u -. -., 10 The Commoner. JUNE 18, 1909 V EDUCATIONAL SERIES .Reasons for Free Hides and Leather Former Governor W. L. Douglas, of Massa chusetts, has written the following instructive article respecting free hides and leather: The hoot and shoe manufacturers of this country are facing a crisis even greater than (many of them realize. Under present conditions, that is, with pres ent duties on hides and leather, it does not take a prophet to foretell in a general way what will happen. The logic of tariff events has already proceeded far enough to indicate clearly tho goal toward which we are rapidly traveling. This is no less than a gigantic trust controlling tho beef packing, leather tanning and shoe man ufacturing industries, of this country. This trust will, of course, he built around tho present beef trust. Such a trust is inevitable, providing the pres ent duty of 15 per cent remains on hides. Tho advantage given by this duty to the beef trust, as the original owner of hides, is so great that competition with it will be hopeless, as soon as it can establish itself in the leather, tanning and Bhoe manufacturing industries. Under the monopolistic influence of the tariff on hides, the beef packers' trust has already made great headway. It now controls directly about 55 per cent of the hides of this country. Indirectly, it is reasonably certain that it con trols a1 large part of the 45 per cent of hides which it does not take off of cattle. To make Its monopoly of the raw material of leather still more complete, it has recently gone into the hide buying business. Thus, the independent tanner is left with only a very restricted supply of raw material. If he could buy foreign hides without the payment of the 15 per cent duty, he would have some chance to compete with the packer tanners and the price of leather would be more likely to be reasonable. There is, however, no certainty of fair and reason able prices for leather unless both hides and leather are put on the free list. The beef pack ers' monopoly has already gone so far that it is only a question of a very short time when free hides, without free leather, would be of little or no avail to shoe manufacturers and other users of leather. By ownership and control, through commu nity of interest, and by tanning contracts, the beef packers' trust has already become so domi nant in the sole leather tanning business that it is difficult to locate independent tanneries. More than thirty tanneries are now said to be under Armour, Swift, Morris control. To a less extent, the beef packers' trust is also connected with the tanning of upper leather. Recently we have heard reports that the beef packers were becoming interested in the shoe manufacturing business. To what extent, if any, the packers have become manufacturers of shoes, I do not know. It seems clear to me, however,' that the almost inevitable result of continuing the present policy of taxed hides and leather is to throw the entire leather tanning and shoe manufacturing business into the hands of the beef trust, which has, through its slaughtering interests, control of the country's hide supply, and can dictate prices. The New York Journal of Commerce of May 12 says: "The strength of the hide market is giving tanners cause for anxiety, as they can figure out little profit at the prevailing prices of tho raw material. Packers have the situation well in hand, it is said, and propose to get their asking figure, in the meantime not pressing offerings." Under these conditions we see that the fight for free hides is a fight for existence on the part of the independent tanners. I predict that, if the duties on hides and leather are contin ued ten years longer, not only will the monopoly of the tanning industry by the beef trust be complete but the boot and shoe Industry will then be a part of the tariff-fostered and tariff nourished beef trust. Independent shoe manu facturers can not pay 20 per cent more for leather than will its trust competitors and, live. The handicap is too great. Then there will be a monopoly in the production of shoes and, as Boon as the Independents are killed, the 25 per cent duty on shoes will become effective and the prices of shoes in this country will be advanced to 20 or 25 per cent above foreign prices and, probably, above export prices. Today there Is no trust in tho boot and shoo industry and prices are lower, quality considered, In this than In any other country. This Is true notwithstanding that we pay more for leather and for other tariff taxed materials than Is paid by our foreign com- . potitors and notwithstanding that wo pay by far tho highest dally and hourly wages paid In any country. If tho American people want to continuo to wear the best and cheapest shoes on earth, they must seo that their senators and representatives vote for free hides and free leather. There Is no other road to cheap footwear. About all that wo can hope to get from tho present congress is free hides and reduced duties on leather. Why congress hesitates to give us free hides I can not understand, unless our sen ators and representatives have ceasod to think of the welfare of our 87,000,000 of consumers and are concerned only about tho few producers who constitute our great trusts. The facts and arguments are all against taxed hides. There Is no sound reason, under any theory of protec tion, for continuing tho burdensome and monopoly-producing duty on hides. Not only does the duty not protect tho cattle raiser but, if it did, there are so few of them, comparatively, that they should not bo permitted to dictate the prices of hides, leather and shoes to all of our citizens. According to tho census of 1890 there wero 37,629 Btock raisers and 5,483,618 farmers In this country. That is, the stock raisers consti tute less than one per cent of our farming pop ulation and only about one-fifth of one per cent of our total population. Thus, assuming that tho stock raisers are protected by the duty on hides, wo seo that for each stock raiser thus protected 500 consumers must pay higher prices, for shoes. This ratio is not a proper one, even from the standpoint of a protectionist. But even this is much too high, according to Boyd's City Dispatch. This great agency for circular advertising said, on May 13, that it could find only 22,000 names of persons who can fairly be called stock or cattle raisers. On the as sumption that tho cattle raiser is protected, then, 800 consumers of shoes are being taxed for tho benefit of one stock raiser. As our grazing lands are growing less and less each year and as we now have to import one-third of the hides consumed, we must either increase the taxes on the masses for the benefit cf an almost insignificant few or see this few decline. No civilized country can raise enough cattle to furnish hides and leather for domestic use. Adequate grazing lands do not exist in highly populated and civilized countries. A tax on hides in this country, therefore, necessarily means a tax on footwear for 87,000,000 of peo ple. It can never mean anything else. It is a mistake, however, to assume that the cattle raisers benefit appreciably by the duty on hides. Both the facts and the logic of condi tions are against such an assumption. In 1905 and 1906 hides were selling above 15 cents when cattle were below 6 cents, while in 1902 hides wero selling at 13 cents when cattle were selling at 8 cents. In 1906 hides were selling at 16 cents, when cattle were selling at 6.85 cents, while in 1908 hides wero selling at 9 cents when cattle were selling at 7 cents. From April, 1908, to April, 1909, the price of cattle declined 2 per cent while the price of hides advanced 47 per cent. From February, 1906 to April, 1909, the pricoof cat tle advanced 26 per cent while the price of hides declined 8 per cent. These figures disprove tho claims of the beef packers that the cattle raisers are protected by the duty on hides. The Wall Street Journal on April 20, 1909, quotes "an official of Swift & Co." as follows: "Any reduction in tho hide tariff would in jure the farmer, because the packers do business on so close a margin that cheaper hides would mean a slightly smaller return per pound to the farmer for beef on the hoof." ' Isn't this clear? Isn't it beautiful this solicitude of the packers for the farmers? The packers want the hide duty retained so that th'ey will have to pay higher prices for cattle. How they do love the farmer! As a matter of logic as well as of fact, the beef packors pay as llttlo as posoiblo for cattle and got as much as posslblo for hides. The price of cattlo doponds mainly upon tho demand for beef and tho prlco of hides depends mainly upon tho demand for loathor. Hides, being an Incidental or by-product of tho butchorlng busi ness and cattlo being slaughtered primarily for beef, It Is absurd to supposo that a duty on hides will materially change tho prices paid for cattlo. Wo may bo cortaln that tho packors would favor freo hides If thoy thought that freo hides would appreciably lower tho prices of cattlo. Tho cattlo ralsors got nothing, or noxt to nothing, from tho dutios on hides and leather. Thoy aro, however, by these dutios, compelled to pay materially higher prices for shoes, har ness, saddles and other leather goods. In view of all tho facts, thoro is no sound reason for retaining tho duty on hides In order to protect cattlo ralsors or farmers. There Is sound reason In favor of freo hides In order to provide as cheap raw materials as possible to tho tanning and shoo manufacturing Indus tries, both of which aro of groat Importance to all of our pcoplo. If the duty on hides Is re tained, It will bo retained at tho behest of tho beef trust and for tho purpose of enabling It to hold and extend Its already groat and harm ful monopoly. Congress will not do Its duty to our 87,000,000 of shoo wearing people unless It repeals tho duty on hides. In my opinion, It should also put leather on tho free list. A comparison of tho prlceB of cattlo, hides and leather for tho lart twelve yoaTs indicates that there is practically no relation or connection between tho prices of cattlo and hides and not a closo connection between tho prices of hides and leather. Such a comparison is mado In tho following table. Comparisons of cattlo, hides and leather prices: S gw S2 Year Date: r S n 2 sz : g : ? w 1897 April 3 $5.40 .09 ? .29 1898 July 2 5.35 .12 .29 1899 January 7 5.95 .11 .28 1900 April 7 5.80 .13 .35 1901 April 6 6.25 .10 .33 1902 July 5 8.50 .13 .35 1903 April 4 5.60 .11 .34 1904 October 1 6.55 .10 .32 1905 January 7 6.00 .13 .35 1905 August 6 5.90 .15 .36 1906 January 6 6.25 .15 .37 1906 February 3 5.85 .15 .37 1906 April 7 6.35 .14 .33 1906 September 1 6.85 .16 .36 1907 April 6 G.G0 .14 .38 1907 September 7 7.25 .14 .36 1908 April 4 7.50 .09 .34 1908 July 4 8.40 .14 .34 1908 December 5 8.00 .16 .36 1909 January 9 7.50 .16 .36 1909 February 6 7.15 .16 .36 1909 March 6 7.52 .14 .36 1909 April 3 7.35 .14 .36 The above prices of cattle aro taken from monthly summaries' of the United States de partment of commerce and labor and are for tho specific dates mentioned. The prices of leather and hides aro from a table of "compara tive prices of leather and hides for ten years," published In the Shoe and Leather Reporter of August 10, 1905, and later numbers. Thus we see that tho prices of hides are often high, when the prices of cattle are low, and often low when the prices of cattlo are high. In conclusion I wish to say that I hold some what different opinions from those held by somo other shoe manufacturers. I am not afraid of free shoes If I can have free hides and free leather. I would gladly swap any doubtful benefit from the duty on shoes for certain bene fits of free hides and leather. W. L. DOUGLAS., Does anyone imagine for a moment that if tho voters of Illinois had been allowed to vote directly for United States senator they would have elected "Billy" Lorimer? s m a MUMAitduUtlikUlfa !tira. w.