The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 03, 1909, Page 13, Image 13

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yjWj f i "'sFmmi"rrvi"v''n,i8ii' "-ynr
The Commoner.
of poor blood circulation Is shortness of
breath after -walking, going up stairs,
sweeping', slngTing-, excitement, anger,
fright, etc Poor blood circulation
means a sick heart, and a sick heart
is the result of weak and impoverished
Everyone knows tho results of poor
blood circulation, but everybody does
not know that the quickest and safest
treatment is Dr. MIIcb' New Heart Cure.
If you find these symptoms present
you should not neglect them, but at
once procure a bottle of
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure
It will cure, and at a very little ex
pense, compared with doctor's bills. Wo
are so sure of it, that if the first bottle
does not benefit, your druggist will re
turn your money. It will do for you
what it has done for thousands in like
"For two months I walked on the
edge of tho tomb from weak heart, poor
blood circulation and nervous prostra
tion. Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, and
Nervine gavo mo back my health."
REV. W. A. ROBINS, Port Elgin, Ont.
Weak Instep
causes pains
Ui rough, the foct,
and logs slmilni
to rhoumntism.
you can pro
vent all this by
wearing tno
Kfh a Dair. Ycrar
nmii.ai8rSo,5iSItep Supports
Brtxfctea, UatudituctU.
It is tho best policy holder's com
pany in tho United States.
ASSISTS, $3,000,000
Twenty-thrco years old. Writo
The Old Line Bankers Life
Iilacoln, Nebraska
I uonoaomu. cjiuaucr tuun
I wood,xnoro durable Special
prices to churches and ceme
teries. uon'tDuyaiencoun
tll you etc tour frco catalog.
JCokomo Fence Maohiao Co.
ixt 2Nortn8t.,&owiao,Zna.
CAN BE CURED. My mild, soothing, guaranteed cur
loss It and FEtC &AMTLK prorot It. BTOI'S TUK 1ICHINQ
a4 eurw to stay. "WBIIK NOW TODAT.
Cigars, Manufacturer to Consumer
5o Henry O- f2: 100. f4l tent anywhere, express nrcnald.
They are 4 1-2 Inch, hand-made, perle'cto shape, Ions filler,
Sumatra wrapper; look, smoke and taste like 10 cent clears.
HNRY W. OVEKUECK, 4038 Ubadlo Are., St. I-oali, Xo.
Canned Fruit 8c to 10c Quart
Just as You would Uko It right In your own homo.
Send stamp for particulars. Twelfth year shipping.
X. M. IiANCAsnm, H. C Lancaster, Grower,
Box 25. Box 25,
Franklin, Nob. Bunker Hill, in.
A romarkablo offor by ono of tho leading ear
specialists In this country, who will send two
months' medicine free to provo his ability to euro
Deafness, "Hcnd Noises and Catarrh. Address Dr.
G. M. Brsuiaman, ISO Kaat IStli Street,
Kansas City Mo
(Continued from Page 11)
Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Ken
tucky, Oregon, Illinois, Wisconsin,
Washington, North Dakota, South
Dakota, Nebraska, Missouri, Iowa,
New Jersey, Montana, Kansas, Ohio,
Oklahoma, Michigan, Nevada and
California) have broken at least the
spirit if not the letter of the consti
tution by electing their senators by
popular ballot in some form or
The oft repeated will of tho sen
ate to abide by tho old mode of
choosing senators has caused these
states to pass measures by which
they may have their wishes granted
and still remain within tho constitu
tional limitations. As many differ
ent modes are found in as'many dif
ferent states, but after a careful ex
amination of a number of them it
seems that the state of Oregon has,
in what is known as the Oregon plan
ono of tho best and most incorrup
tible statutes of its kind over enact
ed. Only that part which relates to
tho election of Uriited Stated sena
tors concerns us here and I shall
Btate it briefly.
When a candidate seeks a seat in
the legislature, among other things,
he must place in his platform tho
promise to the people of Oregon as
well as to tho people of his own
legislative district, that during his
term of office ho will always vote for
that candidate for United States sen
ator in congress who has received
the highest number of the people's
votes for that position at the general
election next preceding the election
of a senator in congress without re
gard to his individual preference, or
else he must state that he will con
sider the people's vote in the pri
maries only as a recommendation
which he shall be wholly at liberty to
disregard if tho Reason for doing so
seems to him sufficient.
You can Teadily see that tho can
didate on the first, platform has a far
better chance of being elected than
the ono on the second platform, all
other things being equal.
The validity of this law was re
cently tested for the first time. At
the primaries victory justly went to
Governor Goorgo E. Chamberlain, a
democrat, a man of remarkable abil
ity; a man who has done more for
Oregon than any one before him, and
tho questions upon which ono can
pass iuch sweeping ju'dgmont are
raTo Indeed and w have not attempt
ed to do it hero.
Whilo wo recognize that this is
somewhat of a debatable question
and that thoro aro arguments on
either side it seems to us that wo
have conclusively proven our propo
sition and by successfully answoring
tho main argument of our opponents,
that our plan was rojectod in tho
constitutional convention and that it
contravenes tho cardinal tenets of
tho fathers, we have taken from them
the very backbone of their support
by submitting as Irrebuttable evi
dence tho very minutes of tho con
vention of 1787.
Never before has tho opinion been
so widespread that the senate Is sad
ly in need of repair; that tho repair
ing will never be done by the scnato
Itself is a foregone conclusion; but
it can only bo accomplished by the
concerted action of tho people.
Any man who seeks a senatorship
by honorable means, and for patri
otic purposes; every man who be
lieves in a republican form of gov
ernment, of tho people, by tho peo
ple, and for tho people; every man
who has confldenco in tho sound
Judgment of the American people;
every man who believes in preserv
ing tho sovereignty In tho hands of
tho citizens will favor this amend
ment, for it should bo tho aim of
every good citizen to bring our gov
ernment closer to tho people, and
no more feasible and sensible method
has been proposed than this change
in tho election of United States
Tho voice of the people is tho volco
of God.
Respectfully submitted,
Washington, D. C, May 15, 1909.
10 am I mm I I I H mm m 1 mmB
The Nebraska state fair will open
at Lincoln, Septomber 0, continuing:
to September 10. Tho attractions
this year aro said to bo tho most
complete over offered. Tho follow
ing statement will be of special In
terest: "Tho managers of tho state
fair at Lincoln, September 6 to 10,
have again secured tho world re
nowned Liberati's band of New York.
They will give three grand concerts I
In tho Auditorium every day and one
Arc you open to argument on the
roofing question? Do you want to feel
absolutely certain, before you buy, that
you arc getting the best value in the
world for your roofing money? Then
listen to these
Ten Good Reasons
Why You Should Ue
Green Flag Spar Roofing
1 It carries three timed the ntnouut of aaphaK
on the top surface; hence has three tine
the life of nuy other roofing,
t It is strictly a Trinidad 1,0 We Asphalt roof.
S It needs no coating, cither at time of UylBg
or after
4 It is the most fire-proof roofing?.
5 It is the most linll-proof rooflnc.
6 It is acid, Cre and fume proof from the
under side.
7 It is more pliable; hence more easily laid
than any other roofing.
8 It is cheaper and better than shinties; they
9 It is equipped with the "Kant I,eak Kleet,"
the only perfect roof senm ever Invented
10 It is the most siuhtly roof, yrhen laid with
the "Kant Lcnk Kleet," and 1b absolutely
water-proof and wind-proof.
Our claims for Green Flag Spar Roof
ing are backed by a $1,000,000 legally
binding guarantee, jno other roofing in
the world is backed so strongly by the
makers. And, remember, you can get
the "Kant Leak Kleet" Scara (free)
only with this roofing. Don't let the
Dealer talk you into something else ,
that pays JiJm a better profit. Insfst on
"Green Flag" and you will get it.
Write today for Free Sample and
Kleet Chart, Address me
H. W. HUTTIG, Pre't
Huttltf Mfg. Co., 866 2d St., Mtucatiae, Iws
concert each evenlnc In front of the
a man who, in tho logical sequence grand stand. Besides tho band ho
of things, deserved to be thus hon- has with him a full comnlement of
n a d n t 9 returned
Free report as to Patentability. IUustratod Quid
Book, and Ust of Inventions Wanted, sentfroa.
EVANS. W1I.KENS & CO., Washington, D. a
Unexpectedly Snmmoned Abroad Must
dispose of my 1009 Modol M, 7-passongor White
ored. Governor Chamberlain was
elected at the polls and as usual a
republican legislature was chosen.
Now here was an odd state of af
fairs a legislature pledged to elect
a man not of its own party. But
true to their pledge and their man
hood they did exactly that thing and
Mr. Chamberlain came to Washington
to take the oath of office. Here a
number of other senators had tried
to set up constitutional objections to
his being seated, but they had abso
lutely no case and were utterly help
less; and as a result the Hon. George
B. Chamberlain sits in the united
grand opera' singers. To those who
have attended the state fair tho past
two years that is announcement
Bteam can equipped with. capo, folding1 top, folding1 , , ..t.-ti4-i v.
wind shield, live lamps and gas tank. Has not boon States senate, a' Vindication OI tne
driven 300 mUcs. Car cost me 4,260. WU1 sell for npnnlft'n rlehts. and Oreeon is reD-
, Vw. v 0 --, -w- m.
$2,760. AddrcssDepU A, Commoner, Lincoln, Nob.
Good pay, steady -work and promotion. Experience
unnecessary as vt win give complete instructions.
an vine Tobacco Co., Box R 86. Danville, va.
.Solves the
and set well and strons. I had beea sick
five yean, lost 40 pounds, Edney dueased,
tkia sallow, no appetite, boweh costive,
nervous, weak and discouraged. Dodor
ShafeT made nte weil and fttrong. . . .
715 IJewood Ave,. Carnesje, Pa.
You can be cured at bocae, , CobjuUi
Don free. Send urine for analyst. Manias
. u... no 1 c cuicpd I
14 Pen Ave., Pittsburg Pa. ' retort,
resented hy her greatest citizen.
These illustrations show just two
purposes first, the necessity, for a
change as changes become necessary,
arid second, that we should 'not al
ways yield blind obedience to a
theory simply because it Is sanc
tioned by long observance, but of
course we ought not make a change
unless there is some reason ior a
It was said of Charles Sumner that
during the debate of a great public
issue an opponent once reproached
him for not having considered the
"This man is not Insane," said the
lawyer, "and never has been. To
keep him in an asylum is a blow, sir,
directed aerainst human rlchts. an as
sault upon the sacred Institution of I
liberty, an"
T-aJ It 1 A. . j -S- 1
"jbui am you not prove last weex,
when he was on trial for murder,
that he had been from birth a' raving
lunatic?" interposed the court.
The lawyer smiled in a superior
way. "surely," ne said, "your nonor
would not have it believed that this
court is on the intellectual plane, of
that jury." Philadelphia Ledger
ciHow many children have you?
said the tourist affably.
"1 dunno exactly," answered the
tired-looking woman.
"You don't know?"
"Mnf fnf oortaln WilHn'ci trnna
flshm, Tommy's breakin' in a colt,
George's borrowed his father's shot
gun to go huntin', an' Esmeralda
Ann Is thinkln' of elopin'. I never
know how many I've got till supper
Standard ,p;y
Bone Cutter avSii
or eristic. Gnaranioed Oiobfstof all bono cotters
or money reinnded. Huns easiest, cnta fastest
lasts Ioncat Cats bono across the grain. Klrlije
greatest reeding value. Tho HUndard is (lie only
positive automatic tcedlag cntter built, has many
improTeiflcnis found in no other, is low In price
u imm. andbnlUtoetanameworK. Kieren
fiincrcni sizes
from Wb.lh to
S19S, for band
una vowot.
Cat shows No.
0. rrica 18.80.
8Ii1diM on 10dATSrtrial
free Write for free cat
alog, prices and free trial
BTiirniRB B03X
JJIlford, Mw.
IV VRI 4'IJ.V -i-W iV
try One (I JU Vj0
A beautifully Jlluatratcd periodical. Tor
free copy and list of 200 select proper
ties In best parts of State, apply to
CfcarlotiCMvJlle, Va,
BbancxiOwicizs: Richmond, Va.; Fredericksburg,
Va; Warrcnton, Va.; Culpepcr, Va.
other Bide of the question. "The know how many I've got tin supper
other side "was Sumner's scathing time comes,-so's I can count 'em."
?etort "ere T no other side." But Washington Evening Star.
' inning u iorju wu
pirtrtrci pi ATPIl
IPQLS IM 1 Combination Hatchet
SMBtta- nnrmLU. Irr vrUmL 0nUL
Vaurluk to Mr poretuMT sot fafe! !. Ba4tUy
-. ,J. r rnti. nnrriT id mJ f lit rnAM U Aetata.
"Goodrorm" ncadyto-Wcar "Oarmenta" for
tho "well drcjwed woman." Writo for special circu
lar 28, free, qoodforro garment Co., Cleveland. O.
Intelligent man or woman to distribute circulars
and tako orders. $2 a day and commission. Perma
nent. Universal House, 302 Wabash Ave., Chicago.
sWi, . -i
- , t - .