' r,'riifr W; The Commoner. VOOTME 7, NUMBER 0 14 II m i , n. c M :i i r 1,1 :i t - j' - buy m ome n FINE FARM LAND VERY CHEAP, ono-quiii'lor, rami ono-land i.'nlf SIAI.I-! A iitinil.or of liiilf nnil wlwlp hccIIoiih of unimproved in I'crkiiiH coiiiily, NHn'nslcn. 'I'JiIh IiiikI Ih iill rich prairie land, ovory aero of which can l)c cnllivalod. Tlio soil is black sandy loam and very productive. M'lu country Is healthful, Bulled to dlversilled funning. 'IMiere are well improved farms, hors. 1:0ml sHiodIh, uooil churches, town all in siht of this land. 'Phis laud Is located from one to live miles a tnrlvlutf town on tne iiuniiiKion raiiroau. 'Pliere are three other good towns county. !f I'.UNIIKLS OK CORN PHU HAISI-JI) LAST YKAU ON LAND THIS liANI). the land heautlful, and good nelgh- and a good from in Perkins AC! KB WAS AD.IOININO r.O IUJKHIOLK OK WIIKAT VKli ACIIB OK LAND LN N IS Alt the for it? UAISIOD ON 'PI 1 10 SAM 10 KIND Til 10 SAM10 (H)IJNTY IN liMW. ALKALKA (SHOWS IN PROFUSION JY ON TMIO SAM 10 KIND OK LAND. Kor each year during the past three years crops raised on land in Perkins county sold more than the TOST PU1CI0 of the same land. Kami this land one year and its present sellim price would ho douhled. It Is as productive as the hest land in Iowa or Illinois. Sell HO acres In those states and your money will buy a quarter section of the land I am offering for sale. Excellent water at a depth of H) feet. No better country on earth for raising all kinds of stock. Oats, barley, and rye are profitable crops. Do you want a farm while this land, is within your reach? Cheap farm lands will soon be a thing of the past. A quarter section of this land will make a nice nest egg. I am offering this land for less than one-fourth what the same kind of soil is selling for HO miles distant. 1 can verify every statement made above. If Interested call on me or write for prices and detail descriptions. As an Investment or for a home it will pay you to Investigate. Co-operation with other agents solicited. Address Washington News President Roosevelt sent to congress a special message calling attention to what ho terms the urgent need of leg islatino affecting the different ollicors of the public land situation in the United States. He urges that the gov ernment retain the remaining fuel lauds and that the government main tain control of the western public land pastures adopting a statement of small grazing fees. ,i ' lurysua LINCOLN, NIOR. Room 305, Fraternity Bldg. (For reference as to my reliability address Columbia National Rank or First National Rank, Lincoln, Neb.) rang a 1111 R3ffiS3ffiE52E!l Free! mi II i i mil iii i miii i I want to Dr. Haux HERE QEND me your name and address and I will mail you my Perfect Home Eye Tester, free. Then when you return me the Eye Tester with your test, I will send you a complete five dollar family set of the Dr. Haux famous Perfect Vision Spectacles for only $1, and this will include a hand some pair of Rolled Gold Spec tacles absolutely free of charge. JPECTACLE-WEARERS ! Listen! prove to you positively that the famous Perfect Vision Spectacles are ever so miirVi better than any you have ever used before and thatls the reason why I am making the' following very extraordinary proposition, whereby you can get a handsome Rolled Gold pair absolutely free. lb MY SPECIAL ADVERTISING OFFER: I also hereby positively agree to return you your dollar willingly if you yourself don't find them to be the most perfect-fitting, clearest and best you have ever bought anywhere, at any price. Send for my free Eye Tester today. Address, DR. HAUX SPECTACLE CO., HauxBldg., St. Louis, Mo! B WANT AGENTS ALSO. The senate has passed a bill giving the government the right to appeal to the supreme court for construction .)f the constitutionality of any law in volved In a criminal suit. An attempt was made in the senate to force the adoption of the conference agreement of the immigration bill. Senators Bacon and Tillman objected and the matter went over for one day. This report carries a provision which it is claimed is intended to aid in the sett lenient of the Japanese problem. Traveling Position Ea, liuod hi ,uui promotion. If im OIa li'i tii- eii!'lim-, u. rt. L'olmcco Manu in .imi ii V ui'0,. I ill t II- l lml'l ii -W. I... .i. ... "nwuwun JWU Tu.mvi-.. WV .ii . -3 'ft 'Vr ? uanviiio " " "v. w.unjiiu. va. A Sign of poor blood circulation Is shortness of breath tvftcr walking, going up stairs, sweeping, siu lug, excitement, anger fright, eto. Poor blood circulation means a, sick heart, and a sicfj heart is tho. result of weak and impoverished nerves. Everyone knows tho results of poor blood circulation, but evorybody does not know that the quickest and sarest treatment Is Dr. Miles Now Heart Cure If you find these symptoms present you should not neglect them, but at once procure a bottlo of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure It will cure, and at a very little expense, com pared with doctors' bills. We are so sure of It, that If the llrst bottlo docs not benefit, your druggist will return your money. It will do for you what it has done for thousands in like con dltion. "For two months I walked on tho edge of thp tomb from weak heart, poor blood circulation and nervous prostration. Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, and Norvino gave mo back my health." REV. W. A. ROBINS, Port Elgin, Ont. Temperance advocates one thousand strong inarched through the national capital February 14 in support of the bill introduced by Representative Weber of Ohio to rid the District of Columbia of fhe liquor trailie. Men, women and children representing -o-tal abstinence societies and leading churches formed a procession, crying as .they marched "surrender." The house has passed the naval ap propnauon uiu winch carries an ap propriation of KOO.OOO.OOO. Burton ot Ohio sought to strike out the provisiou for a battleship of the Dreadnaught type. Ills amendment was voted down by a vote of 114 to 140. Longworth, the president's son-in-law, made a speech in tavor of the big ship. He said he generally relied on the goc judgment of his colleague. Mr. Burton Said that in this liiirticuliir cmmo ho Was obhVorl fn flisn nnn u'il'li li!,,, '".,,,, l , --n " ...i.0. v . vr.ii! uuil HUH thold to the opinion of a higher author ny especially as the opinion of that higher opinion agrees with my own (Longworth.) An Associated Press .dispatch snvs: Japanese children are to .be admit ted to the white schools of San Fran cisco under certain restrictions; skilled and unskilled laborers coining from Japan barred from the mainland oi' the United States and American la borers, skilled and unskilled, are to be excluded from Japan. This is the basis of the agreement between Presi dent Roosevelt, Secretary Root, Mavor fcclimitz and the San Francisco school board as an adjustment of the anti Japanese agitation brought about by the segregation of Japanese childre:i in the San Francisco schools. The agreement means the schools of San l'rancisco will be conducted in the same manner as thov wm. unp,. . board of education adopted the reso lution last October providing for the segregation of the Japanese" except that adult Japanese, who are in the primary gwides, must continue to at tend tho Oriental school and that the Japanese children under sixteen will flrnn fF0? t0 Cln880S WltU Wlllte CUil" clien of their own ages. While the res- ed, reads 'Children of alien births' Il ls freely admitted by Mayor Schmtt" and his associates that the resolution wl apply only to the Japanese ehU ilren, and the change in the wordin was to make it plain to the'Tokio bov ernmont flint no discrimination was intended against Japanese children " dinger Herman, former commls r.lnLuu.) ns lln01 charged with vv.nMiv,,,,, in muu ri'iiiiiics MAKING A START friend?n'rbamJ HllBhes W0l'e old and imw!i? rmei' by 8lwwdiHs b it wy' 0arncd a K011 Income, An fh08.waa uot so fortunate. One day bo asked his successful W oil," replied Jackson, "I'll toll ?t 15 CENTS If sent at once will obtain a copy of that remarkable book " As A Man Thinketh BY JAMES ALLEN Said by some to be ono of the most powerful book& on Self-Building and Thought Mastery ever publlslied. Here are tne contents: Thought and Character. Effect of Thought on Circumstances. Effect of Thought on Health and the liody. Thought and Purpose. "The Thought Factor Tn Achievement. Vis ions and Ideals. Serenity. This money also pays for three issues of The BUSINESS PHILOSOPHER- a little 4S-pase mau'azlno, edited by Ahthur PllKIlKIlTfllC KTTKr.TrTtf fTTnnnrlnr nf Hio Sheldon SchooU, and loaded to the brim wnn inspiration ior tne man wno works with hand and brain . Now Is the time to act. When sending order please state in your letter which of tlio following subjects especially Interest you. and wo will mall literature describing tho most practical and effective home-study Course on tho market. Will cost you nothing and put you under no obligation. Self Development Sucseitlon Self-Education Science of Retail Merchandisinz Salesmanship Business Logic Business Psycholony Science of Industrial Success THE SCIENCE PRESS. H8J The Republic, Chicago MHHHH Subscribers' Advertising Depf. This department Is for the oxcluslvo uso of Com monor subscribers, and a special rate of six conts a word per Insertion tlio lowest rate haa boon niailo for them. Address all communications to Tub Commonek, Lincoln, Nob. TpOR SALE Farms, homes, and investments. cl Cony.0V.lPJlt ? Jamestown Exposition, btowart ic Midgotto, Newport Nows, Va. pOR PURE MAPLE SUGAR WRITE H. x Colvenbaeh, Perrysbura, N. Y. J. FJF,";11?, ISLAND OF BARBA- .das, West Indis. Five acros of land with- outbulldings;probablythebcstsitointhoworld 7. i u onl.y ,?uit a Derson comfortably situ ated iinancially. For particulars address Pit. I. L. Gkkaves, Mt. Gilead. Ohio. R. F. D. 3. J3ETTER WAGES-FRAMING CHART-28 Box8LiXNebnyr00f- Q' M' dbom' WRITE US FOR DESCRIPTION AND hi nf1)ri?nMoLt,h,,bc,stwashlnK maohines over 0Ur!eansNLoulsaiaa.Sh BUi'rS Excha. New F&SALETIN OKLAHOMA-80 ACRES AD- klnds lo Dfnnant lur? h0U80 d barn. All Kinas or fruit 0 acres in alfalfa (55 aoreq in TOJStoS?hSSSifor ? po,r airo S iSSToM. allnmnMviHIlosou,th,of salt fork. 208aorea aorp" SiTm11110811? inwhcat, price $40 por SnS'ln 5hS!faW on-lla hottom land, bal "40 qSiw Umni smoot,h; Prioo W5 per aore. iy acres, jjs miles south-west of Reedlnir. 23 one fin0l0.0l"ll0,1S(!; Rlvo Possession at mSm S& rhn?f,?M' f amlned sald lands- Good crops and tho riuht place to buy land for rood lanu. Address, I. J. Holland. Lincoln. Neb, ''HnTiAND TUB WORLD OF SPIRITS SJ N w!S!orK' ,5 oents ln stamps post paiu. Now edition, paper cover, 405 pages. Rev. Lou? 0nbOrCOr3741 wnor Place, St. to -i"L iM'aiiffiiiiiiiiyiQifei