' 1 $ I f"T v4 T?"!5iGr',W' JULY 26, 1907 .V " The Commoner. ' 1Hfp ' r ; -v . ?- - .1 I When There'll bo steam heat at the far north pole, and melted the frozen snow; The equatorial line will freeze and frost on the bread fruit grow; The gulf stream's flow to the south will turn and Cuba be washed away; The Father of Waters will Change his course and flow into Hudson's Bay; The old Yukon will be boiling hot and .goodness be sold by the can When the old Pacific is gobbled up by the sawed-off sons of Japan. The hogs will soar through the azure sky, and the birds' will root and SQueal; Chicago will slip from its present spot and- anchor by old Mobile; The city of Penn will have no graft, and Pittsburg will be free from soot; The streets of Boston will be straight . as strings and roses will grow in Butte; The Standard Oil will be run straight and the "Big Stick" stuffed with bran When the old Pacific Is gobbled up by the sawed-off sons of Japan. The tariff barons will cry enough and cheerfully yield their graft; The winter winds from the frozen wilds the warmest' of zephyrs waft; The sun "will shine on the darkest night, and-the moon will shine by day; The finest of figs on thistles grow and wine will be squeezed from hay; ' The ox will feed" on rye bread and cheese and its owner will feed on bran When the old Pacific is gobbled up by the sawed-ff sons of Japan. The Wisdom of the Ancients "I've heard a whole lot about the 'wisdom of 'the ancients,' " remarked the Wise Guy as he deftly abstracted a cracker from the barrel and moved stealthily towards the cheese box. "This 'wisdom of the ancients' busi ness is all fol-de-rol. When old Rameses, or whatever his name was, built the pyramids he was just a common old skate who put a million or so of laborers to work., and when the thing was done he merely had a pyramid on his hands. Had he been wise according to this day and gen eration he would have schemed it a little different, "He would have organized the Egyptian Pyramid and Development company and issued a lot of pre ferred and common stock, to say nothing of a lot of gold debenture bonds. When these were 'Sold re taining enough, of course, to keep . him in control he would have or ganized a building, company with the usual grist df common, preferred and first mortgage bonds. These would have been worked off on the confid ing Egyptians, and while they were figuring on their dividends he would have organized a holding company that would, bring in some more mon 'ey and at the same time give him control of the finances of all "three concerns. By this time he would have been ready -tor turn the annual Nile rise Into the stock and water it to a finish. "But instead of taking advantage - of -his opportunities he just went ahead and built the pyramids with out any side issues. Old Rnmeses wouldn't last a minute if ho got mixed up with some of our modorn builders and promoters. That's why it makes me tired to hear a lot of would-be wise ones talking about the 'wisdom of the ancients.' " Real Information "I have examined your prospectus carefully," said the great lawyer, "and I am afraid that you can not legally carry out your plans." "O, fudge!" exclaimed, Mr. Gob socash petulantly. "We're not re taining you to tell us what we can not do legally; what we want is in formation as to what we can legally do that Is, what wo can do, and how far we can go, without getting tangled up with the courts." Betwixt and Between With Will Griffin of Milwaukee on the north singing about the glories of his home city and state, and Judd Lewis of Houston on the south sing ing of the joys of his home city and state, wo are going to remain right here in Lincoln, Nebraska, and have the time of our life. And if Will and Judd want to experience real living they will meet each other half way and the three of us" will go at it. So there, now! note of tho arrest of Yamato Kl moni, tho" young Japanoso follow, and you merely wrote that ho was pinched for being noisy. You over looked tho opportunity to make a fcaturo story about how he wns a spy In tho employ of tho Mikado with 'Sketches of our forts, const de fenses and battleships in his pos session. You may take this slip to tho cashier and get what is coming to you to date. 1 think it possible, how over, Mr. Yalevard, that you might make a success as one of those real istic writers. Good day, sir." Tho Races "Still playing tho races, old man?" "No; I've boon cured." "How was it?" "0, I rigged up a slate and put all my money on it. But a horso named Spongo won and wipod my slate clean." Capable "Are you able to support, my daughter, and give her everything she w has been accustomed to?" growled the father. "I can support her all right, all right," replied Mr. Wlseun, "but as for giving her everything she has been accustomed to under your roof I have no hesitancy in telling you that one reason she is marrying me Is to get away from a lot of those very things." Not Guilty "Entering the city editor's room the visitor said: "I have here a dog's tale that " "Wo are not printing any nature fakes these days," growled the man at tho desk. "O, this isn't any nature story," said the visitor. "I meant to say that I have a ring of bologna, and If you know where we can get the crackers we won't have to spend any thing for lunch." Space Fillers Open cars, Cheap cigars. s Boston Globe. End seat hog Sits like log. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Peekaboo, x Lovely view. Birmingham Age-Herald. Then wind blew, Your whiskers thru. Ohio Sun. And tho trip Ends in grip. Washington (D. C.) Times. A doctor's bill And an empty till. Kansas City Post. This makes us tired " You're all fired. A Near Limerick ' There was a young man who, kept wishing That he could drop work and go fishing, But the boss chortled "Nay, Here at work you must stay," And the young man had to do It to eat. Gallant He saw the maiden land ker-splash. Deep into the mountain lake; He made a quick and sudden dash Quick as a lamb's tail's shake. He threw himself in the water there And in little less than a trice He rescued the dainty damsel fair And skated ashore on the ice. Unfitted "I greatly fear," remarked the managing editor to the new reporter, "that you are unfitted for newspaper.! work." "In what have I been derelict?" queried Mr. Yalevard .Grad, late of Boston. "You were sent out to make a "Brain Leaks ' A patch in time saves monoy. Carelessness is the father of vain regret. A chloroformed conscience heeds no accuser. Today's" duties well done means tomorrow's rest well won. The man who achieves his ideal had a poor one to start with; Tho first sign of a man's strength Is his knowledge of hisown weak ness. The man who hunts for a job usu ally lands quicker than the man who seeks a situation. A Jot of men have changed their Ideas about life when their first born was laid in their arms. The two best vacations are the one we had last year and tho one we are going to have this year. We are Idoking for a restaurant where things don't taste as if all were fried in the same skillet. A lot of union men would kick hard if their wives charged them price and a half for overtime. A wife can forgive her husband a great many things if he is only handy at fixing up things around the house. Some men look upon home as a place where they can grunt and com plain without danger of being called down. The man who tackles and performs all the little duties that confront him is always ready when really big things come up for doing. Between the ages of eight and twelve a boy hesitates between be ing a snare drummer and a locomo tive engineer as a life profession. A dinkey little plate for a prize at a card- party means a "social pleas ure." A "jack-pot" with $2 cash in it means "gambling." There is greaf need of a revised 'social dic tionary. - IA Pk Sate Every Keen Kuttcr Axe is fastened to the helve by the Grclliicr Everlast ing Lock Wedge (used only in Keen Kuttcr tools) a device which once driven home In any tool unites head and handle fib securely thnt oyfire can separate them. Hence a mm mm Axe cannot fly off to the annoy ance and danger of the chopper. I,oolc for the Keen Kuttcr trademark. It covers thi "unfcHxc" and alo better, truer Saurs,PJatic4, Adzes, Ham sien, Augers, Bracet, Bits. Gimlet, thliirla. W Gouges, Squares, Bevel, T etc., than is possible to find under any other name, as well as Porks, Jloes, Hakes, Scythes, etc. If not at your dealer's, write us. "The RtcoVtctxon tf Qualltv IUma(nt Lent jVtertheJ'riccUIl'or9otten."-JZ.C.ttlmmoM. Trt4eMk KcUurcd. SIMMOMS HAXBWAU COMPANY (lac). , Umim mA Hew Y-k, 0. S. , CHILLICOTHE, MO. NORMAL AND BUSINESS COLLEGES ALLEN Invtructnrs, Jootnlente. ProfcfiHfoiinl and Literary Councn. Knter any tlnio, IN Student in ono Knrwtrf City Dank. Typewriter. 1'fwlUon ttccurcd, or tuition re funded. Car faro paid. Stall course dcfiircd. Addrees, MOORE, Pres., I4IS Menroa St., Chllllcetha, KJ, MUlJk,Hf1 & WWt 111 fM Can Awn m JBlanesd rWllL.. WisdoaoftDprofa. If ToalikH. Bay l-Cor dllTrr, tUac 8 mostbly paymrat. CaUlcf frM. "Writ bow. LorriH bkoh. a it.. vpt. um w tmne ncraief, c. Anti-Trust Type Wc will nECABT your hell box Into new typo for one-half tho original cost of now typo, BKNDFORCAT AJOO AND RECASTING PLAN. I Wt Will Pay th Freight TEXAS TYPE FOUNDRY SAN ANTONIO, TKXAM Unanswerable "Why, Johnnie! I am surprised to see you so unwilling to go to school. Do you want to grow up in Ignorance?" "Yessum." "Gracious goodness, John Henry SIviterl What makes you want to grow up in ignorance?" " 'Cause the richest man I know of is the ignorantest man in the country if the daily papers" are giy iiig. it to us on the level." j - 4 j-aaRt HS&L au: -'Wi ' tfi I1" f i4 m nwhS iUfrlwiimiM