"i i- I V"Tir" 'W - m -''"' .j.v- -w"Tirt " .,.w,.imiirt'T'"m ""i"" "ft"" """"' "" "" The Commoner. 14 VOLUME 9, NUMBER 3 ' w vf "wr'TFr . " i ii COMBINATION BARGAINS To beiieJU Hh rcndcr,Yrho dcntrc to tnke oilier mncnxlnci anil ncvrn nnncr. The Ooinmoncr Iin lnnile nrrnnfccmcnta vrhcrafoy they can obtain nrrloiIIcnlH they denlrc nt ?rcnIy reduced rates In connection with The Commoner. Tho following comlilmttlonH will bo of nNMlNtnncc In wclect Ine n profHiililo lino of rending for the coming: yenr. Katcri for paper not Riven below furnlnhed upon appllcntlon. Join the IlioufiandH of other Commoner render who take ndvnntnKC of our subscription, oiler and secure another newspaper at flight expense. r CLASS A. Pub. Prlco. Tho American, Nashville, Tonn., Dem., Wk...f .BO American Swlnahcrd, Chicago, 111, Agr. IIvo Stock. Mo ..v. ....... .50 Agricultural Epltomlst, Sponcor, Ind., Agr., MnnHilv 25 Boys World, Elgin, 111., Juvonllo, Wk.. 50 Com. Appeal, Memphis, Tcnn., Agr.. W...... .50 Farm Progress, St. Louis, Mo., Agr.. Som-M? .25 Farm, Stock & Home, Minneapolis, Minn., Agr., Semi-monthly ...... 50 Farm & Flrcsldo, Sprlngflold, Ohio, Agr., Semi-monthly 85 homo & Farm, Louisville. Ky., Agr., Soml-Mo. .50 Tho Industrious Hen, Knoxvlllo, Tonn., Poul try, Mo 50 MIsHourl Valley Farmer, ToDOka, Kans., Agr., Monthly 25 Nebraska Dairyman, Lincoln, Neb., Mo 50 Modern Prlscllla, Boston, Mass., Fancy-Work, Monthly 50 Nat, Farmer & Stock Grower, St. Louis, Mo., Atrr. and Stock, Mo 50 Nat. Homo Journal, St. Louis, Mo., Household, Monthly 50 Chattanooga Weekly News and Farm Journal .50 Pcoplo's Popular Mo., Dos Moines, la., House hold. Monthly 25 Pralrlo Farmor, Chicago, 111., Farming, Semi monthly '. . 35 Rollablo Poultry Journal, Qulncy, HI., Poultry, Monthly 50 Southern Agriculturist, Nashville, Tenn., Agr., Semi-monthly 50 Southern Fruit Grower, Chattanooga, Tenn.; Agr, and Hortl., Monthly BO Up-to-Dato Farming, Indianapolis, Ind., Agr., Semi-monthly 50 Vick's Magazine, Chicago, 111., Floriculture, Monthly ..; BO The Commoner AND ANY ONES IN GLASS A $1.00 The Commoner AND ANY TWO IN CLASS A $1.35 CLASS B. ' . Pub. Prlco. Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Ga., Democratic, Trl-weelcly i.uw Tho American Boy, Detroit, Mich., Literary. Monthly l.oo Courier-Journal, Louisville, Ky., Dem., WK. 1.00 Enquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio, Dem., Wk 1.00 Tho Fruit G. wor. St. Joe. Mo.. Farm. Mo 1.00 Tho Housekcopor, Minneapolis, Minn., House hold. Monthly 7K Irrigation Age, Chicago, 111., Agr., Mo 1.00 Tho Vegetarian Co. -Hygienic, Chicago, 111., Monthly 1.00 Michigan Farmor, Detroit, Mich., Agr., Wk.. .75 Nebraska Farmor, Lincoln, Nob., Agr., Wk.... 1.00 unio warmer, uievoiana, onio, Agr., wic 75 soutnern uuitivator, Atlanta, c,a., Agr., semi monthly 1.00 LaFollotto's Weekly Magazine 1.00 Wlndlcs Gatling Gun, Chicago. 111., Roform, mommy 1.00 I Word & Works, St. Louis, Mo., Scientific and uomeauc, sao- tniy i.oo The Commoner AND ANY ONE IN CLASS B $1.35 I The Commoner AND ANY TWO IN CLASS B $1.85 $1.60 TI1E COMMONER nnd any One in Class A with any one In Class B ; muw nrkTunrrvATTio .wi r m any Two in Class B ; & 1 0 THE COMMONER and any Two in Class A with rth -4 rs any Ono In Class B qj) X O 5 (MMrWWKM i I mHHBIIHHHBDHHilBBBBnHrn... MISCELLANEOUS. Publishers Price American Magazine, New York City, Literary, Mo $i 06 American Motherhood. Cooperstown, N. Y., Literary M" loo McClures Magazine, New York, Literary 159 'lllO umuit. vtu, ouoiuii, muaa., ouui'L OlOriCS, MO 100 Breeder's Gazetto, Chicago, 111., Agr. & Stock, Wk.... 2!oo Cosmonolltan. Now York City. Lltorarv. Mn . i Xa Country Gentleman, Albany, N. 1 Agr., Wk ! ibo Tho Democrat, Johnstown, Pa., Domocratlc. Wk...I ion Tho Delineator, Now York City, Fashion, Mo ion Tho Etude, Philadelphia, Pa., Musical, Mo. .......... ibo Farmers Voice, Evanston, 111., Agr., Semi-monthly. . . . l'oo Flqld & Stream, Nov York City, Sporting. Mo........ 150 Good Housekeeping, Sprlngflold, Mass., Household. Ho. l'oo Health Culture, Passaic, N. J., Health, Mo 108 Hoard's Dairyman, Ft. Atkinson, Wis., Dairying, Wk.. l'oo Home Herald, Chicago, 111., Unsoctatflan, Wk........;! 200 Houston Post, Houston, Texas, Dem., twlce-a-wook.... l'oi Llvo Stock Journal T.. .... loe Norman E. Mack's National Monthly, Dem .'...." inn Technical World, Now York, Monthly ' ir0 Tho Independent, New York, Current Events, Wk ! 2 no Literary Digest, New York, Review, Wk... ' soo McCalls Magazlno, Now YorJc, Fashions, .0 ' kX Metropolitan Magazlno, Now York, Literary, Mo... 150 In each caso yvlicre the appears before name of a nbIIoi- L nre only permitted to accept new nubrfcrlptlons. Forclen no-Y-Sl oa .Wa Periodicals may he sent to different addresses K dSfiSSP '" friend may wish to join with you In sending for a comfcln4t Yon subscrliitlonM are for ono year, and If Hew, begin with Ihamn...?' Au her unless otherwise directed. no cur"ent aam- Our Price with The Commoner. fl.KO i.eo 1.75 1.55 2.90 1.50 1.80 1.28 1.7S 1.7S 1.20 1J3 1.SO 1.50 1.SO 2.05 1.G0 1.2 1.50 1.85 2.20 S.2K LIB 1.60 Address all Orders to THE COMMONER Lincoln. Nebraska LSJ.UIL "'-' T-T- ' S II I.!' I..' . ! ,, ' S In the clash, between strikers and officers at the plant of the Pressed Steel Car company in Schoenville, Pa., a score of persons were serious ly wbunded, three strikers and two officers were killed. The town of Decatur, 111., was vis ited by fire. Property " valued at $1,000,000 was destroyed. J. C. Godfrey, mayor of Davis boro, Ga., was perhaps fatally wound ed in an attack made upon him by the brother of the man upon whom ho had inflicted a fine. A cablegram from Rheims, France, carried by the Associated Press says: "Glenn H. Curtjss,, the American aviator, and M. Paulham, represent ing France, divided the honors of the second day of aviation week, the former with a thrilling flight just before dusk, in which he lowered the speed record for the course, which measures 6 1-5 miles, to 8 minutes 35 2-5 seconds; the latter making two impressive high altitude flights in the endurance test for the prix de la champagne." This is an Associated Press dis patch from Austin, Texas: "Robert J. Bckhart, receiver for the Waters Pierce Oil company, filed an inven tory of the corporation's Texas prop erty with the clerk of the district court here. Judge Wilcox will now order the sale of the property to the highest bidder. The Waters-Pierce holdings in this state are valued at $2,000,000, which is the amount of the fine recently imposed for alleged violations of the Texas anti-trust statutes." General James A. Garfield's views on tho question of Chinese labor. The Morey letter was the most sen sational incident in an exciting presi dential campaign. The letter was denounced by General Garfield as a forgery. Byrne and three men asso ciated with him were arrested. It $Hi)$cri6er$' Jiaverti$ing Dcpt. WANTED RELIABLE PERSON IN 7 c?ich locallty to tack up a dozen advertising: posters of forthcoming &?ok,, ,,T1i? ..Curbing: of Predatory wealth." Suitable recompense. Square Deal Club, Box 473, Berlin, Pa. INFORMATION WANTED REGARD- ing: John Legrgret, probably a bache lor, about 70 years of age, If living". Address Isaac Brown, care Allen Cook. Canton, Ohio. In an automobile accident near Council Bluffs, Iowa, one person was killed while four were seriously injured. Captain William H. Cushing aged 61, senior captain of the revenue cutter service on the Pacific" coast, is dead. The Washington correspondent for the Associated Press says that the United States is the second naval power in the world. Great Britain is first. African advices say that on Aug ust 23, Colonel Roosevelt went out alone and killed one elephant. Henri Fournier, a French' aviator, was seriously injured by falling from' his machine, while making a test at Rheims, Franco. 90 000 ACR.ES OF CHOICE, SE LjtjJj lected farm lands in the Famous James River Valley for sale on tho one-half crop payment plan. Ag-enta wanted. Write owners. John B. Fried Co., Jamestown, No. Dak. MONTANA. THE LAND OF OPPOR 1V1 tunlty! Contains tho only great area of fertile land in the United States waiting to bo peopled. Send your name to J. H. Hall, Commissioner of tho State Bureau of Publicity, Helena, Mont., and get, free, official book with full Information. A QUARTER SECTION, ONE MILE trk from Larby, Alberta, on the Cana dian Northern; 130 acres tillable, 20 acres meadow, 10 acres timber; ?2,000 cash. Address Samuel Danlell, Ren ville, Minn. AUCTIONI WILL SELL AT PUBLIC auction Monday, October 4, 1909, be ginning at 10 o'clock sharp, my fol lowing described property, to-wlt: My personal property, consisting of stock, and machinery, corn in field, grain in bin, together with my farm, consistlnff of 143 acres described as follows: The east half of tho southwest quarter and tho south half of the southeast quarter in Section 14, Range 28, Town ship 103, in Faribault county, Minne sota; good Improvements and under a high state of cultivation. Farmers of Illinois and "Wisconsin please investi gate. $3,000 cash will be requlrod, balance to suit purchaser. For further particulars address D. H. Morse, pro prietor, Winnebago, Minnesota. Auc tioneer, J. L. Roeblco. SCOTCH COLLIE PUPS. ALL PURE bred varieties. Ducks and goose. Dawson Bros., Franksvillo, Wis. ILL SELL A. FEW CHOICE tracts off my ranch on tho now R. R. In artesian belt in southwest Texas. S. C. Ward, Atherton, Texas. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COME and buy a homo in tho paradise or Western -America. I offer a good 6 room house, with bath, electric light and gas, in beautiful Monrovia by tho mountains, at a bargain. Write E. B. Rives, Agent, Monrovia, California. Wail Street has been Informed that B. H. Harriman will retire from active work. Marian Roberta Bleakley, known aa the "incubator baby" is .the sub ject of legal proceedings at Kansas City. kIt is charged that she was kidnapped by her foster mother,- Mrs.' Barclay, and Mrs. Bleakley, who claims to be her real mother, seeks possession of her. A New York dispatch to the Chi cago Record-Herald says: "Charles Alfred Byrne, journalist and play wright, died today of appendicitis in a Jersey City hospital. He figured prominently in the Garfield campaign of-1880, as publisher of the news paper in which appeared the forged Morey letter, purporting to give AGENTS WANTED EVERT TOWN, for our superior line of specialties. Easy selling kind. Write for particu lars. Household Specialty Co., 426 N. Pgh. St., Connellsvillo, Pa. SMALL PRINTING OUTFIT FOR sale. Now; a bargain. Outlook, Dawson, Nob, ONTANA SHEEP RANCH, 4,50 acres deeded land, 2,000 acres irri gable, water now for 1,000 acres; 6,008 acres leased; 5,000 ewo sheep; a go ing concern and a rare opportunity. Will sell. Write for details, William Darroch, Kentland, Indiana. I7IVE-ROOM COTTAGE TO EX- change for land in Oklahoma or Arkansas. Write at onco, J. W. White hurst, La Harpe, Kans. BUY USED ' POSTAGE STAMPS. H. E. Saior, Lansing, Michigan. ESTATE DUE B. P. DAVIS, REWARD for satisfactory evidence of hi whereabouts or death. Address Saran Davis, Blooming Grove, Texas. I 8F ,fmi .W&.. . jjA . - u., vih'jAA, Jitt.j