The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 26, 1909, Page 10, Image 10

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    ""p'T.pJ" f
The Commoner
The mine disaster at Cherry, 111.,
on Novenlbor 13, in which over 300
mon and hoys lost their lives, proved
to ho one of the most appalling ca
lamities in the history of American
mining. Every effort was made to
subdue the fierce Are which started
near . the air shaft and cut off all
hope of escape to the doomed miners.
Frequent attempts wero made to send
rescuers down the shaft, but they
wero quickly driven back by the in
tense heat. No trace of the unfortu
nate miners was discovered until the
sixth day after the fire started, when
the fire was sufficiently subdued for
a rescuing party to descend and re
cover five bodies The discovery was
also made that the men were seen
lying in heaps near the air shaft.
It is expected that twenty-five bodies
will be taken out each day until tho
task of identification and burial is
complete. Active rescue work is be
ing carried on by the Red Cross and
other societies for the relief of tho
stricken families. On Saturday, No
vember 19, seven days after the dis
aster, twenty men wero rescued alive
after all hope had been abandoned.
Fire damp shut off further rescue.
The latest reports Bhow that of the
310 men entrapped in the mine, 20
wore rescued alive, 101 bodies have
been recovered, and 189 were still
unaccounted for.
The elimination from tho customs
-serxiceof Acting peputy Surveyor
w...v, . ye, mo uuuiiuuu oi. in at
office in the New York customs house,
tho dismissal of 104 men and de
motion of 123 other men at New
York from March 4 up to the pres
ent time, together with about a score
of other changes, were Included in a
statement made by Collector Loeb,
and announced by Secretary Mac
Veagh. Secretary MacVeagh made It
clear that there would be no further
grants of Immunity in the customs
investigation at Now York.
dress, having been introduced by the
rector, Father Eugene De L. McDon
nell, who referred to tho fact that
fifty years ago President Buchanan
had assisted in the dedication ser
vices of tho church.
The Finnish diet has been dis
solved for refusal to .obey Russian
Leaders of the American Federa
tion of Labor have declared them
selves against the saloon.
Dispatches from . JNew York an
nounced that the Wells-Fargo' Ex
press Co. has declared a dividend of
300 per cent to its stockholders out
of accumulated earnings. This is
one of the companies that tried to
overthrow the Sibley act, enacted by
the Nebraska legislature to reduce
,express rates 25 per cent.
Feriberto Barron, a bitter rival of
President Diaz and now self exiled
from Mexico, has proclaimed his can
didacy for the presidency of that re-
George" E. Roberts, former direc
tor of the mint, is an advocate of the
central bank of issue
..William M. Laffan, successor to
the late Charles A. Dana in the man
agement of the New York Sun, and
publisher of that paper for the past
twenty years, died at his home in
Lawrence, L. I.
Raymond Patterson, late corre
spondent of the Chicago Tribune in
Washington, was buried in that city.
He Was a classmate of President Taft
who attended the funeral and acted
as honorary pall bearer.
Thore is anxiety at Santiago, Chile,
lest the United States close its lega
tion - '
President Taft has issued his first
Thanksgiving proclamation officially
designating Thursday, November 25
as Thanksgiving day. " -u
Tkjejection of tho budget by the
English house of lords threatens to
participate a crisis.
Herbert John Gladstone, the Brit
ish secretary of state for home affairs
has accepted the post of governor
general of United South Africa. He
is the youngest son of the great Eng
lish statesman, "William E. Gladstone.
Boston's new museum of fine arts,
with its $15,000,000 worth of treas
ures, has been thrown- open to 'the
ljublic. . The new " building,
which was erected through private
subscriptions, covers twelve acres.
Bishop Scannell, of tho Catholic
diocese of Omaha1. In n normon of
St. Cecelia's church paid his respects
to the sensational press by saying:
"They should not be permitted to
circulate, and the state should ex
ercise supervision over the press."
Ho urged women to go into temper-
uuve wortt, due io Keep out of poll
tics, saying: "Men have a practical
judgment in this matter and do not
look for the perfect ideal. There
fore, I see no advantage to be de
rived from women being admitted to
the political arena."
Football has claimed another vic
tim in A. Richer Christian, the eighteen-year-old
halfback of the Uni
versity of Virerlnin ton TOimB0
juries in a game with Georgetown
university resulted in his death No
vember 14.
President Taft reviewed the men's
Catholic societies of Washington
from the steps of St. Aloysius church,
an incident in connection with the
celebration of the. golden jubilee of
the parish. Preceding the review
tho president delivered a brief ad-
The stay asked for by the attorneys
?Fesiaent Gompers, Vice President
Mitchell and Secretary Morrison of
the American Federation of Labor in
the proceedings against them for
contempt of .court, has been denied
by the court pt appeals of the Dis
trict of Columbia. Vh onntnn
comes as a surprise to the labor
leaders. The court, upon request of
counsel for the labor leaders, later
granted a' stay until November 29
of the issuance of the mandate send
ing the labor leaders to jail for con
tempt of court in the Buck Stove and
Range company case.
An order of excommunication
against Mrs. Augusta E. Stetson of
fleWa,York' for years regarded as one
of tho most prominent and powerful
members of tho Christian Science de
nomination, has hfftY1 4aaiml K.. it..
board of directors of the mother
church at Boston, the supreme gov
erning authority of the organization.
, Richard Watson Gilder, editor-ln-
vuCi ui m eiuury Magazine since
Its foundation in 1881, and widely
known as an author and lecturer,
died unexpectedly November 18 of
angina pectoris at the home of his
sister, Mrs. Schuyler Van Renssaler
in New York City. Ho was born in
Bordentown, N. J., in 1844. Better
known as a poet even than editor,
Mr. Gilder has published six books
of verse, among which are sonnets
and lyrics which have been rated by
critics as sure to pass into the herit
age of tho language. His bests works
aTe: "The Celestial Passion;"
"Lyrics," "Two Worlds," "The Great
Remembrance," "In Palestine,"
"Poems arid Inscriptions," "A Christ
mas Wreath," "A Book of Music."
In an opinion written by Judge
Walter B. Sanborn of St. Paul, and
concurred in by Judges Vandeventer,
Hook and Adams with a special con
curring opinion by Judge Hook, the
United States circuit court for the
eastern district of Missouri on No
vember 20 handed down an opinion
declaring the Standard Oil company
of New Jersey an illegal combination
operating in restraint of trade and
ordered Its dissolution. The opinion
of the court was filed simultaneously
in sc. .louis ana St. Paul. In this
decision the government of the
United States wins a sweeping vic
tory, and according to Frank B. Kel
log of St. Paul, who was the gov
ernment's Bpecial prosecuting officer,
the government has won every point
for which it contended. The case
will be appealed direct to the United
States supreme court, as th Inrie-An
who signed the decree are in effect
the judges of the United States cir
cuit court of appeals, although they
were sitting for the purpose of try
ing tHIs- case as tho circuit court for
the eastern district of Missouri. The
decree of the court dissolving the
Standard Oil trust becomes effective
in thirty days, when no doubt a stay
will be granted for the purpose of
an appeal. When the decree takes
effect, unless a stay Is granted, an
injunction will issue restraining the
Standard Oil company for further
continuance of its business under its
present formation.
The Dakotas have experienced the
worst November storm in years. Six
teen inches of snow fell and was
blown by a forty-five mile gale. Rail
roads were blockaded and business
Interrupted. The storm extended in
to adjoining states.
A New York man says jta a paper
read before the municipal league
convention that civil service has not
promoted efficiency of police departments.
Charge No Commission
IBayMoreFara from Trapper and Deal
er Than Are Handled by All St. Louis
Commission House Combined. Send to
day for tree Circular giving Prices 1 1
UUAKANI&tllOPAY. No other house
wilt guarantee to pay their Quotations.
255 N. Main St.,
Don't Wear a Truss
duhrent from thenaln Jul truss,
and bclne self-nuheilTe they
hold the rupture In place wltfc
ont straps, buckles or springs
cannot slip, so cannot chalo
or compress asralnst the pelvic
bone. The most obstinate
cases eared In the orlracv of
the home. Thousands have successfully
SSv n I 'reateauiemseiveswjtnouthlndrancelromwork.
wijs BOS I Soft M Telrteur to apptr..tnexpcnilTe. Guar.
we prove what we say
by sending you Trial Treatment absolutely PUEE. Write to
STUART PLASTER-PAD CO., Block 54, St Louis, M
m $1.98 D
Ml A
aaaVbYatlr llSSSW
Clarence Mackay declares that the
postal company is not a party to the
big telephone-telegraph merger.
The mail steamer La Seyne collid
ed with the steamer Onda off the
coast of Singapore., and sank in two
minutes. Nearly one hundred per
sons were drowned.
Federal Judge John A.' Marshall
of Utah overruled the demurrer filed
by Governor Charles N. Haskell and
five other prominent Oklahomans to
indictments charging them with
fraudulently securing from the gov
ernment title to a large number of
town lots in Muskogee, Okla. The
defendants were ordered to appear
for trial at Ohickasha.
The supreme court of Nebraska
has declared void the normal board
la-w passed by the last legislature.
The United States department of
Justice has made formal announce
ment of the reappointment of Francis
J. Henev. the San TTrntiMan
prosecutor, as a' special assistant at
torney general -tb renroscmr th
- ww 0u-
Retnrn this
mont to ub
end remit
$1.98, oar
Special Price
to introduce
and we will
"tend yon this
Element 7
Jew. Ladies'
or Gents'
Htg. Richly
Engraved and
bosrB our
No m ina I
20 Years.
Movement ia
tho Best Am
erican Jewel
ed Watch.
Sold by deal
era for'Sfi.OO
and $8.00. If
Watch ia not
return to ua
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refund your money. Send canh with order civ
intr namo of paper or return this advertisement.
After we enroll 20,000 new customers this Biff
Offer will be withdrawn. Order today, naming
your Express Office.
Address, CANDOR SALES CO., Candor, N.C.
Stomach Troubles
Like Magic
Would yen liko to eat all yow want o. and what
you want to, when you want to, without a ohanoa
fortroubleinyourutomaoh? , .
Would you like to say farewell for the root ot
your lif o to Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sour Stomacb.
Distress after eatinjr, Nervousness, Catarrh oi
the Stewart, Heart Fluttering, Slok Hoadaha
and Ceastipatlon?
Then send me lOeenta to eorercost of packing
and I will mall you absolutely free ono of these
wonderful Stomach Drafts. They rearulate the
bowels, relieve soreness, strengthen evory norva
and muscle of your stomaeh, relieve you at ones
and make you feel like a new man or woman. So
write today eneloslnsr 10 cents for the poatajro, etc..
and get ono of theso wonderful Stomach Drafts
that are celebrated because they sure where mem;
fjne? &!! YrItQ Dr- G O. Yoansr, 56 XsAionMl
BankBldg,, Jaokaon, mob.