l w Hflrwr.-'- , 'lA'Wi?1 . V -. I The Commoner. APRIL 16, 1900 13 Don't Wear A Truss W"sL W to ALADDIN HOUSE $1201 r $1 barn and nrifH. W Hvt you hart. Pf ta SI CO up far come) houa. All limbr cut to fit. Ptotr-I board, anlttwort, roaflnc. hartfwara. paint. Included! KftoOuKjoown awtmng fcowwa, nmmr cnitfiM 1 ' In pr tea (totn. ttwort, rooflnc. Nrtfwi Wan. Ho extra. Send North funtCMn CcwwtrurUo Co, (try Oty. UHh, lomru. BemSatamMforcauloa. ""V '(W'fiBWWll wl" '.''-, J""m i SJ 11j JX After Thirty Tear Experience I Hnvc SInde n New Discovery For Men, Women or Children That Cures Rupture Casttt You Nothing: to Try It If you have tried most everything rise, como to me. Where others fail is where I have my greatest success. Send attached coupon today and I will send you free my book on Rupture and its cure, showing my new discovery and giving you prices and names of many people who have tried it and were cured. It is instant relief when all others fall. Remember I use no salves, no harness, no lies. I send on trial to provo what I say is true. Tou are the Judge and once having seen my book and read it you will be as enthusiastic as my hundreds of patients whose letters you can also read. Fill out froo coupon below and mail today. It's well worth your time whether you try my discovery or not. C. B. Brook, 9786 Brooks Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Please send mo my mail in plain wrapper full information of your new discovery for the cure of rupture. a Name Address v...".... . . .-..,... rClty State watch eiYEN FOR SELLING POST CARDS Wo pof'llvcljr rire hoth a Famoua Alloa ytaith Slum Wind, bfa.ntlfnlly enjrared Roll J flold Laid eaae. American mowntot, factory teUd, uarnntcea Ore aMa - .i .. cn fnM T..t, yrS'- Tni OWH14 uw.w . nine iff wlin a umio ucm iDRrlillni; Ilka a SCO diamond. for l.lnf ?n narLaf m ofbrau. !LJ- llful blgb grade Artl'ottCardintlUtperpaek.) Order 20 package and when told enU tu $i anwe will potl- tltelr tend yon the watch, rlnr Bod chain. AliXOM WATCH. CO., Uopt. 3C1, Chicago ifijJBp 4C ttflf r 53"C ! mPIBEv? M lace Samples ICO samples dainty laces freo for the askinp. Your name on a postal, that's all. LIVINGSTON, Lace and Sales Co., Dopt. c, Dausvillo, N. Y. 1 "' nil JITI vTu vn'' V M-irar rr in r- i-i , , i , . imm,. ..i ,. .. i , -, '' A Winston Salem, N. C. dispatch carried by the Associated Press says: "Former United States Senator Ma rion Butler, and his brother Lester Butler, were convicted in Guilford superior court of criminally libelling Republican State Chairman H. B. Adams, by the publication in the Cau casian, a weekly newspaper owned and operated by the Butlers, of se rious allegations against Adams' in tegrity and honesty. Adams' acts as chief justice of the Indian court of Oklahoma in. 1905 were severely condemned by the paper in its fight against Adams' re-election as chair man of the republican state execu tive committee. The trial lasted six days, was hard fought and created widespread interest. Judge Long- im posed a fine of $500 upon Marion Butler and $250 upon Lester Butler. A motion l.'or a new trial was. over ruled and notices of appeal to the supreme court was given, the de fendants being released on bond in the sum of $1,000 each." William Neville, formerly a" mem ber of congress from the Sixth Ne braska district, died at Douglas, Wyoming. The will, of the late "Lucky Bald win," the famous California turfman, was probated at Los Angeles. The property is valued at more than $20,000,000. , rf iTliM Idaho and Western Wyoming 'Improved, Irrigated, productlvo farms, on rall "road, 10.00 to $30.00 per aero on easy terms. Good schools; healthy climate; whitoplno lumber $14.00 per thousand. Finest of largo and small game, ' hunting and trout fishing. Choicest 320 ncro dry farming claims may bo homesteaded. Address : Columbus, Kansas, until April 5th. Northwestern Land Co., Rock Springs, Wyo. mMmmffimm A Chicago dispatch carried by the Associated Press says: "A new .sup ply of ammunition against the Payne tariff bill as it applies to hosiery and gloves, a petition containing approx imately 350,000 names which, when bound, will make twenty-five big volumes, was started for Washington from this city today. It left Chicago In the care of Mrs. Nathan B. Lewis, president of the League of Cook county clubs; Miss Helen Norris, sec retary of the petition headquarters; Mrs. E. M. Henderson, recording sec retary of the Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, and Mrs. Freeman E. Brown. A committee of Washing ton women will welcome the visitors tomorrow, after which the Illinois congressional delegation will listen to some first hand Information con cerning women's wearing apparel and the prices thereof." and means committee was bowled over and the advocates of free crude oil and its products won a signal victory when an amendment by Mr. Norris of Nebraska placing the duty of one per centum ad valorem on those articles, was reported by a sub stantial majority. An Associated Press dispatch says: "A decision of the chairman that amendments could not be offered to the oil schedulo other than the one covered by the special rule of last Monday and which provided for the removal of the countervailing duty on crude pe troleum and applying an ad valorem duty of 25 per cent was overturned and not even a fervid appeal by tho speaker, in an endeavor to rally the republican forces was sufficient to stem tho tide avowedly against tho Standard Oil company. By a practi cally unanimous vote the countervail ing duty went out as the commlttep had recommended. On all other propositions the committee was sus tained. The barley schedule ran tho I gauntlet witnout cnange. Tea anu coffee were placed on tho free list and duty on barytes increased from 75 cents a ton to $1.50 a ton. A colloquy at first humorous, but later developing into personalities develop ed between Mr. Stanley of Kentucky, and Mr. Clark of Florida, and was terminated only on an objection by Mr. Crumpacker of Indiana, that it was against the dignity of the house. The bill was laid aside and at 5:04 p. m. the house adjourned." Qfl a I1 tne hottest Democratic paper In XJ.S OWV one year. Tho llornot, lllxby.N. C. AfiFNTQ rOKTIIAITS 85, TOAMP.H 15e, - -1 ? shook plotnroalc,atoroocopea25c, TlowMle. SO dftTi crAtllk. Pamnlra Ac Catnloc Free. CaaaollaaUA Portrait Co, t&O-UG W'iuUau St., CaUajo, SAVE 501 hTMS By purchanlnj? your laco curtxilnn from Hrst hands. Our now 1909 pattern book now ready. Mailed frco of chargo to any addrcsB. Wrlto for ono today, mentioning- Commoner. Independent Lace Curtain Co., 03 Clinton Illork, CkiluiubuN, Ohio 23Bstes Governor Shallenberger of Nebras ka has vetoed the indeterminate sen tence bill which passed at the recent session of the legislature. Household Rubber Gloves Sent by mall on receipt of price. Ladles will find thee rIovu useful in all kinds of housework, saving lha hands and keening them soft and white. Order two mixes larger than MM gloves OKO. OATLTX 118 LAKE HTKKUT, CHIOAOO, ILLINOIS. Plcaso mention thla payor when writing Get My Book Before Too Late For Chicken Time Johnson uyn Don't delay too lafc bet ter Lurry up and frail yonr name. It's most Mar time. My Mr I'oultry Hook Is better than eter crcry page of 200 and ererjr photograph out of orer 1200 A poultry leuotu Jurt find out aoout Old Tmsty Incubator Over 100.000 In use. 40.60crSODiv'TrU. i or 3 liaicnes. lO-VcarGuar. antce. 7Sner cent better hatches cuaran-lfTSf teed. Don't pny two I c prices- tny price Is under J10 complete ready to hatch, tent promptly, irefgat prepaid cwrt ol the Heckles. Cet my IUr. Frets ttoolc. M. M. Johnion Inoubator Man, Clay Canter, Neb. Jtg3 U&7&TC. mmmmzm& . St. Louis olected Frederick Kreismann, republican, mayor. H. John S. Snipp, democrat, was elect ed mayor of Springfield, IJ1. In the city elections held through out Colorado the "drys" generally were victorious. On this question the municipal elections in Nebraska were a standoff. BrownyourHcdr "You'd novor think: I stalnod my ltalr, after I uso Mrs. Potter's Walnutr Jufto Jfolr Stain. Tho Stain doesn't hurt the hair as dyes do, but makes it Brow out fluffy." Send for a Trial Package. It only takes you a few minutes once atnonth to apply Mrs. Potter's Walnut-Juice llalr Stala with your comb. Stains only the hair, doesn't rub off, contains no poisonous dyes, sulphur, lead or copper, lias no odor, no sediment, uo srreaxe. One bottle of Mrs. Potter's Walnut-Juke Hair Stain should last you a year. Sells for J 1-00 per bottle at first-class druggists. We euarantee satisfaction. Send your name and address on a slip ol paper, with this advertisement and enclose 25 cents (stamps or coin) and we will maU you, charges prepaid, a trial package, in plain, sealed wrapper, with valuable booklet on Hair. Mrs. Potter's Hygienic Supply Co 825 Croton Bldtf., Cincinnati, Ohio. John F. Helnrichs, democrat, was elected mayor of Jefferson City, Mo. Castro, former president of Vene zuela, returning to his country left the steamer at Fort de France, Mar tinique. This course was necessary because all the forts In the West Indies were barred to him. The British government and the United States government acted in conjunc tion and gave orders that Castro be permitted not to land, on the ground that he was bent upon trouDie. Bepublican organization In the house had a bad day when by a coali- r. ntrrraan onmo rfiTtiihHrain "inRtir- gentsv and the democrats, the ways of about Congressman Fitzgerald of Brook lyn, one of the bolting democrats, re cently made public the following statement with reference to Mr. Bryan's criticism of tho bolters: "With his usual rashness, Mr. Bryan rushes in where angels might well fear to tread. His statement that I am not a representative of my party would have como with better grace If made when my speeches were be ing selected as democratic campaign documents in the last two national campaigns. It would be more con vincing If he had marshalled inci dents in my ten years' service In the house of representatives to justify his assertion. If Mr. Bryan means that I am not a representative of the democratic party as democracy has been understood and profesred by himself I shall not challenge his statement. My political convictions and beliefs are more in accord with, the democracy of those men who twice made possible Mr. Cleveland's election as president than with the latter-day radicalism of the west. As to the personal references in Mr. Bryan's statement to my sense of propriety and respe.ct for my party, I have only to say that If the demo cratic party had given me three op portunities to become president and I had failed as dismally as Mr. Bryan has,, even if I did not have the sense to do so, yet the obligation of grati tude to my party would compel me to remain silent about matters of which I was grossly ignorant." f.V.'nW jm1TLJ am VKaf J CB v JPlf m'j.MJii ;V4wi5f mm$ZMjH HHBflV1 tmm .riaKHH. 1 I I Jekasoa I I 1 i Pays I I I tie Freight I m GLARINDA Cream Separator i! 18 a MONEY MAKER for the man with cow Write for our booklet how to "STOP THAT LEAK" and Mme. Helena Modjeska, tho fa mous Polish tragedienne and ono of the most noted' actresses of the Amer ican stage, died at her island homo at Bay City, Orange county, uaiuor "THINGS WORTH i KNOWING ABOUT A CREAM SEPARATOR,? Here are facte that are worth many dollars to yow Ifyoa are needlnir a separator. f Address E. R. BAILEY, Pres., INDEPENDENT MFRS. k SUPPLY CO., at Bay uily, unuigo wuutjr, """- INDEPENDENT MFRS. & SUPPLY CO., aut6 atgweof monSir SSr" ' Factory Offices: 1 00 Main St.. Clarinda, I - 5 l I 1 M 4 I '" a U ? . 4 J .'I : mt, A u j muwn wa JWiJt5T, k4fjU -' WlMMIWIIW I' lf..riw