i hi r lp-yBr- fpp?gjptfiwj!?w4r?vw & 7'"!i,"jwjya?"i"'"w ,aUNB 7, 1107 The Commoner. 13 - V m T H .sssPVttL JHr iHHkH S BIJWfc'i T A 1 F I ksssssssl tT k fc. .rjf' L. tT rr MPr"lrHHttiflEilBlHBiVift- T The Old Songs Bweet bo tigs of old! How memory brings Their music back to me JJntil each bell of heaven rings 'Salvation full and free Joy to the world," the music sweet Has filled a million souls, And marked the' time for marching feet To where old Jordan rolls. ?I need Thee ev'ry hour," for I Oft weary by the way; &nd "while the years are rolling by" Thou art my guide and stay. ?Abide with me" through calm and stress, Protect me by Thy might; My weak and falt'ring footsteps bless With Thine own "Kindly Light." ffhe dear old songs! Their echoes fill The quiet evening air; They bid me bear life's load until "There'll be no sorrow there." "By cool Siloam's shady rill" Whose waters floweth free, Lead me each day and night until "Nearer, my God, to Thee." And when "on Jordan's stormy banks" My feet shall stand at last; When I shall see the ransomed ranks From whom all care is cast, s"0 there may I, though vile as he" Christ did that day behold, JThe city's walls of jasper see And walk its streets of gold. Cautious . "Say, Bjorkins; I've got an aw fully good story about that bird dog of mine. TJhe other day I took him out into the woods, and he flushed t " "Wait a minute, old man. I'd like to hear that story, but you know we've got to be careful these days." "What do you mean? Just as the dog flushed " "Yes, I know! But has this story of yours been properly investigated by -the constituted authority?" 'What authority? This is my Btory. Just as the dog flushed " "Sorry, old man; but if you want me to listen to that dog story you'll have to write it out, send it down to Washington and get the proper 'O. K.' on it. I'm not going to be open to the charge of lese majeste by putting myself in the position of assisting any nature fakirs. Ta, ta, old man, until you hear from headquarters." , Nature Stories - The Neverquit Publishing Co. au thorizes the announcement of the fpl t lowing books devoted to "nature Btories:" "Bucking the Tiger,", by William Travers Jerome. "The Kitty," by John W,l Gates. "Rats," by. Secretary Mclntyre of. the United Typothetae of North North America. '"Sudkers and Other J?Ish,"- by Ed ward H. Harriman. ''Taming the Elephant," by Theo . dore Roosevelt. "The Willipus Wallupus, and the Necessity of Protecting It," by Nel- son W. Aldrich.' v "The Disappearing Hare," by John p. Rockefeller. : ' Amended VWe must have confidence in the ' people," said the old-fashjoned man (who was joining with his fellows in a big financial enterprise. M0, you've! got it Tvron&" sneered the up-to-date fimmcicr. "What you mean is that wmust confidence the people in." ,The old-fashioned man being in the minority the amendment was adopted. Bright Hopes "Our baby Is goln to be one o' them big financiers," remarked Mrs. Sim plisslmug. "What makes you think so?" asked the proud father. "He's got an ache caused by 'swal lowing the string that I tied to his rattle, and if that ain't a case of un digested securities I don't know nothhi' about this financial game." Modern Definitions Society Copy for space writers on sensational newspapers. Banquet An opportunity to over load the stomach and unload the mind. Bargain Sale The feminine gen der of football. Fakir A term sometimes used as a reproach on a man who knows more than we do about a subject we boast of knowing all about. Governor A necessary part of a stationary engine that some politi cians have a mistaken notion they can get along without. Salary -The money received by a man who is either elected to public office or holds a job that he had to hunt hard for. Wages The money received by a workman whose services are worth the price. Usual Cose "Hello, Binks! You're looking awfully run down, old man. You really ought to take a vacation." "Huh! I'm just getting back from it. That's what's the matter with me." Alas O, what a lot of good we've missed Of natural history; O, what a lot of things are clothed In darkest-mystery! And what a lot of things' are dark That really- should be light Because the grizzlies and bobcats Have never learned to write. . Qualified "Why do you claim to be an au thority on wild animals?" "I married, a woman who isn't afraid of a mouse." The Month of Roses June, moon; above, love! bliss; kiss! We've been awfully busy this week and did not have time to write ,it. The outline prepared, however, will assist the reader in making up a good'one. Brain Leaks Envy never shoots her darts at little men. Ice cream wouldn't be half so good ifit cost nothing. Those who have' suffered know how to sympathize. When politics Is "rotten" good men are to blame. "Court" plaster quickly mends some broken hearts. The man who spends all of his time mourning for lost opportunities will never stand much show of grasp ing oho. Polished fingernails aro not always the sign of a polished mind. The creator a man grows the big ger the target he offers for the shafts of envy. When a congregation grows sleepy it Is a sign that the preacher needs waking up. The average mother dreads tho day when school is dismissed for tho summer vacation. You never see a man without a fault until just before he is taken to his last resting place. A good neighbor is tho one who will let all tho children in tho block play on her front porch. About half tho stories told are not worth tolling, and most of thoBe that are worth it are spoiled in the telling. 'The season is at hand .for discus sion of "sane" Fourth of July cele brations. A "sane" celebration would not bo worth while. Tho wise assessor will ask a man to schedule his possessions Just when ho is in the middle of moving his household goods to a now"location. Some people pray in a tone of voice that would Indicate that they thought they wero doing tho Al mighty a favor by letting Him know what He could do for them. The average man never realizes what his wife has to endure until ho agrees to stay at home a couple of days and attend to the children while his wife makes a short visit to her folks. The way to make a friend of 'a man is to listen with sympathetic ear when ho tells you that he is just recovering from tho worst case of sickness his family doctor over handled. When we want to read romething particularly funny we pick up some "household magazine" and read an article on "how to build a modest cottage for $6,000," or peruse tho "menus for the month" written es pecially for "workingmen." The av erage workingman who tried to fol low out one of these "menus for the month" would find his monthly sal ary exhausted about Thursday of the first week. A STRONG MAN In the sixteenth century there lived a remarkably strong man, a French major named Barsabas, One day he took up an anvil weighing 500 pounds and hid it under his coat. He could crush between his fingers the limbs of big animals. One day, seeing a crowd looking at ansenormous dancing bear, he offered to wrestle with the animal. Tho major threw the bear down several times, and, 'judging it unworthy of further struggles, slew tho animal with his fist and carried it away on his shoulders amid the cheers of the crowd. Another day, seeing several officers of his regiment sur rounded by an angry crowd, he ran to them, knocking people down right and left as a child does with a pack of cards. The crowd, exasperated, turned round on him, but, seizing two of his assailants one with each hand, he used them as clubs on the crowd who, astonished at his extra ordinary display of strength, quickly drew back. Once he squeezed to pulp the hand of a man who wanted to fight him. Barsaba's sister was also remarkable for her strength. Some burglars entered a convent where she was. She threw one out of the window and killed two others with' a pillar she tore down and used as a club.. Baltimore Sun. WHAT IT LEADS TO Thomas F. Ryan promptly denies any dickering by him for a seat in the United States senate from Vir ginia. The Wall Street road may lead to political influence but not political eminonce. Baltimore Sun. y n.i.i 3?? lms"Erw3p t. rtsaipil .l.lWtr.WHMHlH.B.C. Ettrt.im It la tho best policy li older 'a com pany In tho United States. ASSISTS 92,990,069 twonty ycar old. Wrlto The Old Line Bankers Lift Lincoln, Ndirmtkn. Don'.t Suffer with CATARRH, ASTHMA, HAY FEVER, BRONCHITIS or Any DIkchhc Of tltO Air I'HMHNKCH. Use tho now remedy tho Common Scnso Vaporizer. It is making many remarkable cures of Deafnesa, Hay Fe ver, Colds, Coughs, Hcad acho and all discaseH of tho Head and Throat. This Va porizer is unllko all other dovlccs for similar uso. It applies medicated vapor di rect to tho affected parts, Riving instant roliof. No homo should bo -without it. Our FIU2I2 Trial Offer will surely interest you. "Wrlto for Jt and our Illustrated booklet free. COMMON SENSE VAPO CO., 61U Brr Jitek, LUeola, Mtb. 95SKSpG "vW?V Irwff MR; METCALFE'S BOOK "OF SUCH IS THE KINGDOM" And Other Stories from Life NOW READY FOR DELIVERY JOHN M. HARLAN, Associate Justice, Untied Sutci Supreme Court: ' Your little book, 'Of Such if the Kingdom,' has been read by me with mors than ordinary interctt. Indeed, I have read It through twice. No one can read thest stories from life without both intereit arid profit, or without hav ing a higher conception of hu duty to God and to hit fcllowraan." Cloth bound, printed from clear typo on heavy paper, gilt Bido and back stamps. 200 paces. Sent prepaid on receipt of $1.00. Addreaa RICHARD L. METCALFE Cara The Commoner LINCOLN, NEER. Jefferson's Bible The Life and Morals of JESUS OF NAZARETH Extracted Textual! frm the Go pel , together with a comparison of his doctrine Kith those of othera. By THOMAS JEFFERSON Jefferson's mutton was leadership. Without an effort on his part expressions from his Iipj that from other men's would scarcely have at traded notice, became thenceforth axioms, creeds, and gathering-cries of great manes of hi countrymen. Henry S. Randall. Jefferson's BiUe is a Wok f 168 pces, well twisted aad MSMtaBtisHy bound in cloth. ftwac published oriiaUy to be sold for $1.09 per ePf' By pwrcfeaskig the bokia large nBHibenr we as able te offer Commetur readers mh cepdesal price of 7Sc per copy; seat by ta2, postage prepaid. ADDRESS ALL ORDERS TO THE COMMONER, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA I ! $ m w Mf,&tM1.j(telif0lA JtMsdM1miJeu,jt.lMifm I.V J .t M