the first
caucus held Martine received a ma
jority of votes ana on the first vote
of the legislature he came within
On the follow-
rUlJ52.& M ,0c payment on any order
Mr 1011 Cataloirno. which 1m innlmiivr i;,..
IP Cherry Trees
$1. Whypnyhlffh
prices lor nura-
o Concord Grape SI. crrtock when
J I tin bill for25 coiiU Bud ctttaloiruo fr
Commander Davis, of the Ameri
can cruiser Tacoma' seized the armed
vessel, Hornet, General Bonilla's
chief asset, cast the rebel crew
nfilinrn. mnnnprl lipr with Amfirlnan
sailors and ordered her out of the
luirhnr of Truxillo Hondiirftfl. The
Hornet's recent movements up and
down tho coast were taken In the
light of threatened hostilities against
Honduras. Captain Davis acted un
der orders from the government to
protect American property.
Watana R. Coleman.
Patent lawyer, Washington'
III: A 11MW nn,l I. ..!...
TTI, -. i'UTii.ciHiuuuuKBin.'e,
niahest references. JJeatocrvIcea
jRates rcasonnblo.
nvrC,?,0i'tT,l,0nl45n,a.b,llty- muatratwl Quid
VICT? U Ii,rtrrrvr!iVat,J?nYnntct1' 8Ct Tee,
VH,TOIt J. 1SVAH.S & CO., WoshlnRton. D.O
?n.tlRht Bold tothouscrat lfho.M.U
mwmmmmtr - r ad rcni:M rrn
1WX 234 VUlnehnmt.r lil,.
" "'Ml
48 BREEDS lnp pure bred chickens,
-- -- ducks, Kceso nnd turkoys.
Northern raised, hardy and very beautiful.
R, F. HEUBERT, Box 828, Mankatol Minn.
Rfit Pav nor Variofbcrpwured
..I Mill! F UIIUIIUU rhlAb.n.
Dlickl. (llIMn Tnrba.. Vn. . !
I nr1 Inplltvttnra All .. ......"
Bend 4c for my Boole which civca miihi
information worth many dollars to you
IV. A. WEDER, 10X954, Minkilo, Wis.
a i
125 Egg Incubator f
and Brooder00 will
I If onlorod together wo sond
nnin inr cin. irminKfr
1 . y" Km "w " tviHUk
TvniM finiir nr iiaa1IM ir.k
. 1 " w- ym atUUfilV, JIUfc
rp?'," 'oul ?.
ru:t'Lr:''"w' r,.5awio
UWWIW.UDW, duqu or n looay.
Wisconsin Incubator Co.,
ex KB, Racine. Wll.
JEizrm t -
Jy t T-mi ..?. .'B
fK-LL JlJ11- Zp
an'Sro311 th Hn ot cubators
Thq best on the market ft;h nl
fretf catalogue. "lei. Writo for
TIio Hen-PeaUier Incubator Co
Dept. D., Btackwcll, Okio,r
W. A. Huppuch, chairman of the
New York democratic state commit
tee, has issued a statement to the
effect that it is the duty of the dem
ocratic members of the legislature to
support the caucus nomination for
United States senator. Mr. Hup
puch is a business partner of Gov
ernor Dix. The executive declined
to make "any comment on the statement.
A Girard, Kansas, dispatch carried
by tho United Press says: "Fred
D. Warren, the socialist editor, de
clared he had not been instrumental
in tho request upon President Taft
for a pardon. He declined to say
whether he would accept one. 'I
havo violated no law,' Warren said.
'Only tho guilty ask for pardon. I
havo not asked nor shall I ask for
one. My indictment, conviction and
sentence is tho result of political
persecution.' Warren's sentence and
fino of $1,500 were recently con
firmed by tho United States circuit
court of appeals at St. Paul."
Suspecting the British police of
killing a coolie the Chinese began
rioting at Hankow. The British and
German gunboats landed detach
ments and ten Chinese were'killed in
the fighting which followed.
Phillip 0. Parmaleo broke the
American record at San Francisco
by remaining in the air 3 hours, 39
minutes and 45.15 seconds. The
best previous record was 3 hours 11
minutes and 55 seconds made by A
Ij. Welch. y
TiSt11?!?9 legislature elected
Luke Lea United States senator to
succeed JamM n uv-i-
elected by a combination of Tepub!
Hcan and inrifinonf L5r5u..
votes tofffiHim. i;i .r "mocrac
democrats to ge Mm eTBST
Lea has never held office. He is an
We want tho names of parents who havo orippled. do
I ormod or paralyzed children or young grown people. You
probably know of several In your community and If you will
send us their names and addresses we will Jrtvo yon FREE tho
wonder Berles of fifty wator-colored postal cards, depleting a
trip around the world. owiou
When you send the names tell us as near as you can the seo
2!JEKon&J1Mllnd o nbl, whether Club Feet, Spinal De
formity, Hip Disease, Infantile Paralysis, OrookedUmbs, to.
-iw51fi.ih0 oy Sanitarium in tho country dovoted exclu-
fisaaftrass ssysjs?1 ol onr sorvioM
L. C. Mcialp Sanitarium, 978 Albert AkS1. tonls. Ho.
mW If ViMi e..U. c . m "
JSS ? H: ?"n? ,?Yo 9ur toto Micine FREE.
.flltu,,!off(!rof ono month's Catarrh molclnoFrttfp Aff J?. f,u,0,te3,' Possible wy! therefore
andaddri m,-.r'"i?X vl Pur '" "" nnio
offer uS' i PI?. wVr wo n affo0nmle you thlB I Ibfrli
compounded bv an nrv.tniiVvt,?2 or each Individual case and
Ithaproven thL?'tP drUB8
ous so-called Cut&rrhcurMTvitk ni ri ca tB?t haTe tried numer-
aaaBRSMHicRlaBaaw '
cor J0Mc.2JlnjM.mHS, MVSSaHSSfflfiS:
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm " " ""f na CltV, MO.