The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 21, 1908, Page 10, Image 10

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    " -n-'' T W
The Commoner.
New lOvery Morning
f Every day is " fresh li?KiiiiiInB.
lOvery morn ia the world made
now, .
you who aro weary of Borrow and
Iloro-lH a beautiful liopo for you,
A hope for mo and a hope for you.
All Llio piiMt thing" aro past and over,
The laHkK aro dono and tlio tears
let yesterday
aro shed,
I Yesterday's errors
Yoalorday'B wound which smarted
and bled,
Aro healed with the healing which
night has shed.
'Yesterday now Is a part of forever
Hound up In a sheaf, which God
holds tight,
With glad days, and sad days, and
bad days which never,
Shall visit us moro with their
bloom and their blight,
Their fulness of sunshine or sor
rowful night.
Lot thom go, sinco wo can not ro-llvo
Can not undo and can not atone;
Sod In J lis mercy receive, forgive
Only the new days aro our own
Today Is ours and today alone.
Iloro avo the sides all burnished
Here Is the spent earth all re-born,
Hero aro tho tired limbs springing
To face tho sun and to sharo with
the morn,
In tho chrism of dew and tho cool
of dawn.
Every day Is a fresh beginning;
Listen, my soul, to tho glad
And spile of old sorrow and older
And puzzles forecasted and pos
sible pain,
Talco heart with tho day, and begin
Larona Miller.
of doins without useless things in
order to keep a little money in the
pocket, the savings bank will got
full a wholo lot quicker."
One other girl says it is useless
to keep accounts, because they don't
get any more than they have to
spend, and the money goes, anyway,
only just meeting tho needf of the
family. But it might be some com
fort to know just where It goes, and
whether a better use might not have
been mado of it than was done. There
are many sides to tho question of
Income and expense. It is well to
see all of them.
"A Reader" says It Is no use to
try to save, for tho husband will
only grumblo if anything is stinted;
but adds that he grumbles, anyhow,
and finds some fault, no matter what
the bills are; that If she could have
some benefit of what she saved, it
would bo different. She says:
"What do you think of a husband
that insists on doing all the buying,
himself, and gets to suit the mo
ment, without a thought of what is
really needed?" I think such hus
bands havo very little sense, and
do as the men do lot the iron and
steel do the work while you get the
habit of taking care of yourself. A
new wife won't cost much.
Caring for the Children
Warmth is necessary to nearly, if
not quite all young animals human
as well as brute. It is a noteworthy
fact that the children who are least
exposed to cold are, as a general
thing, most healthy, while those who
are victims to the erroneous princi
ple, of hardening by too little cloth
ing and cold baths are scarcely ever
free from disease. More children
are sacrificed than saved by being
subjected to this treatment. Another
cause of sickness among children is
tho giving of them too much medi
cine, especially purgatives. Some
mothers are constantly giving the lit
tle ones castor oil, rhubarb, tincture
of aloes, and other relaxing drugs
which have a tendency to irritate the
lower part of the intestinal canal,
bringing on most distressing com
plaints, as well as inducing indiges
tion of the stomach or bowels. Heat
ing doses, given to remove flatu
doing the very best we know how, or
can learn to do, and keeping our
selves always ready to do a lmio
better, if circumstances make it pos
sible, we are fitting ourselves for tho
"step higher" that is always huniing
for its own. Very few of us aro
given just the work we would linQ
best to do; and" we may never qmto
reach our Ideals; but we should make
our every effort leave us just one
step nearer to our goal, no manor
what the path we must tread. Char
ity and sympathy are all very well in
their place; but there is nothing like
good, steady, hard, honest work to
develop what we are made of.
they should be made to plan out the 1MWt ' 1tt,, fllo nnnn nf fl,a
day's meals, as well as to buy the ai''h nninfn n non Scori in.
MVVltlMUllt liLVW l& W VLbVii UMVUi A
"Keeping Accounts"
One of our girls writes that.
their family of flvo. thov had never
kept account of expenses; had "just and lightness; but the freedom
noon living along, without taking
noto of cost, ordering what they
wanted, and paying for It when de
livered," but decided to take The
Commoner's advice to keep account
of expenses, beginning with tho first
of the now year. At tho end of the
inonin, she writes, "they woro nar
Hand Labor, or Mucliinery?
It does not pay to bo too sacrifi
cial. In every avenue of the home
work, tho profit is often wiped out
by the cost of production, because,
whoro hand labor is demanded of the
housewife, there Is an extravagant
waste of the priceless human ma
chine, tho mother, and this blood,
muscle and brain machine, when it
once breaks down, can seldom be
repaired, and never replaced.
Every device for the saving of
labor in the household should be
taken advantage of and at least test
ed. Many housewives are too con
servative for their own good; they
hesitate about changing the old order
of things on the principle that it is
better to bear the ills to which one.
Is accustomed than to flee to rem
edies that may prove both expensive
and unsatisfactory. Wo grow so
used to tho wear and weight of our
chains that wo feel lost without them,
and It would doubtless take some
time to get used to the new leisure
discriminate to quiet a crying child,
no matter what the cause of the cry
ing. It is pitiful, to think of the
ignorance of so many mothers, and
to contemplate the destruction of
health, if not the death of the child
resulting therefrom. Among the re
forms devoutly to be limped for is the
one which will demand of every one
at least an elementary knowledge of
the treatment that must be given to
the young child in order that it may
grow from babyhood with reasonably
good health. Before we clamor for
more children, let us instruct the
mothers how to rear the ones they
worth tho price. Old methods are
oLten the most expensive and extrav
agant that could be deyised, not only
demanding the sacrifice of the house
mother, but causing no end of in
convonienco to tho other members of
tho family.
How often do wo see the house
Laundering Embroidery
Every woman who loves beautiful
embroidery should learn how to
launder it properly. Do not let a
careless woman ruin the pieces, but
put them, one at a time in a bowl,
washing them out quickly, using
warm rainwater and a pure white
soap, uo not rub soap on the goods;
make a lather, rubbing lightly, and
rinse thoroughly, then iron on the
wrong side while damp. Be sure to
use only last colors when doing the
the work, and do not let Jhem lie in
water a minute longer than necessary.
..vv., w.vj nuiu iiui- nun vitvu uu WO See tile I10US6
aiyzoil to find tho expenses had mothor bonding over the steamine
amounted up to nearly $100;" they tub, rubbing her strength Zv at
luuuary, wiuie some-
saw at onco just why thov never ban
any ready money with which to meet
an emorgency. Sho says that, In
looking over (ho Items, thoro was
much that could readily have been
done without, and often where a
cheaper grade was chosen becauso
they didn't havo quite money enough
to nay for tho hnfinr iu,, ,T..
ponses could havo boon modified, and
not a few ontlroly eliminated with
out any inconvenionco or discomfort
Sho ends by saying: "It Is not enough
to pay cash, for as long as tho cash
lasts, it is liablo to ho spent, while
If one keeps in mind the possibility
the family
Query Box
"Marion" Whether or not poor
cookery is a cause of poverty, it cer
tainly is a source of great waste, and
"waste makes want," you know.
Elsie Whip the lace and edging
on the ruffles, as it looks and
launders much better than when
stitched on.
Mrs. H. It is quite correct to
keep the veil down for the first few
months when in mourning. While
we can but grieve for our loss, wo
should remember that wo must live
for the living, and try to be cheerful.
S. S. Sponge black silk with
equal parts of black tea and vinegar,
shake until nearly dry, then iron on
the wrong side with a -rather cool
flat iron.
J. Clear lard is the best thing for
tar stains. Carefully scrape the loose
tar away, so as not to spread it, rub
the lard into the stain, after which
wash as usual.
Jennie D. A ten cent package of
slate color dye for woolens, dissolved
in boiling water, will make a pint of
excellent ink for ordinary uses. Other
colors may be made in the same way.
"Hygiene" Well cooked cereals
may be more healthful foods than
meats, but many people "do not; like,
cereals, while they" "th Tike meats.
Good bread is the most, economical
food, but one can not live by bread
Mrs. Amanda C. It is scarcely
worth while to write to millionaire
philanthropists, for they seldom in
vestigate individual cases, and you
will only be out your postage and
E. C. Kissing games should be
ruled out. Even among members of
one's own family, there is danger of
communicating contagious diseases
of the throat and mouth through
kissing. There are very strong rea
sons why promiscuous kissing should
be discouraged, even among women
and children.
Ella S. Pansy seeds should be
sown in boxes in the house in March,
unless you have a hot bed or cold
frame. They give best bloom during
the cool months. For bloom this
spring, get plants of your florist.
Spring-sown seed do not bloom until
late summer.
Trained Workers
"American Motherhood" says:
What the working girl needs what
all workers need is not charity; not
over-doses of sympathy; not new
whoro n limit Hin ...( i i .. 1.1. ., - .. J
wiifthi Tnnm ' "r "?iV a ""ous, ol Aversion, but work
i" . , -.""l """ wuuiu, wun atuauy, nonest work: wnrv fhnf ti,
r.t . twA biiMV bUVJ
tcJthhii,5ri,i,l nSn.,Tr,,,K", vm,p Sr t'liiltlron
VI1V. 411111 Hill IlJWr flMltn.l.. J . .
' vuiviij- ior iiiarriioea.
Ju'nt-ilvocctitsft bottle.
the aid of the children, or an hour
of the father's time, do tho whole
viiHiuiig in a couple of hours, and do
it bettor than the hands can possibly
do it. I havo seen women sewing
patching and mending with the hand
needle, while close at hand stood a
thoroughly capable sewing machine
simply rusting its insides out with a
longAng t0 HGVe her of the work
Another woman breaks herself down
carrying COal up stairs and ashes
down, rather than have a radiator
connected with the stove on the floor
bolow. Tho only excuse these women
offer s that it is "too much troiTle"
to bother.
Sisters, learn all tho short-cuts
get all the machinery possible, and
are fitted for and therefore can en
joy. In order to do tiiie wrir tnfoi
gently and well enough to earn a
living by it, there is need of careful,
wise training, and for this purpose,
the trades schools are becoming pop
ular and being patronized."
They need, also, in many instances,
to learn that work of any kind is not
degrading-that tho worker, and the
way the work is done, is the deter-
S n 5t Pilnt; f ny task Performed
in a slip-shod, slovenly manner is a
disgraceto the worker; while any
task well and carofullv ,iAn Jr
tor how menial, is elevating. Girls
and boys should be taught that their
host is none too good. Good wnrir
Good Recipes
Scotch Broth Wipe clean three
pounds of lamb or mutton cut from
the fore quarter; discard the fat and
cut the lean into inch cubes. Put
into a kettle, cover with three pints
of cold water, bring quickly to the
boiling point, skim, and add one half
cupful of barley which has been
soaked in cold water to cover over
night. Simmer until the meat is ten
der about two hours. Put the
bones in a second kettle, cover with
cold water, heat slowly to the boil
ing point and skim; let boil one and
one-half hours. Strain the stock
from the bones and add to the meat.
Fry for five minutes in two table
spoonfuls of butter,- one-fourth of a
cupful each of finely-chopped carrot
and turnip and tfalf an onion sliced
From Octobor to May, Colds nro tho most fro
ucvei wholly unnoticed, and bv 5lVi'nt cnilS0 of Hcndnciie. laxative iiuomo
' Ui QU IN INF. removes causo. E. W. Qrovo on box 1&
irM- YtUfi.BilaiafciaSA:iteflHfcfci-