1 ;jmv,'J'B1(P ,vw,gigjifnfr$zTF'wr'ij.fiifpJitf))t ptvit'ftyyr-,"ww" " p.," w" "J!j!TT-ijyitinr'TT(' jr s"-w" lliqjgRrf ("jwr "TWrr-r 7-v The Commoner. WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR VOL- 10, NO. 14 Lincoln, Nebraska, April 15, 1910 Whole Number 482 Truth at Last In a speech delivered at the Lincoln dinner, at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel in New York on the night of February 12th President Taft de clared that the present high prices are mainly duo to an increase in the measure of value the volume of money. His exact words, as given in italics in the New York Herald next day, were: . ' "The reason for the rise in the cost of neces sities can easily bo traced to the increase in our measuro of values, the precious metal, gold, and possibly in some cases to the combinations in re straint of trade." Here is the truth at last. This confession would have been worth hundreds of thousands of votes to the democratic party in 1896 when the democrats were advocating more money in order to protect the country from falling prices and the republicans were protesting that it did not make any difference whether we had much money or little, provided it was all good. Mr. , Taft now endorses the quantitative theory of money and attributes high prices to "more money" in order to shield his party from the charge of raising prices by means of the pro tective tariff. Thanks to the president for this new vindication of our party. He is right in pointing to the increased production of gold, as the chief cause of high prices only a world wide cause could account for a world-wide' in crease in prices but he does not attach quite enough importance to the influenceexertpd"bTy , the trusts The tariff enables the trust's to raise prices in America above the world's level and that can not be charged to an increase in the supply of money. But let us rejoice that the president has been forced to confess the democrats right in their demand for more money as the only means of checking falling prices and restoring a price level which would remunerate the wealth pro ducers for the toil. When may we expect an other vindication? Next! THE WORLD'S SCHOOLMASTER Mr. Bryan received invitations to attend the Jefferson day banquets at Washington and In dianapolis. To the two invitations he sent the following reply: . San Paulo, Brazil, March 11, 1910. My Dear Sir: I thank you for the invitation to the Jefferson Day banquet. While I shall not return to the United States in time to attend, I can join with you in spirit the more heartily because of what I have learned by visiting other countries. I have seen everywhere thejnfluence exerted by his teachings. In the nation in which I am just now sojourning, I find illustrations of his idea of conquest. He contended that we should conquer the world with our ideals rather than with our arms; and in this sense we are effecting a conquest of Brazil. Her constitution CONTENTS TRUTH AT LAST "THE WORLDjS SCHOOLMASTER PERU OF TODAY MR. BRYAN IN SOUTH AMERICA TIMELY QUOTATIONS THE PRESENT STRUGGLE A SOLEMN ESTIMATE "TRUST TAFT" WHY CURRENT TOPICS HOME DEPARTMENT WHETHER COMMON OR NOT NEWS OF THE WEEK WASHINGTON NEWS Is modelled after ours; she has copied from us . the federal system of government which unites local control of local affairs with national su premacy; her flag, like ours, has a star for each state, and her school system is being made to conform more and more to ours. These vic tories, too, cement friendship instead of arous ing enmity. Hail to Jefferson, the world's schoolmaster, whoso views continue their ma jestic march around tho earth! But in our own country, as well as abroad, his principles are triumphing. Ho taught that the art of government is tho art of being honest, and each new investigation proves tho folly of those who refuse to learn of him. He was the foe of monopoly in overy form, and his name is the one which can with most propriety be invoked when tho trusts are at tacked, and when a contest is being waged for the application of the principles of popular gov ernment. I am so far away from home, that I am not fully informed as to the recent events, but I have just read of one Jeffersonian victory, name ly, the selection of an investigating committeo by the house instead of by the speaker, and, better still, each party selected its members -of the committee. This establishes an impor tant precedent, which, if followed, will make in vestigations real and effective. I notice, also, that we seem likely to win a victory against the meat trust. Monopoly prices have at last provoked a popular protest, and now that the people are looking for a remedy there is hope that they will accept the- demo cratic remedy.- is not unnatural that they should use' ftioboyco.tt, even if they punish them selves while they are inflicting punishment "on their oppressors, but I am sure they will, in tho end, find legislation more satisfactory than abstinence from meat, and join with the demo crats in declaring a private monopoly not the meat trust only but every private monopoly indefensible and intolerable. But there is another item of news which has just come to my attention. President Taft In his Lincoln dinner speech at New York, Feb ruary 12th, attributes present high prices mainly to the increase in the production of gold and tho consequent enlargement of the volume of money. This unexpected endorsement of our party's- position in 1896, when we demanded more money as the only remedy for falling prices, is very gratifying. How valuable that admission would have been to us if it had been ' made during the campaign of that year when the republican leaders were denying that tho volume of money had any influence on prices and asserting that it did not matter whether we had much money or little, provided it was all good! We may now consider the quantita tive theory of money established beyond dis pute and 'proceed to the consideration of other questions. But the president and his predeces sor have admitted the correctness of the demo cratic position on so many questions that further argument is hardly necessary; wo may on any subject now take Judgment against the republi can party by confession. Please present my compliments to the demo crats assembled in memory of the sage of Mon ticello; I take it for granted that your gathering will not adjourn without the adoption of a reso lution urging tho ratification, by all the states, of the incSmo tax amendment to the federal constitution. The time is ripe for a return to Jeffersonian principles, and I trust that the representatives of our party will make a record which will se cure us a majority at the coming congressional election. With that advantage gained the demo crats will have an opportunity to outline a pro gram, and, with a program in harmony with Jeffersonian ideas, the democracy will enter the presidential campaign with promise of success. Yours truly, W. J. BRYAN. MONOPOLIST Andrew Carnegie said there would be fewer millionaires in the future and the St. Paul Pioneer-Press is unkind enough to add "Those already in the business have seen to that." Peru of Today Tho trip down tho west coast of South Amor ica is a delightful one; tho sea is calm, th boats are comfortable and tho servico good although the traveler must not expect the food to suit him as well as that at home. Wo made tho trip from Panama to Callao, Peru, the port of Lima, in nino days; but since wo sailed a' Peruvian company has put on a lino of steamers which make the trip In five days. One may now go from Now York to tho capital of Spain's ancient empire In twelve or thirteen days. This time will doubtless bo shortened to ten days when tho canal Is com pleted. If the reader will draw a lino south from the Isthmus, ho will see that It does not striko tho land much north of Guayaquil, the port of Equador's capital. It was more than two days, therefore, before we sighted land, and thon wo experienced our first disappointment. Tho Andes were not visible. I had pictured to my self a series of majestic peaks which, rising from tho water's edge, would guard the country like frowning sentinels; but wo looked In vain. Tho foothills often extend to tho coast, but to see the mountains ono must go back some dis tance, as tho crest of the first Cordilleras is no where less than from scsventy-fivo to one hun dred miles from the shore. " Guy'ajUJJtM yellow fever and bubonic plague, and tHe' quarantine regulations prevented our landing, but a large quantity of fruit was taken on there and we had occasion to note that the pineapples are of superior quality. The coast of Colombia and Equador is rank with vegetation; but from tho northern bound ary of Peru southward tho shore is as barren as a desert except where a stream, issuing from tho mountains, threads a verdant path to tho ooean. The Humbolt, or Anarctlc, current, a mighty stream, one hundred and fifty miles wide, which moves north at tho rate of twenty miles per day, is credited with lowering the temperaturo along the Peruvian coast, and It Is also blamed with tho aridness of this region. The area of Peru can not be stated' with ac curacy, for few nations have been afflicted with so many boundary disputes. She has recently agreed upon tho boundary line which Is to sep arate her 'from Bolivia and Brazil; she Is now engaged In fixing tho lino between her terri tory and that of Colombia' and Equador; while for more than ten years she has been endeavor ing to secure a pleblcite, or vote, to determine whether she shall recover a disputed tract which Chili has held conditionally since 1884. But with the understanding that it may be altered by tho settlement of the three pending boundary disputes, the area may be fixed at about six hundred thousand square miles. This ample domain includes the coast section of seven thousand square miles, the mountain sec tion land having an elevation of more than six thousand feet and the eastern slope or wooded portion. Tho coast section can bo cul tivated only by irrigation, since the rainfall Is practically nothing, although during the winter months there is much moisture In the air and clouds conceal the sky most of the time. But there are forty-six rivers which flow down tho western slope and each one of these can be made to reclaim a strip of land. President Legula, who Is an enthusiast on this subject, estimates that with the development of an adequate system of Irrigation, the popu lation of the coast section can be quadrupled. The mountain section nearly one hundred thousand square miles does not promise so much in the way of agricultural development, for tho greater part Is barren. In tho more fertile portion tho Indians are tilling innumer able little valleys and terraced mountain sides, but the altitude is so great that a considerable portion is fit only for pasture. In the future growth and development of Peru, the Montana, or wooded country on the eastern slope, is the unknown quantity. 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