wryigqfr . - !HHnHj3Wf ' Sj1 pK' NOVEMBER 15, 1907 The Commoner. tp " ?"$&"? 'p"w 'jm M r;-v- rf' r- ;jar'' tf m . j - v- '&.' w. ' E K trallzatlon Is the greatest foo that popular gov ernment has to encounter, for it is supported by arguments that are plausible. "Can you not rust the people of tho nation?" asks tho friend ..Of centralization. "Are they not tho same in dividuals who mako tho laws in the various .states?" Yes; but tho government is best when 4t is nearest tho people, and the people can act -anost intelligently upon the questions about hich they are the best informed. Tho people, .through the framers of our constitution, wisely delegated to the federal government the powers .necessary for tho conduct of national affairs and as wisely, reserved to the states and to themselves the right to control tho affairs of the state and the community. THE WISDOM OF THE FOUNDERS OF OUR NATION Wo can never be sufficiently thankful for the wisdom manifested by those who launched our nation upon its splendid career and laid the - foundation for the success we have enjoyed. SDhe governmental structure they framed will never be outgrown, for it is as well adapted to to, nation of three hundred millions of people as It was to a nation of three millions the gen feral government welding tho nation together Into one harmonious whole, and the state and iocal governments guarding the home, the school, the property, the liberty, and the life of the citizen. The fourth special advantage is our relig ion. While this is shared by nearly all the coun tries of Europe, it has not yet been accepted by tho vast populations of the east. It is gaining & foothold in Japan, China and India, but we can not yet count among its votaries one per cent of the Orientals. Accustomed as we are to-the Christian forms of worship, to the insti tutions of charity and mercy which Christianity had founded, and to the Ideals introduced by the "Man of Galilee, we are apt to under-estimate the influence which His religion has exerted upon American and European society. When its fruits are compared with tho fruits of Mo hammedanism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Con ufcianism, its great superiority is easily seen. Mohammedanism degrades women, and is propagated by force; Christianity recognizes woman's rightful place as the companion and helpmate of man, and teaches the omnipotence of love. Hinduism countenances the worship of gods made of wood, of brass and of stone; Christi anity rests upon the belief in one God tho creator and preserver of all, to be worshiped in spirit and in truth. Buddhism, a reformation of Hinduism, re gards life as an affliction, the only escape from which is through absorption into the Great Spirit and tho loss of individual identity; Christi anity views life as a great opportunity, crowned by a higher existence which stretches through Infinite ages. Confucianism contains a code of morals which, if embodied in life, would make man a negative quantity, harmless at best; Christianity purifies the heart, and makes life a living spring, pouring forth constantly of that which refreshes and invigorates. Justice is the highest virtue taught by Confucianism, while Christianity adds to justice benevolence and compassion. Christianity presents the highest concep tion of human life that the world has ever known. According to this conception, service is the measure of greatness, and this conception must of necessity bo victorious over those pre sented by other religions. This conception of ' life has led multitudes to consecrate themselves to the uplifting of their fellows; and, at home and abroad, they have oeen content with a bare living, relying, for reward, upon the consclous ' ness that they are contributing to the happiness ' and welfare of others and to the progress of . the race. The list above given by no means exhausts the reasons for thanksgiving, but more than "enough has been said to show that Thanksgiving . ' day deserves commemoration among- us. A word could be added about the nation's prosperity but for the fact that it might raise a question as to the cause; some attribute it ' to an era of good crops, coupled with such an increase in the volume of money as to make prices remunerative, while others attribute it to acts of legislation and to industrial policies. But thanksgiving Is of little value if our expressions of gratitude have no effect upon our own conduct. Appreciation of blessings Is shown by acts rather-than by words. If we regard citizenship as a priceless inheritance, we should resolve to transmit it, not only unimpaired but improved, to tho next generation; If our educa tional system .has been a boon to us, It should be extended and amplified for tho boneflt of pos terity; If tho resources of our country have a value beyond computation, It behooves us to see to It that these resources aro not squandered and that tho bounties which tho Creator Intend ed for all shall not bo monopolized by tho cun ning, the craft, and tho nvarico of a few; If our government gives to life, liberty, and prosperity greater protection than any other government grants, wo can not excuso ourselves if we rail to preserve It, In all its purity, for our children and our children's children; If In our religion we find a consolation, a life-plan, and a mornl uplift, wo can not but earnestly desire and embody tho desire In deeds that those shall bo shared by those about us and by those also who, though separated from us by seas, aro bound to us by that primal tie that links each human boing to every other. Written by Mr. Bryan for tho Novomber numbor of the Circle Magazine. Is Mr. Roosevelt Retreating? In it's Issue of Wednesday, November C, tho Now York World says editorially: "Tho World is able to state today, on most reliable infor mation, that Mr. Roosevelt, without changing his policies has determined upon a radical change In his political methods. Instead of continuing with sweeping charges and somi 80cia?istlc demands for now legislation, ho is to proceed on lines of calm thought and modera tion and sober judgment." Other newspapers print statements which would seem to bear tho stamp of authority all along tho same line as indicated by tho World editorial. A sample is that printed in tho St. Louis Globe-Democrat (rep.) in a dispatch undor date of Washington, November G. This is In terpreted by some as In the nature of an au thorized statement and is as follows: .President Roosevelt expects a numbor of business men, bankers and financiers from Now York City and other commercial centers to visit him between this and the time for the congress to meet. Tho president Is greatly surprised to discover the amount of misinformation possessed by these leaders in trade and finance as to his attitude toward corporations. He welcomes visits to tho Whlto House and goes to considerable troublo to explain the things upon which they have a mass of misinformation. Today ho talked in that connection with Charles E. Mellon, one of the leading railroad men in Now England, and on Monday ho had a conference with Messrs. Garry and Frick of tho United States Steel company. The president today expressed himself as aghast at the way in which leading men view his public utterances. He believes they secured their misinformation from the headlines and edi torials of that portion of the press in the United States which has either purposely or unwittingly misrepresented him. The president does not have it In mind to mako any radical change in the position he has assumed towards wrongdoers, whether they be corporations or individuals, but he is going to considerable pains and trouble to explain just what his position is and has been. In all of these conferences he "stands pat" on what he has said in the past. As an example of the misunderstanding on the part of recent prominent callers at the White House, it was pointed out today that they were of the opinion that ho had said, in the course of public utterances, that ho believes a majority of the business in the country was conducted dishonestly and unlawfully. The president points out that what he did say was just the con trary, and he challenges any one to find any thing In any of his speeches or messages, or even in his correspondence, which Indicates otfrcr than that he believes a majority of the busi ness enterprises of the country are conducted on strictly legitimate and honest lines, and that whatever criticisms he has offered have been of a dishonest minority. Again, the general accepted fallacy, even among business men and financiers, who are usually well informed on all matters of public interest, is that the president has said that he thought many of the leading corporation heads ought to be "in jail." As a matter of fact, tho president has never said In any of his speeches that he thought any of them ought to be in jail. What he did say, In effect, in his Nai- villo speech, was that ho oxpootod to continuo to prosecute thoso who had boon successful in the practice of dishonosty. It is a matter of oaay recollection that dur ing tho past summor tho attornoy general, Mr. Bonaparte, is reported to have said, in tho courso of his facetious discussion of tho activities of his department, something to tho effect that somo of tho leaders should bo In Jail. The In terview in quostlon was published during tho absenco of tho president from Washington, and it is unnccoHiary to say, did not havo his appro val, either beforo or sine Its publication. As a further Indication of tho president's real attltudo, at this time and In tho past, and of It being generally misunderstood, his utter ances relative to tho Sherman anti-trust law can bo cited. Rccontly, ono of his callors wild In effect: "Mr. President, what this country needs at this time is some ono bold enough to sacrlflco himsolf for the public good by denouncing tho Sherman anti-trust law most vlgorounly, so that tho congress will amend it In the particulars where It needs amending. That Is a most In iquitious law, in that it does not discriminate botweon combinations which aro harmless and may bo even In tho interests of tho consuming public, and thoso which aro evil and opcrato against tho public interest." Tho president asked his visitor If ho wan familiar with recent messages to tho congress of tho United States. Tho visitor replied that ho was. Tho president Insisted that if ho was fa miliar with tho message which ho sent to con gress at Its last session he would not have offered this suggestion. Tho president then sent for a copy of his last message and read from It por tions in denunciation of tho Sherman anti-trust law which wore fully as strong and emphatic as anything that his visitor had said. Tho sur prise of his visitor was manifest. Examination of that mossago shows that the president said: "It Is unfortunate that our present laws should forbid all combinations In stead of sharply discriminating between those combinations which do good and thoso combina tions which do evil. It is a public evil to havo on . tho statute books a law Incapable of full enforcement, because both judges and juries realize that Us full enforcement would destroy the business of tho country." In tho mossago preceding tho last ono tho president also used this language: "It has boon a misfortune that tho national laws havo hitherto boon of a nogativo or prohibitive rather than" an afflrmalivo kind, and still more that they havo in part sought to prohibit what could not bo effectively prohibited, and have In part, In their prohibitions, confounded what should bo al lowed and what should not be allowed. It Is generally useless to try to prohibit all restraint on competition, whether this restraint be reason able or unreasonable, and where it Is not use less it is gonerally hurtful." These expressions may be taken as correct ly reflecting, at tho present time, tho views of President Roosevelt. Mr. Roosevelt wont to his homo In Oyster Bay to cast his vote. In speaking of his visit and departure the Now York World says: Tho president left New York a changed Individual. His appearance and his bearing were that of a sobered, reflective man. There was in his face a look of deep responsibility, of grave thoughtfulness, not seen before by those who know him. From now on there will be a different plan of campaign conducted from the White House. Tho president is firm In his declarations that "thero Is to be no change In his policy of antag onism toward predatory wealth and. illegal cor porations, but hJs. methods are- to bo modified, his attacks made more discriminate, and hio warfare less destructive. The events of the past two weeks In tho financial world have .had remarkable effect upon Mr; Roosevelt. The crash of banks, the cry of strangled business, the frightened hoarding of money, have deeply impressed him. The hours of his journey yesterday were given more to sober reflection than to animated conversation. If final argument were needed to complete tho remarkable change In the nation's chief execu tive, It was furnished by the sight of Manhat tan's besieged sky scrapers of finance as his tugboat passed by tho foot of Wall fc'treet and skirted the Battery. The day marked the end of Indiscriminate presidential denunciation, of Intemperate lan guage, of wholesale indictments, of Incessant (Continued on Page Six) , ..J&Uki -3fafcwn ,