'"-""ryr,-ij--!i'1t"'''n-i Mpfu mm ju nki The Commoner. VOLUME 9, NUMBER 10 14 SiiDscrlfem' fidwtisliifl Dt. You can make monoy and build up a nlco llttlo buslncsH of your own by UHlni; tills department to pluco your proposition before Tlio Commoner's bljr army of renders. If you Imvo anything to buv or sell It will pay you to uso tills department at all times. Send us a trial order. Wrlto just as you'd talk. Novor mind tbo grammar. Count mime, postolllco, and numbers as ono word each. Multiply by 0 cents per word, and send your ml. and money order direct to Tho Commoner, Lincoln, Nob. VjTT A i...... J. .mini i IIW - 1MI..-I ' ' ' "'" '' rnTnni?A'i'.c! HiilNn TirillTY" CENTS A-' for a throe months' trial subscrip tion to The Weekly Free Press, ban Uernardln, California. D ..mini rtrHTMA MM' " IIJ'J iUJillllll M ... 1 "ff PAMPHLET ON rnu-lw'f Criticism." Clear, logi cal, far-reacliInK1, convincing. , ri' cents, stamps. Charles Clark Millard, Ft. Dodge, Kansas. FOR TIDN CENTS Information about iidhb taijK," t- will irivu vou bco culture. Address "Sweet William," the Honey Man, Ulver Falls, Wisconsin. BUY A PERFECT DUST 13 EATER FOR your house cleaning, only 15 cents. Catalotfuo of H00 useful housohold art icles with oach order. Home Economy Co. (I) S-IOli Park Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. C. 13. Baumhoff. SPECIAL OFFER TO COMMONERS: 175 Strawberry Plants, three va rieties; or 15 strong1 Grape Vines; or 15 line Currant Bushes. Prepaid by mall for $1.00. Fruit trees and small fruits. Wholesalo prices. List free. John F. Dayton, Waukon, Iowa, Box II. Tho Colorado house of representa-) tlvcs 1ms passed a guaranteed depos its bill. The French chamber of deputies has passed an income tax bill. Tho bill does away with many of the vex atious and antiquated taxes in France and substitutes therefor a graduated income tax. Day labor ers are practically exempted The tax upon incomes ubovc $1,000 per year is made progressive up to 4 per cent of tho total. The bill will constitute a complete readjustment of the fiscal system of Franco. The state senate of Utah passed a lotcal option bill. It is called "an unusually stringent liquor law." C. W. Miller, formerly attorney gonoral of Indiana, has been chosen to succeed J. W. Kealing, district attorney at Indianapolis. Mr. Keal ing resigned because he could not conscientiously prosecute the editor BB f&ffM MOTOR of the Indianapolis News on the libel charges preferred against him. Thomas F. Pondel, an employe of the White House and one of Presi dent Lincoln's bodyguard, died at the national capitol, aged 85 years. The state senate of Arkansas, by a vote of 20 to 1, passed a bill provid ing for submitting of the question of prohibition to popular vote. town of Brinkley, Ark. An Asso ciated Press dispatch says: "Tho tornado shrieked above the city only a few minutes but its work of de struction was complete. The Roman Catholic church, standing directly in the path of the storm alone escaped damage or destruction and stands to night amid desolation. It has been converted into a hospital. Two more principal thoroughfares' are impas sable and are piled high, with wreck age. Every business house is in ruins and there is hardly a home that has not" been damaged." The Nebraska state senate killed the initiative and referendum bill. Following is a dispatch dated Buf falo, March 10: "The beautiful homo of Norman E. Mack, chairman of the democratic national commit tee, on Delaware avenue, was practi cally destroyed by fire tonight. A gale blowing forty-four miles an hour made hard work for the firemen. The fire started in the servants' quarters on the third floor. The roof fell in a few minutes after the fire was dis covered. The second floor was also burned out as was Mr. Mack's fine library. Mr. Mack is in New York and his family at Atlantic City. Tho loss is about $50,000." The anthracite coal, operators met the committee of hard coal minors at Philadelphia, March 11, and re fused to grant any of the demands made by the working men. Former President Castro will sail, on March 2G, from Bordeaux, France, for Venezuela. Venezuela dispatches say he will be arrested immediately ..pon landing. SURREY Rcmovablo Roar Soat fDon't pry two prices Buy direct and Rot ono of theso most ' DODUlftr Ulaolc Motor Hlirrnvn lllllHtrn.trl nml fnllv iU. scribed In our "BIok Motor Buaov" Book, KKEH Hhowlnu MiiBingio nna uouDio-scat cars with or without tops Tula Surrey IB moat dopondablc hanUaorao finish durable Quaratcod fully and Takos All Tho Family Safely and Oulcklv Thero and Bank Annln CoHts only Jj7B Alrcoolod aoyllndora of 4 y. Inch boro Full 18-H.p. Spocd i to 25 mlloiporhonr On lllirll (ri'ar and U to Q lllllos nn Iniv iriutr. ;liTlits7 irn.1. (rittnllmi IhinuOinnlliunnli. 1 n.. i Band, mud or on hills and splendid for country road. No tire troubles. Easvrldlmr. f&finlt Hn- fl H I FR P XVrJt0 for b.00k tdfty-InatlKato boforo you buy any car of any make. tailVkx nuiH a rilCu Qot as good as tho best and savomouuy on llrst cost and lowest up-koop. BLACK MFG. CO., 124 E. Ohio St., GHIGAGO, ILL. A Washington dispatch carried by the Associated Press says: "Senator Bailey of Texas came to the White House for the second time in his life, he said, the first time being many years ago. 'I called simply to pay my respects to President Taft. He is a delightful personality.' Sen ator Bailey's visit was very brief." Thirty lives were lost, sixty people wero injured and property worth' $1,000,000 was destroyed as the re sult of a tornado which wrecked the United States Senator Beveridge underwent a successful operation at Johns Hopkins hospital at Baltimore. Mayor A. C. Harper of Los Angeles has resigned. His resignation was the result of a series of charges made concerning the city administration. George T. Oliver of Pittsburg, a newspaper publisher, has been chos en as United States senator to suc ceed Mr. Knox. &EMRL feWMUM - ' Si is the very roetpy or me mm a mm -Id.-' m KN. ,-.. &P. areSS? tiri$ ' 2JaGp YOU would not buy a raachlno of any kind l you did not think It would savo you sonio labor; or In other words, cnablo you to do more and anu ootter work in tho sarno or less time. i ou, no doubt, have read about how so-called spreaders vor manure droppers) savo labor and uo tho work better than can bo done by hand. , Let mo tell you how dGearlcss New Idea Spreader ( a sprcader.in facias. k Well as In name); i wjll'savp.'lab'or'hnd do tlio 'work better1 than.can .bpdbno' with a machine that lets tlio 'mh. nure falLfrom. the ntilvertatnn . nvllmlnr f n Uio jrroUnd. The eaHr& few Idea Spreading Way The Kansas legislature lias : killed the two-cent railroad fare bill. ; -''..''.' James Sloan who, forthe-past five -years, has bee.n Mri febos'evelt's "nersonal bodveruard."' hns lipon nn- pointed by President Taft as-United States marshal for the southern dis trict of Illinois. Lucien C: Wheeler becomes bodyguard for President Taft. , . The United States Stee'l rust has bought the Island Royale in Lake Superior. The island Is said to be the largest in fresh water in the world. The steel trust will cut tim ber from this island and will also exploit anew its abandoned copper workings. lC no fn nti(n4 r$ t-Vt tu...u.. T.ii way as thai way Is ahead of tho old time fork in hand way. maaune Read this one practical illtutralion To manuro 40 acres of land cach year -with one bushel to oach 100 squaro feot. wml o "U8e machino would require 350 loads With a 75-buBhel machines wntilrt oim om i"j mu,I y0,u "avoalarcro farm, tho averajro travel to becln unloading In Mm floiri 2m,M i??i,iieirJ?ach,no wo,uld require 175 loads This makes ono mllo travel for oach load; besides the Soun you Irn r3S an4tho 8arao amout retuminir. tho small, narrow machlnos-wo savo you airaln one-half the travcUn thS field unloadinff. Now as wo spread twice as- wldoTs ,. V.Z,:.xr :f i,".l!o,?.n0B?,W0W Illc.ft Spreader makes an Ideal .'ifss ofeiV aero ovor tho small capacity so-called spreaders. P Bpsidcs not only do wo spread widor, but wo sprond better Tho experimental stations tell us: 7b get the full value out of upon tho soiuanUr ShUld b rodttced t0 sma" Particles and putven Nojv lot mo nskyou to look at tho cut of our machine on this oara Notice wohayo no flood trate to hold back a flood of extra manure and keep tho cylinder slugginc all tho time. "oouotextm manure AskanyThreshormanhow much extra power a slufrlntrovi!n,w requires over ono that maintains clearance. slujrcln cylinder clear So ThevCnlJvolrlll!wt,,0l,r tw0 "ndera do maintain cylinder &g2&V&2&& sayUSlSS0l,iUo la 6ultabl0 ttoSSffSliw ta hilly ana ?SSatS?SfflfenJJ!?A2'W"Voti.ww.to L pQgL mzH& ZZ&EtZZTJI' of machine that win do tho woVk thft'-. twt!i,5sSw an7 thor mRo Put on oxtra Clneh ii7iKnJf "il ?ow Idea Sprnulpr will do. I Ti, r" i V -"- w" " uuMimne anu una It all O. K." In thowhoioTTn V,i cTt?nt 0,U5P.n.y.Uaii you can cret clsowhom ., e Bj ma iuw;9, vro toqay to w ua-ai iLsvug waaBtan&a- m s sekm mmm glfPgggwWrtCT:gcrw:5i.pi wSflCre MBit or fo New Idea Spreader Co., .vmwaier, unto Three hundred thousand Turks living in the United States have urged the removal ot "Muhli-Bev. -Turkish pfisul'.in .Nevr:York,' City. r .w v,iu.iiii tutti jic ua -yvercnargu. persons seeking passports to their na tive land. The Evening Wisconsin of Milwau kee prints the following dispatch from Manitowoc, Wis.: "-Members of the Roman Catholic church who are affiliated with the socialist party must choose between thai party and their church. This wa broadly in timated by Rev. Kubiszewsky of St. Mary's Polish Catholic church on Sunday in an address from the pulpit. The priest said a circular letter from the pope was the basis' "for his state ment and similar addresses will be made by all Catholic priests in tho state. The climax was forced here by the recent nomination by the so cialists of Peter Kaufmann, a Cath olic, for city treasurer. Kaufman?, was withdrawn from the ticket, how ever, and it is said will sever his connection with the party." In the general elections held throughout Italy the present Italian ministry was sustained; The social ists gained six sea'ts. The clericals participated in the election for the first time since 1870 and gained sev eral seats, although they did not ;jl M tmhWkjiulnu