n ,L misui i ,. mmm. VK The Commoner. VOLUME 8, NUMBER 1 . 'eiWl'1"' 12 ' "'v'" 1 1 I I III ' If H Tho famous old Lookout Inn on the crest of Lookout mountain was destroyed by fire. At tho American Federation of Labor convention held at Denver the course of President Samuel Gompers .was endorsed. Governor-elect A. C. Shallenberger of Nebraska suffered a broken bone in his ankle while being initiated into tho Shriners. A democratic caucus of members of the lower house of congress will be held December 5. It is reported that Champ Clark will be chosen as democratic leader to succeed John Sharp Williams. day was a test case. Havillo Collins was arrested for accepting a' wager at GraAresend race track June 16 of this year, and was held for trial. Collins brought habeas corpus pro ceedings before the special term of the supreme court and hfs release was ordered. In the decision by the appellate division the actioa of the special term is upheld in all particulars.' Mr. Cannon's friends say that he is now certain of re-election to the office of speaker. Mr. Bryan's official Nebraska was 4,102, majority in David Rothschild, a former bank er of New York City, died in Sing SingprIson. Francis J. Heney, the special as sistant of the district attorney's office at San Francisco a'n'd the man ivho has prosecuted the San Francisco corruptionlsts, wag shot in the head by Morris Haas. It was during the prosecution of Abraham Ruef that Mr, Heney had denounced Haas in a speech in thq court room. Haas had qualified as a juror to pass upon the guilt or innocence of Ruef. Heney denounced him as an ex-convict. After the adjournment of court and, while Heney was in his private office, Haas shot tfini. Haas was overpowered by bystanders arid was removed to jail. Later he com mitted suicide by shooting himself with a' pistol which, he had concealed in his shoe. The report of the republican state committee from Nebraska- shows that $42,000 was spent in Nebraska in the effort to carry it for the repub lican party. The emperor and the empress dowager of China died suddenly. Authorities1 deny rumors that they were poisoned'. v Samuel Gompers was re-elected president of the American Federa tion of Labor with but dne dissent ing V6te. ' the report be considered the social ists present be asked If theyendorsed editorials appearing in socialist or gans attacking the Federation and its officers. President Gompers defend ed the editorial. He asked, why the only paragraph In the editorial in which he had expressed an opinion is taken up and every charge in the editorial is overlooked, for he did make a number of charges. Mr. Gompers charged that the socialists were trying to disrupt the trade union movement. He said that there never had appeared a more severe arraignment of the officers of the Federation in the hostile press than has appeared in the Cleveland Citi zen, edited by Max Hayes, a repre sentative of the Typographical Union in the convention. Mr. Gompers stated he had no ill will against any man personally, and that he fought soley for the trade union movement. He had no ill will towards even Debs or Daniel de Leon, of the industrial workers of the world, although both were trying to destroy the trade union movement. Delegate Duff rey's motion asking for explanation from the socialists of editorials in certain socialist papers attacking the Federation officers was finally agreed to. A. B. Grant of the metal pol ishers, a socialist, said lie was not responsible for the editorials, but that he believed that there had been cases where labor leaders had sold out, although h,n made no charges against the Federation officers." WING PIANOS. Bat totted i most successful Recent Improvements tfve greatest resonance, bold direct. Noaxtnts. Sent on trial frrltrlitrvilil f,- last and all tie time by us to show our faith in our work. If vouwant a trnrxl piano, you saT $75 oo. Easy terms. Slightly used "hleh.Rrades,"3Chlcker. Ines. 2 Bradburvs. etc.. 175 upj taken In exchange for Improved Wing pianos thorolyrefinished. Send for bargain list. You should have anyway " Book of Complete Information about l'lanos." 152 pages. N.Y.fVorldsxysi "Abook of educational Interest everyone should have. Vroo for tho nuk- I n FT from the old house of WING & SON, 3GMEX) w. utu st, New York BANKING BY MAIL WITH THE GUARANTYSTATEBANK HAKES YOUR HONEY ABSOLUTELY SAFE. Twenty-flve persons lost, their lives' In an explosion of gas"which tore up a section of Gold "street, Brooklyn. A Chicago dispatclCTriarrled by-the-'Associated Press follows t'"That: per sonal, or what has- oeen termed In dividual betting, is legal at the race tracks, in. thiB state was the opinion of '.the judges of the appellate divi sion bf the supreme court made pub lic today in a decision handed down in the case brought by Assistant Dis trict Attorney Elder of Kings county to determine tho application of the Andrew-Hart bill on this point. The decision Is in favor of the Brooklyn JocKey club. In the American Federation of La bor convention at Denver Samuel Gompers was presented with a hand some loving cup and Mrs. Gompers was given a diamond ring. The con vention endorsed Mr. Gompers offi cial and political record and his enemies were completely routed. An interesting extract from the Asso ciated Press report of one day's pro ceedings follows: "When the point in the, committee's report endorsing the American Federationlst, the offi cial organ, was reached. Delegate j. m. .juarnes of the cigarmakers pro tested against an editorial, which had appeared during the political cam paign, asking 'Who is financing the Red Special?' with which ' Presiden tial Candidate Eugene V. Debs made his campaign. The editorial charged that the forces opposed to labor were financing the 'red special. Mr. Barnes offered a resolution calling upon tho convention to appoint a committee to go over the books of the socialist party and ascertain where the funds were obtained. T. j. uuirrey or me pottery workers Tho caroful man who ia true to himself nnd to his family will not placo his sav ings In Jeopardy. Wo wiU mail to persons Interested, on nppUcntlon, copy of our booklet containing Oklahoma law and other Information on banking- by mall. Your funds available on demand. Four per cent on Time and Savings Deposits. Jt E JMC IS M JR E R Tour deposits -with State Banks of Oklahoma uro SAFE. GUARANTY STATE BANK MUSKOGEE,. - OKLAHOMA J.D. BENEDICT, President, M.G.HASKELUCashlor The proceedings which resulted in the decision rendered to-1 moved that before the amendment to Commoner Condensed Volume VII Aa its titlo indicates, this book Is a condensed copy of Tho Commoner for one year. It is published annually and 'tho different issues' are deal, natcd. as Volumes I, II, in. ry, V, VI and VH, corresponding tS the vol ume numbers of The Commoner. The last Issue is Volume VII and Zonl tains editorials which discuss questions of a permanent natura. Every Important subject In the world's politics la discussed In Tha Ccfmmoner at tho time, that subject la attracting general attention t& cause of this The Commoner Condensed, la valubla ?ofo?ence bobfc KKtSSssASfa ass ot cvcry lawyer &JssSi TO NEW OR RENEWING SUBSCRIBERS One Year's Subscription to The Commoner. . . --. And any one Volume Rnm fc 1 O Stib Commoner Condensed, Cloth Bound XJUU1 4) I ,J J .. To subscribers who have already paid tho current year's subscrip tion Clotk BeHHrt, 7Hct by mall, powtagre paid. These prices aro for either volume. more than ono volume Is wanted, add to abova nrlena 75 cents for each additional one in cloth binding Volume I tT out of print; Volumes IT, III, IV. V. VI and VII aro ready for prompt doflvory REMITTANCES MUST DE SEMT WITH ORDERS. Address, THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebraska. THE TARIFF HEARINGS When the manufacturers of paints, varnishes, medicinal preparations, perfumes,, etc., were petitioning con gress for free alcohol they said that if they had it they could snap their fingers at foreign competitors. They got it, and yet are now appearing be fore the committee on ways and means to request that the high tariff duties be left as they are. A few of the men who addressed the com mittee on Tuesday asked for higher duties. One of them said with great frankness that thtey would enable him to make more money. ' This' request that there shall bo no decrease anywhere, even when the duties are prohibitory and hence produce no revenue, will be heard at all of the hearings. There may be a pretty general agreement among the manufacturers who attend that the Dingley law duties are a miracle of wisdom and moderation too moderate in some instances. If the information congress Is to get from the men who show up at mesa Hearings were to be all it had to guide it it would make a sorry mess of tariff revision. Happily there are unprejudiced experts who. have been collecting data as to the cost of production at home and abroad. These data probably will show that there are many duties which ought to be reduced. Con gress should be governed by them and not by over protected interests, such as the United States steel cor poration, the American Sugar Refin ing company, and the tobacco trust. Chicago Tribune. FREE TEST TREATMENT Havo yon lost faith In doctors and medicine? IT bo, lot mo CONVINCE you tbat my system of Treatment will euro. Send mo a Bamplo of morning urine for oxamlnaUoitnnd I will send you a diagnosis of your case and ono woofc's treatment Free. Ma Uln? caso for urine sent on receipt of four cents for postage Book onUrinopathy Free. J. F. SHAFERrM.,D.,UrinopaxluSt, 214 Pcnn Ave,, Pittsburu, Pa. HtlS PATENTS that PROTECT ir3bok frIYeBtorsKllionrtctptof Set. fUn 1 On I R.S. & A. B.LACEY, Washington, D.G. Estab. 1869 BBUaanMiinMaaiiMiira 3T H ,1869. J PATENTS SICCUKED OR FEE Itir.TnitNKI) Preo roport an to Patentability. Illustrated Quids Book, and. List of Inventions Wanted, sontfroo. EVANS, WlIiKJENS Xj CO., Washlngton.D. C. ORNAMENTAL FENCE S5UESIONS, ALL STEEL. Ilandsomo cheaper than wood more durable. 8pe-"lal prices to1 churches and ceme teries. Don't buy a fence until you get our fVco catalogue 2 49 NertkSt., Kokomo, Iud. - ? "1111 Ih innrnwA " ' In ovEin POSITIONS lAPTia 1 si i -were made to Civil Ser- 40,. L APPUIUUIICMIS Tico places during u Wyear.6ood life positions aM0 to iP year. Excellent opportunities for XMJ'SSp T?.,fnt!552?i,iViott61i about aU coTcrnment examinations and questions ro cenUy used by tho Civil Servico Commission. COLUMBIAN CORIESP. COLLEGE, WASHINGTON, D. C AERM0T0R GASOLINE PUMR HE KNEW His ATirtrrcrcm?! A celehrateo; Scottish lawyer had 10 aaaress tne Caledonian equiva lent of our supreme court. His Pleadings" occumed an entire rtav After seven hours of almost contin uous oratory he went home to supper mm was astcea to conduct family wor ship. As he was exhausted his de votions were brief.. I am ashamed of ye," said the old mother. "To think ye could tallc ror seven nours up at the court and mannas your Matter in seven min utes. Engirt comf!t rady to attach, us shown, to "any old pump'Hi 30 m!nutv "Aye, verra true,' UUU jro U1UUU mmu was the reply, that thft T,rrrl isna sae dull in the untak na rh jedge-bodieg." Philadelphia Ledger. 5 I 5? ft. ft. ' "B i B :.B price :yi-f S III W yx rHl llMI"f 1 IS mi m 11 m M I,. flTllJM O I m F J 1 A 9 In ilKwSikOe IT (BjWKa toMW) JIUI0 351!p f .u. 1 i )V