"jy-- "mimprwm'WWIIVmv''v' """""' The Commoner. VOLUME 8,.' NUMBER 1 s TCURBeNT & 'i tlftY4iti?g'W',w"i11 J '' ' iMtf MA Iff ffc h3 WRITING IN THE Saturday Evening Post Bailey Millard tolls how the big thief escapes. Ho says: "In Now York, as is shown by the records of District Attorney Jerome s offlco, tho big thief nearly always goes free Of 3,274 cases of grand larceny under which head come tho embezzlements in tho years 1905 and 190G thoro wore only three cases of conviction in which tho sum named in tho records was $50,000 or over. Tho groat mass of tho other convictions was for tho stealing of sums ranging from $100 to $1,000. Your big thief, even whoro tho law lays its hands upon him, gets off; your little thief is likely to go to jail. But ovon the little offenders' chances are good' bottor than two to ono. For of 11,037 cases of grand larceny reported by tho chief cleric of tho district attornoy of Now York for tho seven years ended December 31, 1900, there were G,G37 cases acquitted, discharged or dismissed, and thoro woro only 4,400 convictions. Tho fact that thoro have boon a fow more convictions for ombozzloment in 1907 than in tho previous year in nearly all tho large cities is merely tho result of thoro having been a much greater num ber of ombozzloments, and does not mark a growing tendency to prosecute, as some misin formed writors seom to think." BEFORE ADOPTING a special rule which " provides for considering and passing tho sundry civil appropriation bill, after eight hours' general debate, tho houso April 27, llstonod to Mr. Williams, tho minority leador, In an ex planation of the filibuster ho is conducting. Tho filibuster, ho said, will end tho moment tho house gives permission for tho consider ation of tho campaign publicity bill; a bill to put wood pulp and print paper on tho freo list and tho. ,antl-lnj unction bill. These meas ures, Mr. "Williams insisted, wore all a part of tho president's legislative program. Every roll call which was taken was only an emphasis, which the country understood, to tho lack of action by tho republican majority. Tho filibus ter, Mr. Williams said in conclusion, would con tinue until tho desired results were accom plished. That it was not delaying business was evidenced by tho fact that supply bills were now further along than usual at this time In a long session. THE COMPLETION of one hundred years of Catholicism In Now York was celebrated April 28 in St. Patrick's cathedral, New York City, with impressivo services. A Now York dispatch to tho Chicago Record-Herald says: "Six thousand worshippers thronged tho cathe dral and thousands more stood outsldo, content, since they could not gain entrance, to cheer and bow in prayer as they watched tho groatest procession of Roman Catholic church dignitaries assembled in America in many years. It was "a serviqo of thanksgiving, blessed by Pope Pius X. through his spocial representative, Mgr. Fal conlo, and graced by a personal message from his holiness. Tho service was in tho form of a pontifical mass, tho celebrant, Cardinal Loguo, primate of Ireland, who said in addressing tho vast congregation: 'The church and religion havo mado tho most wonderful progress here. It Is a fine commentary upon tho faith which wo profess that it should be so, and our church has shown again tho clear adaptation of which it is capable. Hero, in a republican form of Bovornmont, tho church is a livo, a very live, organization, forging ahead. I truly think that tho progress of the church in America under tho republican form of government is just another mark of her universality and adaptability, as well as being one of tho greatest roligious move ments of modern times." -lyr, ROOSEVELT'S four battleship plan was JLVJL defeated in th.o senate. Senator Bevoridge of ' Indiana led tho fight for the president. Twenty-three votqs were cast for the increased program, tho nuniber largely being made up of recently elected senators. Pifty senators voted to support tho houso and the recommendation of tho senate naval committee in favor of build ing only two battleships. Tho roll call on the Piles amendment follows: Yeas Ankley, Bev erldgo, Borah, Bourne, Briggs, Brown, Burkett, Dupont, Flint, Fulton, Gamble, Hansbrough, Heyburn, Lodge, McCreary, Owen, Paynter, Piles, Smith (Mich.), Smoot, Southerland, Tay lor, Warner 23. Nays Aldrich, Bacon, Bank head, Brandegee, Burkeley, Burnham, Burrows, Carter, Clapp, Clarke (Wyo.), Clay, Crane, Cul berson, Cullom, Curtis, Daniel, Davis, Dick, Dil lingham, Dixon, Foraker, Frazier, Fryo, Galling er, Gray, Gore, Guggenheim, Hale, Hemenway, Johnson, Kean, Long, McCumber, Money, Nel son, Nowlands, Nixon, Overman, Perkins, Piatt, Richardson, Simmons, Stephenson, Stewart, Stone, Taliaferro, Teller, Warner, Wetmore 50. Of the democrats, only four Messrs. McCreary, Owen, Paynter and Taylor, voted for the four battleship program. Pairs were recorded as follows: Messrs. Elkins and Bailey, Allison and Clarke (Ark.), Depow and McEnery, Scott and McLaurin, Penrose and Martin, Dolliver and Raynor, Milton and Tillman and Knox and Hop kins. Three senators, Messrs. Kittridge, Smith (Md.) and LaFolletto did not vote and were not paired. As finally passed tho bill carries ap propriations aggregating $123,115,659, and pro vides for tho construction of two battleships and two colliers and the purchase of three addi tional colliers, tho construction of submarines and other necessary craft, and increases the pay of officers and enlisted men, as well as increas ing both tho pay and the strength of the marine corps. which has been waged here for low street car fare and public control of urban transportation, marked by much bitterness throughout and noted for the many appeals made to the courts. Various predictions are made as to the time when it shall be possible to begin tho proposed three cent fare, ten days being the lowest time spoken of. To bring about the settlement today, according to previous agreement, the Forest City Railway company, at a meeting of its direc tors, absorbed the Low Fare Railway company. The two companies, therefore, merged with the Cleveland Electric Railway company, upon action of its directors, also earlier today. The property taken over by the Cleveland Railway company, and which will be operated by the holding company, has a total valuation of $23, 690,000. To be added to this valuation eventu ally will be $11,300,000 for future extensions and improvements. The holding company will have to pay a dividend of six per cent annually, on the stock. All existing franchises were aban doned by the old companies. The new fran chise will protect both the interests of the public and the property of the Cleveland Railway com pany. The grant may be renewed every ten years, but is non-revocable during any twenty five year period. In the event the holding com pany fails in its purpose, the property shall re vert immediately to the -benefit of the Cleveland Railway company. The rate of fare shall at no time or under any circumstances be more than five cents cash fare, or six tickets for" twenty-five cents. It can be made as low as good service will permit." IN AN EDITORIAL printed in the Louisville Courier-Journal and entitled "The Political Outlook," Henry Watterson says: "The time has passed for 'some one else,' Mr. Bryan re- taming the field; it Is too late for 'some one olso,' tho conditions what they are; and I con fess that I am in sympathy with Mr. Bryan in refusing to bo ruled off the track by a group of New York politicians, whose motives are, to say the least of them, suspicious, which will sup port no ticket except one framed by themselves, and which do not agree with one another touch ing the ticket to be namedr Whatever his claims may be, or may not be, Mr. Bryan has his rights, and no thoughtful man can, or will say, that he can not be elected, the ipse dixit equally of the unthinking, the interested and the prejudiced to the contrary being of no weight whatever. But among democrats, who know why they are democrats, there ought to bo other and higher considerations; some arrest of the breakneck speed on the highway toward the centralization of power; some real and not spurious purpose toward tariff reform; some sure separation of the politics of the country from its partnership with high finance and the high financiers; some breaking up of groups and rings, of wheels inside wheels, always in volved by a change of parties, even when made only for the sake of a change. The Courier Journal is a democrat, not a republican, and, standing by the sincerity of its record, it will support the ticket to be headed by Mr. Bryan, as actively and as earnestly as if it represented its original preference and opinion." THREE CENT street car fares are now in vogue on all lines operating within the city of Cleveland. A Cleveland, O., dispatch says: "At the regular meeting of the city coun cil a 'security grant' was passed under suspen sion of tho rules to the Cleveland Railway com pany, a new corporation which took over tho consolidated properties of the old companies. At the end of the council meeting that body' as a committee of tho whole, met the officials of the Cleveland Railway company, the Cleve land Electric Railway company, the Forest City Railway company, and tho Low Faro Railway company In the chamber of Commerce hall wherp the final papers were, signed-and passed! leaving the property of the Cleveland Railway company to the Municipal Traction company, the holding, or operating, company, for fifty years. Thus ended tho seven years' contest A CLEVELAND, O., dispatch following the passage of the street car ordinance tells of the celebration of Mayor Tom Johnson's vic tory in this way: "For the first time in the history of this" city street car service' way abso lutely free today, not a fare being rung up on any car within the city limits. This action was decided upon late last night after the papers had been finally signed, ending the long street car war, in order that the occasion might be duly commemorated. It is proposed to cele brate the same date each year with -free street car service. The entire street railway' system of the city was today operated by the Municipal Traction company, the new holding company. It was announced this afternoon that the three cent rate -of fare will go into effect tomorrow instead of at the expiration of ten days, as had been previously planned. It was also announced today that all the conductors and motormen employed on the old Cleveland Electric railway lines will receive an increase of one cent an hour in order to put them on the same wage basis as the men employed on the other lines taken over by the holding company. About three thousand men will be affected by the increase." THE RALEIGH (N. C.) News and Observer says: "Mr. Bryan has been greatly blessed by his enemies. They have criticised him so often upon false reports that later, when people would find out that the whole thing was based on a falsehood, they have learned to wait for the facts before accepting the criticisms of ene mies. The latest criticism is that Mr. Bryan said last week that Governor Johnson's entering the contest for the presidency was an 'imperti nence.' Of course Mr. Bryan never thought or said anything of the kind, but the critics went along severely abusing Mr. Bryan for an asser tion that his friends knew he never could have made. After delivering themselves of the stereo typed 'rebukes' the truth came out and every body was forced to accept tho statement that there wasn't a word of truth in the publication. Did the critics apologize for the unjust com ments based upon an unjust statement? No, they discovered that a newspaper correspondent in Washington who Imd long been an admirer of Bry&u and a friend of the Nebraskan, had made the blunder of using that term about the gov ejrnpr of Minnesota. Mr. Bryan had jiever heard of. the statement attributed to him until he heard the criticisms," , , ' , . - - ftUijJ-MfK.r-'