p (ji-jflfWtT"aT"p-' - The Xommonefc .VOLUME t, NUMBER 89 16 - -, I"' . ' - S K1"" r Bryan the Man By A, W. GALE and GEORGE W. KLINE An appreciation from a republican viewpoint, written by two members i of .an WW noHtical narty An lntimato and impartial review of the personal side of his life and a hi tow of hi TpubHc career The subject matter is presented in attractive narrativj sty 0 feathered from actual incidents, In his home and city, in his public life, poliUcad coigns S world tour. Following is a list of subjects and 1 chapters: Jntrodno tion: Bryan tho Man; A Bryan Biography; Campaigns of 1890, 1900, 1904 and 1908, The Bryans in the Old World; The Home Coming; The Bryan Farm; Home Life of tno Bryans: Bryan nB an Editor; Bryan as a Humorist; Bryan as a Soldier; Bryan as a Lec turor; Bryan In tho Pulpit; Bryan's 'Friends; Incidents of Bryan's Career. This book contains 191 largo pages, printed on extra paper In nice large print, and haiidsoraoly bound in green (vellum) cloth. Beautifully illustrated with 18 full page half-tone engravings. About 1& inches in thickness. Sent to any address on receipt of price, $1.25, or given FREE to anyone securing three subscribers for The Commoner. Address Tho Commoner, Lincoln, Neb. Selling Price $1.25 8ont direct and prepaid to any address In tho U. S. on receipt of price, $1.25, or given FREH for securing club of 3 subscribers to Commoner, .Free Book Coupon 1909. THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neti.;-; Vl (i , - Enclosed And money or dor 'for- $3.00, for which please enter the three following names as subscribers for a period of one year: Namo and Address, Name and Address. Name and Address. . v Pleaso send prepaid to address below tho book', "Bryan the Man," to be given FREE as a premium for my work. '.- .V. Renowal-or-year- paid- in-advapco counts same as new subscription. gSjjfj BBIxmSMhWBIsii! WwMWtimM 9WgM$&$mMm ( EH-?ll8 5 mMwMW:: u$m 111 Is 111 1H9HH BK1R111 IIHii;iSilli!llliS if iHH Lfc TJi2 r'jMjSiBBB Bra H 9 ItflBHnflHfliBllBHBIBlllllllY J t About one-fourth size of Book. Letters to a Chinese; Official Selling Price 55 Cents Sent direct and propaid to any address in U. S. on receipt of price, 55c, or given free for club of 2 subscribers to Commoner. 1 Cut shows Book one-fourth size. Being Mr. Bryan's Reply to "Letters From a ChinesffeciaT ", . A few years ago a little volume entitled "Lettersfjqjn & Chinese Official, being an eastern view of western civilization," was published by an eastern publishing house, and enjoyed a large sale. This clever book was a severe arraignment of . the religion, standards and purposes of our race. Mr. Bryan, during his tour around the world-, , took occasion to answer the arguments put forth by this writer, and takes the boo't up chapter by chapter, and combats the author's argument in a complete manner. The reply of Mr. Bryan is a superb vindication of western civ ilization and ideals. ." , , ' This handsome little volume Is neatly printed on fine, book paper, substantially .bound, and contains 97 pages. Sent to any' address in the United Slates postpaid, on receipt of -price, 55c, or given FREE to anyone sending two yearly subscriptions to .The Commoner at $;each. Address all orders to Tho Commoner, Lincoln, Neb. ' ' ' Free Book Coupon. THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. v. . . . ....:.'.:'. 1909 Enclosed please find money order 4for$X. 00,;: subscribers for a period of one year?!. - " . $i& K" .V '- 'v'C " J' J",' Ndme and Address - ; ' lif': ?. rihf: .Vr.f. .': . v : . . Name and Address .7'."f". !vs :AM: : , . .....';. ;. ."".?'. '"." " '- ',' Pleasfts'end prepaid to address-'bejowhe" IJookLettersto! a ?REEWa. premium; fofemy work? '; '- : ' $?'?' ." " : t Chinese' Offlcialtd be given T R l V 1 ' '. : Renewal or yearpald in. advance counts same as new subscription. WMIMMM H -. nintiinnvititfmu iiMmmuMmmmmmim 55ETS iTllitt lTJtiirMlY ilMiitM-lrtt null -.-Jti 1 ,mu j j 'ifl . I 1 MIMM MIIB I III HlllllM IIIMMM ! 1 IIHBII ! M !! IM MHIIlMIBIIIl IIIM M HIIBM M I I II WH IMMkUUilBr. .Hmiai J. l.lb..." ..... tj. J. .,...l.i.lyi ' B mi. ginwiiiwi gilirtjjjj jyjjj