s r ROVEMBBE I, IS OS The Commoner. 13 w A Fine Lyon & Heaty Organ, ta week Think of the pleasure and satisfaction you would get from owning one of these beautiful instruments. Possess a far sweeter tone quality than other makes, as countless testimonials received during Iho past 45 years amply attest. Write for our new illustrated catalog today. LYON & HEALY, 59 Adamm 9iret, Ghtm It ia tho bent policy holder's com pany In tho United States. ASSISTS, $2,000,000; Twcnty-ono years old. Write. . The Old Line Bankers Life Lincoln, Ncbraitka ? Ill tnCUTC My Sanitary Coffee HiJv. ' O Maker produces pure, sweet coffee, needs no settler and never wears out. baves coffee, money and health. Every wife buys at hjht; new invention; exclusive territory. Send lc. for 60c, size, postpaid. OR. LYONS, 154 Day St., PekiH. !.L PATENTS fciccuitisi) ok rise KG1UKNKU Free report ns to Patentability. Illustrated Outdi Boole, and List of Inventions Wanted,, Hontfroe. IS ANS, WILKENa & CO., Washington,. D.O. ywwftwi FENGEWSPSS. Strong Clilcle en-tlght Bold, to tho user at W belttals Priers. TTe ry Freight. CAtalognefree. n COILED SPRING FENCE CO., Doz 234 Wlnehaater. Indiana. CO ur 3 books for In ?en wra ll4 on roipt of U. atauptl R.S.&A.B.LACEY.Wathlnfitan.O.O. Eatab.1863; You Hoar at & f 1 ? The Stolz Electrophone!- A New, Eleetrl- cal, Nolentillo and: Practical Invention for tliOMo who are Deaf or Partlully Deaf MAY NOW BK TJSSTJED IN XOUitOWN ilOMK. WPKsaBB Mm afwWfiaaaW IvIKIslaVjaaBaaaW, v2ttmmmzmm: Deaf orpart'ally- deaf people may now make a. mow h' trial of the Sto'x El:trophont at home This pon-onnLpiacilcal tcsst ervet to pravn tliat tho device satisfies, w th.aae, evrp-requirement of a perect hcarlm? device.. Wrta for particulars at. once, befuro tho- offer Is withdeawn, for liy thjs persona.) test plan the fnl selection of the one complete y eailoiaa.ory hearing aid Ja madoeasy and Inexpensive for every one. This, now Invention. the Sta x .Electrophone fll. S. Patent No. 763.-CTO.roniiersunnr-ccainry such clumsy., unsightly and frequently harmful devices as trumpets, horns, tubes, eardrums, Jans, eta It la a tiny electric telephone that. flUontheearand which, the Instant it is applied, maarurtiear the sound waves In such manner aa to cause an; aatoiuah-' In., ti.unsutie Jn tho c laarctessofall sounds It overcomes the buzz- tni? and loarimr ear . & tMetfcp, HhaastaBtIsandoIecmcaIlr ft7wa4;iiL,mr . exenjtswthe vital parts troj.aaXM'traMlMWM ofthft car that, usually. !. w. th6 natural unrded im 3rgmefc iicar n Itself, Is grade ally restored. WhatThreeJ3nIneftnMea b'ay The Electrophone kr vcrv satisfactory. Being1 mull Ittsizoand Rreatin. tuarlnz: qualities, makes it nro'erablo taany 1 have tried and., X believe, L havetrtsdfaU orthenj, M. Wt UQYTr Wholesale Grocer. MIchJjfaHj A-Ver. and.' lUver St, Ch.5ca.ira. X got so deaCJ.eeuhh not hear With- my spcafctm? time and was advls-a, t try jae JBiectrophrme. AC xer u teen years ordeatnes, discomfort and worry, I now hear perfectly atchurcltandr-at concerts W. B. VCUSY Sales Vgr 8. A. Maxwell a Co,, Chicago, rhave row neeAyoorr Electrophone over a year; anctknow thatlt tea Rrst-clafa, sdi-ntlfle hfarinir aovlce. Wlthnntlt peolo have to. shout dlrottly In my ear to-saake-me hear. Wltk It I can. hear dl-BUnctlv-when spoken to In an ordinary tone. Best or all, It huu stoppea ray he&tt nolwae which woro aterrlhloagrravatiea. LalWIBW. MAT. Ca her, 100 Waahlniriau-St.. Cli.c-.uro. 'rilto' orc!lll (call If you can) at our Chicago ?i.. ? f?.r rartlculars of Our personal test offor and. - ui uiuer prominent eudorFera who win. answer "iqulrles. Physicians cordially Invited to lnvesU cato aurl8ts,opinloD. StolrElectropne Co.,, 1305 Stawart ildffrCiilc-tgo, Branch ODIceas PlUIadelphJa, OipclnnaU. Seattlei Indianapolis, Des MolacsToronto. Forelga Ohlce; 83-83 Fleet Street, rndon, Kne-. ciS9Wrt?B1()llorj()t A Lullaby There's a qucor little bouso In Lul laby T6wn, Hush-o, ray baby, by-ol Just over the bill on tbo lano wind intr down, Huali-o, ray baby, by-o! And a queer little room with lights burning low, And shadows that flicker and dance to and fro O, haste, little comrade; together we'll go Hub1i-o, my baby,, by-o! Fnsb-o, mv babv: .hush-o. my sweet, Come to the cottage on Sluraberland street, Clasped to my heart together we'll go, Hush-o, my baby, by-o! On Si'tmborland street In Fairy Land Rnuare, Hush-o. my babv. by-o! Haste, little comrade, we soon will b there, Hush-o. my babv, bv-o! Soft, dowrjv ooiioh that the angels hnve snrnnd: Slumbr. mv darling, and God guard tliv bPd; Sleep till the sun paints, the morn a rih, red Hush-o, my baby, by-o! oppression. I hope, prisoner at the bar, that you appreciate the benefits of this wise and merciful Bvstom which gives you every possible op portunity to establish your Innocence. Tho jury system is tho only aufe gunrd agninBt " "May it please tho court," inter rupted tho attorney for tho X, Y & 7, Trust Co.. "tho prisoner now be fore you is charged with con tempt in that ho violated your injunction not to annroarh. Brnak to LaddrrB, counsel with, entreat, force or cajoi tne strikebreakers our coru panv imported.' "WlintJ Violated my order? Prisoner. Btnnd un. You nro clinnrnri with violnfion of tho court's injunc tion, what have you to sav? "Your honor." stammered tho ,'priBoner, "T, T " "That will do, sir. Your crime la 'a hoinouF one. Six months in 1ail. rCall the next enflo." "T3iit, vour honor; how, about mv innlffnnbl Hrht to a trinl bv lurv?" ihast'iv exclnfmed the prisoner. "The cmrk will mnke an entry of nine months for contempt. The next a Sure! "Talking about writing the sonars of the nation," mused; the creat tnist maunnte, "T care not who writes, just so he sees to it that the letters 'are destroyed." .'case. $$ From, Missouri Tnrlff Ttem Marv had, a, little lamb Whope wool was well "protected;" When Mary sold the clip Bho trot Much less than she expected. O, whv does Mary tear her hair And spend the: day in crying?' She's up aeainst the bis wool trust," The. neighbors are replying. Known Hero a Long Time Celllt Is the name of a ne,w trans parent substance that has been dis covered bv a German chemist. Knoxvillo Sentinel. . Nothing new about that discoverv. Tt was discovered over here junt about the time the profentfve tariff was originated. First ther put up a transparent excuse to grant protec tion, thn sell it to the tariff barou. New discovery! Huh!'! Not Needed "What did you say the. book was good for?" queried Seldom Wrteht "Tt is a book for the cultivation of memory. By its aid yon can so train, the memory that, it will retain everything; that is Impressed upon. It." "Don't want it," exclaimed Seldom Wrluht. gazing pensively at the gold brick that held down, a pile of worth Tarq mfnfnj? stnek. "What T want .'Is a. book that will teach me how fb forget a lot of things. I can't help, remembering." Hbrrilrio Mistake "Call the lurvj' remarked. Judge. Soakem. "With twelve good men and. true we are about to try you, sir. Tn their wisdom the fathers pro vided that no matter how grpat the criminal, no matter how heinous the crime, the accused should have his case beard bv twelve of his peers. Tlifs wise and merciful provision fs Twelve bier cans of golden lucious pumpkin' rni!ar old MIsRouri ofo pumpkin. The kind of pumpkin that pother nsc-d to make nlea of nies tnnt lined the neighborhood with a scent sweeter than th spl"o of Arabv .tho blest, the fltomach with gastron omic jov and tho heart with love for all mankind. They came from tho old homo down in Mfpnourl sent by a friend who knows the one weakness of the .architect of this denartment and thev brouerht memories of the past ana none for the future. TweTve cans count 'em twelve. Enough for thirty-six great big; lu- cjnus pumpkin pies. The golden filling will bo put into a crust baked in a square pan for the square-cut pumpkin plq Is the no plus ultra of the pastry art. Talk about the possible possums of Hollering- Houston, the Blivr- lined shad of Wobbly Washington, the pnekery persimmons of Needless Nashville and tho attenuated lobsters of Maundering Manhattan none of these are In it with the glorious pie pumpkin of Magnificent Missouri. And when a huge slice of this Missouri-filled pumpkin pie tops off a dinner of Nebraska beef fattened on alfalfa. Nebraska tomatoes. Nebraska Pwheat bread, Nebraska irrigated po tatoes, Nebraska anple sass, Nebraska rsweet corn and Nebraska cheese- say, then will tho architect lean back in his easy chair and sigh with deep peon tent. Littld did L. P. Watson of Forest City Imagine that ho was adding tone of comfort to the architect, who still has- a hankering fondness for old Missouri, when he- sent that case of canned pumpkin with- his best re- Igards; . Brain Leaks - The; man who does his-level best will' be Judged according to bis- ef forts, not according to his achieve ments., The man with false teeth, should' not. be blamed for envying the lobs ter which can grow a new claw when ever occasion demands. What has become of the old farm er who.- "just brought a little Jag of wood to town,"' because he want ed to hear tho latest news? I mil yAyiHlmt IwHPiiKa The py is good, tlm work etmjrrntAl, aad promo. o.i rapid In tne U.H. C'lrn Service, if ," n w n American man or wuumji over U yoo are cllcit-lo fwr any cinrermiictit position if yuu pa, iu t'ltll Herrlc KMrnliiation. Tolmni how you tan noamr in vourijMre hmr, writ forcmr free I. C. H. lookJtt. MTEtMAIIOHAL CHRtSP(WDft tCWOU, I" 1193.cmtm, Pi. LADIES CAN WEAR SHOES oiio Mse Mnoller aller ujiintr AlIrn'N Fcxit Knxc.a powder 1o ho slmken inln llio hrK.. It mala tlKht or new hoes icrl i any: IveK Imlnni rrllel lo rn and hiinlonc. ll'. llif (rrrntt nmifort dlnoivrry of Ihe aw, AIIcii'h YtHiVUam Is n ri'rliim niro for tired. swfalliik'. hot, atliliiK feci. At all dtiuntlfllif a.l,a !il?!'.?!orni r,c- ,,0','t ntxipl any mhMitiito, lyrVUKK irinl imcknKO, nlno Frw Hnmpluoflho FOOT -KAHK Haiiliury COItN l'AI). anew Inven tlon. culilmtM Allon H. Olmsted, Ia Hoy, N. Y. AOKNTH J'.A K 76 to !2W)n month irlliiiff Nov Hty Knlvc with photoa 1IUYAN A K1CUN. Iluy one and allow your loalty. No IIH.2-I.I. Jl.oo. Catr iiloir Mhown many Mvlee. Wp dorointr twiixpnrent. handiea with any photon, nninc.nililn'. lml(t.,urn hlnii.otr. l(nrnrMr-p I lodm, irimroiiteed. Un-at uollcrR, Ulir roiiunhnlon. WrP or ui'i'tira term; navalty Cutlery Co., Bar St., Canton, O. 'ttVUHMEnT POSITiiS 46 712 AnBfllntmcnfc were made loOiWISer. tllW it, rtjmBIJliniCHlS vlc plaoi durtw tbo lm jom. uuuil liitl jvm'"'Hi.9tlu iu I.MV(W year. ur on Hrcellfnt onitartunllliii tor vminir nronln ' TlioroUKh inrtnicunn ly mail. . rd fr put (JiviincrvlcoAnnouriceuicnt,ron(ainlu((mHlnroniinU rooiie an Kovin-rtnicnt exaimriauons a fa qutauoua re centlymM liy tho Civil Kcrrlra (toiiitnlMion. COLUMBIAN CORKESP. COLLEGE, WASHINGTON, D. C fxxsxGtzzz; OUARAHTEED aovjEABa yUl ,wu,tH(A Uuu, rutMw4 1 lr""U ilMbSfHir. rhttartetf f.4M. ')., lt. O.I TV. O iM M4 M Ml k,-. ttmt, mm 4 Mk ni m. I rM rw tt rttmltltm. It iwiM ft If mm .K.OHALMeHiCO.,0a4.a Qtfrnl .CMICfiCS. 3JC5G KVmLmmWmW Trappers Fur Traders Slilp your Flint direct to tho -world' Inrcrait Fur ninrkrt, where prices ara nlwnyN hlhftnt. Wrlto for oiirlaloRtprfcnllxt. (,'lvimc hUrbCMt prlcw for Kurs and PolPi of all kliidn from all ectlon, IVh KUKEj Myrs-yd CemmlsalaH Ca., St, Lauls, M. ECZEMA CAN UK OI'KFO. My tnlld, ioelhlnr. ruarantcod rur Antt It ami FUUi bHPl.K prrrre It KWfU TUB ItCIIINO nd curw to itr. WUITK KOW TODAY. Xr. C'Hnuuly, 174 I'hiK tmunrv, Heilallu Jo. I PflRH fl PT flUCCD Mf Tho winter term. of JoficH National School, of Auctlonporhnr oien Nv'mler 10, and oloscff DecninUiT St. In llmo for ntiidnPf to cou diictIfti li y January I. Por caUxIos wrlto C1HKY M. JOHKS, i'rtu, ISIS WWen HIhL, CMntya, IH aHVflvTaflriia M 51 TT 4fa I i;hn5; ctartfd thli InxtJtutlon tut a hank for All Ilia peuplo and at hlr xuic KwUoii wo adopted, tho now famoai Sank fiflonay Ordr Plan of Bankinfr by Mail which elves tho d'pwitor advantafrcx ho novpr had heroin. y th,s unluud plan your money betf na to draw Four per Cant Interact tho mnmciit-itrM-Jj)'rt u- and you rcecivo not tho ordinary, cltimfr. mwafo pass hook hut a Stoney Order which flhowa on lbs face tbo amount or principal and Interest and lx a ccrtP fledchcfk, Cashable Anywhere At Any Time "By oar raetho'l roar money ur always on det poxit, yetalwayn jn ytnr piwscsilon ready for inMantnac wiion mednl. WrJter for Buskfet No. 5. - Depositors Savings and Trust Company Torn L. Johnson, President Clvlandf Ohio j ii jwj i.M jSa