f TT JT The Commoner. HOVBMBEB 4, 1810 11 Christmas Posf Cards 'Free EeadtaatweSo stajaps and 111 Hand 70a lsbeautlful Christmas Cards and tell 70a about my bfff STJHrKIRK. KT.MEREOITH.su SwmibBMDmMImi,Iowi Z!c Gat4 Brmmd NAILS WW fast a Mf -! HI. Ml. ZIRI BIATEi BEST BUSINESS on earth for Affont. Noa-Krplotlvo Safety Lamp burner. BarnpIo.Froo. to other now fsuit sollon, JL'lioonU. Alls. Co., Itowurlc, 2x. J, J rWS - tp 4M 1IMmU && ,f - V -ft . """" - Si i .. t HnAIXSIS Locomotor Atari Conquered at Last CliAm'a lllood At Berve Tablets docs It. Write for Proof. Advice Free. r. CUASB. 224 North 10th UU, Philadelphia, Pa. s A HP TP. TV IP 2f SECURED OK FEE A JA. J. Mil 11 JL O KKTUKNEU. Vreo report as to Patentability. Illustrated Uuids Koolr. and List of Inventions Wanted, sontfroo. VICTOIt J. KVAM.S & CO., Washington, D. C rJtLFilpE, MADE. hull. on-tlght Sold to tho user at Wbolrtale triers, vre ray rreisfet. uataioguo rroo, COILED SPRING KENCE CO.." Box 234 Wlnehaster, Indiana.1 2Q CHRISTMAS POST CARDS 1 Qc " .No Two Alike Latest Designs1 wu Lovely assortment of 20 Artistic Ghrlitmn-s. Friend ship, Good Luck. Roses nnd Flowois In cxqtilsito colors, alt for only lOets. If you answer till ad Immedlttelr J.UJSoymour,150V.ElEhthSt.ToiKjku,KHii Stomach Troubles Vanish Like Magic FREE to Every Wlan . or Woman & $ If A I I & ( i i Ii WouldyoulikotocatQllyou-wantto.andwhatyou want to without having distress In your BtomachT Would you liko to say farewell to Dyspspsln, Indirection, 5our Stomach, Distress after Eating, Nervousness, Catarrh of tho Stomach, Heart Fluttering, Sick Headache and Constipation? Then send mo 10 cents to cover cost of packing nd I will mail you absolutely free ono of theso wonderful Stomach Drafts. Thoy rcliovo tho bowels, removo soroness, strenprthon tho nerves and muscles of tho stomach, and soon niako you feel liko a new man or woman. Suffer no longer but wrlto today enclosing; 10 cents for postage, otc and get ono of theso wonderful Stomach Drafts that are celebrated because thoy have cured where medicines alone failed. Write Dr. G. a Young, 57 National Bank Bldg., Jaokaon, Mich. FREE TO THE RUPTURED A New Homo Cure That Anyone Caa Use Without Operation, Pain, Danger or Loss of Time I have a new Mothod that cures rupture and I want you to use it at my oxpenso.' I am not try ing to sell you a Truss, but offer you a euro that stays cured and ends all truss woarlng ana flanger of strangulation forever. . . . . . No matter whether you havo a single, double or navel rupture or ono following an operation, my Method Is an absolute cure. No matter what your ago nor how hard your work, my Method will certainly euro you. I especially want to end It free to thoso apparently hopeless case3 whoro all forma of trusses, treatments and opcr atlons havo failed. I want to show everyone at my own expense, that my Method will end all rupture sufforing and truss-wearing for all time. This means better health, Increased physical ability and longer Ufo. My free offer is too Im- Eortant to neglect a single day. Wrlto now and egln your cure at once. Send no money. Blinpiy mall coupon below. All in tho Family Tho Architect of this department begs pardon for obtruding a little story that has to do with a member of his own family, but it is a good enough story to bo ropeatod. The paternal ancestor of tho Archi tect lives in Hennessey, Okla'., and until advancing years required re tirement from active life was a min ister in the Disciples church. Ho is also a Missouri-born and Missouri bred republican which means that ho is a republican. A year or two ago Senator Owen arrived In Hen nessey to make a political address, and whilo being shown about town was introduced to Elder Maupin. "Well, senator," said the Elder, ac knowledging the Introduction, "I pre sume you havo come up hero to con vince us republicans of the error of our ways?" "I am in hopes of accomplishing such a task," replied Sonator Owen. Then the senator laughed and con tinued: "That, however, reminds mo of a story. An old-timo Campellito min ister once held a meeting in a coun try School house, and on one particu lar evening devoted his time to ex plaining tho tenents of his faith, using blackboard and chart to mako it clearer. A couple of old-timo hard shell Baptist preachers were in tho congregation, listening intently. When the speaker was nearly done one of the old hard-shells leaned over to his brother and whispered: 'That man Is about half right.' 'Huh!' re plied the other ono, 'he's all right, but I'd go to hell before I'd admit if " It is related that the pater saw tho point, and that for once ho did not have a retort handy. isms" of today, nnd of tho years to come. In 1900 I wrote "Tho Battle Hymn for tho Republic" for tho cam paign of that year, and I'm taking tho Hborty of enclosing you a copy thereof; If It has no other morit pleaso give It a placo In your esti mation as evolved from my enthu siastic dovotion to democracy and great admiration for Its foremost leader, William Jennings Bryan. Tho 0,000,000 voters who joined In tho chorus In 1900, will bo Increased to 10,000,000 in 1912. Hopefully and fraternally yours, J. C. BARNES. Free Treatment Coupon Age Where Ruptured Cause of Rupture DR. W. S. RICE 63 Main SI., Adams, N. Y. Bend mo your free Eupturo Treatment Name Address Finn in tho Faith Taking advantage of tho temporary absence of managing editor, tho Architect presumes to print the fol lowing kindly letter from an old-time printerman: Strawberry Point, la., October 24. Dear Comrade: Though "familiar ity breeds disgust," I'm addressing you In that famlllaT way, because of my early "bringing up" was a print er's "devil" about sixty; years ago, passing through all the embryonic stages, from that first round of the ladder to foreman and finally editor of a small country newspaper tiring of the "art preservative of arts," I turned my attention to "finance," and through other kindred spirits, went into "wild-cat" banking. A $100,000 bank could then be estab lished on 100,000 cents, but tho "I. O. U.'s" of some of the state were not worth much more than tho paper they were written on, and tho "ir repressible conflict" made "wild-cat" banking an Insecure and unpopular business. For safety I fled to the arms of Uncle Sam, enlisting in his service "for the preservation of the union," not to free the negro. Since that sad time I have been engaged in various occupations, railroading, merchandising, and latterly, bottom ing chairs. During all tho time, since my majority, I have been a democrat, and am still one, but not "a still one." Have voted for Bryan three times, but not concurring in the adace of "three times and out," am going to vote for him for president in 1912. The leaven is still working the "fallacies of Bryan" are, and are still becoming more the "tru- Sliort Arm Jabs Having completed tho task of edu cating us as to tho proper method of rearing our families, differentiating between good and bad trusts and dis abusing our minds of erroneous im pressions concerning natural history, Mr. Roosevelt Is now teaching us hqw to farm our farms. Is thero no Hmlt to this man's ability? Senator Cummins is quoted as say Ing that any republican is bettor than tho best democrat. If tho son ator is correctly quoted it morely proves that tho senator is moro con cerned in party success than in pub lic welfare. Those who imaglno that Walter Wellman's attempt to croBS tho At lantic in a balloon was a falluro simply do not know what Walter was aiming at. South Dakota farmers are gottlng '18 cents for wool. Got 27 cents last year. But do you notice any reduc tion in tho cost of trust clothing? Des Moines News. Nebraska farmers are getting 25 cents for oats this year. Got 40 cents last year. Do they notice any difference in tho cost of trust barb wire, trust harvester machinery or trust coal? "I want to use moderate language, but It Is difficult to do so," said Mr. Roosevelt .at Albany. It is hard to teach an old dog now tricks. Lin coln Daily Star. Yet we hope that the colonel's idea of "moderate la-nguago" will not bo come tho accepted standard. When we get ready to move wo are going to locate in a city that takes prldo in the kind of citizens it has, rather than In their numbers. Tho English courts seem to havo formed the habit of doing Justice in stead of delaying Justice. Colonel Roosevelt says, "I believe the world is growing better," and he says it like a man who Is quite sure he knows who is responsible for it. The vice president has dined twice of late with Senator Lorimer. Per haps "Sunny Jim" is vaccinated. Baltimore News. Wouldn't "acclimated" be a better word in this connection? Emphatic "What do you think of the styles In hats that tho -tfomen are wearing theso days?" "!! ! $ $ !! !" j $ ? ? ? ! !" ' $ i 1 ! ? r m rwi4Pb . H w ' WW . jJR . tedKLt!L & Read tWa Evidence f DitrabHf tyz In IMO, Mr. M V lUnllnr, ft Ilranfonl, C'nn., iMn KtI 111 l')r with pltH thing I, rulllnjt thrnl villi Zlne C.UU Iron Cut Nail. In Jut Vi, it T jtu$ Itt'r, he re. hlnjltd, Th iitlU wrtft frt from ruH on llir (lajrtlifjr werlrlren..llhott(li tho Iivum taiw!i wllhln thrt4Muttrt of a ml! ot th Maihorc. Tin cut iIkjw oma of tha call. W make the ume nail today we made then. WHY riTT 10.YKAK 1UIW IX tft.YKAH AHIIGLKDI Write to u for Sample and Price. MALLEABLE IKON FITTIKGS CO., Imioii, Cm. THE GUARANTY STATE BANK has dopoaltoru In. every ntato of the union In the Intorcflta of wound and uafo banking you nhould bo one of them. In the intorcntn of your Bclf and dependent! your monoy should bo placed where It Is nccurcu. Wo flharo our nucccHS with our customer!. Among our aHRCtn aro strength, conservatism and liber ality, throo Important factors to consider. Scad for klooklet. M. G. HASKELL, V. P. MU8KOGKI5, OKLA. JM HHMHA l I Can Increase Your Earnings If youTrantanladepon dont huainccp ot yflvr own requiring no tap-, Ital, mull your mine ana addreen nd let me tend you our lllir lrrem - l'tti? Ituok eliowlnsr how rnu mftv earn CJ.9M to S10.U00 n your In tho Seal Estate. Brokerage and faauraHca tjualaeatf Our HYitcm l a poaltlro auccca. It equip to to conduct tlieao money innklnfftiranchriwanu Kirea C a valuable Commercial Low Courao Free. Clerk, k Keeper, Uftlcamen, Agent, Solicitor! and other abould Inveatlcato this. Send no money, aim ply your name and mldroia and 1 trill mall yon out JUIr (W'I'uko Book. fcw.UUI free. Wrlto today. tileruUoulKeiitr Cera 441 G MaatwIUa BWr., Ckkaa Ssccenors to Xa Oreti Co. a4 M. W. Orow 4c Co. It Is the best policy holder's com pany in the United States. ASSETS, $3,900,000 Twenty-thrco years old. Write The Old Line Bankers Life Lincoln, Nebraska a I T.V1P.GI HAISK THKM WITHOUT sJM.JU V MUfD MILK. Hook let Frco. HHHHHHal Hcbraika SocdCa., Omaha, Heb. Choice Virginia Farms SlO.OOFer Aereund Up. Along tho O. fc O. Itallroad, through tho heart of Virginia. Itldi sol!. Mild Winter, Good Market. For JTnndaomo Booklet anil Low Kxcumlon Ifcitcn, address C. U "WALL, Ileal Jtate Ajfeut, C. O I tail way, Uox XD, Richmond, Virginia. Tsirte Ho Feo until allowed. Freo Boolcf Pure Blood fstboftrnt essential to health. Do yaa know that common red clorcrblosaonn, when property fH-roJ, poseesa mar yeloa. curatlro properties and are par tlcnlarl? cCTectlro n DUrtfrintr tb blood. Clorer lit a Tonlo Laratlre keeps bowciJa relaxed ace tn a healthy CondJUoa remove lapurttlc. Needliam's Extract Red Clover . eontalttino alcohol and l not a patent medicine. Itlai simply a paro extract oleltea clorer bloesorsa, eata erod at jast tb9 rf sht time and prepared Ja a alr.JH manner. If you autfer trora constipation, headaches, Xaclal eruptions, eczema, salt rheum, cancer, rheum tlom orany blood dlaeaao, you" should icara all about this wonderful remedy. Ask your drurclst tor Hl ham's Extract. Bend coupon for freo booklet. Pieaee send me free beeklet. - at- xiunosse I I Addrtfts.. ,, J i M & A ijMUL a . ljjt&iJLtx j h