The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, December 13, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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The Commoner.
5 '
.(Continued from Pago 12)
ory of that frlond who was held in
such high esteem hy him.
Arid there came to Mr. Bryan to
day, ''an end to that task, that was
surely an agreeable responsibility
assigned to him by Mr. Bennett,
when ho eloquently transferred to
the custody of the city of New Haven
the beautiful work of art to be
known for all time as the Bennett
Memorial Fountain.
It should be a time for peace and
for thanksgiving and for hope all
around. Mr. Bryan is full of hope
for the future, full of plans and en
terprises and principles that are
destined to make life a joy for the
weary and for those who have been
heavily burdened. He came to New
Haven today to pay tribute to Mr.
Bennett and to the sterling qualities
that made him the successful busi
ness man, the keen thinker and the
unselfish undesigning advocate of
principles that were intended for the
helpfulness of all.
Maybe there was here and there
In that throng at the Green who
heard Mr. Bryan's feeling address,
an individual who has not always
agreed with him in his political
views. Maybe, too, scattered in the
throng were a few narrow-minded
individuals who had made up their
minds long ago that Mr. Bryan would
never get that marble memorial to
Philo S. Bennett on the New Haven
Green. Such persons should be at
.. '&.
uThe Recollection
ttf- Quality Jlemaiqt
jjong Ajtcrmerrxcc
u Jforaotten."
E. C. Simmons.
Trademark BcgUtered. I
To pet a. hammer that
will last a lifetime, that
never chips or breaks that never works loose or flies off
the handle that drives straight and true you must ask
for a Keen Kutter Hammer.
mm wrm
are hs carefully made, tempered and tested as the finest surgical instruments. The name
Keen Kutter covers Carpenter Tools of all kinds. Topis for Garden and Farm. Also
a full line of Scissors and Shears,. Pocket-knives and Table Cutlery.
If not at your dealer's, write us.
SIMMONS HARDWARE COMPANY (Inc.), - St. Louis and New York, 0. S. A.
peace with themselves this blessed
Thanksgiving season, and get into
the spirit of the occasion. True,
there had been some opposition to
the memorial, there had been a few
obstructions in the pathway to the
fulfillment of the purpose Mr. Ben
nett had in mind and there undoubt
edly had come to Mr. Bryan as Mr.
Bennett's executor, now and then an
exasperating delay.
But today, now that the splendid
memorial is up and dedicated; now
that the provisions of Mr. Bennett's
will have been observed to the very
letter; now that New Hav.en's mag
nificent Green has on it a work of
art of which all citizens can, be
proud; now that our fellow citizens
have heard words of wisdom from'
the eminent gentlemen who deliv
ered addresses at the dedicatory
ceremonies-and, .now that Mr. Bryari
has so successfully and thoughtfully
finished his. labor of affection and
devotion to the memory of a dear
friend, let all the people of this
grand old town rejoice with, the dis
tinguished gentleman from Lincoln
over the satisfactory termination of
his trust. The felicitations should
be as general and sincere as were
the earnestness, determination and
thoroughness of Mr. Bryan in dis
charging the trust that was placed
in his custody by his friend, Philo S.
represented in congress for so ruanv
years by the Hon. W. P. Hepburn7
Of the eleven counties in the dis"
trict, ten were represented. The orm
ference was held in the afternoon
Stop Bad Breath
Charcoal SJoes
Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges Make
Your Breath Pure, Fresh
and Sweet
nAm- dlrnH from our toVC PaCtorV
nH bva lor voursclf all Jobbers' and Dealers'
bigprofiu. unn0IDI Qtnunc arm Kanorns
fet "The belt in tbe world." Arc old on 3oc
days freetrlal.Wc pay the ircignt.
fluarantecd for venrs. "backed by a
l million" J3-Hoosler's arc
"fuel aavers ana eayuaKer " very
ViRfivllv mlA nf htcheit rr&do saltcted ma
terial. beantltuUy finlilwd. wtthinanyDew lmprw
mania nnn rnatnr. unr laivo dwjvo nnu iuib
Catalog ihowt the gre&Uit bargalna ever oft o red.
49Wrlteforcataleg and soedal tree iruiuuer
UUUB1VC OHJTW W, il'l WW" .,
nation, ina tfTU
25 Per Cent
'igger Crops
The Wonder Grain Grader is posi
tively the first Improvement In the
manner of grading all kinds of grain
and seeds since the original fanning
mill was invented over half a century
ago. It is the only machine on the
market possessing the true and correct
principle for grading for seed, viz: that
of tho weight of the Individual kernel.
In other words, it actually Wolghs
every kernel or seed passing through
It. It Is not a fanning mill. It is a
Krnln Krnrter a Krnln breeder. It is so
finely adjusted it will detect a varia
tion in WftJcrllf rf 1-((n nt n tvyni-n
No screens or shakers, no oomplIcSteVportS dfc 0Pemt0
bofow o0otUulnbreC.rfCCt 800d Ctin b obtaIned V its UBomethlnB never
Miller CanoacarnViSl0atSy9v BPRy fttB, Alfalfa, Timothy, Clover,
Ainiet, uane, Kafllr, Boot, and in fact ANY kind of seed.
win aSu,r implement dealer does not handle it. writo us at once and wo
Eureka Manufacturing Company
Lincoln, Nebraska
In an fifHtnrlsil onlfloi ir. t..
an's Visit," the New Haven Register
any a .
The mission of William Jennings
Bryan to New Haven, today is not,
ostensibly at least, more than one
part in three political. It is as an
intimate friend in his life of the
giver of the Bennett fountain that
he comes to make the address of
dedication; It is as a publicist that
he addresses the students of the Yale
law department. The banquet this
evening -will have a strong political
imge. ju me eve or a presidential
year. With the ermRr nf 1irTirw. Ti ni
most certain candidate of one of the
leading parties, It could hardly be
To New Haven in general, the po
litical part of Mr. Bryan's mission
will not seem ,the most important.
In ten years his political significance
has grown light while his weight as
. iiuuuuiBb mm increased. Many who
formerly refused to take him seri-
uuo.ij iiiivo now . come to recognize
that he is in many regards a remark
able man, and. to respect him accord
ingly. Yale, which in the days when
he seemed merely a political charle
tan was impolite enough to seek to
deny him a fair hearing, will today
give him a proper and dignified wel
come. There will be crowds to hear
him at eyery opportunity afforded bv
Vt-tn rv frit 4- MM J i.T. .. - -J-
mo viou, uuu me pudiic welcome will
be sincere and the respect real.
A Shenandnnh. Tn mnrim nnnjn
the following note accompanied by
the report of the Iowa conference:
"I seems to me that you must not
allow the next Issue of The Com
moner to go by without an account
of tho democratic conference at
Creston, la., on Monday of this
week, November 18, Below I give
vou a little sketch. nni t an.iAnn
herewith the resolutions which were
passed. Such -men as General
Weaver and Jerry Sullivan and Con
gressman Hamilton, who were pres
ent, told me that in all their exper
ience, they had never seen so Jarge
nor so enthusiastic a conference of
democrats in Iowa before. The en
thusiasm was certainly a good sign.
One of the most enthusiastic con
ferences ever held by any of the
democrats of Iowa was the one held
on Monday, November 18, at Cres
ton, by the democrats of the Eighth
district, the district thiit has been
Send For Free Trial Package
Does your breath smell so bad that
people can notice it several feet
away? You, yourself, may not no
tice that your breath is bad, but your
friends and acquaintances will, and
they will avoid you as much as pos
sible. If you have a foul smelling
breath, it is not only obnoxious and
unpleasant to others, but it humili
ates you and makes you uncomfort
able. Bad breath is caused by gas on tho
stomach, indigestion, catarrh of all
kinds, drinking, smoking, chewing,
eating onions and other odorous
vegetables, etc.
Charcoal is the greatest gas ab
sorber and breath purifier known to
Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges consist
principally of the finest powdered
willow charcoal slightly flavored with
honey, which makes them pleasant
to take. They contain no drugs what
ever, and you can eat as many as you
like without harm. They will clean
out your stomach and make your
breath pure, fresh and sweet.
Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges will
not only sweeten the breath after
smoking, drinking, chewing, or eat
ing odorous vegetables, but they will
also whiten the teeth, clear r.nd im
prove the skin, absorb all noxious and
unnatural odors and gases which ac
cumulate in the stomach and bowels,
disinfect the mouth and throat from
poison of catarrh, purify the blood
and improve the general health.
Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges will
drive foul breath away altogether and
has never been known to fail. You
can buy them at all drug stores at
twenty-five cents a box, but before
you buy send us your name and ad
dress, and we will send you a trial
package free so that you can try
them and see for yourself that Stu
art's Charcoal Lozenges will do all
we say they "will. Address F. A.
Stuart, "200 Stuart Bldg., Marshall,
I On
Our 3 liooki for InTcntora malted on rtaelpt of 6 en. t"?P
n.3.& A. B.LACEY.Waahlnyinn.D.C. Estab. 18B9.,
Freo report as to Patentability. Illustrated Guidft
Book, and List of Inventions Wanted, sent freo.
12V ANS, WIIiKJESNS & CO., Washington, D. 0.
.... 4. WliAl..tll
en-tlKht Bold to tue user nj --;"
Box m WlnchMter, Indian
StUWCrtDW flMerHSillfl PEP?.
This department Is for the oxcluslv
use of Commoner subscribers, ana
special rate of six cents a word per in
sertion- tho lowest rate-has beon
made for them. Address all communi
cations to Tho Commoner. Lincoln, kop.
V quality; your name in beautiful
engraver's script; samples free. Printer
Johnson, Lowell, Mich.
Failfornia-alfalfa. fruit, vegetable.
For prices and description of land, ad
dress John Kincaid, Real Estate Agent,
Dos Palos, Calif.