5WW- The Commoner. WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR VOL. 9, NO. 42 Lincoln, Nebraska, October 29, 1909 Whole Number 458 flrpvm. '"' .. ' Men Wanted Tho congressional campaign of 1,910 will soon be upon us and wo ought to bogin NOW to plan tor It. Whether w ahall secure a democratic majority in the next, congress depends largely upon the character of the democrats nominated and upon tho platform on which they run. There may bo districts in which the demo cratic candidate will have so large a personal fol lowing that his constituents will trust him with out a platform, but these districts are, fortunate ly, very few. As a rule, tho man who objects to a platform is the very man who needs to bo pledged to a platform. If a candidate is in sym pathy with his people and shares their senti ments ho will not hesitate to state his position frankly and fully. When a candidate refuses to take the people into his confidence on a ques tion at Issue it Is usually because he Is conscious of holding opinions adverse to the interests of those whose votSs be asks. Tho first thing, therefore, is to find a demo cratic candidate in each congressional district who believes In platforms and who is willing to let the voters know wbero ho stands. The next thing is to find a democratic can didate whoso platform is acceptable to the voters of his party, and a platform to bo acceptablo must represent tho Interests of the voters. Thero Is scarcely a district In tho United States where the INTERESTS of a MAJORITY of tho Voters aTe on thp side of PROTECTION. The trouble la that the protected industries are actlvd and clamorous. .The democratic candidate should have the cpurago to protect the SILENT MA JORITY .against the demandsuofnhtf4OISy MINORITY, ... . -, . . . fTa'Ke1the wool question, for- illustration. There Is probably hot a district in the United States where the owners of sheep constitute one-tenth of the voting population, but that less than one tenth ofton has more influence on the congress man than .the more than nine-tenths. Why? Bepause the sheep owners are organized and active while the rest of tho people are often indifferent. In Texas, for Instance, about eleven hundred men own all the sheep InHbo state (1,600,000) and fifty men own about half tho total number. Counting the clip at G pounds to the sheep the annual wool crop would amount to about 10,000,00 pounds and be worth about $2,000, 000. If the sheep owners get the benefit of tho '40 per cent duty on wool then the eleven hun dred Bbeep owners in Texas receive about $800,000 from the tariff on wool and, of this. CONTENTS WANTEDMEN UNIQUE DEFENSE i IS THE SOUTH FOR PROTECTION? -: THE RAILROADS GET IT "REDHOT" A TJXAS CONGRESSMAN'S TARIFF SPEECH RUFUS HARDY WHO FOOLED PRESIDENT TAFT?' . A CENTRAL BANK OF ISSUE SOME TEXAS OPINIONS ON THE TARIFF QUESTION HOW CONGRESSMEN STAND PRACTICAL TARIFF TALKS CURRENT TOPICS HOME-DEPARTMENT NEWS OF THE WEEK fifty men recolve about $400,000 or $8,000 apidco. Fifty men can afford to mako a good deal of noise for $8,000 per year each; thoy can afford .to subsidize newspapers and to oub scribo to campaign funds. But tho .,500.000 people-In, Texas who pay at least 40 per. cent (probably GO or 00) more on, woolen goqds, than they would with froo wool, pay, each a little, and, therefore, db hot tako as active an interest In tho subject. But a democratic candidate for congress ought to take the side of tho many in spito of tho threats of tho greedy few. Tho Commoner uses Texas as an illustration because it has the figures in regard to that state. In Arizona about 300 men own the 1,250,000 sheep In tho territory. The Commoner will bo glad to have its readora send in tho statistics from other states thoy can probably bo ob tained at tho state capital. Tho samo Is true of tho tariff on lumber, Iron ore, coal, etc. Protection Is tho fight of a few for privileges at the expense of tho many; tariff reform Is the fight of tho many to keop the hands of the few out of their pockets. The Commoner has prosonted a sample plat form and it asks democratic candidates for con gress t6 accept, reject or amend it to suit them selves, and it asks tho democratic voters to seo to It that democratic candidates aro selected who really reflect the sentiment of the people of their district. Lot the fight begin now and bo con tinued In the open until we have a democratic congress made up of men who will put the in terests of the masses above the clamor of th030 who.seek favors. Wanted Men who dare to stand for tho Jef fersonlan doctrine of equal rights to all and pycuiHi iitivinsfcwii .to IfOpw. . ",; THE RAlMtOADS GET IT DJ- Tariff reformers are Just now laughing at tho Joke that the western railroads have played upon the fruit growers of California. The senators and members from California demanded an In crease In the tariff on citrus fruits, and finally secured an increase In the tariff rate. Where upon tho railroads raised their rates and greedily grabbed up the exact increase. Of course tho fruit growers are very Indignant, and Senator Flint is making the air blue with threats. Ho says: "The question that confronts us in this case is whether a combination of railroads can nullify the act of congress and destroy a great Industry that congress has, by legislation, en deavored to protect." And then ho adds this note of warning: "I feel that the protective tariff system can not be maintained and that wo will be placed in an indefensible position if we permit one penny raised by this tariff to go to the railroad corporations of this country." If Senator Flint will investigate the matter, he will find that a considerable portion of tho tariff is levied for the benefit of the railroads. Take the tariff on coal for Instance; who gets the benefit of It? We export coal and It simply enables the railroads to charge a higher rate for coal used at the seaboard than for coal sent to the seaboard for export. The more protection Is studied, the more glaring its iniquities become. Possibly a part of the wool tariff Is absorbed by the railroads. i i RED HOT Mr. Crane says that the president told him to utilize all the opportunities offered to speak on the eastern situation and to give it to them "red hot." Just what red hot means has now become a matter of Inquiry. If Mr. Crane did only what he was directed to do ho ought not to be dismissed but that is a matte of degree. He may have raised tho temperature to white heat when he was authorized to go no farther than red hot. At least, the brown people and the yellow people were stirred up. Possibly thej)hrase "red hot" is like tho word "revise" It needs to be defined. If the president had givep' It to Aldrich republicans "red hot" he might. have accomplished something. , Unique Defense ; Tho Chicago Trlbuno (rep.) rushes to Mr. , Taft'o dofoiiHO, seeking to Justify tho president's falluro to recommend an amendment providing for tho-elcctlon of sonatora by popular vote. The Trlbuno says; "Mr. Bryan know full well whon ho wrote his lottor that not ovon tho most passionate ap peal by tho proaldont would havo moved con gress or at loast tho souato to Bubmlt to tho states tho amondmont in question. But ho thought ho saw a chanco to put tho president In a hole, for Mr. Taft had said during tho campaign that ho was personally Inclined to favor tho direct olection f sonatora. He did not say, howovcr, that if elected ho would waste himself by urging congress to do something he knew it would not do." That is very much like tho claim that whon Mr. Taft promised tho people tariff rovisfon ho did not say that if oloctod ho would wnoto him self by urging congress to rovlso tho tariff down wardsomething ho know it would not do. It Is noticeable, howover, thnt Mr. Taft is not so careful on quostlonn like ship subsidy and central bank- Tho things that Mr. Aldrich wants done may bo recommended because per sistent recommcndalion may result finally In legislation. The defense mad by tho Trlbuno is un worthy a great newspaper. Editors devoted to a .cause do not refrain' frdm advowttlnfLtWat .,.. cause on the theory that tue&roMrpefcJjDaift tytyfo &$)&& W&to authority or. even tho mjmg tths K WW thinking. Men tSlwhom thMsbpId have Vrlght to look tor coiBhphdd ridt "wdsto themselves' wfion thoy urge pluu Which they concpivo to be for tho public wel fare. "Agitation," said Wendell Phillips, "Is the method that plants tho school by the sldo of the ballot box." And surely tho president of tho United States need not fear to advocate a great reform on tho theory that by doing no "he would wasto himself by urging congress to do something ho knew it would not do." That sort of argument carried to its logical conclusion would cause the peoplo to lose In terest in public questions and would result In tho ovorthrow of popular government. IS THE SOUTH FOR "PROTECTION?" Tho Dallas (Texas) Times-Herald prints a letter from James T. Stacoy In which that gen tleman, taking Issuo with Mr. Bryan's tariff views, says: "It is not difficult to make a prediction as to tho final outcome of this friendly rivalry be tween tho north and tho south for commercial Supremacy. When tho mills and factories of the south are able to consume the entire pro duct of southern fields and mines, I predict that a complete reversal on the tariff will have taken place. The north and cast will stand for the views of Watterson and Morrison, while the south will stand for those enunciated by Randall and Reed." But Is tho south ready to turn "protection?" REAL TARIFF REFORM If Mr. Bryan were a republican ho would probaoly construe "revise" to mean to take tho tariff off what the manufacturer buys and leave it on the things tho people buy. Fort Worth (Texas) Record. But Mr Bryan does not propose "to take the tariff off what the manufacturers buy and leave it on tho things the people buy." When he speaks for free hides ho speaks also for free leather, free harness, free boots and free shoes, and the free raw material tax which Mr. Bryam would abolish Is paid in the end by the people. ml in i- .s V fcfjiiiriftWftfhnfefmhJfrttni ,