The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 09, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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The Commoner.
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"Thinking of You"
I am thinking of you whon tho
morning sky
Is flushjng with all of tho tints of
tho rose;
Whon thp earliest breezes go whls-
poring by
On tho way to tho valo where the
wild clover grows;
Whon tho purple lilac as it tosses
its plumos
Rains out with its fragrance a
shower of (low
On tho ground below, whero tho
pansy blooms
Aro holding up faces of every hue,
Whon tho world, raado new
By its shower of dew ,
Is just awaking, I am "thinking
of you."
I am thinking of you when tho sun
at noon
Creeps straight to tho heart of the
lily's "ciip
Where a' dew-drop is hidden, a gift
from June
And steals tho jewel she treas
ured up,
When the clover, nodding on slender
Holds treasures vast for the dusty
. bees
And out where tho red fruit glows
liko gems '
Tho robins scold in tho cherry
When tho river's huo
StoalB tho sky'B deeper blue
, ,Ab it bends above, I. am "thinking,
or you."
I am thinking of you when tho twi
light gray
Is creeping softly o'er plain and
When the noises that fretted the
busy day
Have Bunken to silence and all is
Whon around her shoulders tho tired
Earth throws
A mantle of twilight and sinks
to rest,
And active and busy life, all goes
To peaceful sleep on tho earth's
calm breast;
And I follow, too,
But dear heart, I am true
With my last waking thought
I am "thinlcing of you."
So I'm thinking of you through life's
summer day;
I am thinking of you when joy's
sun shines bright;
And I'm thinking of you when, it
fades away,
And around me gather tho shades
of night.
Though time and trouble have sought
to part
This heart of mine from tho words
you said,
It remembers them still, and I think
dear heart
They would wake it to life were it
still and dead.
For when life is through.
I shall still be true
With my last, last thought, . '
I'll bo "thinking of you."
Bertha E. Sanford.
foro attempting to dyo any goods,
ono should know tho nature of tho
fibre. Generally this can bo deter
mined by ravelling out a few threads
of tho goods, both warp and woof,
and testing with flamo. Cotton
burns froely with littlo odor; wool
gives littlo flamo, singeing rather
than burning, accompanied by a dis
agreeable odor. Silk burns less read
ily than cotton, and mercerized cot
ton betrays its character in tho fire.
Many goods are made with the warp,
or lengthwise threads of cotton,
while the cross threads aro of wool;
silk and wool are also used together,
or silk and cotton, and In many
goods, mercerized cotton gives a very
"silky" appearance. Each of these
kinds of fabrics require a special
kind of dye, and with the mixed
goods, two dyes are usually used.
Before dyeing, all the old color
should be removed, as far as possible,
and this may be done by the use of
certain chemicals, more or less harm
ful to tho goods, or, in many in
stances, scalding with clear, hot wa
ter, changing as long as the water
is colored, will get out most of the
old color. This will give tho new
color a better chance. When ready
to dye, send for the pamphlet giving
instructions, and get the proper dye
stuffs, making yourself- thoroughly
familiar with tho subjept before you
attempt the work. Follow strictly
the instructions printed on the dye
package, and be sure to get the right
of ono egg before adding to tho vin
egar; shake well every time before
usintr. This liniment is good for
sprains, bruises, rheumatism, etc., m)f d'-weiie
man or Deast.
Patent leather should never be
cleaned with blacking. Remove the
dirt with a damp sponge or cloth,
then dry and polish with one part
linseed oil and two parts thick
cream; apply warm, after mixing
thoroughly; and with a flannel cloth
or silk duster polish well.
A recommended ant riddance is to
place the peels of cucumbers around
the places where they appear, and
they will "get scarce" at once. Easy
to -try, at this season.
Condensed Milk for Babies
Where condensed milk is used for
the. baby, other foods should be given
which will supply the child with ele
ments lacking in tho milk. Con
densed milk is simply cow's milk
evaporated, and this evaporation
makes a disproportion in tho constit
uent elements; there is too much
casein, and if the milk, is a right
proportion of casein, there will be
too little fat. The excess of sugar
makes the baby take on fat, while
the other tissues are not properly
nourished. For a short time, or as
an additional food, condensed milk
of the best brands will answer very
well; but for permanent use alone, it
is not recommended by hygienists.
Training Little Hands
Children, unless naturally lazy,
will show the same interest in work
as in play, if especially trained to
their duties; but nearly every child
will do many things well and with a
spirit of willingness if the mother
beginB with them early enough. The
child who has not learned to love
work before the age of seven years
will never, very likely, enjoy doing
tasks, unless temperamentally so in
clined. The sooner the facility for
doing things, and the accompanying
sense of responsibility for the doing,
is taught them, the more firmly fixed
will a love of work and thorough
ness become a part of their charac
ter. The little child, just getting
well onto its feet, is forever asking,
"What can we do, mamma?" And the
harried mother more -of ten .than hot
will say, "O, run and play." She
finds it easier to do the work than
to train the unskilled hands; but
very soon, tho hands must be trained
and not having acquired the facility,
with its consequent love of work, the
child has other interests, and is not
likely to love the unaccustomed
labor. Mothers alone can adapt the
task to the mental, moral and physi
cal ability of her baby, and this she
must do, for the child's own good,
as -well as her own.
beings liko himself; show him how
the silkworm furnishes the bread of
life to hundreds of thousands of hu
man workers and their 'families'
how swarms of marauding locusts
devastate whole wheat fields of tho
western states, and how immense
flocks of birds go to the rescue of
tho farmer, in turn devouring the
voracious pests. Show him the
house-fly, spreading typhoid; the
mosquito, sowing broadcast tho
germs of malaria; the repulsive vul
ture, as scavenger guarding the lives
s in tropical countries:
and, to show him the necessity of
guarding against tho evils of certain
insect life, tell him how a gentleman,
by bringing into the state of Massa
chusetts, a pair of beautifully col
ored moths, has cost the country
hundreds of thousands of dollars try
ing to exterminate their progeny,
which have proven ruinous to cer
tain crops necessary to human life."
Tho Use of Crutches
the 'best results from
To secure
the use of crutches, they should bo
short enough to leave an inch or
more between the "rest" of tho
crutch and the arm-pit. The weight
of the body should be borne entirely
by the firm, straight arms and the
"hand-hold," or cross piece. The
cross piece should be just high
enough to take the weight from the
shoulders, with the shoulders allowed
to hang naturally, and . the arms
straight. By this arrangement, the
body can swing along easily and
gracefully without the arm-rest at
the top forcing the shoulder out of
place, The lower end of the crutch
should be made the proper length
before the rubber tips are put on,
the upper part of the crutch being
used merely as a necessary brace.
Tr.ythjs plan, and see if .you do not
take more comfort. ju . .--.. -
Making Over
Necessity, as well as economy will
call for the making over of many gar
ments, or tho cutting down of others,
nd it is well to do whatever we have
In hand as well as possible. Many
garments will look as good as new,
if properly dyed or neatly cleaned
before putting in shape again. Be-
Worth Knowing
Every housewife knqws that onions
are a kind of all-round good medi
cine, -without knowing why. She
knows that if a solid red onion is
eaten at night on going to bed, the
severest cold will be broken.
That onions make good plasters to
remove inflammation and hoarseness;
that If any one will take an onion
and mash it so as to secure all the
juice in it, though he gets a remark
able smelling stuff, it will quiet the
most nervous person. The strength
of this substance inhaled for a few
minutes will dull the sense of smell
and weaken the nerves until sleep is
produced from sheer exhaustion. It
is claimed that this property is a
form of opium.
To clean the old lamp burners,
boil them in wood ashes and water
for half an hour, and they will come
out like new; keep tho wick clean.
and don't blame the oil when its dim
flamo is due to neglect of tho wick
and burner.
A good, cheap liniment, recom
mended by many physicians, is made
as follows:
Something About Ants, Etc.
A reader sends us the following
clipping, as being pertinent just now,
as the "ants have the floor," or,
rather, are under fire because of
their depredations: "Tell the child
about a colony of ants, show him the
older ants washing and brushing the
baby ants, and taking them for their
daily airing; show him the aphides
which the ants keep in stables, and
'milk,' as we milk cattle? show him
their -well-developed slave system, in
furtherance of which they raid the
nests of their neighbors, carry off the
oggs, -hatch them out and raise ser
vants to perform menial tasks for
their abductors; show him some ant
communities that do not work at all.
themselves, butmake captives their
slaves, live off their labor, and thus
furnish the 'sluggard' with a pretty
strong precedent to Bupport his side
of the case. Show him an ant nation
organizing a military expedition
against its enemies, with scouts to
spy out the proper point of attaclc,
and afterwards, the army in battle
array, moving to the assault. Show
him this, using the magnifying glass
freely, and gradually, if he 1b taught
to think for himself, he will apply
the lessons learned to the problems
of his own, human history.
Teach him how a tiny trilie of crea
tures, bo small he can not see them
Tho Between Season '
Although there will be a marked
change of temperature during Sep
tember, in a general way, we shall
yet have some hot weather, and the
changes from hot to cool or cold,
or from cool to hot, will be sure to
bring about tho usual crop of colds
and catarrhs. Frequently one does
not know how the cold was "taken,"
but we are very sensible of having
the cold. It is well to watch tho
little ones who do not know how to
watch themselves. Be sure to have
little, light garments for the cool
mornings or evenings, or for the
chilly days; it is better that these
be the outer garments, readily put
on or removed, rather than the un
derwear. Do not bundle the child
or yourself up unnecessarily, and try
to get the warmth from within, rath
er than from outer clothing, but do
not neglect the body so as to Invite
colds. Do not shut up the house too
soon; better have a little fire of cool
evenings, leaving the doors and win
dows open as long as possible. Pro
long the outdoor season as long as
possible, for there will be all the in
door weather than we can bear, try
as we may.
One pint of good vin
egar, one pint spirits of turpentine,! with the unaided eye, is perfectly
Helpful Items
With butter at 38 cents per pound,
and lard at 18 cents, I feel I can not
afford bufter in cooking, so have
found that lard answers just as well
In cakes and cookies. But I think
the cause of much of the bad luck
with the substitution Is because they
buy lard already rendered by tho
factories; this is a mistake. Once
buy the leaf lard and render your
own fat, and you will never again
use "store" lard. Mrs. W. A. T.,
N. Y.
For Two People Sometimes you
may have some sandwiches ieit over.
or toii mfiv nrfifftr to make some es-
in which has been beaten the yolk-competent to wipe out a nation of Ipecially. for this dish; or you can