, ,c.CTMi'lWWMW'ft ". r.'pf1' iw " The Commoner. Those railroad managers arc running on a slow schedule to the White House terminal. It I 4 ! l I "' l ' if I l s 'V Mn 1 IA nr V. 1- s i F The Commoner- ISSUED WEEKLY. "WILLIAM J. HllYAN Editor and rroprlotor. HICHAM) JL MKTCAl.FK AftRoclnto Editor. OllAUMW Vf. lillYAN Piilillfllior. Kdltorlnl Hoomn nnd Ilunlnowi Office :.3.T0 So 12lh Street. Kntercd at tbo I'ontofllco at LI ncoln, Neb., an sccond-clais mall mutter Oim Vnr - Bl.no lx Montlin - - .RO In Clnlm of llvo or more, l'r Year .75 Three JMoittlin - 5o Hincle Copy - - Co tininplo CopIoHFrco. Foreign 1'oBtaeo f2 Collin Kxtrn. KIJIIKCKJ I'TIONS tan Lo Knt direct to Thk Commonkk. Tboy run alio 1 o Kiit Uiruifcli neusi nj iihMlilcli liavo advertised aclnlibliifc ir.te, er lliruipli Ircal nurntH, wbcro EtibncontR liavo been appointod All xniilUaucen Bliould bo sent by pontofllco motiey otdor, oxprcB (i dot, r Ly bhiik diaft on Now Voik cr tlikauo. Do not Bond li.rilvltlunl rlietkn, Minors or inonry. DJKCOM'lNlTilNCKH. It Ih fi.utid Hint a largo majority of out mbt't'ilbeiH tuefer not to liavo tlielr nubKrrlptloiiH Interrupted und UiilrllleB biuken In rani tlicy fall to remit before expiration. It is Uiereforo nrminicd tliat contliiunnco In deBlrod uiiIcbh subBcrlbore oifrr dliciiitlnunnce, cltbtr vliin Hibflcilblnicor at any tlmo during tl:e jrnr. riimNTATKW ( ohm: Many prrei no Hibtrrlbi) for fi lends, intending Hint tbe injirMinllMi.pat tliemd of tlio year. Iflnstruo tlcriH me chin to UilMfiut tbey wlllrccolvt attention nt tlie propur time, K1CNK1V.AI.& Tim i!nto on your wrapper Miowb when your ml -Eruption will expire. 'J litis Jnnnnry 31, '08, menim tliat payment linn been received to and Including tlie last Ibbuo of January, 1908. 'JvtowickB arc required nftrr money bnB Lccii received teforo tlio date on wrapper can bo cliaiiKod, CIIANOK OF A 1l)Jll,fcB. Subscribers requesting a cliango cl atlrlrcta mutt give OLD ah well atftbo NEW addreBs. ADVKllTlSlNCJ-llnteB furnlBlicd upon application. AddreBB all communleatloiiB to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nob. Safety i'or railway passengers will never bo guaranteed by ticker tapes. Maxim Gorky says lie found nothing congenial In the United States. That makes It unanimous, too. The man who exhibits a sore thumb too often booh finds tliat people have lost Interest In injured digits. "Ohio is for Tnftl" shouts an exchange. For Aker is for him, too, and intends getting him if possible. IMj- Carnegie having 4,got his" is now offering the railroads some good advice about what they Bhould do. Having dropped into a $50,000 a year job Uncle Leslie Shaw is advising tlie working people to live economically. Our national wealth is .$107,000,000,000, includ ing the franchises we gave away when we didn't know any better. In view of his recent actions would it be out of place to refer to Senator Forakor as the "dark horse" candidate? It has come to the point where travelers are not Bo much Interested in getting there quickly as in getting there whole. Senator Forakor will find it easy to prosecute a "camera crusade." The people will gladly fur nish him the negatives. The sugar trust has been sued for $30,000,000, nnd if the trust loses the case It's one lump of sugar for your morning coffee. Count Boni has written a newspaper article In which ho declares that he was shocked by Ameri can society folk. lie has been handed several hard jolts. The railroads that are "retaliating" by decreas ing service should take warning of the gentleman who amputated his probocis in order to spite his visage. Wouldn't it bo a good joke on those congres sional visitors In Panama If they were rounded up and made to shovel dirt on the canal for a week or two? A shortage of twine in the postofiice department is reported from Washington. Don't worry. There will never be a similar complaint about the supply of red tape. Progress on the canal is necessarily slow. So many congressmen go down there tliat the lone man with a shovel can't throw dirt without hitting a lawmaker. The Washington Post informs the public that liquid air can now be manufactured for 2 cents a gallon. Hot air is even cheaper than, that :n Washington. The railroad managers will have to hurry." The baseball season will open In a few days and then, nobody will pay any attention to railroad threats of retaliation. Nino hundred veterans at the Leavenworth Soldiers' Home were recently poisoned by eating hash. Now will -the paragraphers treat the com pound seriously? A year from now the people of this country will be entering upon an active national campaign. The way to achieve victory next year is to organ ize for this year. Before going to the White House the railroad presidents sent n flagman ahead to prevent a head on collision. They ought to do something like that with their trains. By the way, have the recent revelations in tho management of railroads convicted the populists of having been-wrong in their charges fifteen or twenty years ago? In view of political developments in Pennsyl vania we cannot find it in our hearts to blame the republican leaders of tliat state for wanting a press muzzling law. The Sioux City Journal used the words "Mr. Bryan" nineteen times in one editorial recently. The Journal might save composition bills by "phatting" the words. The Minnesota supreme court has decided that Irrigation is perfectly legal and Mr. Hill will pro ceed Immediately to squirt $GO,000,000 of water into his railroad stocks. James J. Hill says inland waterways will help to solve tho transportation problem. Quite cor rect. That's the only way to use water in this transportation business. ' It seems to be the general opinion that Mr. Jerome is willing to use Mr. Hummel for wit ness purposes only, not professionally. Miss Margaret Anglln says that "sweeping a room may be made a poetic action." Some poets might try that method of raising the dust. The Ohio mayor who refused to draw his salarv because he did not earn It did not sot any brain storms In motion in other mayoralty offices. It is said that the recent flurry In Wall street K? ym,5 ,f til,0 sI)ecultora $100,000,000, at least $30 of it being in genuine legal tender currency. Former Senator Burton is wasting time everybody knows why ho was sent to jail. What people want to know is why Burton was the onlv one. Mr. Reuf of San Francisco is now putting up a plaint about not being given a fair show. That is usually the way with men when they are given a dose of their own medicine. If Senator Forakor and Secretary Taft insist in trying conclusions for the Ohio delegation it may mean tliat "Boss" Cox will have another high bid for tlie use of his machine. "Trusts are an economic evolution," says Rich ard Olney. Tlie people are determined to remedy the situation by inserting an "r" before the last word within tlie quotation marks. The court martial that acquitted tlie young offi cer who filed charges against General Wood now finds its membership listed among the falsifiers discovered by Columbus Roosevelt. The man who deliberately wrecks a railroad train is sent to the penitentiary. The man who wrecks a railroad is put upon a pedestal and pointed to as a "Nanoleon of Finance," VOLUME 7,. NUMBER 13 r , s . i 'V . ; Ik JVTho country heeds me," says Mr. Harriruan. Why, it positively wants you, Mr.. 'Harriman; wants you right where it can keep-a "watchful eye and a restraining hand upon ydu.j i The New York Herald editorially discusses "tho increasing prevalence of heart troubles." The spring season usually has that effect, especially on those under 25 or 30 years of age. Mr. Carnegie is scoring the stock gamblers. The men who gamble in stocks take desperate chances. Mr. Carnegie is above such a course of action. Ho insists on having a sure thing. Noting the determination of the people to make tho-scorporations "tote fair," Mr. Cleveland hauls out the old "widow and orphan" wail and starts it off with the air of a man launching something original. " "Why should men teachers receive more than women teachers who do the same work?" queries tho Buffalo Courier. Only because the women teachers seem willing to stand for that sort of injustice. The Liberty Bell will be taken to the James town exposition. While there it will, feel more .it home than in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, where liberty seems sadly restricted .by the grafters. ' - tt is. reported that J., Pierpont Morgan has, studied the question until he is. an " expert -at-'flre-j proofing.' Water is the best thing, with ;ytiich. to fight fire and Mr. Morgan has plenty of it' In his stocks. i It seems much easier, to upset -a,. court martial' verdiet of "norguilty" Ithan It is to haul upon, tlie carpet a man who was jumped pver the heads of about 1,200 of his superiors both, in office and in experience. "What is a democrat?" plaintively queries tlie New York World. In view of the fact that tlie World has not associated itself with the democrats for a number of years its ignorance is "not to be .wondered at. , f Governor Folk has at last, performed an act that meets with the commendation of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. This is not an indication that Governor Folk is growing better, but that the Globe-Democrat is growing fairer. Large bodies move slowly, which explains why Mr. Cleveland was a little late in getting around with his deprecation of the fact tliat the people are determined to make the railroads be good. But he managed to arrive, all right "I am an honest man," says Mr. Carnegie. It pays to observe laws tliat you cannot evade, but It pays better to buy laws that will enable you to acquire honestly or legally what would have been stolen loot before the law was purchased. Mr. Cleveland is quite certain that the next campaign should be fought on the tariff issue. But if anybody attacks the corporations Mr. Cleveland would doubtless consent to drop the tariff subject long enough to administer a' "stinging rebuke." A Missouri editor declares that it is no more harm to catch a fish on Sunday than it is to run down a yellow-legged chicken for the preacher's dinner. The decision in this debate will depend on whether it is closed by a fisherman or a min The president, noting that peace has again been restored in tlie Philippines, has issued a call for an election for delegates to tlie first Philippine assembly. No, the 15,000 troops will be left over there for a while yet. There may be a call for some more "benevolent assimilation." Owing to the fact that the constitution of the now state of Oklahoma was written by Oklaho mans and Is entirely satisfactory to them, a lot of special interests tliat were jarred loose are quife certain that the new document is "socialistic" and "anarchistic" to a reprehensible degree, - It, is reported tliat Senator Forakor has or dered $2,000 worth of his photographs and will use them for political purposes between now and tlie convening of the republican national conven tion. That would make a thousand $2 bills; and they have more than once been found to do good service under certain circumstances. ft I 'H L tfs ' , v :k r'ji;lgt uU.Srf-JkL-1. A