jf LH i 16 4' I. .. if V PSI r. vi 1 1 .'.I I UlP I i Ht ri ... AS t : i rr -.- v jt- m- j j -J vt - f-7i!pn3nj5jtrrti?" rpuWiWrr'' frfrr11 tTzZVfiflPA (w The Commoner; , Ai- VOLUMB7f NUMBER 31 !"""" Barg ains in Good Rcadin Subscribe for The Commoner and for a small additional amount you also secure or newspaper for your friend a magazine For the accommodation of our readers who desire to avail them selves of a general line of reading, so far as newspapers and periodi cals are concerned, The Commoner has arranged a number of special clubbing offers. This plan has proven to be very popular, and eaph year thousands of Commoner readers have taken advantage of the low prices thus mado-posslble. This year we are pleased to be able to offer Com moner readers a larger list to select from and In many cases better prices. We get especially low prices by reason of our ability to send to the respective publications large numbers of subscribers, and our readers are given the full benefit of all reduction made in price by other publishers for clubbing purposes. CLASS A Regular Trlca. .1 American, Nanlivllle, Weokly, News I .50 Commercial Appeal, Mrmphls, Weekly, News BO News Solmltar, Momphls, Weekly .26 Hoys' World. KIrUi, III. Juvenile, Weekly GO The Stnr, Monthly, Oak Park, 111 60 Modern Prlsoitlu, Boston, Fancy Work, Monthly , .50 Peoplo's Popular Monthly, Dcs Molnoa, Household.. .50 Vlck'n Family Magazine, Danuvlllo, N. Y., Horticul tural, Monthly BO American Farmer, Indianapolis, Agricultural, Mo... .50 ICnnsns Farmer, Topcka, Kunsas, Weekly 1.00 Pralrlo Parmer, Chicago, Agricultural, Weekly 1.00 American Swlnn Herd. Chlcngo, Agricultural, Mo 50 MoUorn Fannor. St. Joseph, Monthly 50 National Farmer and Stock Grower, St Louis, Agri cultural, Monthly 50 Farm, Stock and Homo, Minneapolis, Agricultural, Semi-Monthly 50 Farm and Stook, St Josoph, Mo., Agricultural, . .' 1.00 Homo and Farm, Louisville, Agricultural, Seml- Monthly DO Missouri Valley Farmer, Topoka, Kansas, Agricul tural, Monthly .'..v.- 25 Up-to-Dato Farming, Indianapolis, Agricultural, Soml- Monthly , SO Commercial Poultry, Marseilles, 111., Poultry, Monthly .50 Poultry SucceHi, Sprlngrteld, O,, Monthly 50 Reliable Poultry Journal, Qulncy, 111., Monthly CO J CLASS U " The Commoner And any One " Class A 1.00 ( Tho World, New York, Thrlco-a-Wcek ' $1.00 The Constitution, Atlanta. Thrlco-a-Wcok 1.00 Tho Enquirer. Cincinnati, Weekly ; 1.00 The Times, Seattlo, Weekly 1.00 The Courier-Journal, Louisville, Weokly l.oo American Boy, Detroit, Juvenile, Monthly l.oo Physical Culture, New York, Monthly 1.00 Outdoors, Now York, Sports, Monthly l.oo Table Talk, Philadoipnia, cooKing Magazlno, Monthly 1.00 Vegetarian, Chicago, Food Reform, Monthly l.oo Tho Pilgrim, -Detroit, Literary, Monthly i.oo Irrigation Ago, Chicago, Irrigation. Weekly i.oo Mloblenn Farmor. Weekly T5 Farming, New York, Agricultural, Monthly i.oo National stockman and Farmer, Pittsburg, Weekly.. 1.00 The Commoner Uny one m cibbb a AD ' I with any ONE in Class B The Commoner lAny ONE in ciass a AND I with any TWO in Class B The Commoner An? TWo in class a AND I with any ONE in Class B The Commoner And any Two n Class A The Commoner And any One la Class B $1.35 The Commoner And any Two ia Class B $1.85 $J.60 $2J0 $1.85 MISCKLLANKOUS Publisher's with . , .. . l'rlce. Commoner. tho woria, mannas uuy, uauy except Sunday . $2 on Tom Watson's Jortornonlan Mngazluo, Atlanta, Ga.. Monthly ', l ro The Post, Kansas City, Dally except Sunday T I'll World-Herald, Omaha. Semi-Weekly. . ....... H0 The Ropubllc. St. Louis. Semi-Weekly. ...... inn Tho Public. Chicago, Literary, Weekly,! HS Literary Dlgost. Now York. Weekly . . I'n2 Independent. Now York, Literary. Weekly ... l'0 Review of Roylews, New York, Monthly.. '''':' 300 Current Literature, Now York, Monthly ....., 2" Xn The Arena, Trenton. N. J., Literary. Monthly ..... . '... . 2 GO The Reader. New York. Literary, Monthly . Vnn Tlnh Tnvlnr'u XT.. ..n -rl.,.. vt..i...I. . .:" 3.00 i A GartoVl' Mnth,y American MagaMne, New York, Literary. "Monthly xim? Outing, Deposit, N. Y.. Sports. Monthly ' . ommy vJ-00 M. Y ..Wnhlhlv ?" Field and Stream. New York. RnnVt? MknluiJ i-5? Culture. Now York. Hvirenlc. Monthly ' " rSX Tomperanco, Woekly 1 no Kiiwuiaviuiu, luiinmiy 2 00 Rocreatlon, Magazine. N. Health Culture, Now New Voice, Chicago. IIouuo Beautiful. Chlcarro. Metropolitan Magar.Ine.Now York Literary, Mouth .... :::.:.V..V.:.V. V.' ' 1 Good Housekeeping, Sprlnglleld, Mass., Family, Monthly .. ....." loo viui'iiuiiii luuLiitiriinnn. i 'nnnntatrtim ' tt t tti . - .----- - ' Woman's Homo Companion, New YoVk.Vlly Monthly r' ' ion The Housekeeper. Minneapolis. Family Moffify 7. . . . .f . .' ! 1 1:. I !,J0 Breeder's Gazette, Chicago. Stock and Farm. Weekly ........ 2 00 Hoard's Dairyman, Ft. Atkinson. Wis.. Weekly ..,..,....,. s.vo The Fruit Grower St Joseph. Month V-?. .. . .' ' 1 fl' ' " J'oo Northwestern Agriculturist, Minneapolis no we $2.00 1.86 2.3S 1.25 1.50 1.C0 3.25 2.20 3.00 3.00 2.85 3.00 1.50 !. CO 1.50 3.00 1.85 1.85 1.45 1.60 2.10 1.60 1.65 1.60 1.6 0 1.20 2.00 1.50 1.35 1.15 1.25 aro Dnmnnrnf. .Tnhnnlnnn Tin nr-,.... ......... .,.......,. ,UW w " cKiy i.oo In each case whore the appears bofore the name of a nubllcatlon onlyperm tted to accept now subscrlntlons. FnrVr nl,. ,0n may bo sent to different addresses If dsirii Vm.x'M... sending for a combination. All subscrlotlona nr ti with the current number unless otherwise directed. Periodicals wish to Join with you in ono year, and If now. begin INTEREST YOUR FRIENDS Commoner readers who are willing to assist In the work of ltv creasing The Commoner's circulation and influence will find it easy to Interest their friends, who are not now subscribers, by bringing to their attention the extraordinarily low prices at which standard periodicals can be secured in combination with The Commoner. The Commoner Cosmopolitan 1.0 Homo Magazine 1.00 Farmlnc 1.00 .31.00 )0 $4.00 OUR PRICE $2.00 The Commoner 31.00 Cosmopolitan 1.00 Thrlce-a-Wcek World. 1.00 $3.00 OUR PRICE $2.00 Tho Commoner $1.00 Cincinnati Enquirer. . 1.00 House Beautiful 2.00 S4.00 OUR PRICE $2.60 The Commoner $1.00 Review of Reviews... 8.00 Woman's Home Com. 1.00 35.00 OUR PRICE $3.00 The Commoner $1.00 Courier-Journal 1.00 oo Tayjor'o Magazine 1.00 OUR PRICE $2.00 The Commoner. $1.00 Rovlew of Rovlows. . . . 3.00 Tho Reader 3.00 Prairie Farmer 1.00 38.00 OUR PRICE $3.80 The Commoner $1.00 The Indepondont 2.00 Bob Taylor's Magazlno 1.00 $4.00 OUR PRICE $2.85 Tho Commoner $1.00 Seml-Wk. Wld-Horald 1.00 Pralrlo Farmer....... 1.00 ,OUR PRICE $3.60 $1.60 The Commoner $1.00 Tablo Talk 1.00 Boys' World 50 The Commoner. .... ..$1.00 American Magazine... I.OO Outdoors ioo $3.00 OUR PRICE $2.00 Tho Commoner $1.00 Kanoaa city World... 2.00 Missouri Valley Farmer .26 $3.25 OUR PRICE $2.10 $2.50 OUR PRICE $1.60 Tho Commoner $1.00 Success 1.00 Pilgrim 1.00 The Commoner $1.00 American Motherhood. 1.00 Christian End. World. 1.00 $3.00 $2.35 OUR PRICE Tho Commoner $1.00 Courier-Journal 1.C0 Alnsleo's 1.80 $.S0 $2.70 OUR PRICE The Commonor $1.00 Missouri Valley Farmer .25 Thrlco-a-Woek World. 1.00 $2.25 OUR PRICE $1.60 '" Tho Commoner $1.00 Thrlce-a-Week Conatl. 1.00 Nat Farmer & St'kg'r .50 $2.50 OUR PRICE $1.75 The Commoner $1.00 Thrlce-a-Week Const!. 1.00 Farm & Stock 1.00 33.00 OUR PRICE $2.00 Tho Commoner $1.00 Seml-Wk. Wld.-IIerald 1.00 Christian End. 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Success 50 32.50 OUR PRICE $1.60 The Commoner ,$1.00 Semi-Weekly Republic 1.00 Missouri Valley Farmer .25 Tho Commoner $100 American Motherhood. 1.00 Health Culture 1,00 $2.25 OUR PRICE $1.60 Tho Commoner $1.00 Alnsleo's it8o Boys' World .50 . -.-.. 3.30 $2.50 jvjn, rniuc n.Hi OUR PRICP 1 7R uaiii!r.M ninnr rnnn ivnair iao . .. ..i. In their home clty'the ibVvn V. hh n;. n.. '.u,rJLu ' P? ' P?cial postago --.- -n v w w iiul iiiai-ii vaiinvra r a 33.00 OUR PRICE $1.85 The Commoner $1.00 Kcml-Wk. Wld.-Herald 1.00 up-to-Date Farming. . .50 OUR PRICE $2.50 $1.60 Tho Commoner $1.00 Weokly Enquirer 1.00 The Housekeeper ,60 $2.60 OUR PRICE $1.70 Tho Commoner $1.00 Outdoors 1.00 Good Housekeeping. . . 1.00 33.00 OUR PRICE $2.10 Tho Commoner $1.00 Tho Arena 2.50 The Independent.... 2. .00 $5.50 OUR PRICE $4.20 Tho Commoner $1.00 Cincinnati Enquirer. . . 1.00 Prairie Farmer 1.00 $3.00 OUR PRICE $1.60 The Commoner. ...... .$1.00 Commercial Appeal.,. .50 Bob Taylor's Magazine 1.00 $3,00 OUR PRICE $2.30 NOTE As all pa8pPeerCsUV CU,3 !" wh,oh tho lodlcoJr Prices cheerfully quoted lected from above list. on any combination of Periodicals' se. All Orders Must be Addressed to The Commoner, Lincoln, Nebraska 5l - - W ',H i.i.?y-; -;4ji t .4 , 'J" ' " ' -- ' A - lr.4 i "-rxr - --