The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 15, 1910, Page 15, Image 15

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    WV 7 A V - ( tVt - f
The Commoner.
APRIL 15, 1910
Dizzy Spells
That dizzy spoil is an Important mca
igo from tho heart a plea for help.
If this message rccelvos no attention
others como; Shortness of breath, pal
pitation, weak or fainting spells,
smothering or choking sensations,
pains around tho heart, in sido or
shoulders, and so on, until it receives
the necessary help, or is compelled to
erivo up stop.
You furnish this aid with
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
which cures heart disease in every
Every day wo read of sudden deaths
from heart disease, yet it is a fact that
tho heart had been pleading for help,
had exhausted tho last spark of vital
ity and they call it sudden.
"For more than six years I was
troubled with my heart. I would have
dizzy spells, then difficulty in breath
ing, choking sensations, my heart
would flutter, become painful. I could
not breatho lying down. I commenced
taking Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, and in a
few weeks I was entirely cured."
MINNIE E. JOHNSON, Olivia, Minn.
Tho first bottle will benefit, if not,
tho druggist will return your money.
You lenra all nbout Vir
ginia lands, finest all-thc-yenr
climate In lite United
States, best witter, raise a
larger variety of crops titan
any other section In Amer
ica. For particulars send
25 cents for a yearly sub
scription to the
Virginia Farmer.
DEPT. 716,
fieforo you pay a cent, wo will convlnco yon
that Manino pormanontly cures any drug habit.
Guaranteed not to contain Morphlno, Lauda
num, Opium or any other habit forming drug.
No money requlrod In advance, a full month's
treatment oonfc to thoso afllicted without ono
cent of dopoBit. Manino has cured thousands,
it will euro you. Glvo it a free trial. Ton
aro to bo tho solo judgo and at our oxpenso.
ManineCo. 149 Manine Bldg.Su Louis, Mo.
TIlG NrifiG Musi Be Tcsicti
in nil diseases of the Kidneys.Blad
der, Liver and Digestive organs,
including Rheumatism, or the
treatment will be an experiment
I test urine Free. Mailing Case
for urine sent on request Con
sultation and opinion free.
DR. J. F. SHAFER, Specialist
214 Penn Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
(U C Cf WEEKLY and expenses to men and woman to col
JtS Oil lect names, distribute simples and adyerttse. Steady
VWtf work. 'o. 1L KMKKV,M 11, CMao, III.
$D$critcr$' jffflvermina Dcpt.
This department is for the benefit
of Commoner subscribers, and a special
rate of six cents a word per insertion
the lowest rate has been made for
them. Address all communications to
Tho Commoner, Lincoln. Nebraska.
acres Improved farm near Rolla,
Mo. J. W. Eggers, Wagner, S. D.
J- orchard in Benton County, Arkan
sas, tho banner fruit county of tho
world, see or write us. Hiwassee
Realty Co., Hiwassee, Ark.
jBluo Andaluslans, Rhode Island
Reds. Heaviest winter layers. Send
for circulars. Fairvlow Farm, Eagle
port, Ohio.
That tho steel corporation is a
gigantic trust is the gist of sworn
statements filed by representatives of
tho American Federation of Labor
with Attorney General Wickersham.
The Federation's communication is
in part as follows:
The American Federation of La
bor, as such, as well as tho members
of Its affiliated bodies in their ca
pacity as citizens of the United States
beg leave to ask your department to
commence tho proper proceedings
against the United States Steel cor
poration, its subsidiary companies,
its officers, directors, and any affiliat
ed corporations which are prevent
ing and restraining, and seeking to
prevent and restrain, commerce in
steel and iron, both in the raw and
manufactured state, and in many re
lated commodities. We beliovo their
conduct, as shown by the references
hereinafter made, violate the federal
act commonly called the Sherman
act (26th statute, No. 209) and cer
tain provisions of the Wijson tariff
act (28th statute, No. 570). We do
not think it necessary to copy in this
statement these two federal statutes.
The United States corporation is a
combination of ten constituent or
subsidiary companies that were or
ganized and combined February 23,
1901. The following is a tabulated
list of the companies, together with
their capitalization, including the
amount of the stock and bonds of
each company at the time of the in
corporation, at the values put upon
the respective corporations by tho
boards of directors of each respec
tive company, regardless of the act
ual or intrinsic value thereof:
Carnegie Steel Co.. ... .$320,000,000
Federal Steel Co . 120,600,000
National. Tube Co. , .,. . 80,000,000
American Bridge Co.. . 61,000,000
Lake Superior Consoli
dated Mines 34,700,000
American Steel & Wire 95,700,000
National Steel Co 63,400,000
American Steel Hoop.. 33,000,000
American Tin Plate Co. 46,300,000
American Sheet Steel.. 51,000,000
These figures are taken from cir
culars issued by J. P. Morgan & Co.,
tho syndicate managers of the organ
ization. In a word, the sources of informa
tion we have given you, we think,
justify the conclusion on tho part of
your complainants that the United
States Steel corporation is the high
est development and the final pro
duct of a giant trust, absorbing many
minor trusts.
In their fourth annual report, pro
mulgated by the steel trust, the offi
cials avow that their intention is
monopolistic. Inadvertently the fact
is mentioned that this "combination"
was formed to avert a threatened
competition which would have les
sened profits in the prosperous period
which was then opening upon the
iron trade, and would have proved
destructive to several of the com
panies absorbed if they had been left
to competition. The admission thus
is made that the aim was to control
this industry and prevent competi
tion for the purpose of aggrandizing
the profits of the stockholders and
bondholders of this new entity. In
another report the trust officials
boast that they are able to escape
"the hazards and vicissitudes of the
trade as to the necessities" of suffer
ing under competitive systems. In
other words, they escaped control
and repealed "the law of supply and
Most every man and woman re
members tho shoes which squeaked
when now. A few years ago, when
a man wore Bhoes with soles as thick
as thoso worn today, the first few
weeks of their services made him
think of an overloaded box-car grind
ing through a union station. Tho
squeak was agonizing. Ono good
strong pair of boy's new bIiocb could
put a school room out of business.
"What has become of tho squeak?"
a shoo salesman was asked.
"Tho solo of most shoes aro made
from two pieces of heavy leather'
ho replied. "Manufacturers learned
that by putting a pioco of canvas, or
a fiber of somo sort between these
two pieces, tho squeak would bo
eliminated. Thoy did this and that's
why tho shoes don't squeak now."
St. Paul Dispatch.
Village Constable (to villager who
has been knocked down by passing
motor cyclist) "You didn't see the
number, but could you swear to the
Villager "I-did; but I don't think
'e 'eard me." Punch.
(Also called Teller, Sail Rheum, Prsrllui, Mllk.Crut, WmpIm Skin, etc.)
KOZEMA. CAN BK OOIUSD TO'bTAY. and when I say cured, I mean lust wliat I say--C-TJ-K-E-D,
and not merely patched up for awhile, to return worse than before. Now, I do not pre what
all you faa-e used, nor how many doctors have told you that you .could not be enred all I ask Is just a
chance to show yon that I know what I am talking: about. If you will write me TO-DAY, 1 will send jroa
& ITJLUEJB IRIAXt of my mild, soothing, guaranteed cure that wil 1 convince you wore in a day than I or
anyone else could in a month's time. If yon are disjruated and dUcoaraeed, I dare you to tc me a
chance to prove my claims. By writlngrae to-day you will enjoy more real comfort than you lud ever
tboaehtthu world holds for yoo. Just try it, and you will see I am telling" you the truth.
Dr. J. E- CannadayviOSi Park Square, Sedafla, Mo.
KeferMces : Third National Gould you do a better aot than to send this notice to some
Bnk. Sdll, Mo. poor Buncror oi xcgoma r
For the Boys!
Wants Every Boy to Have One of
These Genuine
Ingersoll Dollar
Which We Are Giving Away
Every boy, no matter where be lives, Is entitle
to ono of theso watches FIUCBl This Is a GenulHej
Tlmo Keeper and is guaranteed for one year. ThL
is tho famous Iagcrsoll Dollar Watck that you hava
heard so much about, brought right down to date i
the latest model of tho greatest timepiece ever made. It Is advertised as ne
other watch ever known has been advertised, and now enjoys a sale of ovor
2,000,000 every year. This is just the watch you want it is full stem wind
and pendant sot, and is fitted with tho improved lG-sizo movement, the finest
ever used in a watch of its price. Case Is smaller and thinner than any
previous model, and has a close fitting snap back and bezel that is substan
tially dust and moisture proof. Made In handsome nickel finish and is a,
little beauty.
Don't Miss This Chance, Boys, to Get
the Watch Free
AH we ask you to do Is to get us three subscribers for The America Heme
ricad at 50 cents each. Your father or mother will tell you of three persona
living right near your home who will subscribe for The American Homestead.
Have each of them give you 50 cents for a year's subscription. Then send:
tho 11.50 to us, money order or registered letter, and immediately on receipt
of the $1.50 we will mail you one of these fine iHgcrsolI Dollar Watches.
The Americas Homestead Is a big farm and household paper, established In
1183, and tho regular yearly subscription price is 50 cents per year. Published
by Charles W. Bryan.
We will be glad to send to any boy a half dozen sample conies of The
American Homestead free. Write for the sample copies today. You can give
them to six persons living near your home and out of six It will be an easy
matter to get threo subscribers. You can start out right away if you wish,
without waiting for sample copies. Every ono will be pleased with The
AmerfcaH Homestead, and you can tell each ono that the publisher, Mr. Charles
W. Bryan, personally guarantees to refund the price paid for a subscription
If tho subscriber is not satisfied after reading three issues. This will make
It very easy for you to get subscribers and they will be glad to help you get
this lae watch.
' '
The American Homestead, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Gentlemen: Send mo six sample copies of The American Homestead, which
I will distribute among six persons in an effort to get three new subscribers
for your publication in order that I may get an Ingersoll Dollar Watch free,
as soon as I get threo subscribers I will send you their names and addresses
and $1.50 to pay for their subscriptions.
Name , ,
Street Address or It. P. D .v .......,
P. 0...f State
. 1 jThT h'i munujiu.i.