"WV W 'Tt TW - The Commoner. WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR ND PROPRIETOR t VOL- S, NO. 50 tf Lincoln, Nebraska, December 25, 1908 Whole Number 414 CONTENTS THE DAY WE CELEBRATE PRESIDENT OVERSTEPS THE LIMIT THE SULTAN STEPS FORWARD REV. J. F. NUGENT ON "THE PRINCE OF PEACE" POSTAL SAVINGS BANKS SENATOR OWEN ON GUARANTEED DE POSITS KING CORN BLISTERS THAT TENNESSEE IRON AND COAL DEAL JUSTICE TO GOVERNOR HASKELL ' PULITZER'S REPLY TO ROOSEVELT BENEATH THE BETHLEMEM STAR CQMMENT ON CURRENT TOPICS HOME DEPARTMENT WHETHER COMMON OR NOT " NEWS OF THE WEEK The Commoner. WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PKOPRJCTOR , fr H R I ST M A $ . w i", -- While "the Christmas hells arOi. rlngingfgtit 'j,iie -message 01 guou win, 4 Anathe echoes fling the tidings over ev'ry '-"S&Y-le and hill; Whilj&tlie Christmas starts shining with , t ..""radiance the same" -T"" '"f" As 'ft 'had that, wondrous morning when- , .alio blessed Christ Child came;'',1 ; When ,we raise our voicies, singing songs - of earnest, loving praise " "- For .the joys that lie about us, making Bright our earthly ways Let us' give a thought to others who in joy have little part . ' Till -we've learned the blessed lesson . keeping Christmas in the heart. Hark! , Above tho Christmas carols hear the children's plaintive cry; Hear the broken sobs of widows doomed by pestilence to die In the tenements so fetid; victims of in human greed; Slaughtered to the god of Mammon they for justice vainly plead. See the pallid little faces, hear them vain ly beg for crumbs; See the noisome hives of humans where no Christmas ever comes. You who have enough of blessings ne er can have a rightful part In the real joys of Christmas till you ve Christmas in the heart. While the Christmas bells are ringing out their messages so clear, Go ye out among your fellows, spread tne gospel of good cheer. From some heart bowed down in sorrow lift the bitter load of woe; In some home with gloom o'ershadowed spread the cheerful Christmas glow; To some child, some weeping widow, work ing out a wretched lot Take a share of Christmas blessing show them God has not forgot. Just divide your Christmas blessings, ghe unfortunates a part, And you'll double joys of Christmas keeping Christmas injthe heart. v. . t ".1 '', . v 1 - HY.v 4 v 'iulzrf??-- AflOlifl rV JC ow ? ll . VOL 8. NO. 49 Lincoln. tiTirt0 W10 Number U CONTENTS Pm My 'iA For Tlioo Ob Son 0 Q'JCiimlSfMllUmnhlMr !!, 4 tHUK&fSt3KB t tout wili&Zzi, 'IiiiHfi WTJWr-'- fmfMIlmKfWmBr ;. .2Z2M.YMV106WmAfl "WKWNWirwy .AJiam "TO, .&&&lZ4V&A'yWJMl " ' .yto&Z&Z x,-.Zl--'.l-re-im2!VirYXSSYSf'ilVrSXfI4 .li. UTTITM ITT TIT HT nvi vv. ti icra & rwr x " rsESAfj sfsr xr.Ji- mm - . 4irMBrwui'iiii.rjAfvi Bet mbii u a y, i .YvPJJCJa. WW'tt&ifAf&ZrjC&Rmirr'ftmJutMt' n Priot oi vwf7f?s "y 'yxxfArrJ0cvrA TerrJilismafiiuunMrii&ifaili! 'I'jzs'i jsrwxwc wMuziMUHttw. ' Htu&mmw-inw.iLtut'jJZi "v Arsrwjfa YmvzmwtHwmi&mw&i8raiw vsXAAAlwyyiYA.T?&.vmv.ymRSiVHi2&Miy wsMmivxvMmmti rw IU W.V JSS flVf ?J, VKJVHr"' ' IM iWjVi,.y.l ..- 7i- xr y r vitv, r tsp"" rmjr.h'-WJ-j'-rLa.'Jj0w n its '' ' r'yyri9 xvWfPZZ di unburn &j'Z SxXtVhYXVS. nam lorm bi m -r . r r m rr r mw -- . jubb' j u yv7i tu.u 14.1 r fhfct the .7X XV'' :XyyXififififfiriitPXi4EVl mr vZt ys lKIZ77?i&mWjXyQy& iijr,ssssssssAi&rrwmt'smrssyA& tv - - - - j0i.rj --' .-. v,SjVWWAX?Z-ZZ : ,wyyyuttiumM?2z' sJ Wi ' m mm J ffsSlTsS KAM JFf5 tmmmm HHlKT-mmmr" m'JJ tr'ffr -mmnATm J ' - - t c-4c5-r5jGiwi iacsN"-""vr HT ". m"j TIIH COMMOH131 AS wt, tot it' r Coamot.l M Cbrltl (r ronr lrl4 IU & - ...!.. ..1 tl Mill ....il HlAjlu.a anil iui of coJ rofroool Hill i.iiiuhii." w. . Ik. .hA AAn.fil.f moot mi bo utitnuai tbit tier ' " ralo more uKturr ltl Ibt, Jt.'tA DO THE T IVrUUf to lb I ... ' .m Ma Uotfti oo-to-itw. Mirr.. i. g, rtrtner. Mr T r rtj' lioo, Ii T.ffi oroibtr oorklii ! Uf , .a. Ifca fMICtJVO DltroDl. ftl! donkl b taiuoto. iu -i nui mm is oorttk)" do lb popl rvlr nd (raoi r.u toorl jo toll "' coqm U ir lo ui I en or tot mho oicm r-oa b, i uy.ir rboru. Not kll tax kartbtm Co , I OOOUl II - .- -- 1 . .fc iVlii - UP1 ' r--."-.-i (in Msrvnirf 71 i Vi9 pWIVVa lr ir M 4 rriMlM Itrooca bil 1 loot c' IB i or WWW H - ' ". UC ol "" M'lir-m lirif Ktrtnlri MKII 01tfmmlm T J r DftaLa ir l-tdwairl. ..m fuiinttt .Jlll ( ,dv T. ftt, llllla ! laa ..IL 7 4 IM( IUI la ,.m .w - - -. .vw.v laiah s" ropi 11 oi tor. u MM. IVrt UUrwll u a I, J I KMl. V(f iuii u. 'JlH4 I JrlM KkMa Of U HMb ll mat U.I Tt OaasMcr ll ' b rWtr Wlttim i l.l. .I MrM U klblitam tlbttfi to U iLtru tl 0 Ml. Ibll H U iialla aa. till 1IM IU (ULlUkiu,( a to t U4 IsportMl tlw 11 4 Ul I pnuu. 4t wfl 04 rp H tu .ixitri4 l( IBMrUU 3JJJ atlU -lfr it r(rta4 jaurlBA fcaa iitu im..u ...i.. i tbtri ttd II Ml L La iaaaf ll.l T.. aafiAa arllf lAa. ma h....... . . .7, . .a.aaiif p.V(Cl Mllrtlmm iimm a, ..i.- ... . .... -".--. "7'- wl laipvrust ..! I ,rt I t (1 Otl, lb(tUl. cu loti 11 1 .or f Antiu c-tlrkxt I . w-, ..'. 1. ppwaraf f loalCJO fftU ...... ..,.,. a lv iraia W (Ufaf Tk.aAll.l kUdl. u - .. -"-" ai"vw nn rFtlit , if baff Ikll II will rylM fl, (UltUw.l Ullll(a , ,rtuirtl .(rl e nn C4 'rrlr I , crr tni.l aa la r.laa.a laiJ II iu .. &..a .. . " - --.'- -- " . w - ll ir is wfs 0i&aa r .ir M p , -i 1 TO EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE--AND FOREVER ! THE DAY WE CELEBRATE Christmas is love's festival. Set apart for the commemoration of God's gift of His Son it has grown into a great holiday which is ob served throughout Christendom by rich and poor alike Even those who refuse to lake upon themselves the vows of any church are con strained to join in the beautiful custom which makes both parents and children look forward this day with pleasant anticipations. For weeks before December 25 busy hands are at work, tiny savings banks are gathering in their slcred store and eager expectancy is written iinon the faces of the young. To the boys and X Santa Claus is a sort of composite donor who monopolizes the distribution of presents tnS who reading the. minds of his little friends, ?rwaTds thf good (and all are good just before Christmas) with tho very toys that they them selves have selected, while the older onos learn by experience that It Is more blessed to give than to receive. Back, of Christmas and the Christma3 present Is love, and the broad, broth erly love taught and exemplified by the Naza rene is not content with the remembrances which are exchanged as tokens of affection be tween members of the family and between inti mate friends; it is compelling a widening of the circle to Include the poor and the needy though not of kith or kin. What an Instructor love Is! How if de velops the one of whom It takes possession! When once it is awakened It dissolves all opposi tion. Dr. PaTkhurst, the New York clergyman, in illustrating the difference between force and :i 1.1 . ' i m A 4 t i