The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 22, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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    "" WTnssr"
The Commoner.
I' Hi
1 1 i
?J i JVTTTT.rTiM V , i . . ii i ii . in... mi.i.i aii.ijiiii i ....T. V " tlr ilWI
JuclBP W. V. Mol'fVtt flloil nl Ills
homo al VliH'cimoK, Inillnna, a ft it n
Ioiik MliioHH. .IikIkc MollVK was born
In Owen county, February I!), I.S.":.
JJo wiih a tfriulualo of the Indiana
uiiiviM'Hlly and practiced law at Uie
Owen county bar In partnership with
O. W. IMckens. In 1SSI5 he moved lo
ISlooinlleld and formed a partnership
Willi fJyriiH 10. Davis. In 1S.)1 he was
I elected Judtfo of the Fourteenth dis
trict. In !!(! he came lo Vincennes
and formed a law partnership with
Tarn oh Wade lOmison. He has also
.Bcrveil as city attorney of Vincennes.
j Ho Is survived by his widow and two
I Bona.
It Is ohartfod that Captain AlcVay,
of the steamer liiirchinont, from whose
collision with a schooner many people
lost Uiolr lives, showed cowardice and
(IpMmHnil lit si ili!ir'e.vj. fiikiiitr miiIiim m
' Have himself.
An Associated Tress dispatch from
i Boston follows: "President Wllot of
Harvard university, President Frost
of Heron college, Kentucky, and the
Rltflil Hov. William Iiitwronco, lOpis
I copal bishop of Washington, speaking
before Iho 'rwentieth Con Jury club to
night, expressed themselves as being
more or loss in favor of separate pub
lie schools for negroes. President JD1
lot defended the separate school sys
tem of the south, and said that the
thirty colored students now at Har
vard are not enough to make an In
lluence for evil on the student mass
of the university. Ho said, however,
that if the number increased lo any
extent he should favor a separation.
President I-Yosl described the condi
tions and Methods of conducting
Heron college whore the races are sep
arated. Hishop Lawrence agreed
with President Idiot to a certain ex
tent, lie thought there might bo son
aiale Institutions when the two pop
ulations were nearly equal."
Two drastic bills were Introduced
u. the Washington legislature prohib
iting the publication in newspapers of
. suggestive stories and prohibiting any
account or reference to an execution
; a burning, a lynching, or the details of
, the commission of any crime or of any
criminal trial, and prohibiting also the
.publication of certain medical advor-tibomonts.
( Representative Samuel W. MVOall
ol Massachusetts deliveroii Mm m.ii,rti
jpal address at the Lincoln banquet of
the republican club In Now York em
He criticised the president for his dis
position to "regulate" everything.
An Associated Press dispatch from
San -rancisco follows: "That a man
can be adjudged insane and still be
he hi responsible for his acts was the
ruling made by the state supremo
court yesterday In the case of the poo
Die against Frank Wlllard. who was
found guilty of murder in the first de
gree for having killed .1. II. Smith
ber1 - 0fin?lIeiMlS?1,,l . nciS
slnf; il1H) W, ,on llle -1ml was
signing the commitment of Wlllard to
the nsano asylum the latter lumped
to his feet and declared angrt v that
he was not Insane. He startei to run
Clear the voice. Allay the
tGtlrn caused by cough!
g. Use when required.
from the court room and the sheriff
started after him. Wlllard turned
around deliberately and shot the olli
rial dead. As a result of the decision
ol the supremo court Wlllard must bo
sentenced to death."
Iron and steel exports show an in
ci ease of 10,000,000 for the year.
One hundred and fifty persons lost
their lives by a collision between the
steamer Larchmont and the schooner
Kiiowieton near Rlock Island, L. I.
William F. Walker, treasurer of the
savings bank at Now Hrighton, Con
necticut, is missing and is reported
short Jfnon.oOO. lie was also treas
urer for the Connecticut Baptist association.
The Iowa stale senate has passed
a state resolution calling upon congress
to call a constitutional convention to
arrange for the election of United
Sraies senators by the vote of the
people. The resolution will, it is said,
pass the house.
Frank W. ITiggins, former governor
ol New iork, died at his home at
Oiean, New York.
The South Dakota legislature has
passed a reciprocal demurrage bill, also
i bill to prohibit corporations contri
buting to campaign funds, also a bill
lo prohibit "treating" in saloons.
A two-cent railroad fare bill passed
the Towa house of representatives
without a dissenting vote.
Lieutenant Sidney S. Hurbanks was
released from the federal penitentiary
at Leavenworth, Kansas, after serving
fifteen months. Hurbanks was court
martialed for various charges, his trou
ble being precipitated by a Filipino
woman who claims that ho had Al
tered into marriage arrangements with
llOl lllll.ll.llllrt. ,,.,,, 11... i ,1.
-.y. ",w,llmn .-,ufs umL UUiUe JU.0
dozens of armv olHcora wim n i-.,A
ing with these Filipino women."
Then he promises accusation.
An Associated Press dispatch from
Madison, Wisconsin, follows: "As
sembly man Miller of Lacrosse, a re
publican, introduced a joint resolution
n the legislature today, memorializing
the president to call a special session
. Tv7. lor Imi"cdlato revision of
the tariff."
plicition for enrollments shall have
been made.
"Sec. 2. That no child of alien birth
over flic ages of nine, ton, eleven,
twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen and
sixteen years shall bo enrolled in any
of ihe first, second, third, fourth, fifth,
sixth, seven til or eighth grades, re
spectively. "See. :. If said alien children shall
bo found deficient in their ability to
speak or deficient in the elements of
the English language, or unable to at
tend the grades mentioned therein such
children shall be enrolled in special
schools or In special classes established
exclusively for such children as aud
in the manner the board of education
shall deem proper and most expedient."
nco In ench congressional district to travel
and collect. Salary $1000.00 per year and neces
sary traveling expenses. Salary paid weekly
and expenses advanced. Address, J. A. Albxan
mm, 125 Plymouth Place, Chicago, Illinois.
rroerir this magnificent picture
1 This plcturo should be In ovory homo.
Ontario thought coal was again o
hand Tuesday morning, a sealed box
car being side-tracked hero late Mou
day night. I.ut when our citizens
hastened early to the coal ofllce thoy
wore Informed the precious car was
tilled with beer. Ontario (Ore.) Argus.
vWftAb vs
It Ii n dctltttfu
foot of & luppj
farmer nj Mi lim.
lly picturtot k twtu.
Urol lnddtot In th
Htm of pit axnj
tumttt. The pietort
l prlntM la bril
liant ootorr, th
16x22 loclin. No
bctnr thoold be with
vat It. W want jail
(Alittornf jii!nltl
itli Thf I'1gtrt a
larfo nwnthlj Jour
bxL A n tpfdat
lndncfin(Dl e VU
Mod It 4 tncnthl ou
trUl ftrlOanti. U
joa will alw ttnA
oi fire iun w- lll
nitlljcu thf ptctur
"A IlilTT FMtl.T "
Tk ur to Include th
nun with 10 pcnti
boM ve cinnot
(dtej-ou the picture
without theu.
THE BADGER. 721 Third St.,Milwnukee.Wis.
'A Kadftmt&zog
Direct to You"
Kalamazoos are fuel savers,
They last a lifetime
Economical in all respects
They are low in price and hich in qnality,-'
They are easily operated and quickly sei xxr and
made ready for business,
RllV from thi nrtnol monnf iofiirf
Your money returned if everything is not exactly as
You keep in your own pocket the dealers'
and jobbers' profits when you buy a Kala
I lie South Dakota legislature has
do eated the second time the two-cent
railroad faro bill.
The Delaware and Hudson River
railroad was lined $3,500 in the United
Mates court at Albany, New York, fo
violating the federal safety appliance
MENT Mayor Schmltz of San Francisco
says: 'The right of the government
to make a treaty with any foS
power which shall circumscribe he
board ot education in regulating J
schoo atrairs of San Francisco Ts de
nied but in the interest of the genera
to voadffolK SlUU1 b UUle
in orderro determine t he p opergS
whlnh they may bo entitled to bo on
JplUMl, must first bo oxan hied us to
their educational qnniincnt on s by the
Principal of tic school wuero tEe ap"
We want to prove to you that you cannot
buy a better stove or ranco than tho Kala-
ui'ui at any price.
Far All Kinds of Fuel.
For All Kinds of luol.
WD Wailf tn ctinmunn t.. ..1 t .. . B nrtt i. Aitf
in ouyine direct from our factory at factory prices.
If you think 55, or $10, or 40. worth saving
Send Postal for f!2ifalnrmc ftfcv 9A
Elimtna nur rnmnlntA Itnn l .1.... j ..... . . -
? J ?VC Co., Manufacturers, Kalamazoo, Miclu
tSf2Ss11'ZSa?f RaV," arC fitted with atent " thermometer
wmeamakeahaktnaand roasting easy. All stoves blacked, volishcd
tl.1111. TWrtll If TYa hu. .1MA . ."-
- jvi niHHKuiuic use Wtltn linu rrrrim th Ovan
v w wvvww IV1M - w.-
Ill II hi limni I ifiiwiirnTiiM in
12-16 Tongucless
No Eveaers
0 "JO tiC
3-jn. Square Stool Pipo.
"stnrn unilnr tlio
cSs. T8luro
Tongudess Disc Harrow
No neck or side draft no jerkinff or
pounding of tongue. Pivoted truck
adjustable up and down. Turns square
corners-uniform depth. Can be at
tached to any of our Disk Harrows and
many other makes. Send for full des
cription and Big Free Catalogue, and
tell us what you want when you write.
Hapgood Plow Co 1312 Front Street, Alton, III.
Tlie only flow factory in tJte world sem direct
. j itrticr at wnoiesaie prices.
lettowtoatoi Of ficiaf
By William Jennings Bryan
on inspiring and olonl m.8 LkTTEUS Fiiom a Ch'bb CtoioiAi,
S? o Wtt inthoflt,,ndardBna purpose
with . wiB and Z7 Zt mia Th th" Am0riCan P0pl0' 'M
rad without oiovation CI s Zal mZ " CaD
SubitanUally Bound, Postpaid. SS Cent.