The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 18, 1909, Page 16, Image 16

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The Commoner.
The Old World and Its Ways
Interesting and Instruc
tive Story of Tour
Tho Journey around tho world, of which this book
1b an IlluHtratod and doscrlptlvo record, embraced
a porlod of nearly ono year. It was a trip to tho
EaBt by way of tho West, and covered practically
tho civilized world. It was made undor tho most
favorablo ausplcos for obsorvatlon, for procuring
facts, and for study.
Mr. Bryan ontorcd upon his journoy after participating-
In two spirited presidential campaigns
as tho candidato of his party, and his recoptlon by
pooplo of all classes, by thoso high In civil, official
and military llfo, can bo rogarded as a high com
pllmont to ovory Amorlcan and bellover In Ameri
can Institutions. Tho sources of Information given
him woro oxcoptlonal.
Mr. Bryan dosorlbos men and things that Intor
cstod him wherever ho wont. Ho gives his im
pressions of tho world's1 nations tholr rulers and
Inhabitants. Ho mado a Special study of systems
of government, rollglous conditions, trade methods,
education and monotary systems, and tho charac
teristics of all tho pooplo. Ho portrays, In short,
tho pooplos of tho earth as thoy are today, and
as ho saw thorn on tho highways and byways. His
i uuun. win ihuvu ul IHUIUUUU1.MI. iiiLurusi iu uvuiy
reader, and Is a work of untold educational valuo.
xi. aiiuvmi iiuu il iihluu in uvuiy uuuiu nuiuiy, unu
bo road by ovory mombcr of tho family. Tho nar
rative of this journoy will Interest every ono who
reads and thinks.
It will InicrcNt the nfmlcnt of governments and
of governmental Institutions.
It .will Interest ihc flutiitclcr, and ovoryono In
terested Jn tno flntinoinj .nyotomo unil theories, bo
causo Mr. Bryan looked into tho monotary mothods
of tho governments ho visited. Ho outlines theso
mothods and presents his conclusions in a way
to specially entertain and Instruct.
iv.1 JvJN Interest the commercial world, because of
tho dotallod Information ho gives concerning com
mercial methods of all countries.
fi'n1 l,liloYFt lc fnrmtr because tl a tillers of
tho soil, prlmltlvo in method and laborious in man-
of VrhnJli8 attontlo. udy and comparison
or mothods with our own.
ii i" I,!erc,Ht 11,e minister, the tlicoloKIcal stn-
V ,,0iVlV,roU lhur, because ho mado a study
of tho religions of tho various countries ho visited
theories and practices and ho gives thorn to tho
M?,iElVa Ql?f fd simplicity of phraaS
that will Interest and Inform all. p
11 win Interest Jlie forelirn-born citizen, becauso
It gives, In Mr. Bryan's own words, tho storv of
his visits to the rulers, tho high and tho lowly yand
to boautlfu spots of their native land, with ffiS.
??3?&U& "00n" -d'pIclurSSf
three stylos of binding ar!d wlllbo sV PREPAID
at tho prices quoted below, anywhoro in tho Unit
States. Or Tho Commoner will send it FREE an
prepaid to anyone sending five subscriptions at
Contains 576 Imperial
Octavo Pages, and Over
250 Superb Engravings
(From Photos Taken or Procured by the Author)
Styles and Prices. I
"Tho Old World and Its Ways"
will bo sent direct and PREPAID to
any address In the United States on
receipt of prices quoted below:
Bound in Extra TCnglish Cloth,
Gold Back and Side $2.00
Half Russia, Antique and Gold
Side and Back $3.00
Full Morocco, Marbled Edges. .$4.00
Make remittances by money order.
The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb.
About One
Fourth Size
of this Book
Places Visited, Described
and Fully Illustrated
Author's Profaco k
Chapter I Crossing tho Pacific Hawaii
Chapter II Japan and Her Peoplo
Chapter III Japanese Customs and Hospitality
Chapter IV Japan Her History and Progress
Chapter V Japan
Her Industries, Arts and Commerce
Chapter VI Japan
...Her Educational F stem and Her Religions
Chapter VII - Japan
Her Governmont, Politics and Problems
Chapter VIII Korea "Tho Hermit Nation"
Sunapter a unina As She Was
Chapter X China As Sho Was Part Second
Chapter XI
...Chinese Education, Religion and Philosophy
Chapter XII. cina's Awakening
Chaptor XIII Chineso Exclusion
Chapter XIV
Tho Philippines Tho Northern islands
Chapter XV Tho Philippines Tho Moro Countrv
Chapter XVI Tho Philippine Problem
Chapter XVII Tho Philippine Problem Continued
Chapter XVIII Java Tho Beautiful
Chapter XIX Netherlands India
Chapter XX. in tho Tropics
Chapter XXI. Burma and Buddhism
Chapter XXII. Eastern India
Chapter XXIII Hindu India
Chapter XXIV MohammedaS iSSS
Chapter XXV Western Tnrtln
Chapter XXVI , .British Rulein 8 a
Chapter XXVII. Ancient Egypt
Chapter XXVIII Modern Egypt
Chaptor XXIX Among tho Lebanons
Chapter XXX Tho Christian's MeSS
Chaptor XXXI Galileo
Chapter XXXII Greece, the World's Teache?
Chapter XXXIII Tho Tivn.ntn?Sil?Z
Chaptor XXXIV In tho Land of tho Turk
Chapter 35avi: :: ?. .V. . ....?.. .TheBDunS
Chapter XXXVII igj gHJJJ
ChJStS XXXIX11 Around jthS BaluS
Chapter XXXIX. Democratic Norwav
Chapter XL. . ..England's Now Liberal Government
Chapter XLI.. Homes and Shrines of Great BiSKin
Chapter XLII. Glimpses of Spain
Chapter XLIII h a Word to Tourists
GlmStSr XLVV American Forelp SlsflonS
8ipl $i : : : ; : ; : : : : : : : a study Y?U5s&
Chapter XLVII. Tho Tariff Debate In England
Chapter XLVIII Ireland and Her Leadors
Chapter XLIX Growth of Municipal OwnorohlS
SSJSffi n::::::::::::::;.L!ttle KJ
Sffifor T v" n Th NotSfrfiSS
Chapter LV. Germany and Socialism
Chapter LVI Russia and Her oVnS
Chapter LVII Rome The Catholic i CaStei
ChSStS lSH TOlSty' th0 Apostle oLove
Chapter XjLX. Notes on Europe
Sent Free For Five Subscriptions To The Commoner.
Ilmi. - y-v. .
T?mii uia world and Ita ways," bound in Extra English Cloth, GOLD side and back, will
each ($a6nooPiStPn? toaiJ?TG Becuring a club of five yearIy subscribers to The Commoner
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