The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 09, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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' 'Wy ? fJJITj TV w "TTi w V5
The Commoner.
Many of the destitute strikers wept
"when sentence was announced. None,
however, sought to escape from the
court's judgment, the sentiment
seeming to be that they wore suffer
ing for the 'good of the cause.' Max
Levine, an attorney, pleaded for
leniency, stating to tho court that
tho attempted parade was wholly
peaceable. Magistrate House was
unyielding, however, and said that
in view of tho recent decision of
Judge Goff, declaring tho conduct of
the strike illegal, tho prisoners were
in violation of the law. Many of
those sentenced had nothing what
ever to do with the strike, they told
tho court, and became involved be
cause they happened to bo near the
scene of the parade's start. Most
of the prisoners appeared weak from
hunger and it was explained to the
court that many of them had had
nothing to eat since tho day before.
Tho eighty-four prisoners were taken
to the court and wero kept confined
In two small rooms for six hours.
Tho seventy-ono men wero in a room
about twelve by fifteen feet, and the
thirteen women in a much smaller
room. The atmosphere soon became
foul and Several almost fainted be
fore they were led into court."
Vermont held her state election
September 6. Maine will hold her
state election on September 12.
New Hampshire held her first
statewide primaries September 6.
' An Associated Press dispatch from
Council Bluffs, Iowa, says: "Con
gressman "Walter I. Smith of this city,
asupporter of Cannon and candidate
for speaker of the next congress, has
been promised the support of Judge
Prouty, candidate for congress in the
Seventh Iowa district; Congressman
Good of'the Fifth district, and Con
gressman Pickett of the. Third dis
trict In hitf campaign for re-election.
The men are all progressives."
A Chicago grand jury has returned
an indictment against Patrick J.
Keeley, a former city detective in
connection with the legislative bri
bery scandals.
Isaac W. Hawlam, aged 81 years,
and said to be the oldest telegraph
operator in the country, died at Wil
mington, Del.
George B. Roberts, who was a
director of the mint undqr the Mc
kinley nnd Roosevelt administra
tions, has been appointed to the same
office under Mr. Taft. He succeeds
A. Piatt Andrew, who has been pro
moted to be assistant secretary of
tho treasury.
The democratic state convention
for Georgia with 2,000 delegates in
attendance, confirmed the nomination
of Hoke Smith as the democratic can
didate for governor and endorsed him
as the democratic presidential nomi
nee for 1912.
The cloak makers strike in New
York is over and 70,000 men and
women are returning to work. Con
cessions were made on both sides.
A woman who had been cast off
by Fritz Heinze, the copper magnate,
brought suit against him to recover
$25,000 for security she had loaned
him. The suit was brought about by
Heinze's marriage to another woman,
then the discarded woman proceeded
to make public many of the secrets.
Heinze had entrusted to her. Among
other things she charged that the
Standard Oil company had employed
a beautiful woman in its machina
tions against men whom it seeked
to destroy. Claiming that this
woman trapped Heinze Into giving
mp secrets desired by tho Standard
and that sho also aided In the selec
tion of a United States senator for
tho oil trust John D. Archbold, vice
president of tho oil trust, denied tho
story, but Thomas W. Lawson, tho
Boston speculator, says' that it is all
true and that it is tho custom of tho
oil trust to resort to such methods.
A. K. Stone, ono of tho men Chi
cago sent down to tho Canal Zone
to insure tho success of tho big ditch,
has been home for his annual vaca
tion, and sailed August 11 from Now
York to resume his duties. Ho re
ports that the great work is progres
sing satisfactorily and predicts that
tho canal will bo completed accord
ing to schedule.
Mr. Stone was for flvo years train
master under tho Isthmian Canal
commission. His efficient services
won him last year promotion to tho
position of master of transportation
of the Panama railroad, which places
him second in command of that im
portant factor in the building of tho
canal. The fact that between 750
and 800 trains aro handled each
working day in tho various activities
of the work would suggest that Mr.
Stone occasionally finds his time fully
Rivalry is keen in tho canal work
and crews of all kinds strive des
perately to carry off dally, weekly
and monthly records and win places
of honor in the Canal Record.
But Mr. Stone, they say on the
Isthmus, has a record all his own
which nobody can take from him; in
six years of service ho has never
missed a day from sickness. Ho is
pointed out as the object lesson of
Colonel Gorgas' dictum that tho work
of his sanitary department has made
life in the Canal Zono as safe for
the white man as at homo in "The
States." In this connection they
tell this story which, Incidentally,
has a large and obvious moral:
Colonel Goethals, head of tho
Isthmian Canal commission, who Is
something of-p: worker himself, said
to Mr. Stone: "I hear you are out
rageously healthy never have
missed a day. What's tho secret?"
"The simple life, Colonel Goe
thals," laconically replied Mr. Stone.
If thero is anything that Senator
Rayner Is sensitive about it, is the
spelling of his name. Ho wants It
spelled R-A-Y-N-E-R and no other
way. Regardless of this there ara
a number of correspondents here
who fall into error, when they refer
to the Marylander, and when they do
tho senator becomes perturbed.
Not long ago, according to a cur
rent story, Senator Rayner called at
tho office of onof of tho New York
newspapers, and 'asked to see the
bureau manager. He was imme
diately ushered in, and Immediately
stated his business.
"I want to know," said tho sena
tor, "why your paper Is so consist
ently hostile to me. I have done
nothing that I am aware of to in
cur its continued wrath."
"I think you're mistaken, senator,"
replied the correspondent. "I know
of no reason why my paper should
be hostile to you. As a matter of
fact, I do not recall anything it ever
printed which would glvo you ground
for that assumption. What has tho
paper said to which you object?"
"It invariably spells my name
R-A-Y-N-O-R. That is exactly what
I refer to you."
"Well, how do you spell it?" In
nocently asked the newspaper man.
This was too much. The Marylander
gavo it up and left tho office. De
troit Free Press.
The Passing of Bryan
William Jennings Bryan has gained
fow victories since that day when,
with his dramatic and somewhat
bombastic "Thou shalt not crucify
mankind upon a cross of gold," he
shied his castor into tho arena of na
tional politics. Now, defeat has como
to him in his own state. Whether
It is as crushing a defeat as his po
litical detractors would have us be
lieve time alone can show, but, judg
ing by tho man, his past and his per
severance, wo should bo inclined to
think of him as of Browning's singer
in tho epilogue to "Asolando:"
" who never turn'd his back,
but marched breast forward,
Never doubted clouds would break,
Never dream 'd though right wero
worsted, wrong would triumph;
Held we fall to rise, are baffled to
fight better,
Sleep to wake."
Bryan has been defeated before, lo,
these many times! But he has nover
been defeated in spite of tho cries
of triumph over his downfall with
so much credit as in the present in
stance. He has been beaten and he
has not winced.
In ono balance of tho scale lay his
political career his leadership, his
power. In tho other lay what he had
come to believe was a great moral
issue a belief that each county in
his state of Nebraska rhould have the
option of controlling tho liquor
It was a heavy freight for his po
litical ship, and the waters were
troublous. At any time he could have
jettisoned his cargo, havo thrown
over his moral issue, and pOEsibly
havo won,
In a day of political and moral
compromise It is difficult to withhold
admiration from the man who suf
fered defeat, but who hold sturdily
by his convictions. It is not as If
Mr. Bryan wero not astuto politician
enough to realize tho consequences
of his act. Ho knew, probably hot
ter than all others, that his political
fortunes wero In Jeopardy, but ho
played his part liko a man and, like
a man, lost!
What Mr. Bryan's future holds Is
a matter for speculation and of no
immediato concern. Ono thing Is cer
tain, and that is, that such a man Is
not in need of sympathy. Ho has
mado Innumerable mistakes and po
litical blunders. His tricks of tho
tonguo move ua no more. It is high
ly improbablo that ho will ever again
champion a cause big enough to se
cure for himself a national following.
But In the minds of thoughtful men,
ho stands better in his latest defeat
than ho ever did in tho days of his
popular victories. Washington, D,
C, Herald.
County option and its leader in Ne
braska went down to defeat in tho
Nebraska state convention, recently
held. This affords tho press an op
portunity to onco more announce tho
exit of the democratic leader from the
field of politics. Tho newspaper wise
acres err, as they usually do. Far
from placing himself outside party
activities or control, tho Nebraskari
Pays for a Big Daily Paper
3 Times a Week and The
Commoner Both One Year
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New York
and The
1 Year $1 .
This Extra
Special Offer
Good Only
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Limited Time
By special arrangements, good
only for a limited time, Tho Com
moner is ablo to mako this unpar
lellcd bargain subscription offer to
send Tho Daily New York World
Thrlce-a-Week Edition a big daily
paper three times a week and Tho
Commoner, both .one year each for
$1. Regular price of both Is 2.
This big offer means 156 big daily
papers from tho nation's metropolis
for all practical purposes as good
as a regular daily and G2 issues
of The Commoner, or 203 raperc for
only 41, less than a half cent apiece.
Vhis special offer is good to all
new or renewing subscribers who
send In their subscriptions promptly.
To get the two papers, tho full
amount, $1, must bo sent to The
Commoner, Lincoln, Nebraska, and
mention this offer when writing.
Tho Commoner wants everyon to
call the attention of their friends to
this great offer. This extra special
inducement will enable you to help
along thj work Tho Commoner is
doing by adding to its list as many
new names as possible. Address
THE COMMONER, Uncoln, Nebv
- -rt