HVP' ' IL r"''firirr!,Mn nimyi ,f 'IIIMHjHwpfWHr t.- The Commoner. VOLUME 9, NUMBER If 14 iii ii u'dH Ti'it ""' '-' '"U"1''1 " '"'" c '( . h i f I ,i If ri ( h- it, iv R c- .,...,,m,.tmxmriKmBuiKtmatmxuiiiuim.xiaxm COMBS NATION BARGAIN mmmmt0mmmmrmmmmmmwmrMm.mmm i nmmmnummimtm ... . .... n.. i...... ,-i. .in.inn n rfnlco other ninirnzlncs nnu ncwM? ilmllVnlM Hiey desire nt ercnllT reduced rntcM In connection with Iho .... imii 'r 'rife foIloHlne comlilniillonii will lie of fMNlNlnncc In Hclect- 7 nTr.flti.ble llni of ruling for the coming year, "f"?" 'f'jfjf e iinl given lMnw fiiriilNlivtl upon iipnl lent Inn. Join the ill oi wn oi JLr,l.,n..r render wlio tnke nilvnndiffc of our Hiibucrlptlon offer nml Hcenre iinolhcr ncwHiuincr nl flight expense. CLASS A. Pub. Prlco. The Amorlcan, Nashville, Tonn., Dom., Wlc...? .CO Amorlcun Swineherd, Chicago, 111., Agr. Ilvo Stock, Mo 50 Agricultural Epltomlflt, Spencer, Ind., Agr., Monthly .,;:. Hoys World. Biffin, III., Juvonllo, Wlc. CO Com. Appeal, Memphis, Tcnn., Agr., W..... . .50 Farm Progress, St. Louis, Mo., Agr., Som-Mo. .2C Farm, Stock & I Tome, Minneapolis, Minn., Agr., Soml-monthly CO Farm & Fireside Springfield, Ohio, Agr., Soml-monthly 5 home & Farm, Louisville, Ky., Agr., Scml-Mo. .50 Tho Industrious Hen, Knoxvillo, Tonn., Poul try, Mo CO i ivusHuuri viuioy manner, lopcuu, ivana., abi,, I Monthly 2G Nobraska Dairyman, Lincoln, Neb., Mo 50 Modern Prlscilla, Boston, Mass., Fancy-Work, Monthly 50 Nat. Farmer & Stock Grower, St. Louis, Mo., Art. and Stock. Mo 50 Nat. Homo Journal, St. Louis, Mo., Household, Monthly i... .50 Chattanooga Tonn. Weekly 50 Pcoplo's Popular Mo., Dos Moines, la., House hold, Monthly 25 Pralrio Farmor, Chicago, 111., Farming, Soml monthly 35 Rollnblo Poultry Journal, Qulncy, 111., Poultry, Monthly 50 Southern Agriculturist, Nashville, Tonn., Agr., Semi-monthly GO Southern Fruit Grower, Chattanooga, Tonn., Agr. and Horti.. Monthly SO Up-to-Datd Farming, Indianapolis, Ind., Agr., oomi-montniy . 50 Vick's Magazine, Chicago, 111., Floriculture, monuuy 50 The Commoner AND ANY ONE IN CLASS A $1.00 The Commoner AND ANY TWO IN CLASS A $1.35 CLASS H. Pub. Price. Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Ga., Democratic, ' J.0 J.--- w:; -.v it;.v -Vtv W.00 .nw "iiiuinjuu ouy, julx-uii, .mien., juuerary. Monthly : : inn' Courier-Journal, Louisville, Ky., Dom., Wl:.. 1.00 Enqulror, Cincinnati, Ohio, Dom.. Wlc 1.00 I Tho Fruit Grower, St. Joo, Mo.. Farm. Mo 1.00 Democrat. Johnstown. Pa.. Wlclv i nn Tho Housekoepor, Minneapolis, Minn., House hold, Monthly 75 Irrigation Age. Chicago, 111., Agr., Mo 1.00 The Vegetarian Co. Hygienic, Chicago, 111., Michigan Farmer, Detroit. Mich.. Atrr.. Wlc!! !7r. lniIaSK.ZarnV5F' Lincoln, Nob., Agr.. Wlc... 1.00 q,,i.. r.iVi,Jl?voia?i' Vlu. Agr., Wlc 75 ;,fi,Y,. vator '"in-nta, t;a.( Agr., Soml- lUWULlllY .....--...... 1 AA Thrlce-aWeelc World. New York Mown! ' nvil AND ANY TWO UAAlrM ' - . ., p Wh Mnf tfS"1" ' Chicago. ' 111.; ' Reform, Word & Works' St! Louis,' Mo.,' "scientific' 'and """"-"" luo.iiuy -, ,. i00 The Pommoner AND ANY ONE IN CLASS D $1.35 The Commoner ND ANY TW IN CLASS B $1.85 THE I COMMONER and any One in Class A with Tiny one in Class B ii.fio THE COMMONER and any One in Class A with dh r -i -x THE COMMONER ana miy Two in Class A with 1 . $1.85 any une in Class B. MISCELLANEOUS. American Magazine, Now York City, Llterarv Mo lc American Motherhood, Cooporatown; NT Y?. Literary Mo '' The Arena, Trenton, N. J., Literary. Mo. ...... ' Brooder's Gazette, Chicago, 111., Agr. & Stock Wfr"" o Cosmopolitan. Now York City LTtcrary Mo i2. Country Gentleman, Albany, N. Y,, Agr. ft V Tho Democrat, Johnstown, Pa., Democratic Wlc i Tho Delineator. Now Ynrir nif,7 wi.i tlA WIC Tho Etude Philadelphia, Pa., Muslca , Mo. H Farmers Voice, Evanston. 111. Agr Somi-monthw' ' Field & Stream, Now York CI b'f Sporting Z y' ' ' ' r00;11118,00001 Springfield Mass" Househoid' Mo H Health Culturo. Pn.ssn.io. rj t ttiV. ""at-"oia M. l.( 00 00 Tho Black Cat, Boston, Mass., Short Storles.'Mo'. 100 1.00 M0 .50 .00 Jlphla, Pa.. Musical. Mo. '!' i'X tii Ac c', -':.': " .00 .50 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Technical World, New York! 'Monthly.' ;;;;;;.'; H8 Tho Independent, Now York, Current EvonVi wir i52 Literary Digest, New York, Review w' Wk 2. McCalls Magazlnb. Now Yorlc, Fashions io S,2 Metropolitan Magazine, New York iSterary ' Mo I'rJ In eneh en.so -wliere li arc onl Pc friend NiiliHerlntloiiN nre bcr xin less otlierw Publishors with Th Price. Commonnf -- oral days she had been uncon scious and her death was almost hourly expected. Bright's disease, complicated with heart trouble, was tho immediate cause of death. Gath ered around the bedside of the noted actress when she passed away were Count Bozenta, husband of Madame Modjeska;' Ralph Modjeska and his wife, a son and a daughter-in-law of Chicago; and Dr. J. C. Boyd, tho family physician. F. Marion Crawford, the novelist, died at Sorrento, Italy. Tho eighteen railroads in Missouri have agreed upon a two and one-half cent passenger rate. Governor Had ley and Attorney General Major will fight the move and a restraining or der against the railroads has been issued. Fort Worth, Texas, was swept with a three million dollar fire. Five per sons lost their lives. President Diaz of Mexico will again be a candidate at the election which takes place in October. Ethan Allen Hitchcock, secretary of the interior under President Mc Kinley and Roosevelt, died at Wash ington City, aged 74 years. At one time he was ambassador to Russia. The anthracite coal miners in con ference with the coal operators at Philadelphia were refused their re quest for a wage agreement. PATENTS 6I30UKED OR FEB Free report na to Patentability. Illustrotod OuUU Uook, and List of Inventions Wanted, sentfreo. ISVANS, WlLKIfiNS & CO., Washington, D. a GREATEST SEED OFFER EVER MADE A Big Garden for $1.00 Cut this ad out and encloso it, to gether with $1.00 and I will send you postpaid !12 largre packets of the very best northern grown, tested and guar anteed seeds. These packets contain from two to six times as much seed as you generally get at retail for 5c, and are packed especially for this purpose. It is your opportunity. We want your futuro business. Beans Stringlosa Green Pod, Imp. Golden Wax; Beets Ey. Blood Turnip, Crosby's Egyptian; Cabbage Early Wakefield, Premium Flat Dutch; Carrots Danvers Half Long; Cucumbers Imp. Long Green; Cauliflower Snow Ball; Celery White Plume, Giant Golden Heart; Sweet Corn Peep o Day, Early Sunrise; Lettuce 'Black Seeded Simpson, Early Hanson; Musk Melons Early Hacken sackr Water Melons Phirinoy's Early; Onions Yellow Globe, White Barietta; Parsley Champion Moss Curled; Pars nip Hollow Crown; Peas American Wonder, Notts Excolsior; Poppers Largo Bell, Cayenne; Pumpkin Sugar; Radish Early Scarlet, Iclclo; Tomato New Stone; bquash Hubbard, Crook Neck; Turnip Early Purple Top. BI. LYTIiE, Garden and Field Seeds, Ilulbs nnd Poultry Supplies Clear Lake, Iowa. The Washington state legislature has adopted a law providing a fine or jail sentence for any employe of a public house or public service corpor ation who solicits or receives a tip. A Buffalo, N. Y., dispatch an nounces that Norman E. Mack, chair man of the democratic national com mittee will, on May 1, issue a month ly magazine to be known as The Na tional Monthly, and to be devoted to the interest of the democratic party. Walter S. Harsha, clerk of the United States court' at Toledo, Ohio, was suspended because he would not allow an inspector to examine his books. THE SIMPLE LIFE Is very hard to lead if you are wor rying aoout the future and uncer tainty is staring you in the face. Those who havo no anxious thought for tho futuro are either Improvident and are likely to bo un desirable citizens, or they have al ready taken steps to insure the fu turo. A policy of life insuranco will provide for tho future for your family If you die for yourself If you live. For insurance at the low est cost apply to The Union Central Life Insurance Company of Cincinnati. EistnbliMhca 1SC7. JESSE3 R. CLARK President. ASSETS, 05,000,000. m J 'if UWN FENGE Many doslgns. Choap as wood. 32 pago Catalogue froo. Spoclal Prices to Churchoa and Ccmotcrlos. Colled Spring Fonco Go. Box x "Winchester Ind, $1.50 1.00 2.no 1.55 2.00 1.50 1.80 1.25 1.75 1.75 1.20 1.80 1.50 1.G0 1.50 2.05 1.00 1.25 1.85 2.20 3.25 1.15 1.00 Former Congressman Walter Reeves died at his home at Streator, Illinois. Peter Robert Burrell. fourth Tin ran Gwydy, died at London, aged 99. He was mo oiaest living member of the peerage. D jRT E U T In all countries obtained, sold HI La HI D t& established 28 years; unexcelled reputation; Inventors' book free, Amkiuca-n Patent Market, St. PauiMinn. Subscriber' fltfwrflsing Dpt. :i eneli en.so where the nnncnrit 1ior,in ... . 1in,,,B " nly permitted to accept nv 'SSSwlXn?. Torrfe5.D,,1,Vc,ltIon " erloillcnlN may he sent to dUYerent a ureHseM lRnilI,0"tnf cxtrn. In may Mlsli to Join with y i' HendlnS fr . L ',,c?,re?' Your a inr one year, nml If new, burin win, y1""",us"on. All wise directed. ' -B1u vitn the current nam. Address ail Orders to nuiHB imi ,,, THE COMMONER u,. Nebraska waTirmisaaaa i Tnnnnrrmii imm Judge John A. Marshall of Salt Lake City Utah, sitting in the federal court at Tulsa. OTrla.. nrriorort v.o in dictments against Governor Haskell and others quashed. The Oklahoma City Oklahoman, referring to the de cision says: "From tim wov v.j, were handled at the" conclusion of Judge Marshall's opinion it is he lleved by those present that the fed eral authorities feared a demonstra tion from Haskell's admirers upon imiuji mo aecision in his favor Im mediately after the judge closed his itmiurKs ana Deroro Attorney Rush could gain the floor, several federal officers rapped vigorously for order Governor and Mrs. Haskell left imme diately for their rooms in tho Brady hotel. There they were met by a crowd of the governor's friends to congratulate him. From the clear cut opinion of Judge Marshall, it was plainly shown that he found the con stitutional richts of th rj-- had been violated, as was the general opinion in this city, where the gov ernor is a very popular man." Mrs. Jeff Davis, wife of United d ffif ?0na,t0r Davis of Arkansas, died at her home in Littlo Rock. You can mako monoy and build up a nico littlo business of your own by using this department to place your proposition before Tho Commoner's big army of readers. Tf you havo anything: Jp. bu or sell It will pay you to uso "" ucijtt yiieiiL at an times. WANTED CORRESPONDENCE with live agents who can interest prospective investors in Texas Pan handle lands. E. G. Pendleton, Strat ford, Sherman Co., Texas. E GS$ FR01. BLUE ANDALUSIANS, u Rhodo Island Reds, Duckwing Leg horns, Mottled Ancornas, $1.00 per 13. Great layers. Jacob Bush & Son, Eagleport, Ohio. POMMONER READERS) SUBSCRIBE , r tho best collection of poems, bond ton cents for four samplo gems; best ever published. Captain Mullen, Towson, Maryland. QRDER AN AUTOMATIC "POULTRY w Dipper at onco, and keep your poultry free from mitos, lice, and scaly lee8- No work for tho owner. Price ?5.75. Agents wanted everywhere. Tho fAHi0m.atl5r pultrv Dipper Co., 330 E. 10th St., Nowton, Kansas. "TIIE TRUE CHRISTIAN RELIGION." bwedonborg's great work, 982 pages; cloth bound. Furnished post paid for only 04 cents. Pastor Landon borger, Windsor Place, St Louis, Mo. PREE TRIAL BOX OF EUREKA FOR infants, children, mother, father; ca tarrh in head, noso, throat; catarrhal soro eyes, ears and scalp. Address Volk Remedy Co., Minneapolis, Minn. COR SALE CLOSED CARRIAGE, 1 coupe pattern; handsomoly finished and in first class condition. Address Dopt. 3, Care Commonor. " - - - -y TTi lOfiijMr-Tiif i