-aawpwapt:! J.m T -jfm "T'jct !"'. 'Kin -VJ?;! i- rr . ;'ifMf t,yf' -. ,'(W""x PEBRTJABX 22, 1907 The Commoner. 15 $ to you for five pounds. Be saving, of course, and when you do make u bar gain with any one, be sure no one hears, you, and then if, you got (lie .worst of it, and wrtnt to back out you can. Hughes thought a second and then said:. "Did any one hear you make this bargain?" "Not a soul," replied Jackson.. "Well then," was the prompt an swer, "I think I'll begin on you." Cardiff Times. IGNORANCE IS BLISS "A lady on a sultry summer after noon called on some friends," said a lecturer. "The talk buzzed along briskly, fans waved, and the daughter of the -house kept twitching uncom fortably, frowning and making little sniother'ed exclamations of annoyance. Finally, with an impatient sigh, she rose and left the room. " 'Your daughter,' said the visitor, 'seems to be suffering from the heat.' " 'No laid the hostess. 'She is just back "home from college, and she is 'suffering from the family grammar'.' " Milwaukee Sentinel. DON'T SLAM THE DOOR B. H. Sothern had received the actor in his dressing room because he was extremely anxious to replace a certain member of his company with a stronger and more versatile player. The applicant, too, was anxious but he had heard that the members of the Sothern-Marlowe company were very highly paid and he believed that to name anything but a figure double that he had ever received before would but cheapen him in Mr. Sothern's es timation, and, perhaps, cost him the chances for a very desirable engagement. LITTLE CAP'N HOBSON (With amends to the creator of "Lit tle Orphan Annie.") Little Can.!n Hobson 's coming to Washington to stay, An' make his- yaller speeches an' draw a statesman's pay; 'An' sboo-the peace dove off the perch, an' .make your ilesh to creep, And send out seeds an' answer mall, an' earn his board an' keep; 'An' all us other people, when the breakfast things is done, Can road the mornin' paper an' ;hayet the mostest fun '; ' A-lis'nin' to the war scares the jGap'n tells about An' the Hobson-uns '11 git 3rou . Ef .h-y m-ou. -.. 4K5-. -'' "', tlon'tv V;.-:-- "r ' ' watch out! ,-' '" Onc't there was a little boy, his name was Uncle Sam; He had a nofful muscle, an' a fist jest like a ham, But the Germans heard his holler, an' the John Bulls heard. him bawl, An' when they hunted for him, he wasn't there at all; They seeUed him at the north pole, an' seeked him eas' and wes' ; An' all around the tropics, an' every- where, I guess, But a great big Jap had got him, an' shoved him" up the spout .An' the Hobson-uns '11 git you . ' Ef you don't watch out! 'An' little Cap'n Hobson says, when the blaze burns bine, , An' the banquet lamp-light-splutters an' the wind goes woo-o-o-o; An' you li&lr the cabbies qiiittin', an' the moon is turnin' gray, An' tile. Washin'ton reporters are a-sondhV news away, You 'd bettor watch the Jappy, who 's a-creepin' near an' near, An' build a mighty navy, though it does come offul dear, 'An' make jobs for sea experts, who. is everywhere about " Er theTIobsSn-uns '11 git you , "Ef yoii ' '". don't y ' watch out! . By the writer of "Center Sh6ts" m the Denver Republican. -. : : I ONLY ONE OBJECTION Some sago, said that "life wpuld be tolerable if it were not for its'amuse ments." Many people give most cor dial assen to, thi dictum. jStO objec tion can justly be made to it, except that it is not true. London Saturday Be view. "How much would yoi want to tako up threo parts; one each in 'Jeanne D'Arc,' 'The Sunken Bell' and 'John, the Baptist?' asked Mr. Sothern, busy with his paint pots. The visitor, in a flash of bravado, named a price even more exorbitant than he had previously fixed upon. "Don't slam the door when you go out, will you?" was Sothern's only Te ply, made without his even turning from tho make-up table. . . i Here is a new reply for anything not wanted. S6 are trite American phrases' in expressive slang originated. "Don't slam the door." Kansas City (Mo.) Post. I HEAVES Ruin Yoi-r Horso CUVO Him Today SAFE-DIME PERMANENT 1 I'nckaco cures ordinary cs. Ijin l'ackuge cure any cam or inmier refunded POSTPAID on RECEIPT of PRICE ACCNTS WANTED OHEEA1. HEAVE REMEDY CO. .(22 Fourth Are., fttUbar;, Fa. MINERALS I1I.HVL WEMEDTf uiFF3cV U WIUTB J TODAY M for Fit KB - TtunLlcL i You Can Easily Own Diamond or Watch, lu) 1-4 ou delivery, halaiicoBrnonthly payment. Uoacrlptl to cata log frco. Wrl to today, old RallabU. Ordinal Diamond Loftis Bros. S Co. Dtp"i1iiw,VacbiaiJHulf,ckuiifSfitt, I am familiar with Ridpath's History of the World, and commend it to the scholar as well as to the plain people. Win. McKinley I iteem Rid palh't HUtory of the World of very great value, and hope it will fmda place generally in the libraries of our schools, at well a. upon the shelves of reader, in eveiy walk of life. Jefferion Davit THE COMMONER Readers are Offered an Exceptional Opportunity To placin your homes The World-Famed Publication Ridpath's History of the World Tho publishers' failure places tho entire unsold edition in our hands. Brand now, down to dato, including tho Peace Treaty of tho RuBsiu-Jnpan War, beautifully bound in half morocco. Wo are Belling them while they lost At LESS than even DAMAGED SETS were ever sold Wc will name our price only in direct letters to those sending the coupon below. Tear off the coupon, write name and address plainly and mail now before you forget it. Don't delay as there are but a few sets remaining. 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