Tr fW"r T "WS" i b r .3 t ,4 9 The ; r t ' Commoner. w?.v lUV. L. - . - g" ',-' kiqn' . rf i. 'ti.:rv v &' " '1 L. .-". '- r -V-' 9L -fch-V j " f- , Tl-.l . A - i tr WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR & a ' . ,"& - I' A , -VOL. 9 NO. 2 ' j i . Lincoln, .Nebraska, January 22, 1909 i , Whole Nu.mber.418. . , f I CONTENTS i .-rAN UNEXAMPLED PERFORMANCE ;?" : HOW JUDGE LANDIS BUILT A "FIRE" ' ' V,- THE GNAT AND THE CAMEL i; , . - BUYING A CONGRESSMAN REPUBLICANS CRITICISE THE PRESI- DENT ' ' "OREGON'S SENATORIAL CONTEST A DEMOCRATIC MEASURE INDIANA'S NEW SENATOR WHAT OF THE FUTURE? OKLAHOMA'S BANKING LAW ' COMMENT ON CURRENT TOPICS HOME DEPARTMENT NEWS OF THE WEEK r '.'The body of Benjamin Franklin (like the. cover of an old book, its contents torn out, and strapped of its leather and gilding) lies hero food for the worms; yet the work .itself shall hot bo lost, for it will, as he believes, appear once, more, in a new and more beautiful edition, corrected,and amended by the author." Frank lin's epitaph, written by himself; MUCKRAKING In view of the president's attacks on various and sundry individuals, including governors of states, senators and members of congress, would it not be well for him to send a message to con gress reproducing his speech on the muckrake? He then dealt scornfully with those who threw mud at public officials. fr i2t O c PUBLICITY, TOO In the light of Mr. Roosevelt's contention that the senate has no right to demand information from departmental heads, Mr. Roosevelt's essays, written several years ago on "publicity," would bo just about as interesting as his oldtime essays on "muckraking." ii it it ! JV &1 tS S THE PICTURE, ANYWAY From the press report of the marriage cere mony between an American girl and a titled foreigner, the following is taken: "The gifts to the bride included a check from her father for $100,000 to be supplemented later on, it is said, by a London town house from her grandfather. Her mother gave her a tira of pearls and diamonds witb tips of pear- -shaped pearls and diamonds. The bridegroom's gifts to her were a collar, tiara and -corsage ornaments of diamonds, but of" those she has seen only the photographs, the" originals remain ing in London to greet her when she arrives . there." Our foreign brethren may not be able to de tect any humor in this report, but it is "dollars to doughnuts" that the American paragrapheTs ' will have something to say about the presenta tion to the bride qf a "photograph of jewels." i . O W" w W ....... . . - I r , 1 - , , -'- , S . . ! .r "When are we going to pull out ?" AN UNEXAMPLED PERFORMANCE ,',,;' Only forty more. .days until March) 1 4 and then, at least, we'll rest. ' " The Commoner assumes no risk when it de clares that the president has confessed himself guilty of an unexampled performance in his let ter to the senate in reply to the Culberson reso lution. In one of his letters to Mr. Bryan dur ing the campaign, Mr. Roosevelt admitted that the steel trust had secured his consent before swallowing up its rival, but the letter which the president sent the attorney general em bodying this consent stands forth as one of the strangest public documents to be found in the nation's archives. Here is a president of the United States in conference with the managers of one of the greatest of the trusts. They repre sented to him that they did not care to gobble up their rival, but that they were so anxious to protect the business situation that they were constrained to do this if the president would permit. The president, accepting their repre sentations and endorsing them, notifies the at torney general that he does not feel it his "public duty" "to interpose an objection." This letter is republished that the reader may carefully examine the language: "Washington, D. C., November 4, 1907. My Dear Attorney General: Judge E. H. Gary and Mr. H. C. Frick, on behalf of the steel corporation have' just called upon me. They state, that there is a certain business firm (the name of which I have not been told, but which is of -rpal importance in New York business circles) .which will undoubtedly fail this week if jheljjjs.not given. Among its assets are a majority of the securities of the Tennessee Coal and Iron company. Application has been urgent ly made to the steel corporation to purchase thia stock as the only means of avoiding a failure. Judge Gary and Mr. Frick informed me that aa a mere business transaction they do not cara to purchase the stock, that under ordinary cir cumstances they would not consider purchas ing the stock, but little benefit will come to the" steel corporation from the purchase, that they are aware that the purchase will be used as a handle for attack on them on the ground that they are endeavoring to secure a monopoly of the business and prevent competition not that this would represent what could honestly be said, but what might recklessly and untruthfully be said. "They inform me that as a matter of fact the policy of the company hap been to decline to acquire more than sixty per cent of the steel properties and that this has been persevered in for several years past, with the object of pre venting these accusations and as a matter of fact their proportion of steel properties has slightly decreased, so that it is below this sixty per cent, and the acquisition of the property in question will not raise it above sixty per cent. But they feel that it is immensely to tLeir in terest, as to the interest of every responsible business man, to try to prevent a panic and general Industrial smashup at this time and that they are willing to go into this transaction, which they would not otherwise go into be cause it seems the opinion of those best fitted to express judgment in New York that it will be an important factor in preventing a break that might be-ruinous and that had been urged i ttWrt,iA5 V, . -rtt.Ato.tuy.,?i,,i.tlM. ijt. t' , ,,,-., m I'Mi'telttii'Tiili.iwWftft.i, ;ivrnfr"ni"?"dhtfaL' iii, ! . , rrmr1fr iftin irtrtiWT i II ftflffife He . .mj ,.J..-.. ..j i,,.j. r- .-i1m-Y j .. . ,.. ... . w --, .m fc-IMUMfcMA, U tM.amiA -' -"" - - .?'S. ZSZTZr. . . i!im 'WMWgfcft-,fl4s 'rWniirifrtlni ivi-jJi,...,.,-. : mmktikMhMm nwkiiil