TiWiMtujjinminir;HiittH 'r'"W"'fSW'l''W'F'K'' -t. r . t v. The Commoner? VODUMEO NUMBER' 4 14 t .ft promo Courts Moody? Judgo A.- G. Dnyton and Uio following named rear admirals: A. 13. Luce, A. T. May I1n.f1, William II. Folgor, Robloy D. Evans and William S. Ctfwles. The joint railroad committee of U10 Nebraaka lctfiHluturo has agreed ubon a bill providing for the physi cal valuation of railroads, telegraph, tolcpbono and express companies. The duty of making the valuation is placed In the hands of the state rail way commission, the valuation to bo that of tho corporations which come under tlio law on July 1, 1909. Tho bill ' provides that the valuation of railroads shall include: Tho value of all real estate. Tho value of all grading. Tho value of bridges, cul vorts, wator stations and liko struc tures on tho right-of-way. The valuo of all track material and ac cessories. Tho valuo of all telegraph. and- tolophono lines and apparatus. The value of-all stores and supplies. Tho valuo of that part of the rolling stock chargeable to the state. The valuo of shops, machinery and tools. Everything else not jncluded in the above. The commission is empow ered to call upon the corporation to be valued for any information, which they may desire and it is made the duty of the officers of such corpora tions to make sworn statements of tho information asked for. The commission is allowed to employ the necessary expert and , clerical help by and with tho consent of the governor. A fine of between $100 and $10,000 is fixed for failure to comply with tho law. Provision is made for re vising the valuation each year by reason of new work done and old material worn out or destroyed. Tho corporations affected are to bo noti iled of tho valuation after it is made and summoned to show cause why the valuation should be either raised or lowered. ri-T-nr-n--r-T: rtJ Vd rrVr. t'JSlls, Bl" In t it . i n r i . . . - - - - - UOlXi7fflniJttflMaAnKllOOK5lCOUlMou5u WB)t..l?lOga85gH ffhptfSSr" -g Mml MJfl .U nil '.. W'J' wwiimi ntT.i p :.hfc. i- mmilWS&&P' jy Ia.-iin rr A C T T 1 H icau-uj v Arter-noiiaay ciark w I from son Bankrupt Book Bargains havo a few hundred sots and a. few thousand odd volumes loft over tho most miijrnlflcant aggregation of' book bargains- ever 'gathered toirothor for a JfoHdav bariraln list. Got It buy auick or you'll miss your Ufo's elinnco for n library at tlio price of papor and printing binding free. Tlio panic forced many book publishers to tho wall. Others had to havo money to avoid failure. .Result: I bought tremendous quantities of new Ntmitlnril books and Illirnry ncm at my "own price.- and am now closing- them out quick at 1Q to CO cents on tho dollar. Hooks Shipped on Approval subject to examination'in your homo beforo paying for thorn, and returnable at my expense if not satis factory. Tho following sample prices give but a faint idea of the thousands of bargains offorod In my big free bargain list, which I will mall you on receipt o coupon or postal card request. 8 ample Price New UooUn These bargain prices will prevail only while this stock lasts. Imto Copyright Fiction, wore $1.50; my price, 38c. List includes "Fighting Chance," "Half a Rogue," "Satan Sanderson," "Nedra," "Black Bag," "Tho Yoke," "Tho Spollors," and hundreds of others at from :8c to 45c. THOUSANDS OF MISCELLANEOUS HOOKS AND SETS Itf g. I'rlfe Jly l'rlte International Encyclopedia of Iloferonce, Half More. $18. 00 $ 9.75 Encyclopedia Brltannlca, Half Morocco 30.00 9.75 Danto's Inferno, Doro Illus. COO 90 .Dumas' "Works, 7 vols 5.25 1.78 Hugo's Works, 7 vols 5.25 1.78 Shakespeare, 39 vols 13.50 0.75 Twentieth Century Atlas. . 7,50 1.75 Booklovers' Solonco Sot, , K vols . 10.00 3.10 Barnes' Blblo Encyclopedia 3 vols... 24.00 5.75 Famous Pictures 12.00 1.50 Eugono Field's Poetical works. 4 vols G.00 Law of Psychic Phenomena -Hudson 1.50 1.30 OR ia. nunureu oilier wow Thought Books) Bird 'I'lin PIk.IdI ,. OI..1 Llttlo Women, reproduction Neighbors 2, 3, Of $5.00 edition Dictionary of Am. Politics. Stovonson's Wks.. 10 vols. DoMaupassant's Wks. 17 v. And so on through a list of 2.00 20.00 51.00 .85 .59 .98 C.80 12.10 Keg. Price By 1'rlee Voltalro's Works, St. Hu bert's Guild Ed. 43 vols.. $124.70 $39.65 International Science Li brary, 10 vols 24.50 8.50 Momoirs of Mad'm DuBarry 4.25 1.40 Muhlbach's Wks., 18 vols.. 27.00 9.75 Koran of Mohammed, Half Leather 2.50 .56 Napoleon's Notes on Hlst'y 4.70 1.20 Longfellow, complete 2.00 .85 Ilakers of History, 32 vols., Harper & Bros.. Half Leather Ed 48.00 2.50 14.40 .78 .85 .55 9.75 1.20 Robinson Crusoe, Art Ed. l'aino's Ago of Reason.... Tariff and Trusts Homo Law School, 12 vols. 40.00 Jno. Sherman's Rccollect's 4.00 Our Islands and Thnlr Tfn 00 .98 pie. 2 vols irc nn un 00 .85 Cyclopedia of Bullfllnrr Trades, 6 vols 24.00 6.75 St. Louis Fair, Ofllclal Vws. largo vol 4.25 1.10 Frank Wright's Superbly Illustrated Homo Blblo.. mnn 1 on thOUSaildS Of books, fill fltvcmrliiorl In mv lll...nn.i no..,-.,!.. T i- ir.7.:i."r. "' "'"".u JJil.ltflt.ilk AJIBL UL HUH tiLUUK. t IilllUAIlY S13TS IN IUOII HALF MOROCCO BINDINGS .""" "u iiiuuu in iiu iiu.ii mnrncon ifinii. .i.i Rich and rare illustrations. They were ilcHiened to WOflltllV mill Klllin.n.l .l ....'.. i.r. "... . -h-U lO UbrnrleN. At mv nrlcos anv nnn c'nn n it,ii.,i , r? . i. " " ".t.,."1 llne Private , . , ,... ti4.utu ouiiiu f l. luuhu STANDARD Tho sots in tho stamping and gold Hell tit hlirlt nrlceH ltfB Dickons, 15 vols, tscoit, i. vom ,. 1 Irvine. 10 vols Thackeray, ir vols, f . . llalznc, 18 vols lluskln, 15 vols Tolstoi, 12 vols Cnrlylo, 10 vols , Poo, U vols Unlvorsnl Olnsslia, 20 vols Booklovor's Shake speare, 20 vols nnwtliorno, 8 vols... l'rlff . My Price $15.00 Si 1.70 30.00 30.00 15.00 51.00 15.00 30.00 30.00 33.00 11.7(1 9.R0 11.70 17.C1 11.70 11.70 0.60 10.78 Itf p. Pr'ee. My Price liutnns, 10 vols 330.00 IIuro, 8 vols 21.00 I'.Ulot, 7 Vols 21.00 Do Foo, lGvols 48.C0 Hondo, 12 vols 30.00 nulvor-Lytton,13vols 30.00 Cooper, 12 vols 30,00 llronto, Ove ... 13.00 Gulzot. B votai. ... 21.00 Mncnulny, 5 vol 15.00 Olblion, 0 vols 15.00 Proseolt. 12 vols 30.00 Austen. G vols inn Gtcon, Ivnls 8.00 75.00 27.00 G0.00 10.00 22.00 4.25 31.00 15.50 8.25 .loscnims, 3 vols $ G.00 t 2 85 unvriluson, 3 vols G.00 2.85 niuucriiiuioquonco, 10 vols Writings of Thomas Joilorson, 10 vols... I.es Mlsoruules," 5 vols LlbraryofNnturalllls- tory, G vols ... 120.00 o,f,r. fiiY.r'"-",",V' !"' mstory of UnltodSta- -, -..IV vuuuwil.u VUU.. 1I1.IK1 .1 (in tnr. n ...t- .- .- Proseott. 12 vols Mm n -?. r ":. . 85.00 10.G0 Auston. G vols . 10 no 7 X UU!,wujooi,ionn. , 21.00 7.81 aoon.4 voii? ! " V flS !2"'.4J?J?: : ?.oo 3.80 uj'j o xjiarjr, vuia. I'.UO 4,0 Hnmlltoii; DeMuMset, "'"w liiurnry. Motley, lMutarch. jnany others in rich iiik linrguuiN in tlio books of Mark Tivnln Tii.u An t .. ton, O. O. Conin, Paul lmnrei.ee DmibnrB I ill rn00'. Ul cy' W,U Carlc hundrods of othors. Hlg llargalnH n lnmdrA.lV J?i?iBPB Wheeler Wileox and Economy and Economic. nK finrS ninniClr,!-Ss ,on Sociology, Polltllckl Jtlcelianlcs, DomcNtlc Science. Art. MhhIo. iii.ii-r..Jr - u?.OKon aclertce, Law, m ' . -- ---.-,- Aiauiiiniiii' ! 1 n -4m s -. .. iii $9.80! 7.81 G.SG 15.G3 11.70 12.74 11.70 5.88 7.81 4.80 4.00 11.7G G.10 3.80 rloh sets. Hog. l'rlte. Jlljr Prltr. In a special message- to congress President Roosevelt endorses- Gov ernor Magoon's recommendation that an appropriation be- made1 for the raising of the 'battleship Maine from the Havana harbor. The speech delivered by Represent ative Willett of New York in which he applied a number of epithets to President Roosevelt has been ex punged from the records of the house of representatives. A com mittee reported to that effect and the house unanimously adopted the report. AlSf t.llft wni'lra rf IIa..u.....ii ... -- . . tomb. Merr y uaT".! ohtS'?-' Darwin. Silencer. Hneelcol if !!m :.-?UiC -?J",.rtI.1.? .. EmerMon, ' binding arid similar nr& "' -....., nunc ana samis pf lino Library Book, Gift Books books for Girls, etc. iiit!CfUmltciV ,T1V0S0 bargains aro 1 llmltod to tho stock I now havo. I do pot know that I will ovor secure such bargains again, and cannot undortako 2JlU "raors Jongor than this stock JJifAf- ..a01 nblBr, free illustrated bar gain list boforo ordering any of tho SbpStabl?Slay.SlBn tU " 0r DAVID B. CLARKS0N, The Book Broker, 211 Boseli Bldg., Cblengo. h and roil nt '"" uninc, eic. Illc Hnic-fiiu ' tor young and .old; books for thou Boys, David B. Clarkson, --2.1,1 Bosch Building, Chicago vB'te W ?PA?.V1tionTpmp, of your bankrupt Name Baroraln . T.lo book bargains. Street No Town State. F Representative Burke of Pennsyl vania has introduced into the house of representatives a bill requiring the installation of wireless teleg raphy on all seagoing ships using the ports of the United States. The senate has confirmed the nom ination of Samuel B. Donnelly of New York to be public printer. licity upon affairs--in thecanai-zone in- a-. startling- speech hr support of his resolution providing for an in vestigation by congress of the Pana mar canal purchase-' - "In their efforts: in: this direction," lie continued, "they have had' so far the complete co-operation and.- active assistance ot the- present administrar tion and of the president." Mr. Rainey traced the history of the proposed canal four hundred years back and warned the house that "we have already started in the direction of the rocks upon which the first cruisers were wrecked." Referring to the government's libel suits against the New York Benoit-Constant Coquelin, the great French actor, who. was on the stage for- fifty years, died at Paris. BOOKS RECEIVED The Cause of our Financial Panics and How They May be Averted. By S. Fourtner. (Pamphlet.) The Sargent Printing Co., 312 Denny Bldg., Seattle. S. Fourtner, P. O. Box 877, Seattle, Wash. The Passing of Gold, or What is Lawful Money? By Hon. Albert Talmon Morgan. The Myers-Kuhn Printing Co., Denver. (Pamphlet) The Railroad a Public Servant. By Carr White Taylor. Pamphlet. The Times Company, Hutchinson, Kan. The Troubles of Adam. By Her bert George, Denver, Colo. (Pamph let.) The Voice of Truth. By Reinhold Llncke. Published by Tomorrow Press, Chicago. (Pamphlet.) How to Get Rid of the Devil. Bv H. W. Kemper, Louisville, Ky. (Pamphlet.) The F. A. Crump Printing Co., Louisville. The Race Problem. By Charles Wesley Waddell. (Pamphlet.) The Burd & Fletcher Ptg. Co., Kansas City. Price 25c. RAINEY ON THE PANAIMA CANAL MYSTERY Following is an Associated Press dispatch : Washington, January 26. A bit ter attack on William Nelson Crom well, President Obaldia of Pn.Tin.mn. and others by Mr. Rainey of Illinois was made in the house today. The postofftce appropriation bill was un der consideration but Mr. Rainey spoke under license of general de bate and. was unsparing in his cnarges or corruption and fraud against the persons named. At the conclusion of his speech Messrs. Stevens of Minnesota and Kuster man of Wisconsin expressed their uiaapprovai or nis remarks -and- en tered a defense of the accused During the morning hour the house passed a joint resolution mak ing February. 12, 1909, which marks the one hundredth anniversary of 1 the birth of Abraham Lincoln, a legal holiday. When the house, at 5 p m., adjourned,' the postofflce till-was still pending. ' Charging that William 'Nelson Cromwell, ' Roger L. Farhliam, Charles P. Taft and others are' part ies to the ''most Infamous 'railroad proposition ever, submitted f to" anv government' and that they'We be ing permitted not only to rob the republic of Panama, but indirectly the treasury of the United States " Representative Rainey of Illinois to day directed the searchlight of pub- &a$lB r A&ents Wanted in each town to ride and exhibit sample 1000 model. Write for Siecial Offer. 1909 Models pMl8 to $g witn uoasier-uraKes ana runaure-i'roor tires. 1007 U 1008 Model &T s & nil of boBt makos P M 0 ty Mt BOO Second-Hand Whoala All tna&es and models, dp ft . P o good as new pn3 0 gC Great Factory Olonrinc Sale. We Ship On Approval without a cent deposit, pay the freight .and allow TEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL. Tires, constor-brnlces, parts, re. jlo ; pairs and sundries, half usual nrices u .- JL. DUT tin you et our. catalogs and. otiet, not Writt now. MEAD CYCLE CO.,Doj?t-Ni77 Chicago AeWTCTHE MATHEWS il EmI B iP ' SAFETY RAZOR ltWA4 Bllt OB AftlAtAtAAM. CaM k uvAHU mill aiivppvi ivi F nfisrniuilnn Hull tMmZami . Special Prices to Our Agents. 1 00 c BlfTKatwlnner7ouoTorBawr. OiKxaflQtold-2fith ? first afternoon out. Dost grade ot steel, highly nick olod, with solid handle. Absolutely guaranteed. a Bares throwing own jr old blades. Write for our agents' b PUKE OUTFIT Or-i-KtC. Wo uowTOuhowrtamk mwib any Tt mioui experience, write toaajr. THOMAS MFQ. CO., 032 Biraty BIcck, Dayton, O. MEDICINE REE If your Ears tlag or ro&r. orvour lienrlnc In nlTocted, If Eyes aelie, la falllntj.lf you Khoclf, spit, cough or havo bad w.vuvu, Dwug ui iiuou, iriuuiion in uroncuiai TUO08, Lunga orStomach.yournamoandaddroflB , brP? to yu "baoluiely free a 32dayB courae or medicine prescribed to meet your Individual tA u ,upnjnonB, Wo have curod many who havo tried various flo called Catarrh oureo with little or no benoflt, andwomaWo you this llboral offer to Introduce -- ---taw aiiRimMivHiiu AUUlUDOinU mUlVCI atld Wlthrm-. nnaf mt mill .aawA a oq 4.m ,.....vv wwww JWU ! 1UVD1VU M UUJP nmiMA aJ 1 aI. . ii 1 . m . wwuadu ui iiirujuuiuijroauriuucioHnnniniiv rorvDH 1 Mffi-ilk8. . 1 - uu xjjjlxiu. aaii dad uri 1 jaui , r 1 E3LJBH Stibsci'lbm' JUdvertlsiiifl Dept. This department is for tho exclusive use of Commoner subscribers, and a special rate of six cents a word per in sertion tho lowest rate has boea mado for them. Addrqss all communi cations to The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb. OKLAHOMA FARMS. SEND FOR dkfaSSSii18- T' A BaffSett' Guthrie' ETOR SALE IMPROVED FARM 1C0 -close in; GO rich bottom, $11,200. g! Wertman, owner, Washington. Kansas pOR SALE JOHNSON CO., WHITE , D(ln,t sfed cprn won world's cham pionship for largest and best ear t Sana. " ' Stalnbrok, FraSlin, pREE HOMESTEAD LANDS WE show you each quarter flection so you can, pick out your own home We publish maps and township plat? GivS accurate v soil descriptions. There arS over 2.Q00.Q00 acres In Routt County CWEDENBORG'S "DOCTRINE OF .r a.vr9 r i WS?,? MAN T'0 AID ME IN Washington. M SmalIoy' Chesa ytygwwwaieaitWjM(1H .i" wwNAsJaji