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We are offering the remaining sets At LESS than Even D A M A 6 E D SE T S Were Ever Sold We will name our, price only in direct Jet$erarto .those sending the. coupon below. Tear off the coupon, write munc and adarros plainly and mail now before, you forget it. xjjv itiapatn js ueaar nis woric. w. uono, p.ut ms ramuy derive their income- from his xiistory. and to print ou price broadcast- 'for the safce of moro njulckly selling these lw; sets woifld cause great injury to future sales. Send Coupon Today. . ...1K..IIH ' &amV C.V nmmtMWnSBmmmmmmmWmWBmmmmmWmmwtMiirmWSmmmmj,im,iMi and JoffernoH Davis said "I es teem Rldpath's History of the "World of very great value, and hopo it will And a pUvqq. gener ally in tho llbrar.iesjjoft pur schools, as well n,s , .upon tho shelves of readers In every walk of life." Prof. Warren, President DontoB University, saldt "I should bo fflad. to see . It placed In thfl library of, every young person In tho United States, and'.eVbh in the English-speaking world. In Tamllles where there tare) bright children It will render excellent -service to tho cause .of popular lntellljrence." ProfcMnor lions;, Snpt. Pnblle I' Sclioolw, St. Liouls, naldt "I un- hesitatingly commend Dr. Rld 1 path's HlBtory of the "World as ,mu tiuiunw worK. on mat SUDject -which I have ever examined. Tho engravings, maps'and charts are alone worth tho entire cost of the work." .jKRr t r r i r i- i JV 1T rTtmmmmfmrTmV Wr Ftii mmtinttrlmTrTf'T TlTffi TAfMbWhl ' fc rf"" 1 I " dMBBBttB mmBB3eBEmmUBmmVmmmm mmmmmBm BH"HBHHwaHaaaHHnnBHHHnBIHHBinHHBIMHHnMHHHmMHHHMHnBMH COMMONER READERS 1 x rd,rtsL ?:. - .s: splendid History to, dolightod readers living in every state of the Tin Inn Tt In . J. S wwUU. At i miuqrsca Dy ;ne scholarship of tho world, and by the. great American people as tho only nintorr of tke World worth having. To read lUdpath Illtitory ef tkt World .w w wmw tiuupiua ana races, Kingdoms and empires, prlncipall- i. il, ywwers; no oenoid senates in session, armies marching, nrt rtlftCl tj ml m. Jm . a . & TL b"1' ttna victorious legions coming home; to fnllow r-- - ....,. il uiviiiz&Eion wcanvvd rrnm ti fn.it t tho CV ISupkrates, from the RnaliraM in ffm ipil.. m thn 7Am. mn,v .-.- - - ' r. . -w v" -""-- V m 7? w "" awjijhcj, i.rpn me THKmes to uie unason, rmm.fhn vn. .. . ... v . .. w t 1 t v .imuum lu liiu iPiiBiiiiiaH. HTiri rrnm inf. ., ' -- v - njisBumpj.t to the Pacific shore. RIdpatk'a History i tno world has been purchased and strongly en- dorscd by William McKIhIv. Prnsldn"t tt 'thi s-v ,,.., . .. ' 77 '" "Sj-W unnea atates; ueaerai stepkea D. lice. 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"" """w ana univeraujes. to read this Histqry is to' increase your storo of knowledge which is power and to add to the richness of your life. Send Cenpon Today. . EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN should know the history of his own cosBtry and of the vrnrlil 'to Intelli gently perform his full duty as a citizen In tho Govermmeat of This Natloa. How else are we to judge of tho great national questions that crowd upon us for decision except by some knowledge of the past. Our Colonial Policy, the Qnextloa of the Trusts' agitating the great business and com mercial world, the respective rights of labor and capital, tho conflict be tween Socialism on the one hand and organized business and Industry on the other fyese and hundreds of other important questions press upon us as a nation for intelligent discussion and decision How have such questions been, met in tho past? ,Ppr the answer read tho history of anclenti civilizations which flourished, decayed and died "and have been so thoroughly obliterated from tho face of tho earth that tjven the loca-r tion of their splendid cities is unknown. Read tho htstqry of mighty Babylon, or of imperial Rome as a kingdom, then as a renub- , lie, and Anally as an empire', and familiarize yourself with her growth, development and decay. Read tho history of the Preach Revolution, the establishment of the republic, o.ut of which came the empire dominated by Napoleon. Then -when you know history, when you know, the cause of tho rise and downfall of. empires and nations", and not until then, will yo'u bo able to intelligently discuss and decide tho great questions that are pressing now everywhere' for attention. Tho growth, development and decay of -tho nations of tho world constitute tho most Inspiring themo' that .can' claim tho attention of man. It is an inspiring story, and Dr, Ulapath has told it bettor than it has ever been told before Send Coupon today. 200,000 Americans Own and Love Ridpath $i Brings Complete Set. Balance "Small Sums Monthly. r mmm