The Commoner 2 .- i V. t i:ii im I:il a tax, nvG-sixths of which goes to a protected industry! If tho Post follows its own theory and favors a' tax for revenue only it would not favor giv ing the protected industry so large a percent age of tho total amount collected because of tho tax. If instead of paying the tax out of their own pockets tho manufacturers transferred the taxes on raw materials to tho consumers of manu factured products, then they must have collected from the consumer at least six times as much as the government collected from tho taxes on hides. Will the Post say that such a tax is in the interests of consumers? It complains that in talcing the tariff off of hides that It became necessary to put a tax on something else. Does it not know that a tariff may be so high as to bo prohibitory? Does it not know that a re duction in the tariff on a' given article may re sult in an Increase in tho revenue? Take tho tariff on the leather goods for instance: The tariff was so high under the Dingley law that we imported practically nothing in that line, and therefore the revenue from that source was insignificant. A reduction of one-half in tho tariff might result in the multiplication of the revenue from that tax. If the decrease in the tariff on leather, harness, boots and shoes does not bring an in crease in imports and thus an increase in revenue, it will bo because it is still prohibitive. A tariff of 10 per cent on leather goods might bring ten times as much as was collected last year from the duty on the leather goods im ported. Free hides, free leather, freo boots and free shoes would prevent the collection of any rev enue at all upon hides and the products of hides, but it would be easy to make up the deficit by a decrease in the tariff on such schedules where the tariff is not prohibitive. The Post rushes to the defense of the tariff on iron ore. As this can not be explained by any Texas deposit of iron ore for Texas' con tribution to the production of iron ore is inr significant it is due to its readers that it ex plains why it thus dares to array itself against Senator- Culberson on this subject. How 'flare it dissent from Senator Culberson on this im portant proposition? Does the Post not know that the iron ore tax is indefensible from the standpoint of revenue? Does It not know that the steel trust asked for the tariff and that its representatives were at Washington endeavoring to secure it? What explanation can it give of its attitude on this subject? Is it that it pre fers to side with one of its senators rather than with the other, or is it because it wants a tariff on some other raw materials, and to be con sistent must demand a tariff on all raw ma terials? If it is consistency it seeks does it demand a tariff on oil also? It ought to de vote a good deal of its time to the tariff on ore it will take a good deal to answer the arguments that must arise in the minds of the readers of the Post. , It says: "The United States steel corpora tion does not sell iron ore to the independents, but does import ore for some of its Atlantic coast ; plants." Is it not strange that the Post should know better than the trusts what is good for the trusts? It attempts to convince Its readers that the tariff on iron ore does not help the steel trust then why did tho Eteel trust ask for the tariff? The Post says: "If the corporation does not sell ore, then the tax could not inure to its benefit, since the protection on its finished pro duct is so high that the trivial duty on iron ore, the repeal of which was sought, could not possibly have affected tho Belling price " Again the question arises, how is it' that the Post knows more about tho steel trust interests than the steel trust themselves know? How chagrined the directors of the steel trust will be when they learn from the Post that they have been hurting themselves in their fight for a tariff on iron ore. The Post further says: "On the other hand, the lower duty on its (the steel trust's) ore im ported from Cuba and elsewhere Is a distinct advantage to the corporation, in addition to Its high protection on iron and steel products." Here again the Post would force upon the steel trust an advantage which it tries to avoid and tho value of which it does not seem to under stand. The editor of the PoBt does not credit his readers with a large amount of Intelligence when it asks, them to believe that a tax on iron ore is a blow at the trust, and that free Iron ore would be a' boon to it. Surely the argument bag Is empty if the Post 1b compelled to resort to such tommyrot to support a tariff on iron ore. But the desperation of tho Post is still further manifested when it says: "Whether he (Mr. Bryan) intends it or not, his argument is for further benefits to the already highly favored manufacturer, further tax burdens upon tho masses and further discrimination against pro ducers. And the manufacturers are -welcoming Mr. Bryan's assistance in the effort to obtain these further favors, just as every rockribbed republican newspaper is doing." Now let tho colonel be half fair at least. He may bo blind himself, from prejudice, but some of his subordinates in his office ought to caution him against such inexcusable and eggregious perversion of the truth. Who is copying repub lican arguments? Who is echoing republican arguments? Not Mr. Bryan but the P6st and thoso who believe with the Post. Who is standing for a tariff on wool that is a part of the Aldrich law, was a part of the Dingley law and the McKinley law? It was the Wilson bill that provided for free wool, and that was supported by the demo cratic party in the house and senate. Who takes the democratic position on this subject, and who the republican position? Mr. Bryan Is for free lumber the Post is against it. Tho Post is defending the Aldrich bill schedule on this subject, and repudiating the last democratic national platform, and the position taken by every Texas congressman but one, and by'the democratic congressmen who re ceived six-sevenths of the Votes cast for the democratic congressmen of the present con gress. Which is the democratic position? Mr. Bryan standa in his arguing for .free hides, free leather, free harness, free boots and free shoes. If the Post is against it, it Is opposing a position taken by all tho democrats in both the senate and the house. In its position on iron ore, the Post has the support of eighteen out of twenty-eight United States senators, but the Post can not get the written endorsement of the majority of the Texas congressmen for a duty on Iron ore. And as to the abstract question of a tariff on raw material: If the editor of the Post will read the Congressional Eecord, he will find that one of the republican senators put the question to a number of republican senators, and. ob tained from them all the declaration that the republican party did not stand for 'the doctrine of free raw material, and no recent republican platform has advocated free raw material. The democratic platform of 1902 specifically en dorsed the doctrine of free raw material, and no democratic platform since has repudiated the doctrine. So far as platforms go, the Post stands for the republican -platform and the republican position, while Mr. Bryan defends the demo cratic platform and the democratic position. Tho Post need not attempt to hide behind the 1896 and the 1904 national platforms, for the language upon which it relies is so ambiguous that no one could, with fairness, construe it as binding the democratic party to a tax on raw material, or as indicating a repudiation of the party's former position. The Post says: "It is strange, isn't it, if Mr. Bryan is expounding democratic principles, to find his most consistent and potent allies will be the republicans and his moat determined dis senters among men' whose democracy has never "been challenged?" Isn't it strange that the Post should make an assertion of this kind? Isn't it strange that the Post would make such a statement without any facts upon which to base it? Now that its attention is called to the fact that it la absurdly false, will it confess that it is in orror or will it try to support its position by finding a high tariff republican paper which commends the platform proposed by Mr. Bryan? If the Post will submit to the papers that call themselves republican the platform proposed by Mr. Bryan, it Will hot find one single republican paper of prominence which will endorse the tariff portion of that platform. Some of the republican papers have had the courage to oppose the duty on iron ore, because tho steel trust has a monopoly on iron ore, and some of the Western republican papers have de manded free leather, free harness, free boots and free shoes, if hides are to be free, but what republican paper in good standing, can the Post name which has endorsed the plank of Mr. Bryan's proposed platform favoring "free wool, the abolition of the compensatory duties on woolens and a substantial reduction in the ad valorem rate on woolens?" There are some papers which call themselves VOLUME S NUMBER 4f independent, which have commended Mr Bryan's position in general terms, but so far aa has come to the attention of The Commoner no republican paper and no independent paper that supported the republican ticket, has spe cifically commended tho platform which Mr Bryan has presented for the consideration of democratic candidates for congress but it has received the endorsement of the democratic papers and of the democratic voters in fact It is merely a condensed expression of the views of the democrats of -the nation. The Post may be ashamed of its republican company. It is on republican grounds and must become accustomed to its republican en vironment, for it will have no other kind of company when the issue is properly understood. THE TARIFF ON FARM PRODUCTS The Dallas Times-Herald, one of the most out spoken of the Texas advocates of protection, falls very naturally into the protectionists' habit of misrepresenting those who favor tariff reduc tion. It says: "Bread is the staff of life. Every sweatshop slave, every mill and factory peon in tho east, every soul that ekes out an existence in rookery and tenement and toils for the Gadgrlnds of society, must have bread or they must starve. Canada s a great wheat-growing country. Ar gentina is another. But there Is no cheap bread for the sons and danghters of poverty who toil from dawn until dusk. There is a duty of 25 cents a bushel on wheat, Nebraska is a wheat growing state and the Times-Herald insists upon Mr. Bryan placing wheat on his free list. With wheat on the free- list Canadian wheat and Ar gentina wheat will cpmo in free and there will be a chance for cheap bread. Farmers are not the. only toilers under Old Glory." It wants its readers to believe that Mr. Bryan favors protection on wheat, a Nebraska product, while asking that Texas products be placed on the free list. The fact is that Mr. Bryan favors free wheat and free flour. He has never made a speech or presented an argument in favor of a tax on either. They were not included in the brief platform which he suggested at Dallas because we export both and It, is only in excep tional cases that either wheat or flour is im ported. The tariff on wheat is of no benefit to a Ne braska farmer and he would not be entitled to protection on wheat even if it was a benefit. Mr. Bryan has never advocated a protective tariff for any one. It is only In rare cases that a tariff does or can help the average farmer. The tariff on farm products is a "delusion and a snare." It has made some farmers think they were getting a "share" of the protective tariff. -It would be better if there were no tariff on farm products and then all farmers would bo likely to favor a reduction of the tariff on man ufactured products. The republicans have favored a tariff on wool in order to induce wool growers to favor a, high tariff in woolen goods. They have used the tariff on farm products (for the most part useless to the farmer) to induce him to consent to a burdensome tariff on what he buys. 9 0 THEN AND NOW OUR NATIONAL SLIDING SCALE ' Taxation of the many for the benefit of the few Is robbery under the form of law. The Commoner, August 27, 1909. In days of old our sires were bold, and held their heads up high. To despots o'er the sea, we're told, they sent a proud defi. Oh, prompt the word that then was heard to voice their stout Intent: 'Twas "Millions for defense," they said; "for tribute, not a cent." Today our backs to tariff tax we bend most wondrous kind, with "living" kiting to the sky, while wages lag behind. One dollar goes to Uncle Sam, and nine to "Deacon John." Gadzooks! what stuff, this tariff guff, they stuff our voters on. Then form a band throughout the land; give time and money too, to guard the pocket from the hand the many from the few. Alas, our time the long year through is spent to earn the pence helps pay the tribute millions due; we've naught for self-defense. MONTGOMERY MARLAND, Lemon, South Dakota'. . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I II ,iV..3,c. ..-H UMk&j! auSffc-jaLSJ